#KartikPrabhuI don't think either OKC or FB claim to be lying to users
#bearthey all but admitted they lied when they said that they altered the feed content to test emotional responses (IMO)
#KartikPrabhuyeah they altered it... different from we showed stuff that does not exist
#bearan alteration is still a lie, it may not be fabricated from whole clothe lie, but it's still not the truth
#bearnow if you said they only omitted things, I might let that wiggle thru the BS detectors
#KartikPrabhubear: how does on determine if an algorithm is lying?
#bear(sorry, this is off topic and a sore point for me)
#gRegor`I think especially with FB people thing "they do this all the time" because FB is always changing things. It's true, but I think it deflects from talking about the deeper issues.
#KartikPrabhuif I change one parameter in my algorithm it will give different answers
#bearan algorithm cannot lie - it delivers the data as given - but the people running the algorithm can change the data or the results (or how the results are used) to lie
#gRegor`Both these things are on the wiki, so it's OT. :)
#gRegor`I think it's on topic. Just not a commonly discussed topic. :)
#bearfor me that discussion is what makes science science - knowing how an algorithm uses, calculates and delivers data and then verifying that all the steps are factual
#tantekbear - I think the complaints are coming from the claim that it was done as part of proper academic research, whereas proper academic psych research has certain well established ethics guidelines which were not followed
#bearya know, I don't think I ever considered OT as also being On Topic - I just never used or thought of that
#gRegor`I intended it as on topic, but I think it's usually meant as "off topic". I'll just spell out my words. :)
#KevinMarks_then go back to paying $200 in-game fees to Kim Kardashian
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks_ that is my point. People are only complaining due to the "I am just a bunch of numbers" realisation... not some violation of psych ethics
#KartikPrabhueven if FB had followed all academic standards of psych-ethics people would be miffed
#KartikPrabhugregor`: but what if the ToS gave them permission already
#KartikPrabhuwho knows... someone will have to read them
#gRegor`IANAP, but I would think/hope that wouldn't be enough for an ethically sound psych study. "Oh, they agreed to a ToS they didn't read 5 years ago and it's changed a billion times since then? Ok!"
#gRegor`I think just perusing articles written in response to the FB news is enough to show plenty are concerned about the psych ethics of it, not just "FB outrage"
#KartikPrabhugregor`: those are technical people... not common users
#bretI found facebook acted as an artifucial layer of contact between myself and others... we would go catch up with each others facebook pages instead of actually with each other
#KartikPrabhuwell not pestering but just "FB helps me keep in touch" argument is idiotic
#KartikPrabhujohncash: same here. let my WhatsApp expire too
#gRegor`Yeah, I'm pretty anti-facebook myself :) I'm pretty much to the point that it's just another way to collect comments on my posts now, thanks to brid.gy. Occasional messages to people who I know are more likely to get a FB message than an email
#bnvkwhat I'm seeing is something that turns the MF h-card data on my website (name, bio, location, etc…) into a REST endpoint that these services can easily add to their setup flow
#bearthe reason it's not 100% agree is that the output from mf2 is not profile-data-requestor friendly
#KartikPrabhuthen why is JSON. I thought mf2 output looked exactly like JSON
#bearI was using ?format=json to enable it to be a RESTful endpoint
yakker joined the channel
#bearnow the code that serves that endpoint *could* use mf2 parsing to get the data
#KartikPrabhustill doesn't know how RESTful is diff from just a webpage
#bearI see your point, I'm just thinking about what I had to do to extract fullname and url from the h-card result of mf2 for the webmention handling code
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: here's an idea for bridgy... use the entire list of u-photo entries as photo POSSE candidates to silos. Pick the first n photos if a silo limits
#KevinMarks_you know what I wish? That every damn programming teaching book didn't use a person object with completely arbitrary filed names pulled out of some programmer's head as an example
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks_ hey I brought them around to mf2 :)
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: fwiw, adopting automated tests is one of the single biggest impact techniques i've ever seen on my personal career on software engineeering
#snarfedbefore them, i lived in constant, low grade background fear that every change i made would break something. unit tests freed me from that fear. massive difference
#KevinMarksIt's not so much side file as filtered that is needed. The size of the json blob that twitter now drops for a tweet is crazy, for example. Being able to just get the fields you were using would be a win
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: the only other things i can think of that had as big an impact for me personally were truly grokking and accepting YAGNI, distributed systems, and async and non-blocking I/O. anyway, </tangent>
#snarfedKevinMarks: i guess. but twitter (and other similar) api calls only return a small constant number of results. i don't know that projections really matter that much. constant factor difference, sure, but i doubt it's the bottleneck for many people
#snarfedstandards though, i'm totally with you on those. easy to make fun of, but they're critical
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: the whole get profile info thing is fairly accessible from barnaby's implementation of /authorship
#KartikPrabhubear: that was kylewm's implementation. possibly barnaby has another one in php
#beark, I have a lot of trouble reading php code for some reason
#bearjust doesn't make any sense to me most of the time
#beari'm getting better at it tho after having implemented web stuff with flask
#tantekbear I have a problem with most PHP code too. Because it uses classes, and objects, and methods and stuff when simple functions would do just fine.
#glennjonesCannot believe nodejitsu hosting is failing to run app again. Going to spend some time and but it on another host
Kopfstein joined the channel
#glennjonestankek also have a much more heavy wieght version of mapper, that I maybe able to release soon
kronda, b0bg0d____ and jsilvestre joined the channel
#voxpelliglennjones: ah, that's the one adactio mentioned last indiewebcamp uk that it intended to solve the same thing as my relspider – still working on it?
#glennjonesvoxpelli yes the https://github.com/dharmafly/elsewhere project is a a relspider which works well and real needs little updating. Its the other elements the mapper which takes the URLs and soical media sites and turns into usernames/idas
#voxpelliglennjones: sounds like the other modules could then perhaps be adapted to relspider as well, hmm
wolftune joined the channel
#voxpelliglennjones: do you know how elsewhere saves the results of its crawling?
#glennjonesSorry did not finnsh typing before hitting send. - the mapper and and profile element ongoing updating to be useful. Something I have not kept up with.
eschnou, snarfed, voxpelli and kronda joined the channel
#KevinMarks_glennjones: did you look at sgnodemapper?
#glennjonesYes a lot of the design is based on sgnodemapper and part of the JSON its returns is the sgn- ie sgn://github.com/?ident=glennjones
wolftune and danbri joined the channel
#glennjonesI will try and bring all the code back update and and re deploy to a new host so that everyone can take a look at it. voxpelli would be interesting to look at cross over in projects
#voxpelliglennjones: if not before then I will try to be at indiewebcamp uk again this year
#bearbecause I want to use it to post my own notes/articles
#KevinMarks_what's a good wiki or wiki-alike for people who are used to Word rather than wikisyntax?
#voxpellibear: for any specific static site framework like Jekyll?
#bearvoxpelli - yea, I'm trying to make it even driven - right now it's very much geared to my site, but the flask side doesn't care about how the site is setup
#bearvoxpelli - good point. i've been hesitant to suggest anything i've written so far because it's got such a small feature set and works for me only with some hand-holding
#beari've been backfilling in features as I need them
#voxpellibear: everything is a work in progress ;) my webmention endpoint for static sites as well
#bearKevinMarks_ - MeidaWiki has a WordToWiki.bas script that it can use to help people convert
#Loqibear meant to say: KevinMarks_ - MediaWiki has a WordToWiki.bas script that it can use to help people convert
#bearvoxpelli - true :) - my /webmention just graduated to also allowing a <form> on each article to be able to POST to it for others to manually add mentions
Sebastien-L joined the channel
#beari've been torn between moving my generation code to the server and triggering it there or having the /webmention code create a new file and have a listener script discover/inotify it
#voxpelliI'm just embedding everything through javascript
#GWGI use a small VPS for testing before site deployment. It has been very unreliable of late. Anyone know a good budget VPS with smaller specs to increase savings?
#tantekinstructions elsewhere on that page for how to join W3C and the Social Web WG
#tantekLastly, one of the things we're using to focus our work in the Social WG is explicit public documentation of use-cases (sound familiar? :) ). We have a wiki page for this, and I've just added a bunch, please take a look: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Use_cases - if anything I've added there makes sense to add to indiewebcamp as well, please feel free to copy it (or you can just tell me and I'll copy what I wrote).
#JonPincus!tell mko i've been doing some stuff in node, and leveraging your indieauth module despite its early state ... are you going to be at HWC tomorrow in SF? would love to discuss
#tantekwolftune - OpenID Connect is laughable because it is pitched by large companies that have no incentive nor intention to interoperate.
#wolftunetantek: I would suspect as much. Someone from Gluu at OSCON emphasized it to me
#tantekthat said, if you see any features or capabilities in OpenID Connect that you find appealing, please do describe them so we can look at how IndieAuth compares
#wolftuneIt was really annoying, he and the guy I talked to from Mozilla refused to discuss Persona in anything other than PAST TENSE verbs
#tantekPersona is sufficiently functional and open source to now grow organically on its own
#tantekIt may actually do better that way (slow organic growth) than any kind of top-down effort by Mozilla
#tantekif Persona does slowly takeover, you can bet it will renew interest inside Mozilla
#wolftunetantek: I'm glad you think so! In fact, I've been meaning for um, a year, to reach out to you as someone who seemed likely to support what we're doing with Snowdrift.coop — and we think Persona is a great project for us to help fund after we launch
#tantekI see Persona as a useful bridge from the "old school" email-as-login set to today's modern IndieAuth set.
#tantekI have a different approach to long term success of open standards / community efforts than most at Mozilla (or any other org, non-profit, or corp).
#wolftuneI've read your site and am really supportive of the whole IndieWeb focus… incidentally, are you aware of the other big Indie movement that just started? Indie Tech (Aral Balkan… ind.ie )
#tommorrisyep. aral is very strongly of the view that you have to have the whole platform be indie, and that the UX has to be built around independence
#wolftuneSnowdrift.coop aims to provide one economic basis for all this important work in all these projects
#tantektommorris: I believe we already had that focus here: "the UX has to be built around independence" before Aral started his indiephone project etc.
#tommorristhe main difference is that he's playing a very high-stakes game (hardware, operating system) while we're just playing around building websites. ;-)
protman and tallpaul joined the channel
#tommorrisand then making those websites talk to one another.
#tantektommorris: we're doing more than building websites. we're taking an incremental, building block, develop in the open approach
#tommorrisyup. the important difference I think is that here, the criteria of success is get a domain, put something up on it, then iterate.
#tommorrisheh, I think "phone" might be semantically overloaded there. phone as in facility to make voice calls vs. rectangle of plastic and metal and glass that runs software. ;-)
#wolftuneI actually had no cell phone until this past March
#tantektommorris: I think the important difference is that we're organically pursuing *many* things in parallel (every person works on what they see as personally mattering to them), rather than pursuing one thing with a private group of people
#wolftuneI still basically don't use it, but it's a used Samsung now running OmniROM with no GAPPs
#tommorrislike, I'm interested in geo stuff while someone else might be more interested in publishing music or doing comments or whatever it may be
#tantektommoris, phone is facility to make voice calls is basically what /phone is about
#wolftunepersonally, while I want Aral to succeed, what I like most about his project is that he's simply done a good job presenting things and I like his Indie Tech Manifesto and the web design etc. — all very accessible and appealing
#wolftuneI'm skeptical about the phone but want to be optimistic
#wolftuneAnyway, Gluu seems very interesting, but I know nothing more than what I was told by the rep at OSCON, see http://www.gluu.org/
#tantekwofltune - phones are hard, much easier to document challenges and iterate on them in the open (e.g. on /phone and /mobile and /communication - all root pages at indiewebcamp)
#tantekrather than presume a top-down integrated design
#tantekwolftune - that's a fine summary of Gluu to start a stub at indiewebcamp.com/Gluu - start the editing by copy/pasting {{stub}} then write a sentence like "Gluu is a ..."
#tommorriswolftune: yep. I wish Aral luck on the phone project - it's a huge undertaking, and a risky one. meanwhile, tommorris.org is running. as is tantek.com, waterpigs.co.uk, aaronparecki.com, caseorganic.com, sandeep.io, bret.io, adactio.com and plenty more listed at http://indiewebcamp.com/projects ;-)
#wolftuneand wolftune.com — but I'm ashamed that it is still a blogger site
#tommorriseh, you own your own domain. that's the first step. ;)
#tantektommorris: and tantek.com looks great *on a phone* and you can contact me via tantek.com at that page I demo'd at IndieWebCamp 2014. so tantek.com acts like a conduit to my "phone" *today*
#tommorriswolftune: Blogger is "a first-class (if limited) IndieWeb platform"
#wolftuneI've spent the last two years trying to get Snowdrift.coop going to help the bigger community instead of focusing on fixing my personal issues
#wolftuneI don't feel confident enough about explaining Gluu or verifying the claims besides starting that, but there we go
#bearjust flag it as your recollection - it will still help someone find context if it comes up again
#wolftunetantek: thanks for the perspective, I was getting to feel pessimistic about Persona and wondering if we should go another way… currently Snowdrift.coop only does internal log-in and Persona…
#bearand I prefer personal experience and wiki entries over PR fluff :)
#tantekI think there are a lot of really nice user experience design details in Persona.
#bearI prefer Persona because it is such a nice UX
#tantekso now that Mozilla has let it fly the coop (as it were), it's up to Persona to survive purely on its own merits, not based on any sociopolitical backing.
#breti mean, realistically, what is the alternative?
#tantekbret - making up your own email + pw handling
#wolftuneso… I think also maybe people here don't know about Sandstorm.io
#brettantek i mean that isn't absolutely a terrible idea either :p
#wolftunetantek: that's exactly what we did! Persona + our own thing
#tantekbret - Persona is a direct incremental improvement over email+pw on every site.
#wolftuneSandstorm.io is this startup thing currently running an IndieGoGo campaign… it's about making it super easy for end-users to push up a bunch of tools on their own cloud server
#wolftuneI was talking to the co-founder of Sandstorm and mentioned Persona and she was like "wat?" and then the two of us sat down with that Mozilla rep who was all like "well, Persona WAS this thing… blah blah" and the two of them shut me down whenever I slightly protested in defense of it
#LoqiSandstorm is open source software project that aims to make self-hosted personal clouds easy as well as offering a hosted paid version for less technically inclined users http://indiewebcamp.com/sandstorm.io
#wolftunehe was the sort of guy who was talking about whether Mozilla should ever drop Linux support even. He just seemed beaten down by the weakness of Mozilla vs Google et al
#tanteksnarfed I know you claim the silos have better uptime than our indiesites, but I see more down time / error messages even from just Twitter more often than *all* our IndieWeb sites combined
#KartikPrabhuin my reader I have highlighted that entire sentence
#KartikPrabhuif only my reader micropubbed to my website :P
#KartikPrabhuthis isn't a /quotation since I am not quoting it to some one, it isn't a /bookmark due to definitions on that page do not allow fragment level bookmarking
#bret"If a project suddenly decides to work behind closed doors, something bad is usually going on. In AdBlock’s case, they started monetizing their users by partnering with Disconnect.me, and they didn’t want anybody to notice."
#bretunfortunately, ABP on Safari and Chrome has poor performance on older computers
#KartikPrabhuthat is interesting, I remember using AdBlock on Chrome and not finding it on FF and being bummed
#bretThe people behind ABP are pretty honest as far as i can tell
#bretthe acceptable ad initiative is actually really cool too
#breti run acceptable ads, and block the ones that still bother me
#KartikPrabhuthis: "You should really consider rebranding – the majority of users have been conditioned by the App Stores of the world so that when they see “X” and “X Plus”, they expect that “X Plus” is the premium/monetized version of “X” with a couple of features added in to justify the cost." is what I wanted to say :)
#bretalthough you will see lots of missing twitter buttons, even on indieweb sites
#KartikPrabhuhmm that option doesn't exist on the FF version
#bret"It’s important to note that after downloading Adblock, you are redirected to a page that asks for donations, where the creator mentions that he now does Adblock full-time and relies on users to help out."
#bretthats not the issue, the issue is that they are not being honest with their users, developing behind closed doors, and are doing things contrary to their publicly stated stance on privacy
#wolftuneABP just recently added "Adblock Warning Removal List" which I also subscribe to, btw
#wolftunebret: they in your comment being "Adblock" right? Not Disconnect.me ?
#bretits interesting... my coments were based on that
#wolftune"They" in my comment just now is "Disconnect.me" not Adblock
#wolftuneI'll look at that article… the bigger issue I've seen is between ABP and Adblock Edge
#wolftuneanyway, I never touch this Chrome stuff. If you like transparency and privacy, you shouldn't be using Chrome at all, so Adblock isn't even something to consider (in the Firefox world)
#wolftuneso I'm not sure Disconnect.me is going the right way… I actually listed them as a prospect for Snowdrift.coop — Adblock Plus is a good option too, good projects for us to help remove any conflict they have by seeking to do questionable business models
#wolftunebret: Adblock Edge is very minimal fork, it's just like a different default with the "acceptable ads" option never shown
#wolftuneGNU IceCat is NOT about trying to get the community to move to them instead of Mozilla etc.
#bretthe gnu icecat fork is weird, but its a liscencing issue.... iron and edge are more like: "hey you dont trust abp white lists or google.. trust us then!"
#bretand then dont provide any more reasoning than that
#bretwhich is a shallow reason to fork a project like chrome or abp
#wolftuneGNU IceCat is indeed a licensing thing in terms of name, but they also specifically care about stripping out stuff they find objectionable, just like LinuxLibre strips out blobs from Linus
#wolftuneit's easy: ads are dumb and annoying, ads involve manipulating people and favoring whoever has ad budget. I don't want moneyed interests to be the filter for my searches etc
#wolftunethey are special messages from people with funding to show their message
#wolftuneCraigslist is great in that they limit paid ads to appropriate places (real estate and jobs where money is inherent)
#bretthere will always be a recognizable group of people who thinks ads are important to their online presence (read: journalism)... unless ABP can find a way to work with them, ad tactics are going to become more and more and more aggresive
#wolftuneIf Craigslist started having sponsored items where you got shown at the top or on the side if you paid, that would completely change the dynamic, and even inobtrusive ads are like that
#wolftunebret: I *totally* agree. My point is that we should minimize advertising, period. But I agree that some ads are more objectionable than others, and I see ABP's situation as a good compromised practical approach
#wolftuneI still encourage everyone to turn off the whitelsit
#wolftuneIf Snowdrift.coop succeeds really well, then we will have that much less excuses for pervasive advertising
#breti used to turn it off, but lately, with the demise of http://www.h-online.com I turned it back on and block additional ads that I still done like that are "white"
#bretwolftune, have you reached out to https://campaign.joeyh.name ? He managed to run his own personal funding campagn (after a successful kick starter)
#wolftunefeedback is welcome, as is feedback on any other part of that page about project honor ideals (and everything else on the site)
#wolftunebret: Joey is a big supporter of ours now, yeah, he's nominated Git-annex for early inclusion in Snowdrift.coop and has even coded for us, committed a couple patches