snarfednpdoty: btw, re your motivation for it - posting rsvps etc but hiding them from your main page and feed - many of us just do that as part of our main web site's plumbing
npdotybut I've always had the idea (which would never be hard to add if I were writing enough) that it would just create posts when I bcc'ed a certain email address
jonpincusflickr got it right: if you block somebody, it cleans every essence of them from your profile -- not just your view, but everybody else's. it deletes the data.
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 14 minutes ago: please review - I braindumped per our conversation earlier this morning. Feel free to update/rewrite as you see fit. Thanks!
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 54 minutes ago: datapoint2: works in FF31 for me also. So maybe it's a recent regression. Grr.
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 54 minutes ago: datapoint2: works in FF31 for me also. So maybe it's a recent regression. Grr.
tantekI think I'm going to go with interactions - both benwerd and I have "speech" tested that with people in general and they seem to "get it" right away - just normal blogger/news folks rather than indieweb folks even
cuibonobobnvk1: thanks for those links! i'm actually *very* interested in the move to "serverless" technologies and I think it's the key for getting the indieweb to take off.
gRegor`!tell snarfed Does bridgy only poll my feed for PPD every so often? I have a POSSED note that it's saying "no post links found" and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a race condition with the syndication link.
cuibonoboKartikPrabhu: I'm not sure. it would work in a similar way to bitcoin where your computer "works" for the network. has bitcoin run into ToS problems?
KartikPrabhuwith all the bruhaha about speed and performance, i wonder how people will accept having to validate an entire block-chain to access some website
cuibonoboaaronpk: indeed. i decided to check it out a few months back and it involved creating an account on some currency exchange thing, changing fiat to bitcoins, and *then* being able to get namecoins. but then you have to spend those in a particular way. it's crazy town
chrissaad, j12t, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
Loqitantek: gRegor` left you a message 1 hour, 11 minutes ago: No event URLs yet. I'm not set up to post events on my site yet. It's on my near-future list, though.
Loqisnarfed: gRegor` left you a message 28 minutes ago: Does bridgy only poll my feed for PPD every so often? I have a POSSED note that it's saying "no post links found" and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a race condition with the syndication link.
jonpincusfollowing up on tantek's question "what to call the set of things that is replies/comments, reposts/reshares, likes/favorites" -- discussed last night at
jonpincusi asked people on The Tapestries, and they preferred "responses" to "interactions". [we already use "reactions" to mean "likes, favorites, agree, disagree, etc." -- that is, responses that aren't replies]
snarfedtantek: of course! i'm glad you all are doing it. i feel the same way i feel about markup, etc. it's important and i really appreciate that other people work hard on it, because it's not at all my thing personally
jonpincuscuibono, snarfed: are is it that you don't care about the name, or that any of the o[tions are okay, or just don't want to get dragged into an endless debate?
achangeiscoming.netcreated /reaction (+295) "Created page with "Tantek described these as the "lighter" responses -- things short of a comment/reply. "Likes" are fairly universal examples of reactions. On [[The Tapestries]], reactions inclu..."" (view diff)
cuibonobojonpincus: i would care if one of the options was truly ridiculous, but the 3 that are being tossed around seem fine. my personal preference is 'reactions' as a catch-all term
cuibonobojonpincus: i'm actually more curious as to why this is being debated in the first place. is it because we want to include them in microformats or something?
jonpincusan example would be explaining to somebody new on the system: "you get a notification whenever there's a response to a thread you're watching" [or something like that]
KartikPrabhujonpincus: I mean why does there need to be a consensus on what to call them? "you get a notification whenever there's a response to a thread you're watching" sounds the same as "you get a notification whenever there's a reaction to a thread you're watching" [or something like that] or "you get a notification whenever there's an interaction on a thread you're watching" [or something like that]
tantekKartikPrabhu: those of us that want to use consistent terminology are seeing if we can come up with something agreeable - of course everyone is free to call them whatever they want in terms of what they think will communicate best to users
gRegor`I think it'd certainly be helpful to have one page on the wiki as the umbrella term. Whether people adopt that in the language they use or text on their site, isn't a big deal.
cuibonobobnvk: there's been a lot of buzz about it on my dev social networks about it. the technology seems very cool, but i'm not sure if it can be anything other than a dev toy
jonpincusthe cognitive load on people is lower if we can come to consensus on terminology. also protocols can be simpler. in situations where different sites are using different terms, you have to map between them.
KartikPrabhubnvk: what is the incentive for a small business to do all this instead of just getting a cheaper website and off-load all social to silos?
jonpincusKartikPrabhu: it depends on the business, but in general: as a better way of running easier-to-maintain-and-tweak website that lets them engage with their audience better (and, for some, improving their email security will be attractive)
cuibonobojonpincus: that's just it. they wouldn't pay $60 a year. you can talk about owning your data until you're blue in the face, but someone that is happy with how tumblr works won't connect with that message.
tantekcuibonobo: that's an *excellent* summary of the problem with charging end users. care to add that in a "Challenges" section on /business-models ?
jonpincuswhat they want is "easier to keep running and improve". and right, Indieweb technologies aren't there yet but then again wordpress and drupal and elgg took a while to get there.
bnvkKartikPrabhu: I think people deep down have some intrinsic understanding of freedom, privacy, and individuality even when it comes to complex ephemeral digital web things
tantekbnvk all they did was displace more expensive closed-source alternatives. not really any kind of incremental improvement in usability or user-friendliness.
cuibonobojonpincus: i think the challenge that we're facing is the fact that a server needs to be maintained somewhere. if people could use software on their computer or an app on their phone, the indieweb will start to click more.
jonpincusan opportunity for businesses is something that's more usable/user-friendly than the current generation (wordpress, drupal, elgg) and still allows hosting yourself (unlike squarespace).
bnvktantek: for sure, but isn't that still an improvement as those consulting companies usually fix bugs that make it back upstream at least somewhat, no?
KartikPrabhucuibonobo: I am pretty confused about this "on your own computer" idea. I am supposed to leave my computer on all the time so that my website is accessible?
tantekno the consulting companies don't have time to push things back into core, nor motivation, as what they learn becomes part of their expertise and added value
aaronpknot specifically "lame", but I heard a lot of not so good things from the place downstairs over the year, and another friend at a different shop would share stories often. It's not like they were horrible places to work at, just often heard negative things about the work.
johncash"Stellar Development is led by (resuming development of the open-source technology he created at Ripple" My first thought was "That sounds suspiciously like ripple"
Loqipayment in the context of the indieweb refers to a feature on an indie web site that provides a way for the visitor to that website to pay (currency, gift card credit, etc.) the person represented by that indie web site
ben_thatmustbemeI don't understand how people can do it. My wife gets like hundreds of e-mails a day. If I get 30 I feel like i got a ton. I just remove myself from everything I can
tantekwonders if there's an opportunity for "embridgy" - that receives emails on your behalf from social silos and then sends you webmentions to your original posts accordingly.
LoqiSandstorm is open source software project that aims to make self-hosted personal clouds easy as well as offering a hosted paid version for less technically inclined users
aaronpkyeah I keep hearing about it. I haven't started using it tho, I'm still on traditional Linode VPS stack and getting all fancy with AWS automation
tantekanyway - optimizing backend foo is not very high on my personal itch-list so for those whom it interests, please document as such on the wiki. I mean, might as well capture it if it's apparently so interesting and has momentum.
hmansBiggest problem with Docker right now is that almost everyone talking about it is in deep into devops, and only very few people think about the benefits it (potentially) has for "normal people", too.
npdotyand so often they're actually emails that I'm writing in my mail client, and other times I write a blog post and just give it mail-type headers that seem appropriate
tantekI totally forgot to mention at HWC last night that I 1) added fragmentions support to, and 2) held the first W3C Social Web WG telcon on Tuesday!
hmansWhen you follow someone with your #pants site, they'll be listed on /following, and your #pants will send a webmention to the followed user's homepage.
cuibonoboi was checking out (bnvk linked to it) and the first thing you see when you log in is "Receive your first stellars on us! Log in with Facebook"
cuibonobothere's a "Why Facebook?" link that says "We are currently using Facebook as a verification method to avoid spam but hope to add other methods soon. We will not post on your Facebook."
gregorlove.comcreated /W3C (+686) "Created page with "{{stub}} The '''<dfn>World Wide Web Consortium</dfn> (W3C)''' is an international standards organization for the world wide web. == Social Web Working Group == In 2014, {{tant..."" (view diff)
tantekI for one have found doing good reply-contexts difficult, and hope that by breaking it down into incremental levels like that it encourages more people to at least *start* implementing and then level up at their own convenience / itch-scratch opportunity
gRegor`Yeah, I think that distinction would be good to capture on the page. It appeared to me at first glance like the list started on /reply-context but then as people started posting more photos / longer descriptions of it, a separate page was created.
tanteksuch a UI could then auth via IndieAuth to someone's own site, use micropub to post the marginalia to their website, send a webmention back to your article, and have it show up immediately, live.
jonnybarnestantek: you want this on the short-domains page? we should ask aaronpk about it as well, I think he tried to register but couldn't because had been regsitred and they get dibs for some period of time
bearand then this part "The sale of third level registrations to unrelated third parties is not permitted" says that you can't use a third party's address