willnorrisokay, more accurately it was a combination of uf1+uf2 syntax, plus the fact that I was using <data> elements. Some combination of that isn’t playing nice
voxpelli!tell willnorris Seems like the microformat library I'm using, https://github.com/glennjones/microformat-node, didn't detect your h-card, but seems like you've adapted your markup so that it will in the future
voxpellihmans: the point of the real world h-entries are btw, as you point out yourself, that it's the variations and deviations from the "perfect" h-entry that's the most difficult to adapt to :)
hmansThing is, #pants is also an aggregator, so when a user receives a webmention, the source entry will be pushed to their timeline/mobile client/etc.
hmansif it can't find it, it will move on to microformats2. And I'm undecided where to go next. Tempted to even just manually parse the page if no formats at all can be found.
Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 7/31 at 4:17pm: so now that top level .uk registrations have opened up, are you going to get waterpigs.uk ? /short-domains#uk
barnabywalters!tell tantek RE waterpigs.uk: I’ve considered it, but don’t live in the UK (or plan to), so if I was to move domain it would be to something more portable :)
ben_thatmustbemeoh wait, my domain. meh. If an actual country on the other side of the planet wants to take my domain away. I think it would be more bragging rights than anything
barnabywaltershmans: pants is looking great! especially good to see that the hosted instance doesn’t just give out subdomains but encourages people to bring their own
Loqiwillnorris: voxpelli left you a message 7 hours, 44 minutes ago: Seems like the microformat library I'm using, https://github.com/glennjones/microformat-node, didn't detect your h-card, but seems like you've adapted your markup so that it will in the future
hmansthanks! Well, it's possible to set it up to allow users to create subdomains under a domain you're providing, and I may even go that route myself soon simply in order to encourage more people to try it, but I really want to push people to stick to their own identities as much as possible for obvious reasons.
willnorrisvoxpelli: yeah, I’m mucking with my h-card a lot right now so that will fix my immediate issue. If you don’t have a cached copy of the problematic markup, I’ll try reverting my changes and get you a test case to add to testpinger
voxpelliwillnorris: I only have a copy of the parsed result, not of the source, if you think original should be supported then I'll happily add it there – otherwise I'll could add your new one when you're done
willnorrisoh, you know what… I know what the problem was. I had p-author but not h-card. I noticed that later, and forgot. My final markup will likely be very similar to aaronpk’s, but yeah I’ll send over a sample later
Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 1 hour, 40 minutes ago: RE waterpigs.uk: I’ve considered it, but don’t live in the UK (or plan to), so if I was to move domain it would be to something more portable :)
willnorrisregarding our discussion yesterday about Google authorship… have you seen the verified email approach (option 1 at https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1408986). The interesting part about that is that is relies on visible markup on the page, rather than some non-visible link somewhere.
tantekthe rel=author to your home page + rel=me to your G+ profile is not documented but does work as I remember the discussions early on, and it's the only way I've ever implemented it on my site
Jeenahehe even my own page doesn't allow me to post anything new because I was stupid enough to code it wrong so it would redirect me to facebook to log in
willnorristantek: so the rel=author to homepage, and then rel=me to g+ profile is in fact documented in the rich snippet tool (sort of). I had never set it up this way for some reason.
tantekwillnorris: I think the docs are buried then because they'd rather that every post link directly to a G+ profile (desperate to send more traffic to G+)
tantekperhaps we can help by directly linking to the docs that show how to use rel=author to your domain plus rel=me from your domain to your G+ profile
tantekthinking of only POSSEing notes and articles, not replies, unless the reply is to a FB post which then from my understanding Brid.gy will actually POSSE as a *comment* on that FB post rather than a post on my "wall"?
snarfedyes, that's the default, but we're about to change that. if it has a u-in-reply-to, u-like-of, u-repost-of, or p-rsvp that *doesn't* point to a silo post, we'll soon drop it and return an error
tantekcrazy, when viewing posts in your "timeline", they have a "Change Date…" option in the little "v" drop down menu in the top right corner of the post!
tanteksnarfed, is there some way to get the URL of the FB POSSE copy *back* from Bridgy? i.e. so I can then put a rel=syndication link on my original to the FB POSSE copy
bret!tell aaronpk sorry, didnt manage to make it to esri againt pick up the power adapter yesterday, are you or anyone else there who could let me come grab it?
tantekso does that mean you could *like* that original post from your site, and then Bridgy would POSSE your like automatically to the POSSE copy on FB?
tanteke.g. was hoping you would try unliking my post on FB, and then see if liking my original post now auto-discovered the rel-syndication POSSE copy and all worked like it should
snarfedbear: an intermediate step could be to just use full disk encryption, right? pretty low overhead these days. doesn't protect against all threats, but it's still nice
tantekor do we have enough examples in the wild of people publishing what tool/clientapp they used to publish a post that it's worth figuring out a property to add to h-entry?
tantek!tell bret could you start http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry-brainstorming with subsection for "client" (as a working name) and then document existing examples in the wild of h-entry posts which explicitly display (in human readable text) the client/tool/editor/app used to write/edit/update the post?
tantek!tell bret FWIW I decided to use « using <span class="using">BBEdit</span> » because it captured the semantic of what *user* authoring tool was I using rather than a cross-posting service etc.
gRegor`!tell tantek, aaronpk, KevinMarks Please have a look at /W3C and update with issues you've experienced with the login process / ToS that was discussed in chat the other day.
Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message on 7/25 at 2:32pm: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
tantek!tell aaronpk perhaps Loqi should wait til someone says something in the channel before giving them messages? seems too easy for an IRC client to transiently connect and someone gets messages then doesn't notice because they never went to their client.
Loqitantek: gRegor` left you a message 27 minutes ago: Please have a look at /W3C and update with issues you've experienced with the login process / ToS that was discussed in chat the other day.
sparveriusalthough at this point you can say "someone on the internet is doing something bad but not illegal" and someone at linkedin is slowly edging towards the exit
willnorrisI don’t know a lot about the partners their working with, or how to get on that list, but I’ll definitely try and find the bizdev person who manages that
Loqiwillnorris meant to say: I don’t know a lot about the partners they’re working with, or how to get on that list, but I’ll definitely try and find the bizdev person who manages that
Loqibret: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 36 minutes ago: could you start http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry-brainstorming with subsection for "client" (as a working name) and then document existing examples in the wild of h-entry posts which explicitly display (in human readable text) the client/tool/editor/app used to write/edit/update the post?
Loqibret: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 21 minutes ago: FWIW I decided to use « using <span class="using">BBEdit</span> » because it captured the semantic of what *user* authoring tool was I using rather than a cross-posting service etc.
bret!tell tantek, aaronpk: conceivably posting tools/clients may live at different domains but have a human readable name relating to the software powering it. If client_id is the url of the client making the post maybe we need a separate client name field
bretKartikPrabhu did that make sense? Im taking into account if I run my own quill client on my domian, I still want it to be called quill, not like quill.bret.io or something
Loqiaaronpk: bret left you a message 5 hours, 20 minutes ago: sorry, didnt manage to make it to esri againt pick up the power adapter yesterday, are you or anyone else there who could let me come grab it?
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 42 minutes ago: I don't see August in the logs yet http://indiewebcamp.com/irc#Logs how long does it take for a new month to show up in that widget
Loqiaaronpk: gRegor` left you a message 3 hours, 21 minutes ago: Please have a look at /W3C and update with issues you've experienced with the login process / ToS that was discussed in chat the other day.
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 53 minutes ago: perhaps Loqi should wait til someone says something in the channel before giving them messages? seems too easy for an IRC client to transiently connect and someone gets messages then doesn't notice because they never went to their client.
Loqiaaronpk: bret left you a message 8 minutes ago: conceivably posting tools/clients may live at different domains but have a human readable name relating to the software powering it. If client_id is the url of the client making the post maybe we need a separate client name field
bret"If you are a new user and cannot edit this page, please notify an administrator or ask on irc: an administrator or autoconfirmed user can create the page for you. New users cannot create new pages as an anti-spam measure. Sorry for the inconvenience. "