#Loqiacegiak: tantek left you a message 1 week ago: could you take a look at https://indiewebcamp.com/in-reply-to and let me know if it helps clarify rel-in-reply-to vs. u-in-reply-to vs. p-in-reply-to usage and consumption?
#JonathanNealLet me jot it down in a notepad, get it clear, then post it here.
#KartikPrabhucool. would be good to sort this out before finalizing my fragmention-getter UI
#JonathanNealFirst, fragmention.js only searches presentional text, i.e. innerText, i.e. CSS visible content. It does not search all text in the DOM tree.
#KartikPrabhureally? so if I display things when viewport is small it will give diff. result?
#JonathanNealPrecisely. If you can’t select the text, it’s not fragmention-able.
#JonathanNealWell, why would you want to link to something that isn’t really there?
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: I could choose to do display=none depending on the viewport size for example. then the fragmentioned link will break depending on the browser width of the person I send it to.
#JonathanNealYes. What behavior would you expect otherwise?
#KartikPrabhufragmentioned URLs would be very unreliable
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: yeah... this is hard to fix but important
#JonathanNealI don’t know what other kind of behavior you would expect, so I don’t know what to fix about it.
#JonathanNealIt made sense to me that accessible text = fragmention-able text.
#KartikPrabhuwhat happens with usual fragment links if the element is hidden?
#KartikPrabhuhere is my use case: I am on a desktop and I see some text and send a fragmentioned link to you. You are on mobile where that particular phrase happens to be hidden, then my link will fail
#KartikPrabhuwith me on desktop I have no way of knowing that the link will fail for you
#JonathanNealthat happens regardless of anything we’ve discussed yet.
#JonathanNealIf I decide to redirect all IE7 users off a page, your link fails then, to.
#KartikPrabhuyeah but redirect = going to another URL. but this is the same URL that fails depending on the browser size
#KartikPrabhuI'd like more people to chip in on this.
#JonathanNealI’m not sure hiding text from a mobile device is a practice that should ever be recommended for non-app content.
#KartikPrabhuI agree. but linking should not depend on that i think... maybe open a github issue and ask people's thoughts on whether/how to fix this?
#JonathanNealI’m not convinced this is a use case that should be considered, because it’s a deliberate act by the author or publisher to remove the text from Google Search, ATs, and eyeballs.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: the issue is looking for hello?
#JonathanNealfragmention works by checking the innerText of a node, counting the number of matches, and then subtracting from that number each time a child node has innerText with a match.
#acegiakapparently my multiverb posts are confusing barnaby's interpereter
#JonathanNealBecause it works this way, I can’t determine the order of multiple matches with one commonAncestor very well. If I sorted them by order, I would get [p, p, strong] instead of [p, strong, p]
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: yeah I don't think many people parse multiverb responses yet. I have a priority order for verbs
#JonathanNealThe issue is how one searches for text and determines a match.
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: reply > repost > like > mention
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: this one really is an issue with how to correctly parse and find parent element of innerText. definitely open an issue with this example. I might try to tackle this sometime
#acegiakkartikprabhu: do you have a unified articles and notes feed? rss or mf2 works for me
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: unfortunately not. articles and notes are separate for now due to my database stuff :(
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: also I haven't yet gotten a large demand for notes feed, it definitely exists as mf2 h-feed though
#acegiakthat's a pretty common divide. i dont have that divide and now im trying to work out how to make notes(asides) not push articles off the front page
#KartikPrabhuyeah that was a problem too. Notes being more frequent tend to hijack the feed
#JonathanNealKartikPrabhu: I am going to try somethign with getSelection.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: this is for returning a fragmention when reader selects some text?
#acegiakim trying to see if i can make wordpress have X latest articles always display at the top of the feed
#acegiakall the posts are timestamped so anyone's feed reader should be able to work out how to display in actual chronological order
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: yeah feed readers should be fine. I haven't been able to figure how to have a mixed stream on the site itsel
#acegiakyeah if you've got to merge from two datasets it's tricky
emmak joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: even if you have one big dataset, it would be hard to decide how to give articles more importance on the timeline
#acegiakyeah i still havent worked out how i wabt to do it
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: if you figure out a solution let me know. I'm interested in this timeline issue too
#KartikPrabhubear: do you think it is correct/reasonable to get mention links only inside a h-entry for ronkyuu? What if the URL has no mf2 markup?
krendil and Pierre-O joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubear: updated ronkyuu let me know if something is wrong
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#techlifewebDeciding on a theme for WP. Considering Sempress based on reading the IndieWebCamp wiki. Anyone have one they like better or are working on one that they'd like to share?
#ellaHey, there. I'm always instantly disoriented in IRC, eheh. I've been back and forth with NickServ but apparently I was able to change nick. Anyway...
#ellaI've been experimenting with a couple of the wordpress POSSE plugins and I'm coming up against a bit of a road block, I was wondering if anyone here would be able to weigh in.
#KartikPrabhuella: hmm there are a lot of wordpress users here. I'm not one of them though. You should ask away and people will reply (even if not now)
#ellaI initially installed Social, and really liked the way the comment integration/syndication worked but the post publish isn't very robust. I tried NextScripts and really like the flexibility of the posts (especially being able to post an image with a comment. The problem here is that it'll just pull in comments made on Facebook and drop them into my wordpress comment feed. I can't respond to them, or at least this seems to be the ca
LCubed joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuella: your message seems to have hit the IRC char limit wall
#ellaI feel like I'm missing something obvious. Unfortunately, I can't use both Social and NextScripts in tandem because Social doesn't recognize the NextScripts syndicated post. When I make a comment on a post I've syndicated via NextScripts it just generates a new post to my wall instead of commenting on the NextScripts generated post.
#KartikPrabhuoh this sounds way out of my wordpress depth... GWG, snarfed you guys have experience with Social and NextScripts ^^ ?
#snarfedthey're both good, but you're right, they're not designed to interoperate
#ellaAh, okay. I didn't realize there was a char limit, sorry about that.
#snarfedre nextscripts and responding to comments from FB, you're right. your best bet is to comment on facebook, and then nextscripts will pull back that comment too
#ellaHm, that's too bad. Is there something else I could/should be using that will allow me to use NextScripts but bring the conversation from around the web into the WP comments string?
#ellaBasically, I'd really like the functionality of the comment integration of Social and the posting ability of NextScripts. I don't mind if I need to achieve this some other way, if there's some other way out there I'm missing.
#snarfedgot it. you could maybe use nextscripts + http://brid.gy/ instead of nextscripts + social
#snarfedyou need the webmention plugin(s) for brid.gy to work, if you don't already have them
#ellaI feel lost at how brid.gy works. I'm signed up for it, and it says it's going to do all of these things. I do have webmentions and semantic-pingbacks installed (separately, not through the indieweb plugin). I must be missing something.
#snarfedno, it's bridgy's fault for not being clear enough then
#snarfedso you get comments, likes, etc on facebook, and bridgy doesn't send them back to you?
#ellaI guess all that means is that I'll have to continue social conversations on the respective silos but it'll all feed back in anyway so I guess that's not a huge deal. I did like being able to comment on FB from WP, but not a deal breaker.
#ellaThank you for taking time out of your afternoon to help me, ehehe. I'm glad I could at least provide a chuckle.
#snarfedella: np! if you turn on "Show Avatars" on the Settings => Discussion page in your admin console, you'll also see those social comments' profile pictures
#KartikPrabhubear: so I want to put github repos in my requirements.txt, but it seems that setup.py needs the requirements in the pipy format... is that correct?
#KartikPrabhubear: yeah that does not work! gives "error in connection setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers"