Loqiacegiak: tantek left you a message 1 week ago: could you take a look at https://indiewebcamp.com/in-reply-to and let me know if it helps clarify rel-in-reply-to vs. u-in-reply-to vs. p-in-reply-to usage and consumption?
JonathanNealFirst, fragmention.js only searches presentional text, i.e. innerText, i.e. CSS visible content. It does not search all text in the DOM tree.
KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: I could choose to do display=none depending on the viewport size for example. then the fragmentioned link will break depending on the browser width of the person I send it to.
KartikPrabhuhere is my use case: I am on a desktop and I see some text and send a fragmentioned link to you. You are on mobile where that particular phrase happens to be hidden, then my link will fail
JonathanNealI’m not convinced this is a use case that should be considered, because it’s a deliberate act by the author or publisher to remove the text from Google Search, ATs, and eyeballs.
JonathanNealfragmention works by checking the innerText of a node, counting the number of matches, and then subtracting from that number each time a child node has innerText with a match.
JonathanNealBecause it works this way, I can’t determine the order of multiple matches with one commonAncestor very well. If I sorted them by order, I would get [p, p, strong] instead of [p, strong, p]
KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: this one really is an issue with how to correctly parse and find parent element of innerText. definitely open an issue with this example. I might try to tackle this sometime
acegiakthat's a pretty common divide. i dont have that divide and now im trying to work out how to make notes(asides) not push articles off the front page
techlifewebDeciding on a theme for WP. Considering Sempress based on reading the IndieWebCamp wiki. Anyone have one they like better or are working on one that they'd like to share?
ellaHey, there. I'm always instantly disoriented in IRC, eheh. I've been back and forth with NickServ but apparently I was able to change nick. Anyway...
ellaI've been experimenting with a couple of the wordpress POSSE plugins and I'm coming up against a bit of a road block, I was wondering if anyone here would be able to weigh in.
ellaI initially installed Social, and really liked the way the comment integration/syndication worked but the post publish isn't very robust. I tried NextScripts and really like the flexibility of the posts (especially being able to post an image with a comment. The problem here is that it'll just pull in comments made on Facebook and drop them into my wordpress comment feed. I can't respond to them, or at least this seems to be the ca
ellaI feel like I'm missing something obvious. Unfortunately, I can't use both Social and NextScripts in tandem because Social doesn't recognize the NextScripts syndicated post. When I make a comment on a post I've syndicated via NextScripts it just generates a new post to my wall instead of commenting on the NextScripts generated post.
snarfedre nextscripts and responding to comments from FB, you're right. your best bet is to comment on facebook, and then nextscripts will pull back that comment too
ellaHm, that's too bad. Is there something else I could/should be using that will allow me to use NextScripts but bring the conversation from around the web into the WP comments string?
ellaBasically, I'd really like the functionality of the comment integration of Social and the posting ability of NextScripts. I don't mind if I need to achieve this some other way, if there's some other way out there I'm missing.
ellaI feel lost at how brid.gy works. I'm signed up for it, and it says it's going to do all of these things. I do have webmentions and semantic-pingbacks installed (separately, not through the indieweb plugin). I must be missing something.
ellaI guess all that means is that I'll have to continue social conversations on the respective silos but it'll all feed back in anyway so I guess that's not a huge deal. I did like being able to comment on FB from WP, but not a deal breaker.
snarfedella: np! if you turn on "Show Avatars" on the Settings => Discussion page in your admin console, you'll also see those social comments' profile pictures
KartikPrabhubear: so I want to put github repos in my requirements.txt, but it seems that setup.py needs the requirements in the pipy format... is that correct?
KartikPrabhubear: yeah that does not work! gives "error in connection setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers"