KartikPrabhubear: yes that is what I am doing now. But gives this error for ronkyuu: "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ronkyuu>=0.2.8 (from connection) (from versions: 0.2.1alpha, 0.2.2, 0.2.3, 0.2.4, 0.2.6, 0.2.7)"
KartikPrabhuall these things suggest to me that people really have no intrinsic problem with silos... unless they do something bad which they inevitably do
KartikPrabhubut then you are also responsible for your own data. Now if my Twitter account is compromised I can yell at twitter. But if my indiewebsite gets compromised it is purely my fault
tantekeventually they'll see *something* (unpredictable what that will be) that you've done there, and it will inspire them to ask you how you did it, and how they can do it too
tanteksuggestion for http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Kartikprabhu.com - how about moving the "Done" things to their own section at the bottom, and re-assess your itches to see which of those you're most excited about solving
tantekalso, KartikPrabhu re: Ghost - we have pretty decent documentation of it at /Ghost - feel free to add to that if you know anything knew. I for one am not too optimistic about it.
tommorrison the one hand, tantek is involved which means it's probably not going to be too much of a pointless gabfest and might actually get shit done.
kylewm.comedited /User:Kylewm.com (+389) "/* Itches */ added photo albums to itches, note declining interest in building stuff for hypothetical gen 2ers instead of for myself" (view diff)
tommorrison the basis that I'm a social software developer, I know some things about both microformats and upper-case Semantic Web, and I know more about the Facebook API than is healthy for one person to know.
tommorris06:09 <tommorris> on the one hand, tantek is involved which means it's probably not going to be too much of a pointless gabfest and might actually get shit done.
willnorristhe problem with auto-highlighting the entire textarea is that it prevents highlighting a subsection of it. This drove me crazy on https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ where I wanted to highlight just the “/api/webmention” URL, not the full <link> element (/cc voxpelli). Tantek’s URL box is a little different since it’s less likely that you want to select a substring. I’ve not found a site that strikes a good balance here.
voxpelliwillnorris: one could probably do a better one which only selects the entire text if no selection has been made, but haven't kept up to date on the javascript API:s for selecting text so not sure how complex that would be
willnorrisso I think this is kinda neat. I now have GET requests to https://willnorris.com/api/webmention served as a static site with a webmention form, but POST requests to the same URL are proxied to voxpelli’s webmention.herokuapp.com. Best of both worlds: a customized “visible endpoint that teaches” while still using an external service, which is necessary for static sites. (blog post and nginx config forthcoming when I have a moment)
willnorriscurrently, submitting the form displays the JSON response from the heroku app directly in the browser. I still need to add some JS to send the request and display a nice response.
aaronpkMy HTML form under each post adds a hidden field called "from_browser" or something, and if that's set, my webmention endpoint returns an HTML response
tantekaaronpk same thing - rather than an HTML response saying "got it" etc, just reload the page and perhaps highlight the new comment, fave, repost etc.
voxpelliwillnorris: updated the herokuapp now – if you come up with any more ideas for tweaks and extensions then I'm all ears – here, on GitHub etc :)
voxpellisnarfed: yeah, saw that one – thinks this is rather something editing multiple pages at once and sending pings for +10 pages in a very short amount of time
voxpellisnarfed: my endpoint is currently set to never fetch a page from a domain more often than one per minute and to never queue more than 10 pages – might be a bit too hard from my side
voxpellisnarfed: I let 10 pages queue up and fetches them over time, but perhaps I should allow more – since I don't save them to the database but just keep them in memory right now I don't want to accept too many – rather have the pinger retry later on themselves
bearwillnorris - I wonder if you could do that redirect via nginx by having the heroku app send back a POST for success to a url with the url as a query parm
willnorrisbecause I’m not sure if this realistically can be done without JS (though I’d certainly be interested to see what bear comes up with). I’m using nginx as a reverse proxy to forward this request to heroku, so I’m not sure what all I can do with that response… I’ll have to read up on that
willnorriswell, I do have a pretty page for the initial GET request (http://willnorris.dev/api/webmention). I’m not sure if I can still serve a custom response page for POST requests since I’m doing the reverse proxy to heroku. the nginx module bear mentioned may be one option
tantek!tell aaronpk, good news / bad news. remember those session start errors we were seeing on tantek.dev/falcon ? now the same errors are happening on tantek.com/falcon, but I still haven't figured out what php.ini etc. magic I need to fix it - in either (or both) place(s).