#tantekhaving edited wikipedia and had my edits blown away by other worse edits, or pages deleted etc., I definitely have a minor itch for publishing /edit posts on my own site first, and then POSSEing them to wikipedia
#tantekI think an /edit post is a kind of response/interaction to/with another post/URL
#tantekis anyone exploring publishing /edit posts on their own domain?
#KartikPrabhuis there a rule that I should post /edit posts only to wikis?
#aaronpkwhy not publish suggested edits to someone else's articles!
#KartikPrabhu<shrug> i don't think editorial corrections warrant a post-type. but that's me
#kylewm"typo fixes" -- that was why i was originally excited about marginalia, KartikPrabhu!
#aaronpki'd love it if someone published an edit to one of my posts, sent a webmention, then I got a little "accept" button in my interface where it would apply their edit
#tantekKevinMarks: they could be! certainly "suggested edits" are a solid use-case for /edit posts
#tantekand we wouldn't use terms like "pull request" as that implies a bunch of nerdery that most people have no idea/desire to know about. it's also plumbing (git) specific
#npdotysince it's part of their institutional mission, whereas for me it's a side project
#tantekmultiple Archived-At would be interesting to see and even more robust! (LoCKSS)
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#npdotyrfc5064 notes that multiple Archived-At headers are explicitly allowed, and should be used for cases where a list is adding another place where the message is archived
#npdoty(of course, that's different from what implementations like W3C's actually do, which I'll have to test...)
#npdotyif I were to convince aaronpk to give me an account on webmention.io, does that mean I could support webmentions just by pointing to webmention.io and then writing a little bit of JavaScript to query for webmentions about a post and then render them client-side?
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#kylewmUX, you already have two separate auth steps within bridgy (I think)
#kylewmif you changed, it would be a bummer for everyone that is using twitter publish currently to have to re-auth with the new app key, but my impression is that's not too terribly many people yet
#kylewmalso hope I wasn't out of line saying that I thought email was out of scope for bridgy!
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#snarfednot at all! you're pretty much an owner now too :P
#snarfedand also good point that it's not really a UX decision now. more an ops/deployment question i guess
#snarfedplus changing some of the code structure to support two different twitter keys
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#aaronpk!tell npdoty I know you already got a bunch of replies about this but yes that's correct. also you now have an account with the username "npdoty.name" :-)
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#tantekregarding edit posts (what mediawiki calls diffs), I did set aside a shortcode / single-letter content-type prefix for it in Whistle: d - for diff, edit, change http://tantek.com/w/Whistle#design
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#ShaneHudson!tell jgarber I saw you're plugin, it looks very good but there appears to be no recieving/storing? I would rather not use an external service for it
#willnorrisoops, forgot to mention in the post that this is of course in no way bound to any publishing platform. should be obvious, but worth pointing out
#barnabywaltersI really want to start using Go more, but am put off mainly by the amount of work I’ve done building a PHP environment for building indieweb stuff quickly, which would have to be rebuilt in Go :(
#kylewm_willnorris: "go-webmention is copyright Google" does that mean you are able to build indieweb stuff at work?
#willnorrisah, nice. I actually don’t even remember that logo
#gRegor`Nice work, willnorris. I like "presented with the list of discovered links, and you select which ones to send webmentions to" I was planning to do similar with javascript as I type
#gRegor`populate a list of links with a checkbox beside each (pre-checked)
#gRegor`I might make it do endpoint discovery during that process if it's not too slow, so links that are not webmention capable will be unchecked
#willnorrisgRegor`: yeah, I was planning to do the same :)
#willnorrisgo ahead and do discovery early and disable those that don’t have support
#gRegor`barnabywalters: I'm in a similar boat with Nucleus CMS and wanting to migrate to ProcessWire. Though at least they're both PHP :)
#willnorriskylewm_: sort of. Google has a process where you can ask the company to diclaim any copyright for personal projects. If you go through that, then you of course can’t use ANY Google resources or time to work on the project. I don’t have a personal laptop, so use my Google laptop for everything. Plus I do sneak a few minutes here and there to work on personal stuff. Since Google is fine releasing it as open source, I don’t worry too much
#willnorrisabout who technically owns the copyright.
#willnorriskylewm: though this is by no means my primary focus at work. I work on other open source related projects
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#kylewmoh fascinating, that also answers a question I had about Camlistore
#willnorrissort of. Though Brad has recently switched to focusing on Camlistore 100%, rather than it just being a 20% project
#willnorrisbut yeah, that’s why it was Google copyright even when he was working on it most on his own time
#barnabywalterswillnorris: OOI, what open source related projects do you work on within Google in official capacity?
#barnabywaltersgRegor`: yeah, if only all this technology worked nicely together :)
#willnorrisI manage our ~45 GitHub organizations and help various teams wanting to release code there. My team is also building a system to better handle Contributor License Agreements signed by people that contribute to our open source projects…. better handling of private data in the CLAs, add integration with GitHub pull requests, etc. All of that is written in Go
#willnorrisFuture projects will be stuff like tools to make sure our GitHub projects comply with our internal policies for open source (presence of a LICENSE file, proper license headers at the top of source files, etc)
#kylewmbarnabywalters: gRegor`: on the pro-side, switching environments/frameworks is a good exercise in cutting out everything you don't absolutely need
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#willnorrisyeah, that has certainly been a barriar for me in switching off of wordpress, but it’s been really good about forcing me to focus on what’s really important
#gRegor`kylewm: Yeah, I'm about 80% sure I'm moving to ProcessWire. The blog I set up for Amanda uses it, so it makes sense that I work on one framework instead of two.
#gRegor`Though experimenting with Python or Go is also tempting. :)
#kylewmjust have to be willing to swallow the initial huge cut in productivity :)
#willnorrisplus that’s the only way we’re going to get good language coverage for these new technologies like webmentions et al
#willnorrisI think my next biggest pain point is going to be a good microformats parser for Go. I have very mixed feelings about writing that one, since it’s going to be a fair amount of work I think
#barnabywalterswillnorris: yeah, I looked into making a Go microformats parser and was a little put off by the lack of a HTML parser in the standard library, but I understand there are good ones available
#barnabywalterswillnorris: let me know if you do start work on a Go mf parser, I’d enjoy helping it kick off in the right direction (much like the python parser) and might be able to help
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, really liking this idea of getting my site to work from cache. specifically the admin side to be able to cache my posts and then actually upload them once i connect agian
#aaronpkyeah offline editing is a really big deal, and very few apps actually handle it properly
#aaronpki've been seeing it happen more and more though, things like Jawbone and Wordpress do a good job
#aaronpkthe worst is when an app assumes the network is available and won't even load up the interface without network
#aaronpkthis happens for web apps by default of course, but surprisingly also happens for native apps
#barnabywaltersmy approach to “offline editing” (on desktop at least) is to be able to sync my local and remote sites with git
#barnabywaltersand then just run taproot locally — usually for testing, but I suppose if I really wanted to write something and had no network that would work too
#aaronpki do that a lot from my laptop, like writing on planes
#LoqiKevinMarks_: tantek left you a message 12 hours, 28 minutes ago: yes your pull request on github looks like an example of a github edit post
#ben_thatmustbemeKevinMarks_ at that point i could just take a photo of nothing at all and add the text i want to it. Or write the text out by hand and take a photo of the paper.
#kylewmbarnabywalters: aaronpk: how does your index get updated after editing files and pushing to git?
#barnabywalterskylewm: my index is a CSV file in git which gets updated by taproot when a post has been edited, so the index update happens automatically :)
#kylewmohh i see, you're editing via taproot locally, not editing via a text editor
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#barnabywalterskylewm: well, even if I was editing with a text editor, I could add the new index line to the CSV with that too :)
#KevinMarks_I'm advising them and helping out fairly heavily ta the moment
#KevinMarks_I have 2 differnt kinds of clickable SVG- the 3 on sticks and the ones in the hcards
#KevinMarks_not sure how to make them highlight on hover like the "play" link
#ben_thatmustbemethe blue border around the SEND button is different per browser from what i'm seeing, several pixel space above on FF, space on top,right, and left on chrome
#barnabywaltersah, it’s the ones on sticks (sticks?) which have no cursor styles
#KevinMarks_yes, the send button is a problem. I may make it a link instead
#KevinMarks_right, cos they're inside a single SVG file
#KevinMarks_I'm also wondering if I should just build more of it in SVG
#barnabywaltersin responsive designs I’ve found that SVG lends itself best to very small components rather than anything involving layout
#KevinMarks_right, I'd end up having to use raphael or d3, which is non-ideal
#barnabywaltersat work we ended up rebuilding all of our SVG charts as HTML with SVG elements where required, and it’s way easier to deal with, and more flexible (literally)
#barnabywaltersturns out HTML is pretty good at wrapping text
#KevinMarks_not sure how to do that and have the SVG and HTML co-ordinates track
#barnabywalterstbh whenever I get tempted to make something like that, I decide that it’s not really true to the medium and build something simpler — but I respect that you may not have the choice :)
#ben_thatmustbemewider than 1024, the background is def not right... not sure what you can do about that though
#KevinMarks_we can decide what works, but I do like the idea
#KevinMarks_I think I need to add more vertical space
#barnabywaltersyeah if you want SVG and HTML sharing coordinate spaces on a responsive design, you’re going to have to use some (probably a lot) javascript
#barnabywaltersKevinMarks_: no, though you might be able to persuade it to be adaptive
#KevinMarks_I still think there is scope to do a fully SVG UX soon, but you do lose HTML-ness
#barnabywaltersIIRC, you just need to move the HTML elements around and tell jsplumb to redraw, and it’ll sync the SVG connections
#ben_thatmustbemeKevinMarks_ the only way i can think of is to make another copy of the images joined, and then have a media query to use that as the only background image if the window is above a certain width
#KevinMarks_I'll have a look - if I can replace that png hairlines mesh thingy at the top with SVG it would look better
#ben_thatmustbemeactually scratch that, then it would fail for pages with a lot of vertical space
#KevinMarks_I think another Bg image in front that is basically a fade to black that softens it when they collide might work
#KevinMarks_hm, SVG's don't work on my Gingerbread test phone
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#ben_thatmustbemehmm, i will have plenty of time on the train tonight.... the question is what new feature to add
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#aaronpkkylewm: I have a function that knows how to update the index for a single post, which is what the server does when it adds new posts to git. I have a separate function that can find all new un-indexed posts and then add them to the index
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#tantekaaronpk - that's absolutely the intent of it
#tantekthe /WordPress page should primarily be for anyone *with* WordPress installed who wants to add IndieWeb features.
#tantekand frankly it's where I've been pointing people, and telling them, if they see anything confusing or unclear there, to please let me or this channel know
#@tThe Read Write Web is no longer sufficient. I want the Read Fork Write Merge Web. #osb11 lunch table. #diso #indieweb (ttk.me/t4CU1) (twitter.com/_/status/83993337127911425)
#tantek(I said that in conversation at lunch with Ward Cunningham at #osbridge 2011, just before the first IndieWebCamp where he then proceeded to create the Smallest Federated Wiki)