#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: regarding the problem of finding parent element for fragmentions, would it be easier to insert <span fragmention></span> around the exact phrase?
tantek joined the channel
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I tend to filter out any "sin" framing, can you give a tldr?
#KartikPrabhutantek: have marked it as to read for tonight. it is too long for right now :P
#KartikPrabhuthe basic premise seems to be that the original sin = advertising-based free (as in beer) business models
snarfed joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuagain too long for it to be just that point so hoping the writer gives solutions on pg 3 or something ;)
#tantekKartikPrabhu: Nah, before that there were people hating on those who actually built things.
#KartikPrabhu"Ethan Zuckerman is director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT and principal research scientist at MIT’s Media Lab." so maybe he could be invited to IWC Cambridge or is it IWC MIT now?
#tantekOh it's Ethan! He has it had his own site at some point.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: Definitely post/tweet at him inviting him to IWC Cambridge
#KartikPrabhutantek: might be better if someone who is going to IWC Cambridge does the inviting?
#snarfedKevinMarks: noticed that you now show webmentions on recent kevinmarks.com posts via webmention.herokuapp.com (nice!)
#tantekAlso, should we update the Cambridge etc IWC to use same wording as IWC UK?
#snarfedKevinMarks: just fyi though, you don't actually advertise the herokuapp wm endpoint on those pages, only on your home page, so you won't get any wms on the post pages
#snarfedKevinMarks_: np! (also, re your q this morning about RTs and faves showing up as wms, your twitter account isn't actually signed up for bridgy :P)
#cuibonobo"rough consensus and running code". words to live by tommorris! :D
#tantekKartikprabhu Seemed like you were (deliberately?) completely ignoring any meaning of "feed"
#aaronpklikely I will be updating it during an event, then it will become static
#KartikPrabhuyes I was to get at an objection to it which you did give me :)
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: sort of like what I was thinking with my "series". A bunch of posts related to one topic. like chapters of a book. but then it would be all fixed
#KartikPrabhutantek: KevinMarks_ looks like I was grossly mistaken and never bothered to count items in a feed. Though my Atom feed has all articles ever which should change :P
#tantekI wonder when we should cluster all our implemented post types into a small noun only alternative to Activity Streams.
#tantek"Me, I regret the day I started calling what I do here “blogging.” When I launched this website in 1995, I thought of what I was doing as “writing and publishing,” which is the case.
#tantekKevinMarks: Right, post is the generic term
#tantekTweet is the silo specific term that twitter failed trademarking
#KevinMarks_"What has happened since is that the practices of blogging have become reified into mainstream usage. Through social networks and Twitter and Reader shared items and Flickr and HuffDuffer and all the other nicely-focused gesture spreading tools we have, the practice of blogging, of mediating the world for each other, has become part of the fabric of the net."
#tantekKevinMarks: Not sure I understand what you mean by that quote re Post Streams or any alternative phrase / name
#aaronpkjust updated php-mf2-twitter-shim to parse photos!
#Loqitags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content according to free form words or phrases, including particular instances such as labeling the people in a photo, specifically known as people-tagging http://indiewebcamp.com/tags
#aaronpkas long as I don't tag any of my colections they won't show up in lists
#aaronpkKevinMarks_: I suppose I could get a similar effect by tagging a bunch of posts with a unique tag like the timestamp
#kylewmand then it mysteriously started working :(
#techlifewebcancel takes me to a screen to select back to bridgy
#techlifewebI never get the option to enable posting
#techlifewebit just looks like it is going to be able to post but the posts then throw the error I mentioned before
cweiske joined the channel
#kylewmmy working theory is this is it's in a weird state where Bridgy thinks it has write permission but it doesn't, and so disabling it doesn't work somehow
#kylewmwill have to defer to snarfed on the details though
#tantekwhen it fails on a real world example, then we can document that
#jonnybarnesit fails exactly as you said btw, doesnt find any author info inside the h-entry, finds the rel-author link but doesnt find any h-card in no_h-card.html and exits
pfefferle, scor, adactio and ShaneHudson joined the channel
#jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: just checking, should the output for h-feeds be as in the second gist? as in the all the arrays with type=h-entry will be children of the array with type=h-feed?
ShaneHudson, pfefferle and indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#_sgregeradactio: my site sent a webmention to one of your notes earlier today, but it didn't show up as a comment. are notes limited to brid.gy webmentions only? (bug/feature? or maybe a problem with my webmention implementation...)
#sgregeruh, that could well explain the issue. fixed the markup, now i need to see how to trigger the webmentions again ;)
#tommorrisyou can just paste webmentions into Jeremy's site
#tommorrisoh, here's a simple thing - adactio only takes comments up to a certain number of days
#tommorrisso it might be going through okay but the comments are just turned off
#adactiotommorris: No, I've stopped doing that since implementing webmention—you can comment on any post at any time (but I only show the form for entering a URL on journal entries, not notes).
#tommorrisah, sgreger, adactio is here. I can go back to fiddling with gigantic databases like I'm supposed to be.
#sgregerwell, now it worked. it was my markup bug indeed. i had a hunch, but was also wondering whether there might be a difference in implementation on the receiving site since the URL form is not shownd
#sgregertommorris: thank you for pointing out the error
#tommorrisadactio: just out of interest, are you using php-mf2 or something else to parse HTML for webmentions?
#sgregeradaction: thanks for the clarification - the hiccup was indeed on my end
#cweiskebut only for clients that have that type in their accept headers
ShaneHudson and eschnou joined the channel
#sgregercweiske: i'll look into that. i wonder how application/xhtml+xml and html5 get along (apparently at least a XML prolog is needed before the DOCTYPE, and namespace declaration in the html tag)
#cweiskeI don't use HTML5 on my site, so I did not check
#tommorristhe HTML5 spec includes a way to write it as XML
#aaronpkI'm suuuuuuper hesitant to add anything to webmention, so I would want to exhaust all other possibilities first
#ben_thatmustbemethe other option i was thinking is a markup in the html that would inform the page that its private
#ben_thatmustbemesure you still do a double pull on the initial request but after that you can just always include a key (if we work out how to negotiate one)
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: have you seen one of my private messages yet?
#ben_thatmustbemeI'm trying to find a way to get it to the point that I don't even care about the webmention part of it at all, I want to have one stream of messages between us, that I could parse out in to what appears to be an instant messenger
#ben_thatmustbememultiple pulls is going to slow down the turn around time for receiving messages
#ben_thatmustbemeplus we really cannot have to log in to every person's site
#aaronpki'm gonna walk through this step by step mostly for myself. the first thing that happens in my "sign in" form is you have to enter your domain name. then I generate a login URL that is based on your auth server
#aaronpkthen your auth server challenges you to prove who you are, at which point it generates an authorization code that it sends back to my server
#ben_thatmustbemewait, i thought you send me to your auth server, not mine
#aaronpkok so you could probably do this right now on my site
#aaronpkactually not sure about that, I may not have the right pieces in place
#aaronpki use tokens.indieauth.com as my token endpoint, which should actually issue an access token for you
#ben_thatmustbemeokay, you generate a code, send it to me, i pass the code to my token endpoint with your URL, the token endpoint goes to your site, validates the code, then issues a token that is returned to you
#kylewmgRegor`: snarfed: interesting, so the answer is yes, those are the correct tenses for each silo
#gRegor`I've not gotten there myself, kylewm, but on notes I was thinking of giving commenters a slightly larger avatar and like/repost only interactions would get a smaller avatar and all on one line.
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, I have some fix up to do on that side. my question is this, if I trust your auth endpoint instead of my own, what stops you from doing the same and giving yourself a token with a post scope?
#aaronpknothing. but it's up to your micropub endpoint to decide what users you allow to post
#aaronpkactually before you even get there your token endpoint can decide whether to issue a token that has the "post" scope
#aaronpkI believe my token endpoint, tokens.indieauth.com, will issue tokens all day long with whatever is requested of it. but my micropub endpoint only allows tokens for aaronparecki.com to create posts.
#aaronpkthat's actually more like what I expected to happen. the crisp edges anyway, not so much the rounded corners)
#aaronpkyeah, cause my server has older PHP than my laptop, so all new imports will be using the old imagemagick. yesterday I did a batch processing of them on my laptop
#aaronpkI like the sharp edges and rounded corners, but I don't like the black background. unfortunately I don't know how to force this to happen.
#tantek.comedited /WordPress (+659) "fix subhead levels, Problems are more Criticism, separate out and explicitly call out criticism mitigations" (view diff)
#aaronpkso hypotheticaly... if someone did want to write an RSS consumer that makes Loqi say things, you could run that anywhere and I could give you the secret codes to make Loqi talk
#kylewmoh, or just run another RecentChanges bot i suppose
#ben_thatmustbemeso arronpk, now that you have a token (and i have SSL ordered) what do you think, a curl with Authorization in the header? or access_token in the post?
#gRegor`I'm looking at it in Firefox, not logged in, and it shows 8/13 event
#tantekgRegor`: any updates to fixes / iteration on the "new theme" or is it stuck at demo time from June?
#gRegor`tantek: Been busy and haven't worked on it in a couple weeks, but I did make several typography improvements in http://gregorlove.com/indiewebcamp.css. If you put that CSS file on tantek.com you can try it.
#gRegor`Unfortunately actual template updates, like to fix the top navigation links, will probably require setting up a local MediaWiki install so I can test it. :/
#tantekgRegor`: presumably I can instead @import it live
#aaronpkyeah you can do css stuff live with the neat hack. but template updates will require you to set up a local mediawiki (of the specific version)
#tantekyeah the top nav links changes were kind of a usability disaster for anyone that edits the wiki (which frankly should be the #1 user type considered for the design, since our priority should be freshest/best content first)
#tantekI hope any further design iterations have a majority of folks who are actively editing the wiki working on them.
#tantekRather than from a purely "reader" perspective.
#aaronpkthat's sort of the problem. I think most of us who edit the wiki aren't too put off by the current design, so it's not a huge itch to scratch.
#gRegor`I hope it has both perspectives, actually. That's how I'm approaching it.
#tantekaaronpk - there's plenty of nits/warts I notice all the time
#tantekgRegor`: I fine with having both perspectives, I'd just prefer a majority editor perspective, since that should be the #1 design center.
#gRegor`Fixing accesskeys for common wiki functions would be nice, too. Template updates again, though.
#tantekright, I do miss Ctrl-E to edit, P to preview, S to save
#gRegor`I guess I'm in the minority, but I've always thought the wiki design looked a bit dated. I don't edit as heavily as tantek, but editing with the new theme hasn't been a barrier for me yet. Definitely still needs improvement.
#gRegor`tantek: When you edit, how frequently do you hit the top-level "Edit" vs the section edit links?
#gRegor`just noticed the section "edit" links in the new theme are proportionally sized to the heading. Adds to list to fix.
#tantekand hiding the top level Edit link was an unacceptable blocker - that's what clued me in that there wasn'n enough editor-centric design going on
#bearkylewm I cannot find oob usage anywhere in my code - that's why I'm suggesting it may not be a good thing to implement. I know a couple years ago we had all kinds of grief with twitter about it
#benwerdjust spotted the benward / benwerd snafu above. sorry once again benward_
#ben_thatmustbemeso continuing our discussion from before aaronpk, its really just a matter of generating an auth code with your auth endpoint, and we successfully got you a token for authentication to my site
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: barnabywalters. since you asked, i am logging in. It really doesn't like it if I don't give it the http:// for my login
#kylewm"...Unfortunately, any sort of "engagement" that happens on a given service is typically going to remain sequestered there. It would be wonderful to have commenting etc. that works across all services."
#KevinMarks_I respect Winer for building things and talking about them in public - he has been doing that for 20 years and is a role model in that respect
#LoqiSandstorm is open source software project that aims to make self-hosted personal clouds easy as well as offering a hosted paid version for less technically inclined users http://indiewebcamp.com/sandstorm
#kylewmthat's interesting "The Sandstorm platform sits between the user and the app, so when an HTTP request arrives at the app, it is already annotated with information about the user’s identity and permissions as authenticated by the platform."
#rasculi didn't find a video of the individual talk, it was near the end of a long video of what appeared to be all the talks for an hour or two i think
#KevinMarks_not mine, it's a shadowy group of unnamed people at schema.org's volcano fax number