2014-08-15 UTC
# 00:03 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: regarding the problem of finding parent element for fragmentions, would it be easier to insert <span fragmention></span> around the exact phrase?
tantek joined the channel
# 00:09 tantek KartikPrabhu: I tend to filter out any "sin" framing, can you give a tldr?
# 00:11 KartikPrabhu tantek: have marked it as to read for tonight. it is too long for right now :P
# 00:11 KartikPrabhu the basic premise seems to be that the original sin = advertising-based free (as in beer) business models
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:12 KartikPrabhu again too long for it to be just that point so hoping the writer gives solutions on pg 3 or something ;)
# 00:13 tantek KartikPrabhu: Nah, before that there were people hating on those who actually built things.
# 00:13 KartikPrabhu tantek: true. will give a speed read and surmise here for public benefit :)
# 00:14 tantek And if you keep peeling back the layers, is advertising the problem? Or is buying crap you don't need?
# 00:18 KartikPrabhu "Ethan Zuckerman is director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT and principal research scientist at MIT’s Media Lab." so maybe he could be invited to IWC Cambridge or is it IWC MIT now?
# 00:19 tantek Oh it's Ethan! He has it had his own site at some point.
# 00:20 tantek KartikPrabhu: Definitely post/tweet at him inviting him to IWC Cambridge
# 00:20 KartikPrabhu tantek: might be better if someone who is going to IWC Cambridge does the inviting?
# 00:20 snarfed KevinMarks: noticed that you now show webmentions on recent kevinmarks.com posts via webmention.herokuapp.com (nice!)
# 00:21 tantek Also, should we update the Cambridge etc IWC to use same wording as IWC UK?
# 00:21 snarfed KevinMarks: just fyi though, you don't actually advertise the herokuapp wm endpoint on those pages, only on your home page, so you won't get any wms on the post pages
# 00:21 gRegor` tantek: re "I have a website" or "I want a website"? Probably a good idea.
# 00:22 KevinMarks_ this is why I need a template system soon - doing it by hand is getting painful
# 00:22 gRegor` pats Loqi on the head
# 00:22 snarfed KevinMarks_: np! (also, re your q this morning about RTs and faves showing up as wms, your twitter account isn't actually signed up for bridgy :P)
# 00:25 tantek That change seems to have elicited a 100% positive repsonse
# 00:28 aaronpk tantek: a URL that is a collection of posts... would you say that is an h-entry with a bunch of child h-cites?
# 00:29 tantek Aaronpk I guess I'd have to look at the real world examples first ;)
# 00:29 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: you know what's funny about that summary? that's probably the outline the writer started with :)
# 00:30 tantek Aaronpk I mean you could have an h-entry with complete h-entry children too
# 00:30 aaronpk tantek: they are previously existing entries, and may also not be mine
benwerd joined the channel
# 00:30 tantek And the children could each link with u-url u-uid to their permalinks
# 00:30 tantek Aaronpk yes h-cite is fine too, and especially if you're abbreviating or summarizing
# 00:31 aaronpk also there may be original content in the collection
# 00:32 tantek KartikPrabhu: Just because x is a container of h-entry elements doesn't mean it works for all y containers of h-entry elements.
# 00:33 KartikPrabhu so aaronpk does not mean to update a collection once posted with more entries?
# 00:34 cuibonobo "rough consensus and running code". words to live by tommorris! :D
# 00:34 tantek Kartikprabhu Seemed like you were (deliberately?) completely ignoring any meaning of "feed"
# 00:34 aaronpk likely I will be updating it during an event, then it will become static
# 00:35 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: sort of like what I was thinking with my "series". A bunch of posts related to one topic. like chapters of a book. but then it would be all fixed
# 00:36 tantek KartikPrabhu: Feed means more than just "changing". In practice it also means things *leave*
# 00:37 aaronpk it's always somewhat disconcerting when your software does unexpected things
# 00:37 tantek No as in you don't show all posts for all time on your home page
# 00:37 KartikPrabhu aah ok. so unlike RSS/Atom files which contain all posts for all time
# 00:38 KevinMarks_ well, on my blog I turned up the # of posts a while ago so now it tends to show a few years
# 00:38 tantek KartikPrabhu: What lol. Posts fall off the end of feeds.
# 00:41 tantek Stream or "updates" sounds more user friendly than "feed".
# 00:44 KartikPrabhu tantek: KevinMarks_ looks like I was grossly mistaken and never bothered to count items in a feed. Though my Atom feed has all articles ever which should change :P
# 00:45 tantek I wonder when we should cluster all our implemented post types into a small noun only alternative to Activity Streams.
# 00:45 KevinMarks_ well, there isn't a restriction on length, but downloading all of it is often a pain
# 00:46 tantek KevinMarks: Downloading a dry violation is usually a pain ;)
# 00:52 tantek So what's wrong with the obvious concatenation
# 00:52 kylewm are you guys trying to come up with a better synonym for 'feed' or defining a new term?
# 00:53 tantek KevinMarks: Post is the only verb you need that's my point
# 00:54 kylewm tantek: sorry, s/define a new term/describe a different phenomenon
# 00:54 tantek kylewm: Yes we are describing a more minimal subset of AS
# 00:55 tantek Removing that which is inessential in practice.
# 00:55 tantek We've already been shipping it for a while with all these different post types.
# 00:57 tantek kylewm: Not sure what the micro or h prefix has to do with it
# 00:57 tantek And I'd rather avoid using plumbing for naming
gRegor` joined the channel
# 00:57 tantek "Post" is the user understandable term. As in blog post.
oevl joined the channel
# 00:58 kylewm h-streams does make some sense being that it's { "h-event", "h-entry", "h-feed", etc. }
# 00:58 aaronpk kylewm: no cause that would imply there's some new markup
# 00:59 tantek kylewm: those are just one set of plumbing for what are noun-centric streams
# 00:59 kylewm so we should stop calling it "h-card" and just call it a "card" (like with the other prefixes)
# 01:00 tantek kylewm: Card is already super overloaded and ambiguous
# 01:00 kylewm realizes this conversation is over his semantically head
# 01:00 kylewm s/over his semantically/semantically over his
# 01:00 Loqi kylewm meant to say: realizes this conversation is semantically over his head
# 01:01 tantek Unless you're streaming a collection of whole blogs
# 01:01 KevinMarks_ should be; it's coming to mean a longer post - a blogworthy one rather than just a tweet
# 01:04 tantek "Me, I regret the day I started calling what I do here “blogging.” When I launched this website in 1995, I thought of what I was doing as “writing and publishing,” which is the case.
# 01:05 tantek Tweet is the silo specific term that twitter failed trademarking
# 01:05 KevinMarks_ "What has happened since is that the practices of blogging have become reified into mainstream usage. Through social networks and Twitter and Reader shared items and Flickr and HuffDuffer and all the other nicely-focused gesture spreading tools we have, the practice of blogging, of mediating the world for each other, has become part of the fabric of the net."
# 01:10 tantek KevinMarks: Not sure I understand what you mean by that quote re Post Streams or any alternative phrase / name
# 01:12 aaronpk just updated php-mf2-twitter-shim to parse photos!
# 01:18 aaronpk I don't know what they should look like in the list view
# 01:19 aaronpk hm I wonder if I can ship this without the list view
# 01:19 Loqi tags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content according to free form words or phrases, including particular instances such as labeling the people in a photo, specifically known as people-tagging http://indiewebcamp.com/tags
# 01:19 aaronpk as long as I don't tag any of my colections they won't show up in lists
# 01:20 aaronpk KevinMarks_: I suppose I could get a similar effect by tagging a bunch of posts with a unique tag like the timestamp
# 01:26 aaronpk the thing I get by creating a "collection" post type is that I can add additional content
# 01:38 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: some CSS mishap with the "and of course, the route:" bit showing under the side bar
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:42 kylewm really cool aaronpk, interesting that it has additional content (and of course the route)
tecgirl and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 01:45 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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# 02:27 tantek bret - I think that's a MediaWiki limitation, I've never seen permalinks for moves or deletes on mediawiki installs
# 02:34 tantek KartikPrabhu: the old and new URLs are already linkified
# 02:36 KartikPrabhu tantek: interesting then that my IRC client doesn't get them, maybe because they are relative URLs
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# 02:44 tantek KartikPrabhu: right, the lining of / phrases is purely a log thing
# 02:44 Loqi tantek meant to say: KartikPrabhu: right, the linking of / phrases is purely a log thing
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# 05:14 techlifeweb Finally getting around to testing brid.gy for posting and Twitter is giving me { "error": "Error: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized" }
# 05:25 techlifeweb kylewm: thanks for the link. Guess I'll wait till they have it sorted.
# 05:25 kylewm techlifeweb: I'm looking at the logs and stuff now
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# 06:17 kylewm techlifeweb: just to be thorough you had to authorize both Listen and Publish separately right?
# 06:20 techlifeweb when I click the disable button by publish, I'm sent to an Authorize screen with buttons to Authorize or Cancel
# 06:22 techlifeweb it just looks like it is going to be able to post but the posts then throw the error I mentioned before
cweiske joined the channel
# 06:23 kylewm my working theory is this is it's in a weird state where Bridgy thinks it has write permission but it doesn't, and so disabling it doesn't work somehow
# 06:23 kylewm will have to defer to snarfed on the details though
# 06:35 tantek KevinMarks: do you have a good example of a storify collection? URL?
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# 07:50 KartikPrabhu apart from being sexist that was one of most blatantly idiotic things i have seen
# 07:54 tommorris Mike Monteiro is awesome. His talk, "Fuck you, pay me" is a daily inspiration to me as a contractor. Just saying.
alanpearce, krendil, KevinMarks, starb3ard, starbeard and elliottucker joined the channel
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# 09:41 tantek and that's another Google service I won't be using to slow down my site
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# 10:01 barnabywalters one page lists tantek, crystal, amber and aaronpk, the other one lists tantek, amber, aaronpk and KevinMarks
# 10:04 tantek tommorris - ah looks like benwerd used the term unconference unintentionally
# 10:05 tommorris tantek: be sure to put a COI declaration on your user page. there's one on mine saying I'm involved in IWC
# 10:05 tantek tommorris: not enough that I'm mentioned in the article? ;)
Garbee joined the channel
# 10:10 tantek ah - the self-description already say 2-day creator camp
# 10:10 tantek that's where I think we used to call it a BarCamp/DevCamp
# 10:11 Loqi tantek meant to say: checks archive.org
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# 10:18 tantek and it's not based on any real world use-case that I know of
# 10:19 tantek since clearly in a case like that markup, the h-card could be inside the h-entry
# 10:20 jonnybarnes so its ok that my algo currently fails to find any authorship info for that HTML
# 10:21 tantek when it fails on a real world example, then we can document that
# 10:21 jonnybarnes it fails exactly as you said btw, doesnt find any author info inside the h-entry, finds the rel-author link but doesnt find any h-card in no_h-card.html and exits
pfefferle, scor, adactio and ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 11:31 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: because you're last "checkin" was to a place, the map part of last seen in your homepage saidebar is blank
# 11:33 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: you're sites failed me! I thought it was going to have some h-feed markup
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# 12:10 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: just checking, should the output for h-feeds be as in the second gist? as in the all the arrays with type=h-entry will be children of the array with type=h-feed?
ShaneHudson, pfefferle and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 12:37 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 12:43 _sgreger adactio: my site sent a webmention to one of your notes earlier today, but it didn't show up as a comment. are notes limited to brid.gy webmentions only? (bug/feature? or maybe a problem with my webmention implementation...)
scor, benward__, bnvk and jacus_ joined the channel
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# 13:17 _sgreger tommorris: moving to my original nick without the leading underscore, just restored my password...
# 13:21 tommorris sgreger: on line 114, there's class="post hentry h-entry"itemscope="itemscope"
# 13:22 tommorris Firefox may be parsing it fine, but I'm not sure php-mf2 is
# 13:23 tommorris should pinch broken HTML as regression tests for Python and Scala microformats parsers.
Sebastien-L and pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:24 sgreger uh, that could well explain the issue. fixed the markup, now i need to see how to trigger the webmentions again ;)
# 13:26 tommorris oh, here's a simple thing - adactio only takes comments up to a certain number of days
# 13:26 tommorris so it might be going through okay but the comments are just turned off
# 13:27 adactio tommorris: No, I've stopped doing that since implementing webmention—you can comment on any post at any time (but I only show the form for entering a URL on journal entries, not notes).
# 13:27 tommorris ah, sgreger, adactio is here. I can go back to fiddling with gigantic databases like I'm supposed to be.
# 13:29 sgreger well, now it worked. it was my markup bug indeed. i had a hunch, but was also wondering whether there might be a difference in implementation on the receiving site since the URL form is not shownd
# 13:29 tommorris adactio: just out of interest, are you using php-mf2 or something else to parse HTML for webmentions?
# 13:29 sgreger adaction: thanks for the clarification - the hiccup was indeed on my end
# 13:30 tommorris (It'd be useful for me and for barnabywalters and probably for glennjones to know who is using which parsers on theri site.)
# 13:31 cweiske you could all use application/xhtml+xml as mime type for your html pages
# 13:31 cweiske then your browser would refuse to render the pages if they contain errors
# 13:34 cweiske but only for clients that have that type in their accept headers
ShaneHudson and eschnou joined the channel
# 13:41 sgreger cweiske: i'll look into that. i wonder how application/xhtml+xml and html5 get along (apparently at least a XML prolog is needed before the DOCTYPE, and namespace declaration in the html tag)
# 13:43 cweiske my rewrite rule for the content type header for supporting clients
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# 13:44 sgreger thanks, i'll see if i can get that to work with my wordpress setup
# 13:50 cweiske sgreger, note that disqus breaks with application/xhtml+xml
# 13:55 sgreger cweiske: no problem, i anyways prefer to store/syndicate comments on my site ...in true indieweb fashion ;)
pfefferle, chrissaad and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:42 GWG pfefferle: By the way, is there any news on my Pull Request?
# 14:45 pfefferle oh SH%$&§t… thanks for the reminder… will have a look at it, this weekend
fourtonfish joined the channel
# 15:06 ben_thatmustbeme seems somewhat messy to have to do a pull of the page twice, once without the key and once with
# 15:08 ben_thatmustbeme oh, and as for server to server, couldn't we in theory automate validation with the new GPG key auth method
# 15:08 ben_thatmustbeme true, but its the only way i see to do the initial negotiation without human interaction
# 15:09 aaronpk you could outline the two issues on a new section on that page
# 15:10 aaronpk huh actually that page isn't as out of date as I thought
# 15:10 ben_thatmustbeme was thinking the private message webmention could say in the mention that it is private
# 15:10 aaronpk like a new parameter that says "btw fetching this source is going to require authentication"
# 15:11 aaronpk I wonder what other protocols have done that's similar?
# 15:15 aaronpk I'm suuuuuuper hesitant to add anything to webmention, so I would want to exhaust all other possibilities first
# 15:21 ben_thatmustbeme the other option i was thinking is a markup in the html that would inform the page that its private
# 15:22 ben_thatmustbeme sure you still do a double pull on the initial request but after that you can just always include a key (if we work out how to negotiate one)
# 15:24 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: have you seen one of my private messages yet?
# 15:30 ben_thatmustbeme then you have some initial key negotiated. need to figure out how to make that transparent
# 15:30 aaronpk note that I put a little header "To: ben.thatmustbe.me"
# 15:30 aaronpk and if you look at the markup it's a property called "recipient"
# 15:34 ben_thatmustbeme I'm trying to find a way to get it to the point that I don't even care about the webmention part of it at all, I want to have one stream of messages between us, that I could parse out in to what appears to be an instant messenger
# 15:34 aaronpk in order for you to get see that post, you need to include an access token that my server issued to you
# 15:37 aaronpk your server needs to be able to get it in the first place
# 15:38 aaronpk you've pointed your site at an authorization endpoint right?
# 15:39 aaronpk k so imagine for a moment that you were using your own auth server
# 15:39 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i saw that case, but i don't think its realistic to all run our own auth server
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# 15:41 aaronpk i'm gonna walk through this step by step mostly for myself. the first thing that happens in my "sign in" form is you have to enter your domain name. then I generate a login URL that is based on your auth server
# 15:41 aaronpk then your auth server challenges you to prove who you are, at which point it generates an authorization code that it sends back to my server
# 15:44 aaronpk and redirects me to my auth endpoint with a bunch of application state in the query string
# 15:45 aaronpk this is really confusing because of the two roles indieauth.com plays
# 15:46 aaronpk you do (or in this case indieauth.com does for you)
# 15:47 aaronpk try signing in to ownyourgram.com, that's an implementation of this
# 15:48 aaronpk but it's confusing because you can use indieauth.com/developers but also you can use indieauth.com as your authorization_endpoint
# 15:49 ben_thatmustbeme okay, so you are right, i'm confusing the two, we are looking at only the auth_endpoint bit
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# 15:50 aaronpk which is why I was saying for the sake of argument let's say you built your own authorization endpoint
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# 15:52 aaronpk let's say you implemented private posts like I did, and that there is a URL like ben.thatmustbe.me/secret/100
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# 15:52 aaronpk what I need is for you to issue me an access token that I will then include in the request for that page
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# 15:54 aaronpk the important bit is that you're issuing the access token from your token endpoint
# 15:56 aaronpk the request will include "code" and "me" parameters
# 15:56 aaronpk your token endpoint will try to verify the authorization code against *my* authorization endpoint which you can find from my home page
# 15:56 aaronpk assuming it is valid, you can issue an access token
# 15:58 aaronpk so really my server just needs to be able to generate an authorization code at my own authorization endpoint
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# 16:00 aaronpk ok so you could probably do this right now on my site
# 16:01 aaronpk actually not sure about that, I may not have the right pieces in place
# 16:03 aaronpk i use tokens.indieauth.com as my token endpoint, which should actually issue an access token for you
# 16:04 ben_thatmustbeme okay, you generate a code, send it to me, i pass the code to my token endpoint with your URL, the token endpoint goes to your site, validates the code, then issues a token that is returned to you
# 16:05 aaronpk except I think my server would be the one that talks to your token endpoint directly
# 16:07 aaronpk i'm getting "bad request" from your token endpoint tryign this
gRegor` joined the channel
# 16:11 kylewm does it make sense that bridgy says "likes this" for facebook and "favorited this" (past tense) for twitter?
# 16:12 gRegor` "favorites this" seems clunky
# 16:12 gRegor` Hovering over the star number on Twitter pops up "Favorited x times"
# 16:13 kylewm gRegor`: snarfed: interesting, so the answer is yes, those are the correct tenses for each silo
# 16:14 gRegor` I've not gotten there myself, kylewm, but on notes I was thinking of giving commenters a slightly larger avatar and like/repost only interactions would get a smaller avatar and all on one line.
# 16:14 gRegor` Similar to tumblr
# 16:16 gRegor` Star for FB likes and Twitter favorites?
# 16:16 kylewm barnabywalters: i already have you open in another tab :)
# 16:16 jonnybarnes if I have a tests folder with vaious .php files, is there a way of telling phpunit to only run the tests in one of the php files?
# 16:17 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, looking at my code, I always use my auth endpoint for the token endpoint, i'm not pulling the site from the me=
# 16:17 gRegor` jonnybarnes: Yeah, but I don't know it well off the top of my head. barnabywalters probably knows how
# 16:17 gRegor` Believe it's something like passing the namespace/classname/filename of tests to run
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# 16:18 barnabywalters gRegor`: on which topic, I still haven’t given your PR the attention it deserves — sorry! I’ll make sure to get on that this weekend
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# 16:30 jonnybarnes So heres a simple (read naive) implementation of the authorship algorithm
# 16:31 jonnybarnes you work somehere that lets you sit on a non-work IRC channel all day?
# 16:36 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, I have some fix up to do on that side. my question is this, if I trust your auth endpoint instead of my own, what stops you from doing the same and giving yourself a token with a post scope?
# 16:36 aaronpk nothing. but it's up to your micropub endpoint to decide what users you allow to post
# 16:37 aaronpk actually before you even get there your token endpoint can decide whether to issue a token that has the "post" scope
# 16:38 aaronpk I believe my token endpoint, tokens.indieauth.com, will issue tokens all day long with whatever is requested of it. but my micropub endpoint only allows tokens for aaronparecki.com to create posts.
# 16:41 jonnybarnes my micropub works quite nicely, all my notes are now done through jonnybarnes.uk/notes/new
mdik, scor, wolftune, paulcp and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:11 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk you should probably note that the indieauth-client-php depends on link-rel-parser-php
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# 17:26 tantek ooh that first one with rounded corners and black bg looks much nicer
# 17:26 aaronpk that's actually more like what I expected to happen. the crisp edges anyway, not so much the rounded corners)
# 17:27 aaronpk yeah, cause my server has older PHP than my laptop, so all new imports will be using the old imagemagick. yesterday I did a batch processing of them on my laptop
# 17:30 aaronpk I like the sharp edges and rounded corners, but I don't like the black background. unfortunately I don't know how to force this to happen.
# 17:33 aaronpk if I curl your home page with that token should I be seeing your private contact info?
# 17:34 tantek and does your home page support https so that the token can't be sniffed en route?
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# 17:36 aaronpk hm you know what I could probably generate that sleep image in SVG relatively easily
# 17:36 aaronpk since the color determines the height, all I have to do is read the bottom row of pixels and I'd get all the data
# 17:37 aaronpk well I do actually want a png version of it in the end
# 17:37 aaronpk nvm I mean svg is probably fine for the u-photo property
# 17:37 tantek and if you're really going to stick with bar-chart-like appearance, Google Charts works too
# 17:37 aaronpk but the important thing is that the sleep h-entry has a photo
# 17:37 tantek just pass it a bunch of parameters, and get back a PNG presto
# 17:39 aaronpk most things know how to handle SVGs in <img> tags right?
# 17:43 aaronpk did you just use a fragmention *and* an ID selector?
# 17:44 tantek I like pointing to things as if they exist, presuming they'll be created just by pointing to them.
# 17:45 aaronpk #Problems is a sub-section of adding indieweb elements to wordpress
# 17:46 tantek argh, so are a bunch of the other sections errantly
# 17:49 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: oh dear, it's not declaring that php-mf2 is a dependency
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# 18:00 aaronpk I've definitely toyed with the idea of making Loqi subscribe to an RSS feed and show the feed entries here
# 18:00 tantek add enwp.org/webmention and enwp.org/microformats also
# 18:03 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: try with the new 0.1.4 release of indieauth-client. I'm able to get a result for your site with that
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# 18:08 kylewm maybe Loqi could be a micropub consumer that can subscribe to arbitrary services :)
# 18:09 aaronpk there isn't really a concept of being a micropub consumer, micropub is for creating things
# 18:10 aaronpk ha wait so you want Loqi to have a micropub endpoint that would make him say things here?
# 18:11 aaronpk I have been wanting Loqi to have his own website soon... probably powered by p3k
# 18:11 kylewm yeah so like if you subscribed him to OwnYourGram, he would report instagram pictures
# 18:13 kylewm (just trying to brainstorm ways to offload some work from aaronpk's queue without him having to open source Loqi)
# 18:13 aaronpk well I will tell you a secret. there is a UDP endpoint you can send things to that will make Loqi say things.
# 18:14 aaronpk that's how wiki edits go here. it's from the original MediaWiki RecentChanges bot
# 18:15 aaronpk so hypotheticaly... if someone did want to write an RSS consumer that makes Loqi say things, you could run that anywhere and I could give you the secret codes to make Loqi talk
# 18:22 kylewm oh, or just run another RecentChanges bot i suppose
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# 18:34 ben_thatmustbeme so arronpk, now that you have a token (and i have SSL ordered) what do you think, a curl with Authorization in the header? or access_token in the post?
# 18:35 gRegor` tantek: 8/23 HWC event is set up. Can you edit the Mediawiki:Sidebar? It's not editable by mere mortals.
# 18:36 tantek gRegor`: ah, now that you're back, notice the sidebar has changed to solve this problem :D
# 18:36 gRegor` Also SF/PDX venues to be confirmed on 8/23 page.
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# 18:37 gRegor` I use the new theme, so I forget when I open the wiki in Firefox and I'm not logged in there, that it's cached.
# 18:39 tantek maybe the next time a design iteration is attempted it can build on that work
# 18:39 gRegor` I wonder if that means some people might have a past event stuck in the sidebar based on the cache.
# 18:39 gRegor` How frequently does it refresh, aaronpk?
# 18:40 gRegor` Only if they access it going forward
# 18:40 gRegor` I'm looking at it in Firefox, not logged in, and it shows 8/13 event
# 18:40 tantek gRegor`: any updates to fixes / iteration on the "new theme" or is it stuck at demo time from June?
# 18:42 gRegor` Unfortunately actual template updates, like to fix the top navigation links, will probably require setting up a local MediaWiki install so I can test it. :/
# 18:43 tantek gRegor`: presumably I can instead @import it live
# 18:43 gRegor` Yeah, should work.
# 18:43 aaronpk yeah you can do css stuff live with the neat hack. but template updates will require you to set up a local mediawiki (of the specific version)
# 18:44 tantek yeah the top nav links changes were kind of a usability disaster for anyone that edits the wiki (which frankly should be the #1 user type considered for the design, since our priority should be freshest/best content first)
# 18:44 tantek I hope any further design iterations have a majority of folks who are actively editing the wiki working on them.
# 18:44 tantek Rather than from a purely "reader" perspective.
# 18:45 aaronpk that's sort of the problem. I think most of us who edit the wiki aren't too put off by the current design, so it's not a huge itch to scratch.
# 18:45 gRegor` I hope it has both perspectives, actually. That's how I'm approaching it.
# 18:45 tantek aaronpk - there's plenty of nits/warts I notice all the time
# 18:46 tantek gRegor`: I fine with having both perspectives, I'd just prefer a majority editor perspective, since that should be the #1 design center.
# 18:49 gRegor` Fixing accesskeys for common wiki functions would be nice, too. Template updates again, though.
# 18:50 tantek right, I do miss Ctrl-E to edit, P to preview, S to save
# 18:50 gRegor` I guess I'm in the minority, but I've always thought the wiki design looked a bit dated. I don't edit as heavily as tantek, but editing with the new theme hasn't been a barrier for me yet. Definitely still needs improvement.
# 18:51 gRegor` tantek: When you edit, how frequently do you hit the top-level "Edit" vs the section edit links?
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# 18:52 gRegor` just noticed the section "edit" links in the new theme are proportionally sized to the heading. Adds to list to fix.
# 18:53 tantek and hiding the top level Edit link was an unacceptable blocker - that's what clued me in that there wasn'n enough editor-centric design going on
# 18:57 gRegor` Yeah, I saw that
# 18:57 gRegor` I wouldn't say it's *that* dated.
# 18:57 gRegor` remembers his 1995 Geocities site.
# 18:57 gRegor` Let's . . . let's never talk of this again.
# 18:58 tantek I presume it was some sort of "hip" reference thus a good thing
# 18:59 gRegor` Unfortunately a lot of "bros" wear fedoras. It's kind of become a shorthand for douches
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# 19:06 gRegor` heyy, didn't know that was even there.
# 19:06 tantek wow didn't notice adactio jumped into that thread!
# 19:06 aaronpk I think because it screams "wiki" which is an immediate turnoff to some people
# 19:07 KevinMarks_ barnabywalters: shrewdness is not sending a redirct url to indieauth when I try to login with kevinmarks.com
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# 19:12 elliottucker hey, has anyone bother trying to do use google+ profile for link backs? I get an unknown error when authenticating
# 19:12 tantek so, IndieWebCamp logo'd fedoras would be out then?
# 19:12 tantek KevinMarks: Wikipedia's double standards for notability are well known (when it comes to gender)
# 19:13 tantek aaronpk - I didn't realize subjects had a choice in the matter, if they were notable. cc: tommorris
# 19:14 tantek aaronpk - so there never was one? like there wasn't one already and she asked for deletion?
# 19:15 aaronpk nope, there has never been one, because nobody has gone to the trouble of creating one
# 19:16 tantek aaronpk - I'm pretty shocked about that. Amber has been notable for quite some time.
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# 19:23 gRegor` !give idno's karma to Known
# 19:25 GWG !tell petermolnar I have a question for you about your full page cache plugin
# 19:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 19:28 barnabywalters only thing I can think of is that the redirect param doesn’t look url-encoded
# 19:29 kylewm will eventually learn to verify self-dogfooding before linking projects in the channel
# 19:30 KartikPrabhu kylewm: i think it is good to see other projects, just wondering why people don't use it themselves
# 19:33 aaronpk ha I suppose I *could* accept both, but that may lead to incompatible implementations when used against other auth servers
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# 19:35 bear I would rather you change the font used for documentation
# 19:36 kylewm aaronpk: what do you think of supporting out-of-browser redirect_uri (e.g. urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob)
# 19:36 aaronpk KevinMarks_: yes that was one of Eran's parting gifts to the spec
# 19:36 kylewm where oob shows a code and lets you enter the code on the command line
# 19:37 bear kylewm we replaced the oob requirement in python-twitter by using a call to open the browser with the proper url
# 19:37 bear saved so many questions in the forum about that
# 19:38 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, that should do it, in theory be able to pass that key now and have it log in
# 19:38 ben_thatmustbeme i have been working on passing a token in the headers to my site... sorry had that response queued up for a while
# 19:39 aaronpk kylewm: yes the app registers that scheme so when safari sends the redirect it launches the app
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# 19:55 barnabywalters KevinMarks_: any chance you could send me your cookie value for shrewdness.waterpigs.co.uk?
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# 19:59 bear hmm, it's accurate - I wonder if they fixed it
# 20:03 barnabywalters KevinMarks_: thanks, figured it out! it’ll take a minute to update, I had to change a library
# 20:03 barnabywalters also, generally a good idea to keep those URLs private :) aaronpk are simple-flow indieauth tokens single use?
# 20:05 bear kylewm I cannot find oob usage anywhere in my code - that's why I'm suggesting it may not be a good thing to implement. I know a couple years ago we had all kinds of grief with twitter about it
# 20:06 benwerd just spotted the benward / benwerd snafu above. sorry once again benward_
# 20:06 ben_thatmustbeme so continuing our discussion from before aaronpk, its really just a matter of generating an auth code with your auth endpoint, and we successfully got you a token for authentication to my site
# 20:06 bear but to be honest - I know just use requests-oauthlib for my python code and it works - I don't have to dig into oauth flow ever again
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# 20:11 barnabywalters this is really useful debugging, I haven’t had anyone sign in using the simple indieauth flow to taproot/authentication yet
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# 20:18 ben_thatmustbeme barnabywalters. since you asked, i am logging it. It really doesn't like it if I don't give it the http:// for my login
# 20:18 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: barnabywalters. since you asked, i am logging in. It really doesn't like it if I don't give it the http:// for my login
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# 21:26 kylewm "...Unfortunately, any sort of "engagement" that happens on a given service is typically going to remain sequestered there. It would be wonderful to have commenting etc. that works across all services."
# 21:33 KevinMarks_ aaronpk: are you making them from data or by processing their images?
# 21:33 aaronpk they don't make that resolution of data available in the api
# 21:34 aaronpk so I basically scan each pixel of the image and look at the color to read the "data" and then re-generate the image
# 21:35 aaronpk I *could* do more with it, because at that point I essentially know start/stop timestamps for each "level" of sleep
# 21:36 kylewm these images make me think of the dream Augmentor
# 21:38 KevinMarks_ !tell barnabywalters now it says "You must be logged in to view this page." after I login :(
# 21:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 22:04 tantek actually none of that matters besides users, the rest is a side effect of designing for users.
# 22:05 KevinMarks_ which I think Dave gets - his company was called userland after all
# 22:09 tantek software is disposable and nearly irrelevant except as a means to an ends
# 22:09 tantek the fact that winer puts that first in that list shows a misunderstanding of priorities
# 22:09 bret err more, on the app store model than native apps, but they go hand in hand
# 22:10 bret the more I read winer, the less I respect his views. hes contradics himself all the time
# 22:11 KevinMarks_ theres an interesting bit of meaning shift going on around "native"
# 22:13 KevinMarks_ I respect Winer for building things and talking about them in public - he has been doing that for 20 years and is a role model in that respect
# 22:17 KevinMarks_ by keeping his history up, you can see him changing his mind over time, which is a good thing
# 22:18 bret KevinMarks_: I respect that too. It's his inability to process cometing ideas that is frustrating
# 22:18 bret KevinMarks_: at least in the short term
# 22:25 bret has he ever made a coherent argument against microformats, other than its not rss?
# 22:26 KevinMarks_ the chap building the successor came to homebrew 2 weeks ago - sandstorm was it?
# 22:29 KevinMarks_ if they can get the capabilities stuff right, it could be very interesting
# 22:30 tantek I mean all the winer discussion - what's actually new or is this another rss flareup?
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# 22:52 Loqi Sandstorm is open source software project that aims to make self-hosted personal clouds easy as well as offering a hosted paid version for less technically inclined users http://indiewebcamp.com/sandstorm
# 23:00 kylewm that's interesting "The Sandstorm platform sits between the user and the app, so when an HTTP request arrives at the app, it is already annotated with information about the user’s identity and permissions as authenticated by the platform."
# 23:05 KevinMarks_ I didn't completely get this 2 weeks ago (partly because we were talking about macrelics at the same time)
# 23:06 KevinMarks_ wonders if I can fix my noterlive deployment problems with sandstorm
# 23:09 rascul any recent indieweb related talks to watch? last i saw was KevinMarks_ at ignite
# 23:10 rascul KevinMarks_ i found it on youtube a couple days after it happened
# 23:10 rascul i especially liked your volcano fax number :)
# 23:11 rascul i didn't find a video of the individual talk, it was near the end of a long video of what appeared to be all the talks for an hour or two i think
# 23:11 KevinMarks_ not mine, it's a shadowy group of unnamed people at schema.org's volcano fax number
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# 23:56 tantek rascul, mine from Web Directions just got posted
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# 23:59 tantek is this a Node error message? "Unable to connect to any application instances."