davidakennedyHi all! I'm setting up indieweb stuff on my WordPress site... Wondering if there is a best practice for self webmentions or self pings from the same site?
davidakennedy@kylewm Thanks for the answer... Yeah, kinda hard to explain... What I mean is: You write an post, linking to another post on your site. You get something like: David Kennedy mentioned this Article on davidakennedy.com
JasonO, SRCR, tantek, Acidnerd, fmarier and techlifeweb joined the channel
jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: when you gpg sign php-mf2, its the actual tag that get signed right? i.e. the commit being refenced by the tag could have been made by someone other than you
Loqibarnabywalters: jonnybarnes left you a message on 8/16 at 5:46am: if I grab your sites sourcecode and save it in a html file and run \Mf2\parse($html); the output contains an h-feed, not the case for \Mf2\fetch('http://waterpigs.co.uk');
jonnybarnesstupid gpg question time: does the private key have an expiraion date, or just the public key? also, if I edit my public key's expiration date does the key fingerprint change?
barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: the expiration date applies to the whole key (both private and public parts). Not sure about the second — why not create a disposable test key and try it?
brianloveswords, glennjones and mcepl joined the channel
KevinMarks_!tell barnabywalters I still get the "you must be logged in" message from shrewdness. I deleted the cookie and relogged in. Could it be a www. vs bare domain problem?
LoqiKevinMarks_: tantek left you a message on 8/16 at 9:42pm: Hey UK IndieWeb folks, propose an IndieWeb session for MozFest 2014 (in London 2014-10-24..26) http://2014.mozillafestival.org/propose/
Loqibarnabywalters: KevinMarks_ left you a message 55 minutes ago: I still get the "you must be logged in" message from shrewdness. I deleted the cookie and relogged in. Could it be a www. vs bare domain problem?
barnabywalterssubscribing to twitter should be done via lists to reduce the number of notifications — if you make a list of the people you want to subscribe to I can hook that up to your feed
KevinMarks_so I need to add a span for the date, I suppose <h3 class="h-entry"><a href="hwc2014-08-13.html">Homebrew Website Club notes</a> 2014-08-13</h3>
barnabywaltersKevinMarks_: if they’re h-entries with no datetime whatsoever (which is a bit weird) then shrewdness will just assume they were published the first time it sees them
barnabywalterstantek: yeah I was meaning to build a tool which would go over my archive and compare the results of existing p-name parsing with how it would work if there was no explicit p-name but hx:first-of-type was in place
tantekbarnabywalters: right now per 5.2 of http://indiewebcamp.com/authorship#Determining that <a class="u-author" href="/"></a> inside each h-entry should cause shrewdnesss to look-up my top level h-card on tantek.com which has url==uid==homepage and an icon and use that.
cuibonobohey barnabywalters: i just wanted to drop in to say that i get "You must be logged in to view this page." when i log in with https://jenmontes.com
tantek.comedited /authorship (+1676) "add use case Name avatar display in a reader, including Unhandled Examples, and proposal to Fallback to page representative h-card" (view diff)
aaronpkI need to add h-entry parsing to webmention.io so that the IRC line can say things like "so and so liked this page" instead of the long bridgy URLs
Loqimko: JonPincus left you a message 2 weeks, 6 days ago: i've been doing some stuff in node, and leveraging your indieauth module despite its early state ... are you going to be at HWC tomorrow in SF? would love to discuss
mkoI haven't done token endpoint integration yet. I had to disconnect and stop feature-creeping in order to get my portfolio revised before I had company visiting the last few weeks.
mkoThanks. Documentation of what I've got done is still somewhat low on my list right now as I'm cleaning things up before I start applying to new jobs and really promoting myself again. There'll be tons of documentation coming over the next few weeks.