2014-08-17 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:26 aaronpk wow this route from the bridge pedal last weekend is like 600kb of data
chrissaad joined the channel
# 02:01 KevinMarks_ it's not so much that tantek's feed is wrong, more that feed readers' code pathd don't put it through their sanitizer and so it ends up having more style than other entries
# 02:14 tantek since it's originally my content, I'm going to upload it to the wiki
# 02:25 tantek you should go to IWC Cambridge! I decided to go
# 02:26 tantek kevinmarks I hope you're not trolling dave - clearly he didn't like it when j12t called what he was doing "indieweb"
# 02:27 GWG tantek: I'll be sitting in a hut in the woods.
# 02:27 tantek remote participation? perhaps even with IWC UK?
# 02:27 GWG tantek: I'll try. Seems hard only because I had trouble last time
krendil joined the channel
# 02:28 tantek GWG - definitely! and if you have any trouble with talky.io - you know to ping bear about it :)
# 02:29 tantek GWG - do you have a good set of USB headphones?
# 02:30 tantek oh my goodness this is hilarious: http://gizmodo.com/5849915/rip-google-buzz 2011-10-14 "RIP Google Buzz" […] "…I'd say I'm going to miss Buzz, but to be honest I had all but forgotten about it. Oh well. If you need me, I'll be hanging out on Google Wave."
# 02:31 KevinMarks Thanks to bridgy I'm now being emailed by myself when I link to an old Blogpost on twitter
# 02:32 KevinMarks And the API, so my friendlierfeed.appspot.com still works too
# 02:32 tantek is it? it was awfully unreliable for a while and stopped archiving stuff for me
# 02:32 tantek so I gave up on it and switched to Tumblr for PESETAS
# 02:33 GWG KevinMarks: You are your own best friend
tecgirl joined the channel
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# 03:08 tantek and the content is inaccessible from archive.org because it was subsequently redirected to profiles.google.com permalinks which have also died
# 03:15 KartikPrabhu tantek: you accept webmentions but don't display them?? this is an outrage!
# 03:28 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+541) "capture at least as itches, Display Received Webmentions at webmention.io, then Accept Webmentions Directly" (
view diff )
# 03:32 tantek KartikPrabhu: I have never seen that ref before, nor do I know the context!
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# 04:02 tantek which is an interesting way of archiving a verification of a 404 / dead link
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# 04:21 GWG Taking a trip down memory lane, tantek?
tommorris joined the channel
# 04:28 tantek GWG - KevinMarks had noted broken links in my blog post, so I was going through all the links in that post and found that the Buzz supposed read-only link had finally stopped working, so it was time to post about it
# 04:29 tantek since Google claimed your Buzz permalinks would continue to work forever as read-only "Profile" or "Drive" links
# 04:29 GWG I should activate that Wordpress plugin that does that
# 04:34 GWG I had it on a while ago. I think it was called Broken Link Checker.
bretolius joined the channel
# 04:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:43 tantek tommorris: looks like proposals are due by 2014-08-22
# 04:44 tommorris just shooting out to photograph the rising sun in London ;-)
expandrew, snarfed and expandre_ joined the channel
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# 05:11 GWG So, I've started work on an h-card widget.
# 05:11 GWG Mostly because without it, my theme won't parse properly
# 05:13 tantek interesting - what would an h-card widget do?
# 05:15 GWG It pulls the info out of the user profile
# 05:16 GWG Wordpress is designed as a multi-author/user system
# 05:16 GWG So, the default would have dozens of h-cards in a page
# 05:17 GWG In order to only have one, I opted to not hard-code it into the theme, instead making it a widget
# 05:50 aaronpk I will be in Germany the weekend before.... wonder if I can somehow extend my trip and go to London for that
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
catsup joined the channel
# 10:39 hadleybeeman tommorris: I can't believe you'll make it to Sunday dinner when you've had a 5am start. bravo!
# 10:39 hadleybeeman and thanks, Tantek. sounds like tommorris is on it.
# 10:51 hadleybeeman Impressive nonetheless, tommorris
# 10:53 tommorris hadleybeeman: I had to go meet a family member getting in early on the train before going to the Oval for the cricket. also, I wanted to catch the dawn for photography, even though it’s overcast and dull today
# 10:53 hadleybeeman I love watching London wake up. Shops start to open, people coming out in search of coffee…
thierrymarianne, glennjones and shal joined the channel
# 14:35 KartikPrabhu people seem to really want fav to mean bookmark but as of now it means fav
tantek joined the channel
# 14:47 rascul well you got the morning part right, i don't know yet if it's a good one
# 14:50 tantek hadleybeeman, appears I misphrased that !tell - as I meant for all of you to propose your own sessions, on your particular indieweb topic(s) that you're passionate about.
# 15:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:08 jonnybarnes except, and I dont mean to sound like a dick, but how useable are site like openstreetmap.org without javascript
# 15:08 hadleybeeman I'm currently afk, tantek (well, afbigscreen) — will try to sort later. are you coming to MozFest?
# 15:09 tantek hadleybeeman: trying to arrange going to MozFest, will be challenging as it is *right* before W3C TPAC in Santa Clara which I also have to be at. may go for first 2 of 3 days of MozFest.
# 15:11 hadleybeeman ack. then I'll be missing it too.
# 15:13 hadleybeeman (On the other hand, Tantek, we'll catch up in one country or the other…!)
# 15:15 tantek rascul, JS is good for replacing other procedural languages, and *enhancing* the UI. no functionality should "require" JS.
# 15:16 rascul there would be other exceptions as well, but generally i agree
# 15:17 jonnybarnes will the logs eventually include my profile image? I'm assuming the "generic person A" image is cached for the timebeing
# 15:18 jonnybarnes KartikPrabhu rascul: someone has to mantain that second UX though
# 15:18 tantek jonnybarnes: "slippy" is an enhancement over clicking arrows to "scroll" the map. Mapquest totally worked like this - no JS required.
# 15:18 tantek whether it was clunky or not was irrelevant to the fact that it was wildly successful and popular
# 15:19 tantek jonnybarnes: it shouldn't be a "2nd UX" - the non-JS version should be the *first* UX you build
# 15:23 hadleybeeman Ah, thanks for the reminder, tantek. need to see if I can escape for that and for dConstruct
# 15:24 tantek hadleybeeman: it's going to be a blast - this year Clearleft is hosting IndieWebCamp at their new offices which are awesome!
jarofgreen joined the channel
# 15:33 KartikPrabhu jonnybarnes: what tantak said. The non-JS UI should be the default, use JS to improve from there
# 15:39 jonnybarnes but I feel in some cases (and a photo site such as flickr really should work without js) when you compare the non-js and js interfaces one is simply superior
# 15:40 tantek jonnybarnes: of course the JS UX is superior, it should be! It's an *enhancement* above and beyond the non-JS UX!
# 15:42 mattl tantek: I can't sign in at indiewebcamp.com with my domain mattl.us and twitter
# 15:43 mattl I fixed it. Somehow my profile on Twitter lacked my URL
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:54 tantek mattl - last time I flew into Logan, rides *from* the airport on the T were free
# 15:54 tantek e.g. Silverline bus to a station where you could switch to the red line
# 15:54 mattl IIRC, they are free from Logan into the city, not sure if they're free from South Station to the red line.
# 15:55 tantek there was no place nor mechanism to pay when transferring at South Station from silver line to red line
# 15:55 tantek last year I even bought a Charlie ticket and was unable to use it in the process!
# 15:57 GWG tantek: Is your fate still unlearned?
# 16:02 tantek Mattl - is the old StatusNet dead? If so - we should probably keep the old page for capturing historical information
# 16:04 tantek cool. I'm personally interested in whether GNU social consumes PuSH - and if it's possible to test that
# 16:08 kylewm tantek: mattl: StatusNet was basically renamed GNU social right? differentiating seems unnecessarily confusing to me
# 16:08 tantek kylewm: I don't know about "basically renamed"
# 16:09 mattl GNU social was a thing beforehand, and then StatusNet merged (also a project called Free Social) into GNU social.
# 16:09 tantek mattl - perhaps a == History == section would help clarify what happened
# 16:09 mattl yeah, i'm just writing up the GNU FM page.
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:11 mattl tantek: selfdogfooding question. is it enough that i am using Libre.fm rather than hosting a GNU FM install at say, mattl.fm? Given that I am the operator of Libre.fm...
# 16:12 kylewm mattl: asking without judgment, StatusNet was a huge thing with 2-3 of its own APIs before merging; is it even huger now?
# 16:13 kylewm merging three separate projects into one seems like it would create a big mess :P
# 16:13 tantek mattl - interesting selfdogfooding question! I think as long as you're actually using the code on your primary domain that you're developing, you're selfdogfooding
# 16:14 tantek kylewm: OTOH they've kept things running, on individual hosted instances, and multi-user hosted instances
# 16:14 mattl kylewm: well, GNU social and Free Social were both 'forks' of StatusNet by the time we merged.
# 16:15 mattl it was a little more complex than that, as one of the core StatusNet developers assigned all of his code to the FSF for the GNU social project, so parts of StatusNet were GNU social code, and vice versa. It made a lot more sense to have one project.
# 16:16 tommorris jonnybarnes: I don't say No JS ever. But a lot of the time JS is overused to the detriment of both accessibility and UX
# 16:16 mattl it was 3 projects with 1.5 codebases and various parties having large stakes to the code copyright.
# 16:16 mattl tommorris: wow. that's bad. is that true even for m.flickr.com or something?
# 16:18 kylewm mattl: thanks for clarifying that history, I've wondered about that for a long time :)
# 16:19 mattl kylewm: i should write it all down. essentially huge mistakes and lack of interest in development for about 18 months in my own life also made things a lot harder and slower than they should have been.
# 16:21 jonnybarnes tommorris: agreed, the amount of sites that simply dont work when i first visit them and noscript blocks their js...
# 16:23 jonnybarnes mattl: so just follow the generic instructions for marking the key as trusted?
# 16:23 mattl not sure how you do that from the command line. I use Seahorse.
# 16:26 mattl tantek: it's a GNOME project I think, provides a UI for GPG.
# 16:27 mattl tantek: sure. Let's see how many stubs I can make for random GNU projects ;)
# 16:30 tantek Mattl - just to be sure - are those pngs cc0 ok?
# 16:30 mattl.us created /Seahorse (+238) "Created page with "{{stub}}
Seahorse is a graphical interface in GNOME for keeping track of GPG and SSH keys. It integrates with other GNOME applications, and anything else that uses GPG such as [..."" (
view diff )
# 16:33 GWG mattl: Do you know anything about ecdsa for ssh keys and why Gnome Keyring doesn't?
# 16:34 mattl.us created /GNOME (+545) "Created page with "{{stub}}
GNOME is the GNU Network Object Model Environment, although that name is depreciated now. GNOME was started in the 90s to provide a desktop environment for the GNU op..."" (
view diff )
# 16:35 mattl tantek: i think screenshots are special cases. certainly i don't claim any rights over them myself.
# 16:36 tantek mattl - yeah I think screenshots are a form of fair use. IANAL.
# 16:36 Loqi OpenPGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a message exchange format that uses public key cryptography to enable people to exchange encrypted and/or signed data http://indiewebcamp.com/GPG
# 16:41 tantek both of those are documented on the page itself
# 16:41 tantek which is the only way we can actually keep it incrementally going without the "state" being stuck in someone's head
# 16:42 tantek mattl - for now - feel free to do discrete self-contained edits, like replacing StatusNet with GNU Social
# 16:44 tantek linked from aforemention bright yellow Under Construction section
SRCR joined the channel
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# 16:52 jonnybarnes if I run gpg --edit-key to change the expiration date of my public key, will it's fingerprint change?
chrissaad joined the channel
brianloveswords, friedcell and squeakytoy joined the channel
elliottucker joined the channel
# 17:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
fmarier joined the channel
# 17:24 mattl aaronpk: is there any reason to not have indiewebcamp.com over HTTPS all the time?
# 17:25 mattl i'll see if i can rustle up a bot that crawls new external pages on the wiki and auto-saves them to the Internet Archive.
# 17:26 tantek mattl wordpress issue huh? is it specific to wordpress? or just a common wordpress error?
# 17:28 GWG mattl: Is that a criticism of Wordpress though?
# 17:28 tantek but why update it at all? why delete it? it says 2013 in the URL
# 17:28 tantek is there something in WordPress UI that encourages breaking permalinks?
# 17:29 GWG tantek: You should never delete an old page. You can just de-link it
SRCR joined the channel
# 17:29 mattl tantek: not sure why delete it, but i wouldn't say WordPress breaks permalinks or encourages it, but it does permit the editing of them and has some limited way to handle redirects.
# 17:36 GWG mattl: I think tantek seems hard on Wordpress sometimes.
# 17:36 GWG I may be misinterpreting it though
# 17:37 aaronpk it's certainly getting a lot better which is awesome
# 17:37 mattl sure it could be better, but I also think Mullenweg does a lot for free software.
# 17:38 GWG I think everything could be better
# 17:39 mattl There's a WordCamp in Boston next weekend
# 17:39 GWG mattl: I missed Wordcamp NYC this year
# 17:40 GWG Since I joined the IWC crowd here, I have been doing more Wordpress development
# 17:40 kylewm tantek name checked photomatt.net pretty good in that most recent talk ;)
# 17:42 GWG mattl: I just started on an h-card widget, because I made my theme I've been developing have the option of removing the individual h-cards from the posts on the archive/main pages
# 17:42 aaronpk yay parsing html with regex. that's always a good idea, right?
# 17:43 mattl aaronpk: so far my script to get all the URLs from a page is a one liner with dependencies on perl and lynx and a little regex :P
# 17:44 mattl stallman.org chosen for the fact he links to about 900000 things from a single page.
# 17:45 aaronpk there's actually a mediawiki api for finding external links on a page
# 17:45 mattl psh. apis. just write an unmaintainable shell script.
# 17:49 mattl sadly it doesn't work with Special:RecentChanges
# 17:53 tantek mattl can you use thisweekinindieweb instead?
# 17:54 aaronpk i'm making it so that if I link to an instagram photo or vine video in a note, it downloads the content and stores it on my server, and serves up my local copy
# 17:54 aaronpk so that i'm not depending on instagram and vine URLs to stick around
# 17:54 tantek why not use them like a CDN until they go away?
# 17:55 aaronpk yeah I suppose I could. "until they go away" do you expect that would be manually discovered?
# 17:55 tantek weekly background task on server doing head requests
# 17:55 aaronpk mattl: the public vine URLs are basically a JS app. would that work if I sent the link to the raw video file?
# 17:56 mattl they'll archive anything you can get them over HTTP or HTTPS
# 17:57 aaronpk seems to work just fine with the archive.org url!
# 17:58 mattl i had an idea to make an internet archive proxy.
# 17:58 mattl where everything you look at is archived.
# 17:58 mattl obviously, it can't archive things you're logged into like gmail, etc.
# 17:59 aaronpk hmm now i'm thinking how I could make this thing into its own project
# 18:00 aaronpk i'm doing a lot of silo-specific ugly hacks to get the raw media
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# 18:02 aaronpk I could instead set it up as its own thing where I'd instead link to <video src="http://external.aaronparecki.com/http://vine.co/v/bdPZjql17ip"> and that project would take care of archiving the raw video, and returning either the vine CDN or the local version depending on whether vine is up
# 18:03 aaronpk that would actually be a relatively easy project to set up, and anyone could run it on a cheap php server
# 18:03 mattl youtube-dl or get_flash_videos will likely do the download for you
# 18:04 aaronpk kind of, except we haven't really talked about doing this extra step of public HTML URL to raw media
# 18:04 tantek we have a bit, with subdomains like video. or photo.
# 18:06 aaronpk and would be totally unnecessary if people would stop writing their sites as JS apps and actually ship HTML down the wire
# 18:06 mattl is vine.co the real domain for vine, or a shortener?
# 18:07 mattl i'm a little obsessed with archiving everything right now.
# 18:08 mattl fotopedia closed down with not much notice, and i spent a week scrambling to get all the CC licensed photos out of it
# 18:09 aaronpk tantek: ok for now locally archiving the vine video and then embedding with a raw <video> tag pointing to the vine CDN rather than using their fancy iframe embed. will manually switch to serving local URLs when vine goes away
# 18:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:20 mattl can we put an explicit CC0 notice on indiewebcamp.com and get it working over HTTPS only? :)
# 18:27 mattl i think you can add this to LocalSettings.php
# 18:29 tantek we likely need to edit the footer template where it says "This page was last modified on …" to add a line below it.
# 18:29 kylewm so GNU social supports mf2 now, but seemingly everyone over there uses a self-signed SSL cert, so i can't fetch pages easily
# 18:33 kylewm "When you first get in decentralized social networks, it is a real pain in the ass to allow all those self-signed certificates."
# 18:33 aaronpk How do they expect people to see their sites with self signed certs?
# 18:33 mattl are they self-signed or just signed with something like CAcert?
# 18:34 mattl its likely people are just getting free certs from some place that's common to GNU people but not anyone else.
# 18:34 kylewm mattl: ohhh the one I was complaining about was CA Cert
# 18:37 elliottucker hi all. just back from the zoo and have an important Q. Has anyone got Known working on nginx?
# 18:38 kylewm elliottucker: i tried relatively hard, and decided it is not possible
ShaneHudson, eschnou and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 18:48 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 18:48 elliottucker what do you think is the main blocker? .htaccess seems straight forward enough. I'll see if I can convert it.
indie-visitor and Kopfstein joined the channel
# 18:50 aaronpk another idea for the external link embedding thingy
# 18:51 aaronpk I realized that instagram URLs may be a photo or a video, and you don't know which until you look at what's there
# 18:51 aaronpk so I think what I actually want is a service that not only returns the raw media URL, but can also return the proper HTML for embedding
# 18:51 aaronpk otherwise I don't know whether to write an <img> tag or a <video> tag
# 18:54 tantek if only there were a <media src=""> tag that you could *embed* ;)
# 18:55 aaronpk of course the other way to handle this is to make the service return microformat-enabled HTML so that it can include all sorts of other things like the post name, date, etc
# 18:55 aaronpk but then the consumer (my site) has to do a bunch more work to format it
# 18:55 tantek it was supposed to be a (bad) joke about <embed src="">
# 18:56 mattl well, this is interesting. i have a user who wants to use GNU social so i'm working step by step with them to get it installed.
# 19:01 sparverius 5GNU social, true to the Unix-philosophy of small programs to do a small job, will be a federated social network that you can install on your own server
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:22 ShaneHudson I've now got Craft CMS installed with all my content (and correct URLs :) )
# 19:22 Loqi ShaneHudson: aaronpk left you a message on 8/16 at 2:16pm: I could probably add a checkbox that removes them in Javascript
techlifeweb joined the channel
# 19:23 kylewm ShaneHudson: that message from aaronpk was referring to join/part messages in the irc logs
# 19:24 ShaneHudson kylewm: Yeah, I think it would be quite a useful feature, you rarely need to know who is logged in when reading logs
# 19:24 kylewm you can set a user style with Stylish or the like
# 19:25 jonnybarnes An HSTS Host MUST NOT include the STS header field in HTTP responses conveyed over non-secure transport.
# 19:25 mattl sparverius: let me know if you have any questions about install. i just installed it pretty quickly.
# 19:30 tantek mattl - does that work for you re: "put an explicit CC0 notice on indiewebcamp.com" ?
# 19:30 tantek you may have to reload to see the new sidebar
# 19:31 mattl any reason we can't just add the four lines to the config file and have it on every page?
# 19:31 tantek it is on every page by way of being in the sidebar
# 19:31 tantek would need to figure out which other .php template file to edit to edit the footer etc. blab blah blah
# 19:32 rascul jonnybarnes thanks for pointing that out to me
# 19:32 tantek not sure why all content in mediawiki isn't just in a wiki editable place
# 19:32 mattl no, i think this just adds it to the footer for you.
# 19:32 mattl it's a universal way in all mediawiki sites.
# 19:32 mattl i do see it in the sidebar now at least. i had to login
# 19:33 tantek I'll leave experimenting with localsettings.php up to aaronpk
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# 19:34 rascul jonnybarnes if you have any other additions or improvements to that feel free to add them, eventually that will go into /Nginx
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# 19:44 rascul jonnybarnes i think that's the one i started with
chrissaad, snarfed, fourtonfish, Acidnerd, grantmacken, npdoty, krendil, squeakytoy, elliottucker, friedcell and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 21:13 indie-visitor hey room! :)
# 21:14 indie-visitor how r things?
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# 21:24 V_S_C pdurbin: I just logged in the indiewebcamp site
# 21:27 V_S_C thnx, I'm using Bailador, that's Sinatra DSL's PERL6 counterpart
# 21:28 V_S_C I chose to start with IndieWebify.Me
# 21:34 V_S_C Dancer is PERL5 counterpart of Sinatra DSL, & NancyFx is the ASP.net one
# 21:35 V_S_C The first thing that troubled me was invisible metadata stuff.
# 21:35 pdurbin I didn't know Dancer was so heavily inspired by Sinatra but ok.
# 21:38 V_S_C PERL6 is "community" rewrite, & by the time I looked at it, elders were backporting from it to PERL5
# 21:45 V_S_C The metadata, I am using LOC DNS record rather than ICBM. Locating my (server's) abode seems better than stalking myself everytime I author any page, viz. out of context with the page's intended content
# 21:47 V_S_C Also, I didn't feel like advertising for silos (they wont pay me ;) so used link tags
# 21:47 V_S_C When logging in indiewebcamp, the sms never arrived
# 21:48 V_S_C Then I looked once more on the getting started page
# 21:50 V_S_C The silos mentioned to be free mail hosts charge for custom domains!
# 21:52 V_S_C & Platform as a Service, I just didn't get as it mentioned language-specific runtime.
# 21:54 kylewm hmm, yeah "language-specific" seems misleading there, as all of them can use multiple languages
# 21:54 V_S_C Yahoo's tumblr, Google's blogger & GitHub's pages are well known static hosting providers
# 21:56 V_S_C If I'd want to receive notification on server of replies, then the first companion to static hosting (that comes to my mind) is qtcloudservices
# 21:57 V_S_C qtcloudservices Managed Application Runtime (MAR), that's in beta, is PaaS as I understand
# 21:58 kylewm V_S_C: I wouldnt consider tumblr or blogger static hosting providers, so much as content silos
# 21:59 kylewm feel free to add qtcloudservices to the PaaS section, especially if you are using it on your own site
# 22:00 V_S_C They certainly are silos undoubtedly, but by supporting custom domain with their restrictions they qualify as "static-only" hosting providers.
# 22:03 V_S_C I'm not much of web person
# 22:06 V_S_C So I just joined the room to point how the first appearance was
# 22:07 kylewm V_S_C: how was it? were you able to find what you were looking for?
# 22:07 V_S_C I chose PaaS as I ain't ready for self-hosting
# 22:08 V_S_C If I can't own then working with community like Qt is the next best thing :)
# 22:10 V_S_C The best part is the community folks way ahead to show the way
# 22:10 V_S_C I had webmention working couple of weeks back with wordpress plugin
# 22:12 V_S_C I took step back as using too much variety was keeping me from doing things on my own
# 22:13 V_S_C Unless QtCloudServices will support custom domains, I'll use OpenShift Online.
# 22:14 V_S_C As for email hosting, I'll just move to zoho
# 22:15 V_S_C Trouble with Zoho/RedHat is they arn't communities means my contributions are irrelevant.
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# 22:26 V_S_C The point is, for Zoho/Google/.. I'm the product
# 22:29 V_S_C Anyway, on weekends I'll try to up my indiemark using PERL6
# 22:31 V_S_C I'm full-time indie developer working remotely (geographic remote locale is why I've to monetize my online presence)
# 22:33 V_S_C & lets see, if I do great job, then my work will start paying for itself. :)
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# 22:33 V_S_C I ain't updating the indiewebcamp pages right now.
# 22:34 V_S_C Maybe after couple of weeks progress.. or more people try DNS instead of hidden metadata & PaaS.
tecgirl and mdik joined the channel
# 23:45 mattl sparverius: did you get anywhere with it?
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# 23:59 mattl sparverius: ah, nice. i just gave the readme a refresh actually.