2014-08-19 UTC
# 00:01 kylewm just discovered that I allow iframes in webmention comments...
manny__ joined the channel
# 00:03 mko I was doing OEmbeds for in-reply-to, webmentions, and in-post links, but I pretty quickly realized it was a pretty big management overhead.
phalacee and yakker joined the channel
Acidnerd, davidakennedy and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
# 00:36 aaronpk hmm, works in safari iOS and chrome desktop for me
# 00:46 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: Of course everyone has stopped talking now
alanpearce joined the channel
# 00:48 kylewm I have a banal question that can double as testing for websockets :P
# 00:49 kylewm for likes and reposts, I post e-content that's just like "liked this" or "shared this" (sorry tantek, I know you don't like that word)
# 00:49 kylewm but that looks dumb in the alpha feed readers people are playing with
cuibonobo joined the channel
# 01:14 cuibonobo mko: hey there! i tried logging in to your site but I keep getting "unable to connect" from your server
benwerd joined the channel
# 01:14 KevinMarks_ kylewm: why don't you put the e-content around the quoted post too in those liked/shared ones
# 01:15 kylewm KevinMarks_: good question! my concern is that people who assume/display bridgy style replies will be messed up
# 01:19 KevinMarks_ well, they're doing the clever parsing, they can decide how to deal
tantek joined the channel
# 01:36 kylewm looks like it's picking up your h-card instead of the post permalink
KevinMarks2, alanpearce and Acidnerd joined the channel
# 02:04 tantek aaronpk, dietrich can you confirm a venue for Homebrew Website Club 2014-08-27 in PDX?
# 02:06 tantek how fast is this websocket thing I hear about?
# 02:11 tantek very cool mattl! does that mean you should update /irc-people to link to mattl.io instead of .us? (and add an image while you're at it!)
# 02:11 mattl mattl.us is my website, mattl.io is my GNU social instance. mattl.cc will be my artwork.
# 02:13 tantek mattl - don't worry - it takes the cache about 5 minutes to catch up with image edits
# 02:13 Loqi dietrich: tantek left you a message 3 weeks, 3 days ago: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
# 02:14 dietrich yeah def. august is super full. fall will normalize things hopefully :)
# 02:15 tantek like 09-24 • 09-10 ? any chance MozPDX could host?
# 02:17 dietrich tantek: ok, we're good. i'll file the event requests to lock it in.
# 02:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:33 tantek.com edited /webactions (+960) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ document Michael Owens implementation since his action tags are live, even though fallbacks are in-progress" (
view diff )
grantmacken and snarfed joined the channel
# 03:18 kylewm mattl: do you think it's possible for your gnu social instance to interoperate with indieweb sites?
KartikPrabhu, wolftune and yakker joined the channel
snarfed, lukebrooker, alanpearce and benwerd joined the channel
alanpearce, tantek, Garbee, jden, snarfed, JonathanNeal, voxpelli, ShaneHudson and glennjones joined the channel
benwerd, benwerd_, friedcell, alanpearce and krendil joined the channel
# 08:19 KevinMarks2 They seem to work on my phone but not my tablet, and android OS version, both running chrome
eschnou and benwerd joined the channel
KevinMarks3 and petermolnar joined the channel
Sebastien-L, KevinMarks2, pfefferle, adactio, KevinMarks3 and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:53 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
ShaneHudson, pfefferle, Sebastien-L, ShaneHud_, pfefferle_, SRCR, frzn, eschnou, barnabywalters, pbeaulieu and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 13:37 barnabywalters anyone here tried out the geeksphone revolution with Firefox OS on? considering of getting a FFOS phone again
# 13:37 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: anyone here tried out the geeksphone revolution with Firefox OS on? considering getting a FFOS phone again
h1ro and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:13 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed1 joined the channel
tbbrown, wolftune and fourtonfish joined the channel
gavinc, pfefferle, eschnou and alanpearce joined the channel
bret_, brianloveswords, Bret_, npdoty, pfefferle, gavinc and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:13 aaronpk I messed something up with the auto-imported sleep records when I switched them all to svg
# 16:13 aaronpk the svg ones are looking nice in shrewdness though!
# 16:14 barnabywalters aaronpk: because they’re u-photo but don’t show up in the content they get the special edge-to-edge treatment :)
# 16:16 barnabywalters well, that was implemented as a moderately-meaningful placeholder for the ones which weren’t loading properly
# 16:16 barnabywalters not sure if I like it as a backdrop for the working ones with transparency though
paulcp, glennjones and npdoty joined the channel
# 16:31 lewiscowper Thanks for picking that tweet up, I've yet to figure out how I'm going to do POSSE/webmention stuff on my site yet, but I'm getting there.
# 16:35 kylewm barnabywalters: can i request a shrewdness invite? 0:)
frzn joined the channel
# 16:38 lewiscowper what is shrewdness?
caseorganic joined the channel
# 16:39 lewiscowper awesome, I <3 that bot
# 16:39 barnabywalters I am going to work on a welcome robot at some point, but there are higher priority things to fix
# 16:40 barnabywalters goals for this evening’s shrewdness hacking: micropub reply working, column deletion working, search columns working
j12t joined the channel
# 16:58 barnabywalters that screenshot uses Ralph the terraformed concrete block because (embarrasingly) it was the only robot photo I had
tantek and wolftune joined the channel
# 17:07 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: so I ask again, is it in the pipeline to make installing less of a pain? :P
bnvk and manny__ joined the channel
# 17:08 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: it depends how many people bug me :) at the moment I’m more focused on getting my instance working really well before supporting people installing it themselves
# 17:09 barnabywalters i.e. I’m going to be making breaking changes and would rather spend time building nice UX than making sure database schemas are automatically migrated from every possible permutation
# 17:10 aaronpk sounds like a reasonable priority for the time being :)
# 17:12 barnabywalters usually I would keep projects private for this period, but in practise that results in them never being released, so I decided to go “source available but unsupported as of yet” for shrewdness
# 17:21 aaronpk the path to a web-based IRC client just got a lot shorter
# 17:22 aaronpk I could see pretty easily creating a one-line thing at the bottom of the logs which will join IRC and let you send messages to the channel
# 17:23 aaronpk jonnybarnes: that probably means you don't have an explicit p-name property on the h-feed
manny__ joined the channel
# 17:25 aaronpk just add a p-name as a property on the h-feed and it'll work
benwerd and manny___ joined the channel
# 17:34 tantek jonnybarnes: I have an empty span inside my tantek.com h-feed for just this reason: <span class="p-name"></span>
benwerd and j12t joined the channel
# 17:41 aaronpk so wait what is the point of an implied p-name parsing rule if people are just going to override it to blank it out later?
# 17:41 tantek jonnybarnes: right - it forces any feed consumer to do something smarter
# 17:41 tantek aaronpk - I didn't care to give my feed a separate invisible name
# 17:42 aaronpk right, so my question is what is the purpose of the implied p-name rule? why not just not set the p-name property when parsing?
# 17:42 tantek aaronpk - the point of the implied p-name parsing rule is that it works in the huge supermajority of cases to save people time and space.
# 17:42 tantek it's for publishers to not have to hassle with extra spans and classes in the majority of cases
# 17:43 aaronpk i guess it works really well for short stuff like names in h-cards
# 17:43 aaronpk just seems to cause lots of confusion on longer things like h-entry or h-feed
# 17:44 tantek h-entry works fine too, since the simplest h-entry is a note, wherein the whole name is the whole content
# 17:44 tantek h-feed has been the only odd example yet, everything else works fine
# 17:45 aaronpk it doesn't work well for longer notes either though, especially when they have whitespace
# 17:45 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: it doesn't work well for longer notes either though, especially when they have newlines
# 17:46 tantek better to have things work not as well for minority cases, than complexify majority cases
# 17:47 tantek most dev-design tech/API/formats make the error of trying to avoid "work not as well" for all edge cases, and then complexify all the simple cases as a result
# 17:50 tantek so the short answer to " what is the purpose of the implied p-name rule?" is 80/20
# 17:50 tantek but this question I don't understand: "why not just not set the p-name property when parsing?" - because that's exactly what the implied p-name parsing rule does!
# 17:51 tantek oh I ignored the second "not" as an erroneous duplicate ;)
# 17:52 KevinMarks_ hm, interesting anomaly with the live updating - if I leave the tab open and come back later I get a log with some lines missing
# 17:53 tantek so same answer - because in the 80% of cases (more like 99% when you look at how many single-link h-cards we create linking to people name+images, or product name+image or org name+image etc.) it makes it MUCH EASIER for publishers.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:56 aaronpk hm yeah... I suppose I could load backscroll when the websocket reconnects
benwerd joined the channel
npdoty, ShaneHudson, ShaneHud_, KevinMarks and grantmacken joined the channel
# 18:53 bret Is there a good way to create a slider in html without jquery?
# 18:55 ShaneHudson <input type="range"> but not very cross compatible yet and doesn't support multiple anchors
# 18:56 kylewm catching up on the logs, i agree that implied 'name' parsing doesn't work that well for h-entry, even for short notes
# 18:57 kylewm in practice, it ends up including the author's name and published date, and lots of random markup
# 18:59 kylewm and it's hard to tell programmatically if it's a "title" or implied junk
# 19:01 tantek hmm - in both those cases there are lots of nested elements
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:11 aaronpk because "notes" would have to be a folder as well as a file
eschnou and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
# 19:20 tantek aaronpk I thought we solved that with the index.html solution
# 19:21 aaronpk and in fact a server could serve different content at both URLs
caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:34 kylewm ShaneHudson: aren't notes and links subtypes of posts?
# 19:35 ShaneHudson I suppose so but I wanted to give them their own archive pages and it also means they can have their own fields :)
# 19:41 ShaneHudson I think posts works better for my content over articles, as I tend to write longer than a note but not high enough quality to be an article
tilgovi joined the channel
# 19:43 KartikPrabhu ShaneHudson: I don't think "high quality" what ever that means defines "articles"
# 19:44 KartikPrabhu I think of them as: long-form, less frequent vs short-form, more frequent
caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:45 KartikPrabhu ShaneHudson: well at the end of the day, you can call them whatever you like :P
# 19:45 ShaneHudson Hmm yeah, also just realised my current site calls them articles, which means links would work etc.
# 19:48 ShaneHudson Although my previous site included notes with articles due to the way the site is set up
# 19:48 tantek the point is that anything that's just plain text-like is a note
# 19:49 tantek e.g. auto-embedding of links/images doesn't discount note-ness
# 19:49 tantek as soon as you start adding some structure, e.g. a name for the post, or headings, or multiple paragraphs, you're in article territory
# 19:49 ShaneHudson I want links to be separate purely so I can find them, bookmark style. Images will go in with notes (unless I want a long-form write up about the images)
# 19:51 snarfed this question seems to come up every couple weeks or so
# 19:52 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I have taken it to mean that having strict separation between articles/notes is based on "structure" is problematic
ShaneHud_ joined the channel
lolgician and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
# 19:59 lolgician I'm trying to register episte.media at RandoCorp. My other domain is managed through Hover. Does this mean I'm going to buy it at RandoCorp then transfer it?
# 20:00 lolgician "nameserver" and "DNS forwarding" are not familiar terms.
# 20:00 lolgician www.instra.com
# 20:01 lolgician "RandoCorp" only in, "Here is this thing I've never heard of"
caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:08 Loqi snarfed meant to say: ooh interesting. it sent the webmention though?
caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:10 lolgician Oh, Loqi. You're so nosy.
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:11 kylewm lolgician: does "RandoCorp" have a website? i couldnt find anything on a simple search
# 20:11 lolgician I was being silly. It's www.instra.com.
# 20:12 lolgician I'm not entirely clear on how the domain names market works, so here's a page I've never heard of asking for a credit card~
# 20:14 kylewm i'm not familiar with that registrar; if you trust them, then you should be ok to purchase there and use their tools to point to the right IP address
# 20:14 kylewm if you'd rather use Hover, I'd just register the domain through Hover
# 20:19 lolgician kylewm: This is helpful, thank you
sparverius, sparveri1s, ShaneHudson, caseorganic and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
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# 20:50 KevinMarks_ as I'm adding their cruft to placate their preview generation, I'm learning more about how broken they are
# 20:52 tantek sorry, I mean, for previews of *what* in particular?
# 20:54 KevinMarks_ to make it use the logo I want rather than randomly grabbing images from the site, and to set what is displayed when you share it
# 20:54 tantek KevinMarks: without OGP, FB grabs the first image that's at least a certain width (300px?)
# 20:55 tantek it's not random, it's reasonably predictable, enough so to use it instead of metacruft
# 20:55 KevinMarks_ and is a png or jpg yes. So if I'm using SVG it gets a bit arbitrary
# 20:55 tantek well they don't support SVG regardless of implied or explicit
# 20:56 tantek because you don't want to visibly display the jpg or png?
# 20:57 KevinMarks_ because I don't want it downloaded by most browsers when I can use an SVG
# 20:58 tantek why not <object data="image.svg" type="image/svg"><img src="image.jpg" alt="yo alt text"/></object> ?
# 20:58 tantek FB ought to find that, and it's proper visible fallback HTML that browsers will only use if they don't support image/svg (or can't load image.svg)
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 20:59 tantek use a high-compression JPEG (to minimize your bandwidth, and be nice to mobile browsers that don't support SVG) and of sufficient px resolution for FB to use.
# 21:00 barnabywalters micropub-enabled shrewdness-users (OTTOMH kylewm, aaronpk, bret[?]): the inline reply UI in shrewdness feeds now work, go wild! :)
# 21:01 barnabywalters kylewm: I’m particularly interested in getting inline repost and like UIs working for you, as you’re furthest along implementing those post types
# 21:01 barnabywalters my inital thoughts are just a content-less POST request to the micropub endpoint with h=entry and like-of=url/repost-of=url
# 21:02 aaronpk oh man I can't wait until I can start posting likes / reposts
# 21:02 barnabywalters KevinMarks_: thanks! Also interested to know what sort of fallback you want as a not-yet-micropub-enabled use
# 21:02 tantek barnabywalters: I thought idno/Known implemented likes/reposts
# 21:03 kylewm barnabywalters: awesome! I accept 'like-of' but not 'repost-of' yet
# 21:03 barnabywalters tantek: favourites certainly, not sure about reposts, but I don’t see any Known users use either very much
# 21:03 tantek that he does! I wonder if that means his UI is better.
# 21:03 barnabywalters KevinMarks_: ah yeah I saw the issue — really strange, haven’t figured it out yet
# 21:04 barnabywalters fixing KevinMarks’s issue then onto search columns and ability to remove columns
# 21:04 benwerd although with the reader this may change - were just whiteboarding this today
# 21:05 barnabywalters benwerd: just let me know if you want early access to shrewdness, I can make you an account
# 21:05 KevinMarks_ benwerd it's neat - definitely worth looking at as you map a reader out
# 21:06 barnabywalters still many many bugs but I’m blistering through them now other people are actually using it :)
# 21:07 kylewm barnabywalters: do I need to log out and back in to micropub?
# 21:07 barnabywalters kylewm: you shouldn’t need to — I’ll add some sort of status indicator so you can see your current access token availability and endpoint
# 21:10 barnabywalters KevinMarks_: okay there was something weird wrong with the file I’m storing your column definitions in, try now
# 21:10 kylewm barnabywalters: it wokred!! think I just had stale javascript
# 21:11 barnabywalters kylewm: yay! yep, stale js is quite likely, I haven’t built any cachebusting yet
# 21:11 barnabywalters KevinMarks: good to hear! if it happens again I’ll actually figure out what caused it :D
# 21:15 barnabywalters nice work making usable classic hAtom :) most hAtom markup I’ve come across in the wild (usually wordpress) is woefully inadequate
# 21:15 barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: it should show a reply UI regardless, replies will only work if you have micropub enabled
# 21:15 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: hmmm nothing happens when I click Reply. no UI shows up :(
# 21:16 KevinMarks_ I was thinking of making a generic feed to h-feed adaptor, as I have unmung.com lying around
# 21:16 KevinMarks_ and it would basically just mean hooking universal feed parser up to an html template
# 21:23 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: also having trouble adding a second feed... will DM you
# 21:28 benwerd btw, transmat.io is interesting too: a POSSE and archiving tool (although centralized as far as I can tell, albeit with a local backup). very modern-windows-like in design.
# 21:28 benwerd can imagine it supporting micropub to post to indieweb sites.
# 21:32 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I've been wanting to make that unknown Knowns joke for ages
# 21:33 KevinMarks_ hm, now I need to make an account somewhere else so I can indieauth too
# 21:33 barnabywalters so within the function scope, $value is the argument passed to $purifier when it’s called
# 21:33 barnabywalters e.g. $purifier(‘hello’) results in the function having a local variable $value == ‘hello'
# 21:34 jonnybarnes ahhh, if no purifier is passed into the parent function, you've defined a kind of mock function that returns the input
# 21:37 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: exactly! although really the check should be !is_callable() rather than === null
# 21:38 KevinMarks_ can I try logging into shrewdness as known.kevinmarks.com too so I can try known likes etc
# 21:39 barnabywalters KevinMarks_: doesn’t look like you have a micropub endpoint — IIRC micropub isn’t core Known, you/benwerd needs to install a plugin
# 21:40 benwerd barnabywalters: there's going to be a mega-update to the hosted code this afternoon (including much easier POSSE) - will add the micropub feature
# 21:43 benwerd And then all the pubsub subscribers respond with, "Aha!"
# 21:43 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: is elastisearch a web thing, or a program you install?
# 21:44 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: elasticsearch is a search engine/“nosql” database written in java
benwerd joined the channel
# 21:44 jonnybarnes so if i wasnted to host shrewdness, id have to install elastisearch?
# 21:45 Loqi jonnybarnes meant to say: so if i wanted to host shrewdness, id have to install elastisearch?
# 21:46 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: yep. fortunately, despite being java it’s super easy to install and run
# 21:47 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: that’s the elasticsearch PHP client, which is separate to the actual server. The client gets installed automatically when you install shrewdness
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 21:51 KevinMarks_ with bridgy, when I retweet old blogposts it now spawns comment threads as me
tantek joined the channel
mdik and benwerd joined the channel
j12t, lolgician, tantek and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 22:42 kylewm benwerd: are you doing comment moderation now?
# 22:42 benwerd no, but you've probably just found the bug I just found
# 22:42 benwerd my site hasn't been publishing all comments; just did a full update, which hopefully fixed it
# 22:47 benwerd the weird thing is, Known sends me the notifications.
# 22:47 benwerd Thanks; I'll fix this. I guess before the code makes it to the hosted service!
# 22:50 tantek benwerd, the "would you mind repinging" makes me wonder if that's a limitation / weakness of webmention
# 22:51 tantek like what happens if a site is temporarily offline? or if it's webmention handler is temporarily having problems? what should a mentioner do?
# 22:53 tantek benwerd, should a mentioner retry? with some timeout?
# 22:54 kylewm tantek: in this case, Known reported that it successfully recieved the message
# 22:54 tantek KevinMarks_: that's what I'm wondering, or at least figure out some best practices
# 22:54 benwerd tantek, kevinmarks_: I'd support that, although it could be harder for really indie folks to implement, if they don't have the ability to retry asynchronously
# 22:55 KevinMarks_ this is tricky, as it is up to use to decide which ones to actually display
# 22:55 benwerd and kylewm has a point - it's hard to protect against bugs like this one
# 22:55 benwerd kevinmarks_: that's also true - some people (including us) *might* screen comments
# 22:55 benwerd oh, but bridgy retweets save fine (albeit as comments). bizarre.
# 22:56 KevinMarks_ and at the point you have that, acking them and dropping them on the floor is good spam practice
# 22:56 KevinMarks_ otherwise you're giving the spammer a backchannel to fuzz against
# 22:58 KevinMarks_ I'm assuming a webmention ping is meant to be idempotent, and not cause cumulative copies of comments
# 22:59 ShaneHudson Could the mention not need a reply like TCP? A sends to B, B says thank you, if after a day? B hasn't said thank you A sends again (with a resend param perhaps)
# 23:01 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_: yeah. i use repeat webmention pings to update/delete the comment
# 23:03 tantek KevinMarks_: the point is that handling a webmention, whether the first time, or the nth time, is handled the same way
snarfed joined the channel
# 23:03 KevinMarks_ though there isn't an explicit "reject duplicates" there, it is implied.
# 23:04 kylewm it does sound like we need to codify the ack for asynchronous webmentions
# 23:05 tantek there are virtual duplicates that arrive via different pipes, e.g. an original vs a POSSE copy
# 23:07 kylewm i'd be interested to try to implement bridgy-style "retry for 3 days with exponential-back off"
# 23:08 kylewm but it seems most people return 202 and queue the processing
# 23:10 aaronpk would still work in the case you get 500 or something
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# 23:14 kylewm fwiw, I think Bridgy gives up immediately if there is a 404
# 23:15 tantek kylewm - good to know. since there haven't been any complaints about that, might as well stick with it
# 23:25 aaronpk hm now i'm reconsidering launching these changes for local archiving of linked media in favor of setting it up as a service
benwerd joined the channel
# 23:36 tantek it was strange, there was a lot of passionate talking about analytics at the last Homebrew Website Club meetup, and yet none of the folks passionately talking about analytics and how they matter etc. have followed up with a wiki stub or braindump (and yes I did ask during the meetup)
# 23:37 tantek I'd start a stub but I don't think it would be very productive. "analytics are a way to include a 3rd party script on your site that slows down your site in return for no discernible improvement to the user, and likely a worse user experience - the aforementioned slow down."
# 23:40 KartikPrabhu is confused about use of analytics. would be great if people who want it added the motivation/use
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# 23:41 kylewm appropriate to redirect analytics to website-analytics? (or vice versa)
# 23:41 rascul i do use goaccess though and some of those statistics interest me
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# 23:50 KartikPrabhu tantek: should we have a list of people who don't want to use analytics?
# 23:51 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I think it would be interesting to know your reason for not using analytics
# 23:52 KartikPrabhu kylewm: well my reason is "why?" I don't see how it is useful to me or the readers
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# 23:53 kylewm KartikPrabhu: ok that's not very interesting ;)
# 23:53 KevinMarks Part of what Kate meant by analytics was understanding where people were sharing and reading her articles so she could follow their reacruobs
benwerd joined the channel
# 23:58 KevinMarks That is added in because actual referrers go away with https and mobile apps
# 23:58 tantek KartikPrabhu: do you load analytics scripts asynchronously?
# 23:58 tantek i.e. it's not a "The way to avoid this" if you can't document precisely how
# 23:58 KartikPrabhu tantek: I load no anaytics scripts. But like I said the whole "waiting" is because it is loading scripts before the page
# 23:59 KartikPrabhu you will have the same problem with any large script you put in the head