#tantekexternal fonts = blank or just horizontal lines where text should be
#KartikPrabhuwhy? how does is matter to the user if an analytics script is getting stuck or a font is not loading from the Google CDN showing a blank page
#tantekexternal CSS = brief (sometimes many seconds) 1990s styling
#KartikPrabhukylewm: he is a author/book designer who does very cool stuff: http://craigmod.com/ though he has started posting exclusively on Mediun now a days :(
#KartikPrabhumaybe... but variety is the spice of life ;)
#KartikPrabhualso sort of awkward because I did tweet at him about marginalia before :P
#benwerdslightly mispointed the error - as well as cURL PHP being broken, Squid versions under 3.2 also don't support the Expect: 100-continue header at all.
#tantektweets that your followings have favorited may show up in your reading stream
wolftune joined the channel
#tommorrison the twitter front, I had a strange realisation the other day that one of the great benefits of my RSS reader was that it didn't have Twitter ads in the stream.
#mko!tell kylewm I figured out what was causing passport-indieauth to fail with your domain. When filtered for h-card only, you don't have a h-card that contains a rel=me on your homepage. The current code (that I'm replacing now) used matching of rel=me and h-card url values to correlate the site owner's h-card.
#LoqiIndie.js is an open-source IndieWeb project that was officially started on July 18th, 2014 but has powered mowens.com since July 8th, 2014 http://indiewebcamp.com/Indie.js
#mkoHm. Craft CMS looks solid. Is it intended to be IndieWeb-compatible or does it just happen to be?
barnabywalters and manny__ joined the channel
#ShaneHudsonIt is just a CMS but it fits in well with what I want so I'm adding indieweb features to it. There is already one for sending webmentions, so going to make one for recieving hopefully this wek
#mkoShaneHudson: Thanks. I've been working on it for about a month and a half. Gotten pretty far with it in a short period of time, and honestly about a third of that time was spent designing the Portfolio section and building out the image assets for it.
#mkoAnd the Portfolio section right now isn't a part of the framework, so I've really only been working on the framework itself probably 4-5 weeks of concentrated time. I made most of the progress in the first two weeks.
#mkoBeen excited to start releasing what I've been working on, but health issues and visitors from out of town have been a constant interruption since the start of August.
#mkoInteresting. Why did you choose elastic search?
#barnabywaltersease of installation, flexibility, ability to store data as well as index it, ease of searching, ease of queryinh
#mkoGotcha. I'm not very familiar with ES and haven't found a use for it yet myself, so I'm always interested in how people utilize it.
#barnabywaltersI’ve run into a few unexpected limitations (such as the inability to easily change the parameters of an index once it’s created) but overall I’m extremely impressed
#mkoInteresting. I've found a bug in my webmention discovery tool thanks to you, barnabywalters.
#barnabywaltersit’s the closest thing I’ve found to the idea “dump data in, query it out in ways which is both flexible and extremely fast” datastore
#mkoYeah. I use a full-text redis search for mine.
#barnabywalters(also: geo queries and everything is super fast)
#barnabywaltersmko: oh cool, which one is it? relative URLs or link headers? or both?
#mkoIt's not perfect, but it worked pretty much straight out the box. TJ (visionmedia) wrote it.
#Loqikylewm: mko left you a message 7 hours, 43 minutes ago: I figured out what was causing passport-indieauth to fail with your domain. When filtered for h-card only, you don't have a h-card that contains a rel=me on your homepage. The current code (that I'm replacing now) used matching of rel=me and h-card url values to correlate the site owner's h-card.
#kylewmbarnabywalters: I broke my shrewdness! {"error":"SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed; ...
#barnabywalterskylewm: ah yes KevinMarks had this error too. I know how to fix it, I suppose now it’s turned up again I should figure out how to prevent it too ;)
#barnabywalterskylewm: can you remember the last thing you did before this happened?
#kylewmbarnabywalters: yep, so i had "http://snarfed.org" in the subscription list, added https://snarfed.org, deleted http://snarfed.org, and then it seemed like the https one didn't take, so i tried to add it a couple more times
#barnabywalterskylewm: thanks, that’s handy to know. It should work again now!
#kylewmbarnabywalters: thanks! the error went away but my subscriptions are gone, was that expected?
eschnou joined the channel
#barnabywalterskylewm: oops no that shouldn’t happen. I’ll take a look in a sec
#tantekbarnabywalters: see if you can bring a friend
#barnabywaltersI don’t really know anyone in Brighton (who isn’t already coming) but I’ll be at dConstruct and some other events so I’ll see if I can find anyone who wants to come
#barnabywaltersI’ll ping people involved in the web community where I lived (out in the middle of nowhere) and see if anyone there is interested in coming, or is going to dConstruct
#barnabywalterstantek: why have you added apprentices back in? I specifically removed that after the feedback and discussion about the percieved hierarchy
#adactiotantek: I should ask my Clearleftie pal Graham if he wants to come along. Ex-Clearleftie Paul Robert Lloyd might also be into it.
#tantekbarnabywalters: oh - because otherwise it seemed unclear how to add them?
#Loqiadactio: tantek left you a message 3 days, 11 hours ago: Hey UK IndieWeb folks, propose an IndieWeb session for MozFest 2014 (in London 2014-10-24..26) http://2014.mozillafestival.org/propose/
#tantekoh yeah - definitely Paul - he was very passionate about it last time I talked with him
#barnabywalterstantek: if there’s only one place (Attendees) then it’s fairly obvious where to add people
#tantekbarnabywalters: except it's not clear how to add who they're apprentices of
#barnabywalterstantek: it’s no clearer when they’re in a separate list
#tantekWe could also change the headings to reflect the headers
#tantek"Has a personal site" "Wants a personal site"
#tantekI've never liked "Attendee" either - it's too classic passive conference consumer sounding
#tommorrisOh my, I observed a silo pattern I actually like. I logged in to a service using OAuth earlier. I came back to the site and I had to log in again... but it had set a cookie remembering which silo I'd previously used to log in.
manny__ joined the channel
#tantektommorris: how is that any better than a service using a cookie to remember which personal URL you used to log in with Web Sign-in?
#voxpellitommorris: A good way to avoid the classic "nascar" problem some perceived eg. OpenID as having
#tantekvoxpelli: not just perceived - UIs had screenshots thereof
#tommorristantek: it isn't. but alas we have some way to go to get to the point where I can sign in with tommorris.org rather than with Facebook. ;-)
#voxpellitantek: one could argue whether it was the spec or the UI-tradition of spec implementations that was the real problem I guess
#voxpellitantek: yeah, attempts at hiding the URL of endpoints, all attempts at hiding similar URL:s will have same problem, therefore WebFinger etc etc - the old debate :)
#tantekvoxpelli you use your personal web address - that simple
#Loqihadleybeeman: tantek left you a message 44 minutes ago: can you make it to IndieWebCamp UK Brighton 6-7 September? Let's see those sign-ups! http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/UK/Guest_List
#tantekvoxpelli: it's less typing than your email address, and people already know how to do that
#bigbluehatvoxpelli: I'm exploring (via some nasty overloading ATM) how feasible it'd be to have HTTP client's handle email address style URLs as endpoints
#bigbluehatearly (overloading) attempt info here: userinfo.me
#bigbluehattl;dr the URI spec doesn't *require* the ": + password" bits in the `userinfo` section
#bigbluehathack in place now "overloads" the Authentication header to do "lookups"--but it could be used for OpenID-based auth...with further hacking :-P
#tantekbigbluehat: I have trouble following the proposal - perhaps you could diagram some user flows for a how user arrives at a supporting site, what a user sees (UI mockup), what they type in or do, what it sends to what server(s) etc.
#tantekand specifically - *diagram* rather than attempt to textually explain (which I find rarely works with login stuff)
#tantekKevinMarks: shepazu has indicated in #social that he's interested in building upon fragmentions and marginalia - so what that's worth, you may as well *try* to be involved in the W3C WG
#Loqibarnabywalters: kylewm left you a message 11 minutes ago: hey if i set .column-body { overflow-x: auto; }, the extra scrollbars go away (shrewdness/firefox)
#Loqibarnabywalters: kylewm left you a message 8 minutes ago: doh, that should've been overflow-y
#barnabywalters!tell tantek I really don’t understand how segregating people into “has” and ”wants” benefits anyone, but it’s better than “apprentice”
#kylewmbarnabywalters: tantek: how about one combined group, and just change the text at the bottom to "Add yourself to the list using the [attendee template] and up to one apprentice using the [attendee-apprentice template]"?