KartikPrabhuwhy? how does is matter to the user if an analytics script is getting stuck or a font is not loading from the Google CDN showing a blank page
KartikPrabhukylewm: he is a author/book designer who does very cool stuff: http://craigmod.com/ though he has started posting exclusively on Mediun now a days :(
benwerdslightly mispointed the error - as well as cURL PHP being broken, Squid versions under 3.2 also don't support the Expect: 100-continue header at all.
tommorrison the twitter front, I had a strange realisation the other day that one of the great benefits of my RSS reader was that it didn't have Twitter ads in the stream.
mko!tell kylewm I figured out what was causing passport-indieauth to fail with your domain. When filtered for h-card only, you don't have a h-card that contains a rel=me on your homepage. The current code (that I'm replacing now) used matching of rel=me and h-card url values to correlate the site owner's h-card.
LoqiIndie.js is an open-source IndieWeb project that was officially started on July 18th, 2014 but has powered mowens.com since July 8th, 2014 http://indiewebcamp.com/Indie.js
ShaneHudsonIt is just a CMS but it fits in well with what I want so I'm adding indieweb features to it. There is already one for sending webmentions, so going to make one for recieving hopefully this wek
mkoShaneHudson: Thanks. I've been working on it for about a month and a half. Gotten pretty far with it in a short period of time, and honestly about a third of that time was spent designing the Portfolio section and building out the image assets for it.
mkoAnd the Portfolio section right now isn't a part of the framework, so I've really only been working on the framework itself probably 4-5 weeks of concentrated time. I made most of the progress in the first two weeks.
mkoBeen excited to start releasing what I've been working on, but health issues and visitors from out of town have been a constant interruption since the start of August.
barnabywaltersI’ve run into a few unexpected limitations (such as the inability to easily change the parameters of an index once it’s created) but overall I’m extremely impressed
Loqikylewm: mko left you a message 7 hours, 43 minutes ago: I figured out what was causing passport-indieauth to fail with your domain. When filtered for h-card only, you don't have a h-card that contains a rel=me on your homepage. The current code (that I'm replacing now) used matching of rel=me and h-card url values to correlate the site owner's h-card.
barnabywalterskylewm: ah yes KevinMarks had this error too. I know how to fix it, I suppose now it’s turned up again I should figure out how to prevent it too ;)
kylewmbarnabywalters: yep, so i had "http://snarfed.org" in the subscription list, added https://snarfed.org, deleted http://snarfed.org, and then it seemed like the https one didn't take, so i tried to add it a couple more times
barnabywaltersI don’t really know anyone in Brighton (who isn’t already coming) but I’ll be at dConstruct and some other events so I’ll see if I can find anyone who wants to come
barnabywaltersI’ll ping people involved in the web community where I lived (out in the middle of nowhere) and see if anyone there is interested in coming, or is going to dConstruct
barnabywalterstantek: why have you added apprentices back in? I specifically removed that after the feedback and discussion about the percieved hierarchy
Loqiadactio: tantek left you a message 3 days, 11 hours ago: Hey UK IndieWeb folks, propose an IndieWeb session for MozFest 2014 (in London 2014-10-24..26) http://2014.mozillafestival.org/propose/
tommorrisOh my, I observed a silo pattern I actually like. I logged in to a service using OAuth earlier. I came back to the site and I had to log in again... but it had set a cookie remembering which silo I'd previously used to log in.
voxpellitantek: yeah, attempts at hiding the URL of endpoints, all attempts at hiding similar URL:s will have same problem, therefore WebFinger etc etc - the old debate :)
Loqihadleybeeman: tantek left you a message 44 minutes ago: can you make it to IndieWebCamp UK Brighton 6-7 September? Let's see those sign-ups! http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/UK/Guest_List
bigbluehatvoxpelli: I'm exploring (via some nasty overloading ATM) how feasible it'd be to have HTTP client's handle email address style URLs as endpoints
bigbluehathack in place now "overloads" the Authentication header to do "lookups"--but it could be used for OpenID-based auth...with further hacking :-P
tantekbigbluehat: I have trouble following the proposal - perhaps you could diagram some user flows for a how user arrives at a supporting site, what a user sees (UI mockup), what they type in or do, what it sends to what server(s) etc.
tantekKevinMarks: shepazu has indicated in #social that he's interested in building upon fragmentions and marginalia - so what that's worth, you may as well *try* to be involved in the W3C WG
Loqibarnabywalters: kylewm left you a message 11 minutes ago: hey if i set .column-body { overflow-x: auto; }, the extra scrollbars go away (shrewdness/firefox)
barnabywalters!tell tantek I really don’t understand how segregating people into “has” and ”wants” benefits anyone, but it’s better than “apprentice”
kylewmbarnabywalters: tantek: how about one combined group, and just change the text at the bottom to "Add yourself to the list using the [attendee template] and up to one apprentice using the [attendee-apprentice template]"?