#ShaneHudsonJust read 'What happens if Yahoo freezes your online account" on the Sponsorship page. That is exactly what happened to me! I had all my email etc on yahoo and while at school someone played a prank on Yahoo Answers and got my entire account blocked, never got it back
#elliottuckerjust tried checkmentions on my new Known site and it's vulnerable to all the XSS attacks :(
#ShaneHudsonadactio: Are you still using your minimum viable webmention script? I like the simplicity but not sure if I will need something more robust
#adactioShaneHudson: yeah, it works for me for capturing webmentions. The complexity is in what you then do with them.
#ShaneHudsonI was hoping you would say that :) I will use that as a base then. Cheers!
#annevkWe'd like to make more parts of web browsing extensible by services. Think of bookmarking, sharing the address bar URL, picking a file, etc. Wondering how much attention that has gotten within this community and if there's anything I should read up on
#tantekannevk - absolutely - more deployments all the time e.g. of the <action> tag and the whole way of doing this kind of thing in the UI. see http://indiewebcamp.com/webactions for the latest.
#tantekannevk - yes we should talk about this since I too am at Mozilla :)
#tantekannevk - this community is doing active development and deployment of web actions
#tantekannevk - because of all the noise/distraction from the mess that was Google's web intents, it made more sense to do UI-centric work here, by people who actually deploy stuff on their own websites.
#annevkthe idea is to figure that out and then take the primitives and lessons from that to do more ambitious things, such as extending the way <input type=file> works and such
#tanteksure, that makes sense. there's a pretty solid core set of primitives that have developed in web actions.
#annevkThe people that did WI realize it didn't work now :-)
#tantekannevk - but it's not clear they understand how broken their methodology was/is nor how to fix it, so it's not clear those people won't just repeat with new mistakes.
#tantekannevk - I don't think they understand a) UI-first above all else, and b) they kind of suck at UI
#tantekthere's a fairly solid convergence in webactions on the primitives of "reply" and "repost"
#tantekthere's some debate about "like" vs. "favorite" but I think that's because different services do/mean different things by them
#tantek"bookmark" is another primitive that's being used.
#annevkI'm not sure the terms matter much as in the UI it'll just be button
#tantekactually the terms matter in both the spec and the UI
#tantekif you pick bad terms, people will repeatedly get them wrong
#tantekannevk - re: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Sharing "our notes" - mostly your notes with some comments by Ehsan for the moment right? just making sure I understand what context of "our" you mean.
#tantekhave you considered experimenting with putting web action buttons on your own site?
#annevktantek: the current idea is that the action would be in the browser UI (which we're apparently already doing anyway)
#tantekannevk - I think it's good to try to solve that - add such actions to the browser UI. However with user testing with such things (e.g. using bookmarklets/favelets to approximate), I've found that users are more prone to see/use *inline* action buttons, specifically just below the content they just read.
#tantekso I think it's useful to have / enable *both* action buttons in the browser UI, and in-content
#Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message on 8/20 at 12:26pm: I really don’t understand how segregating people into “has” and ”wants” benefits anyone, but it’s better than “apprentice”
#annevktantek: and we talked to Shane today we worked on the social API in desktop who's else interested in sorting this out (and reviving activities)
#tantekI'd like to avoid simply cargo-cult copying other browsers that may (or may not) have a share button
#GWGtantek, what was KevinMarks saying you were saying about Android sharing intents?
#tantek!tell barnabywalters ok I'll keep iterating on the IndieWebCamp UK guest list
#tantekannevk - we've had pretty good remote participation at IndieWebCamps for the past couple of years - perhaps you can participate via audio/video/IRC?
#tantek.comedited /2014/UK/Guest_List (+312) "remove separate sections per barnabywalters feedback, more encouraging wording for folks to get setup with IndieAuth, add hadleybeeman using apprentice template and note Saturday only" (view diff)
#tantekGWG - yes re: URL handlers, as noted in discussion with annevk above re: registerprotocolhandler and urls-people-focused-mobile-communication - search on those above, see linked blog posts.
#tantekalso, anyone can document examples of good (or bad!) UI - you don't have to write a standard or API.
#tantek!tell adactio As venue organizer for IndieWebCamp UK, what are capacity limitations? E.g. number of seats/chairs/spots in the "main" room. Both "comfortably" and "maximum" numbers appreciated!
#elliottuckerkylewm: ah, cool. Brid.gy certainly fits the bill for now, and I guess actual POSSEing isn't as important as de-siloing in the first place.
#kylewmsnarfed: hey is it possible with twitter-activitystreams to list someone else's tweets (for use with shrewdness)? i tried /<username>/@all but it's the same as /@me/@all
#elliottuckerjonnybarnes: Python tool for administering servers using code. http://www.fabfile.org/. I'm running the site on a Digital Ocean droplet and using fabric I can run up a whole site in just a few commands.
#LoqiFabric is a python library and command-line tool useful for streamlining deployment and system administration tasks http://indiewebcamp.com/Fabric
#ShaneHudsonMy PHP is so awful these days. Trying to use composer. Any ideas how I use require 'vendor/autoload.php'; when my file in in a folder alongside vendor? Giving me errors every way I try
#aaronpkyour file is outside the "vendor" folder right?
#ShaneHudsonI expected ../vendor would work, but it didn't
#aaronpkit depends on your include_path setting. usually the include_path includes "." so "../vendor/autoload.php" should work
#aaronpkI usually take the approach of chdir'ing to the project root folder as the first thing in any script, so that all paths are referenced from my project root
#aaronpkwillnorris: unless you want to update the entire /irc-people list you should use fancy conditionals to not add http if it alreayd starts with http