ShaneHudsonJust read 'What happens if Yahoo freezes your online account" on the Sponsorship page. That is exactly what happened to me! I had all my email etc on yahoo and while at school someone played a prank on Yahoo Answers and got my entire account blocked, never got it back
annevkWe'd like to make more parts of web browsing extensible by services. Think of bookmarking, sharing the address bar URL, picking a file, etc. Wondering how much attention that has gotten within this community and if there's anything I should read up on
tantekannevk - absolutely - more deployments all the time e.g. of the <action> tag and the whole way of doing this kind of thing in the UI. see for the latest.
tantekannevk - because of all the noise/distraction from the mess that was Google's web intents, it made more sense to do UI-centric work here, by people who actually deploy stuff on their own websites.
annevkthe idea is to figure that out and then take the primitives and lessons from that to do more ambitious things, such as extending the way <input type=file> works and such
tantekannevk - but it's not clear they understand how broken their methodology was/is nor how to fix it, so it's not clear those people won't just repeat with new mistakes.
tantekannevk - re: "our notes" - mostly your notes with some comments by Ehsan for the moment right? just making sure I understand what context of "our" you mean.
tantekannevk - I think it's good to try to solve that - add such actions to the browser UI. However with user testing with such things (e.g. using bookmarklets/favelets to approximate), I've found that users are more prone to see/use *inline* action buttons, specifically just below the content they just read.
Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message on 8/20 at 12:26pm: I really don’t understand how segregating people into “has” and ”wants” benefits anyone, but it’s better than “apprentice”
tantekannevk - we've had pretty good remote participation at IndieWebCamps for the past couple of years - perhaps you can participate via audio/video/IRC?
tantek.comedited /2014/UK/Guest_List (+312) "remove separate sections per barnabywalters feedback, more encouraging wording for folks to get setup with IndieAuth, add hadleybeeman using apprentice template and note Saturday only" (view diff)
tantekGWG - yes re: URL handlers, as noted in discussion with annevk above re: registerprotocolhandler and urls-people-focused-mobile-communication - search on those above, see linked blog posts.
tantek!tell adactio As venue organizer for IndieWebCamp UK, what are capacity limitations? E.g. number of seats/chairs/spots in the "main" room. Both "comfortably" and "maximum" numbers appreciated!
elliottuckerkylewm: ah, cool. certainly fits the bill for now, and I guess actual POSSEing isn't as important as de-siloing in the first place.
kylewmsnarfed: hey is it possible with twitter-activitystreams to list someone else's tweets (for use with shrewdness)? i tried /<username>/@all but it's the same as /@me/@all
elliottuckerjonnybarnes: Python tool for administering servers using code. I'm running the site on a Digital Ocean droplet and using fabric I can run up a whole site in just a few commands.
ShaneHudsonMy PHP is so awful these days. Trying to use composer. Any ideas how I use require 'vendor/autoload.php'; when my file in in a folder alongside vendor? Giving me errors every way I try
aaronpkI usually take the approach of chdir'ing to the project root folder as the first thing in any script, so that all paths are referenced from my project root
aaronpkwillnorris: unless you want to update the entire /irc-people list you should use fancy conditionals to not add http if it alreayd starts with http
@jennieWe'll be talking about digital games and the #indieweb as empowering tools for protecting their land and culture, which is under siege. (