benwerdStruggling with sessions in Chrome vs Firefox on redirect. It's like Chrome is obeying some rule that I don't understand - I'm redirecting between two sites and it's not behaving as I would expect
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 1 day, 10 hours ago: want to start gathering ideas/thoughts on IndieWebCamp DC here?
benwerdmm, I can't ask my users to run in incognito mode. It's so weird. I set a session and redirect - and on FF that's a-ok. On Chrome it doesn't work at all. But unreliably depending on situation. So I'm confused; guess I'm not seeing the pattern.
benwerdSo I'm slightly wrong: it's the Twitter OAuth workflow. Works beautifully in FF. In Chrome, I get a 401 error from Twitter. Encoding issue, I wonder? I'm baffled.
snarfedthe commits attached to the issue i mentioned somewhat address this. they demote many links in bridgy webmentions to mentions instead of replies/likes/etc
indie-visitorI am new to using this chat and the indie web as well :) I am curious if anyone can read this and is around. I have an idea/site that I am interested in sharing and seeing what people think.
ryan020So I am a newbie to the indie web and I am not super techie with web development. As I stumbled on the indie web for the first time I noticed I had to search around for blog posts or articles regarding it. I thought that there should be a site that linked to all these types of posts regarding the indie web... Thinking it would be nice, ya know? So I registered a domain and begin getting a wordpress blog set-up. Plans were and ar
ryan020During development of it I notice was available so I grabbed it. That is we're the site is hosted now. It's live. Of course I am planning to add more posts, but I wanted to see what people thought of the idea. I don't want to muddy the waters or anything.
KartikPrabhuryan020: you have seen yes? It is a wiki and it is a live documentation of ideas that people have implemented or plan to
ryan020@kartik yes I have seen it. Although it took some looking around to find the the section where there are links to post, articles and videos. And for some people it's just easier if one site focuses on one thing. And I think articles, post and videos are important and potentially have the need to be signaled out and done the way I have planned to. Make sense?
KartikPrabhuryan020: i don't think people here will object to you collecting articles about the indieweb on your own site. But as a curiosity, why not just attempt to improve the wiki? the wiki is supposed to cater to new comers also
ryan020I think the content I am talking about can teach somebody what the indie web is in general and keep them updated on it. If I were to send certain people I know here, I feel they would get the feeling this isn't for them or something. I say that only because here is a lot of development talk here. It seems more for the makers. I
ryan020It's really debatable. And I guess we will see lol. I just don't want people here to feel like there's a problem with me doing. I don't think that would be good.
elliottuckerbenward_: had the same problem with Twitter plugin yesterday, yes, needed to clear everything for it to work in Chrome. Spent a bit trying to debug but it's all SSL. Worked in the end so I'm keeping quiet.
techlifewebryan020: You can skim the irc logs for links to things that are going on. They are updated in real time: . Lots of it is developer speak but its a great way to learn.
JarOfGreenHello from Scotland! I'm working on an Open Source group calendar project that may be of interest to the indieweb community and wandered if anyone wanted to chat?
JarOfGreenIt's a calendar wiki for groups and communities to use, The software is already in use in several areas and doing well, got shortlisted for award up in Scotland! Anyway, if anyone is curious happy to chat, contact details on site
JarOfGreenCan I add that and be compatible with Schema markup? If so then yeah ... I've never been opposed to microformats in general, I was just never sure which ones are the best to use :-/
kylewmaaronpk: we were talking about bridgy's "webmentions for blogs" feature and how it backfeeds comments to blogspot by posting a comment as the blog author
snarfedeh, it's largely the usual internet commenting debate. my posts are usually either personal, purely functional (like those two), or kinda abstract essays, none of which really incite emotional responses
mowens.comedited /website-analytics (+1896) "/* Adds Mixpanel, New Relic, and Twitter Analytics to the list. Adds links to services. Adds as examples of usage. */" (view diff)
aaronpkyeah it's bit me a couple times, we use org membership for access control for a few things at esri, but it doesn't even show up to apps using the API unless you're a public member
SRCRI can do everything, but only at beginners level and because I lack a complete vocabulari (please correct this one Loqi) in any language it takes me aged.
mkoKartikPrabhu: I specifically mean getting a server set up with PHP so you can run PHP-based things like WordPress, Known, or whatnot is the easiest type of server configuration for most people to get set up.
mkoKartikPrabhu: Yes, but not in pricing. You can basically get a LAMP server for sub-$100/year while most of the Node.js services are around $20/mo at the low end.
mkoDigitalOcean is one of the better Node.js hosts as well, I believe. It's just a bit involved in order to get Node.js set up for a novice user (i.e. a one-clicker).
KevinMarks_rascul: this was anecdotal, though I've had lightweight node things up on there or a while with a single free dyno and not been billed anything
KevinMarks_I was configuring a static site yesterday, and despite having exactly the same thing a day before I still had 3 tries at getting it to resolve
tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+15) "in case you're looking for "Posts" or "Videos" about the indieweb and don't semantically associate that with "News"" (view diff)
tantek"it took some looking around to find the the section where there are links to post, articles and videos" lol - really? the first link in the sidebar not obvious enough? alrighty, I'll add ", Posts, Videos" to make it more obvious.
tantekbtw - this is a common "novice" design error: "And for some people it's just easier if one site focuses on one thing. And I think articles, post and videos are important and potentially have the need to be signaled[sic] out"
tantekwhat it really means is: "For *me* it's just easier if *a new site I find* focuses on one thing. And the *next thing* *I* need right now is to see articles, post and videos"
tantekthat's the point we're at right now, and we should not be ashamed of that but rather admit it freely and openly, recognize it, and provide a glimmer of hope by linking to
tantekwith any luck, perhaps we can help ryan020 turn his blog from intro indieweb articles, into a saga of his own learning about and building/deploying his own indieweb presence.
tanteksnarfed, ah, he's started posting - cool. hopefully he'll update his twitter and facebook sidebar links to link to his profile instead of just their top level
tantekKevinMarks ^^^ homework assignment. Let's try to de-mystify discussions here a bit by at least providing simple short definitions of the terms used.