2014-08-26 UTC
# 00:13 tantek What if I told you I was responding to your tweet by writing on my own site? You think this is a tweet you're reading?
cmhobbs and tilgovi joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:38 aaronpk ooh I wonder how that woudl look as one of my "collections"
# 01:38 kylewm KartikPrabhu: thanks! I'd like to implement some nice way to stick a citation in a regular post, so I could quote arbitrary excerpts (I think we've discussed that before). but for now it's nice the logs have a permalink for each line :P
# 01:39 aaronpk I need to move the photo property inside the h-card for the IRC lines :)
# 01:41 kylewm awesome, aaronpk! i like how it looks like a native post
gRegor` and fmarier joined the channel
# 02:10 aaronpk just realized that my collections UI may need a better indication of the actual source of a post
# 02:10 aaronpk right now it only shows the domain name of the author, but in that example, the author is tantek.com but the content lives at indiewebcamp.com
scor, j12t, snarfed, brianloveswords, joshwnj, fmarier and glennjones_ joined the channel
wolftune and tantek joined the channel
# 05:24 tantek home and just now seeing some IRC lines being "reposted". oh boy.
# 05:30 tantek GWG, any flight you walk away from is a good flight :)
# 05:45 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
elliottucker and snarfed joined the channel
# 06:51 KartikPrabhu can someone please make fragmentioned reply-contexts to show that this ^ is not needed at all!?
KevinMarks_, ShaneHudson, eschnou, crossdiver, acegiak and KevinMarks joined the channel
elliottucker joined the channel
Sebastien-L, krendil, eschnou, KevinMarks_, barnabywalters, ShaneHudson, Erkan_Yilmaz, Rev_Illo, joshwnj and davidakennedy joined the channel
Rev_Illo, friedcell, Sebastien-L and tantek joined the channel
tantek_ joined the channel
# 12:36 tantek_ !tell KartikPrabhu <p> is the wrong element for transclusion of someone else's text anyway. We already have <blockquote> for that. And it already has a "cite" attribute for referencing the source.
# 12:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 12:37 tantek_ AND most importantly, it already has a way of statically including the text *you saw* at the point in time of when you quoted it. So you can dynamically enhance it with some sort of JS-dynamic stuff and the cite attribute if you want. No new markup needed.
eliemichel and joshwnj joined the channel
# 13:09 eliemichel Loqi: I'm new here. What does your last message here means?
# 13:10 eliemichel is there a bot here that records webmentions presented like that?
# 13:12 kylewm eliemichel: welcome :) yep, Loqi notifies the channel about webmentions to indiewebcamp.com (and various other things)
# 13:12 lewiscowper also anytime anyone uses the #indieweb hashtag
# 13:12 eliemichel okey, so Loqi is a bot?
# 13:13 lewiscowper (Like that)
# 13:13 lewiscowper I don't know whether Loqi as a whole is a bot, I'm fairly sure I've seen a random comment that doesn't seem scripted.
# 13:13 lewiscowper but they're definitely at least partially automated
# 13:14 eliemichel 15:12 * Loqi is done
# 13:14 eliemichel ^ like that
# 13:15 eliemichel simple curiosity”¯: how old is indieweb?
# 13:17 eliemichel What is webmention.io for? Is it a way not to be DDoS by webmentions or something like that?
# 13:18 eliemichel Indeed, this is a bot --
# 13:18 barnabywalters eliemichel, lewiscowper: a little more information (and cute photos) about loqi on it’s website: loqi.me
# 13:19 barnabywalters eliemichel: from http://webmention.io/ “Webmention.io is a hosted service created to easily handle webmentions (and legacy pingbacks) on any web page.” — does that answer your question?
# 13:20 eliemichel why is it useful to have a service being webmentionned instead of my site?
# 13:20 barnabywalters eliemichel: so you can accept, store and display webmention comments without having to implement it yourself
# 13:21 eliemichel ok, thanks =)
# 13:23 eliemichel Now another question: Does somebody know what has OStatus become?
# 13:23 eliemichel I seems like it is dead
# 13:23 eliemichel The majority of links that I can find are dead
# 13:24 eliemichel there is no news since 2012
# 13:24 eliemichel but I can't find any reliable source saying this is dead, or going to be
# 13:27 barnabywalters eliemichel: I don’t know of any project under active development which uses all of OStatus, nor anyone actively working on it
# 13:27 barnabywalters parts of it (e.g. PubSubHubbub and activitystreams) are under development and some use
# 13:29 barnabywalters typically the technologies involved were/are overcomplicated and difficult to implement
# 13:31 eliemichel yeah I see it as overcomplicated in some way too
# 13:32 eliemichel especially Salmon
# 13:33 barnabywalters early indieweb creators typically tried to use existing OStatus (or similar era e.g. openID, pingback) standards on their personal sites before getting fed up and simplifying them
# 13:33 eliemichel but why is h-card in front of ActivityStreams and not WebFinger?
# 13:33 eliemichel that's how I found IndieWeb too ;)
# 13:34 eliemichel I was trying to gather info about OStatus to try and implement it
# 13:34 barnabywalters e.g. I tried to implement salmon integration with statusnet but never got it working, with zero help forthcoming from the statusnet/ostatus community or codebase
# 13:34 barnabywalters eliemichel: h-card is a vocabulary (like activitystreams) whereas webfinger is a discovery mechanism (like rel-me)
# 13:34 eliemichel I droped Salmon from my todo-list before trying to implement it ^^
# 13:35 barnabywalters eliemichel: sounds like a productive decision, especially now status.net runs on pump.io
# 13:35 eliemichel yep but I though WebFinger is, in its foundments, a way to give back info about ourself
# 13:35 eliemichel Salmon is still used by Diaspora*
# 13:36 barnabywalters webfinger never actually had any way of encapsulating profile data, it just allowed you to get a bunch of links given an email address
# 13:36 eliemichel I read it is also used for private messages in D*… Makes nosense imho
# 13:36 barnabywalters eliemichel: pretty sure Diaspora’s OStatus implementation was somewhat customised — it certainly wasn’t compatible with status.net
# 13:36 eliemichel actually they don't say they use OStatus
# 13:37 eliemichel although their protocol is near from it
# 13:37 barnabywalters it did integrate with friendica for some time, but I think that was a project-specific collaboration rather than both impementing a documented standard
# 13:38 eliemichel «”¯WebFinger is about making email addresses more valuable, by letting people attach public metadata to them.”¯Â»
# 13:38 eliemichel So WebFinger fundamentally is a way to give back info
# 13:38 barnabywalters the indieweb rejects email addresses as a person’s primary identifier on the web, making webfinger not very much use
# 13:38 eliemichel and it is used to give some endpoints now
# 13:39 barnabywalters eliemichel: webfinger, via XRD (or some such XML format for linking to things)
# 13:40 eliemichel I don't say IW should use WebFinger. I just say that WebFinger is not exactly a mecanism
# 13:40 eliemichel It is nearer from h-cards
# 13:40 eliemichel but it has been essentially used inside the eponym mecanism
# 13:41 eliemichel well, you're right
# 13:41 eliemichel sry, not fully confortable with English
# 13:42 barnabywalters eliemichel: not a problem :) whilst indiewebcamp is primarily english-centric there are plenty of non-native speakers here
ben_mobile joined the channel
# 13:44 eliemichel but I did not implement any of IndieWeb protocols for now
# 13:45 eliemichel barnabywalters: how can I edit this list?
# 13:45 eliemichel ben_mobile: hi =)
joshwnj joined the channel
# 13:47 eliemichel Mmh I already added websignin =)
# 13:47 eliemichel I forgot it =P
# 13:47 eliemichel but, adding links is enough?
# 13:47 barnabywalters eliemichel: yep! that should enable you to log in on any site supporting indieauth/web sign in
# 13:49 eliemichel it uses the api provided by FB/Twitter and co?
# 13:49 eliemichel or just check the links?
# 13:49 eliemichel checking the links is enough
# 13:49 eliemichel since it shows that I can access my GitHub account for exemple
# 13:52 eliemichel bigbluehat: I like the idea of using urls with an @
# 13:53 eliemichel but barnabywalters just said "the indieweb rejects email addresses as a person’s primary identifier on the web"
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 13:57 bigbluehat yeah for "Why not personal domain email?" redundancy seems to be the only real "cost"
# 13:57 barnabywalters bigbluehat: userinfo is the best idea I’ve seen so far for doing email -> actual web content discovery
# 13:57 bigbluehat which is less than remembering your OpenID URL or even understanding what that is...for grandma
# 13:58 bigbluehat you can use it with my email address--which is in the demos on userinfo.me
# 13:58 bigbluehat it doesn't use the `UserInfo:` header yet--just the Basic Auth hack
# 13:59 bigbluehat but I'll be refactoring it to prefer that, posting some python code, and building some XHR-based clients for it in the coming months
# 14:14 ben_thatmustbeme while i don't disagree with the idea that personal domain is better than personal domain e-mail the 3 examples for section one are pretty much the same thing said 3 times
wolftune joined the channel
# 14:19 eliemichel #redundanception =P
# 14:21 eliemichel The email format begins to be interesting if the domain is owned by a family for example
# 14:22 eliemichel father.family.com instead of father@family.com can do the job, but this is more semantically coherent to use a @
# 14:25 ben_thatmustbeme its not really much different plus you get the ability to host far more information at a web address, plus you get control over contact or not
# 14:27 ben_thatmustbeme !tell aaronpk re google domains. Know that if you register there you cannot transfer out for 60 days after you purchase.
# 14:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ShaneHudson and ShaneHud_ joined the channel
# 14:36 eliemichel Why don't IW use Atom/RSS?
# 14:36 eliemichel I like my good old RSS reader =)
joshwnj joined the channel
# 14:42 ben_thatmustbeme its redundant. the idea is that microformats marks up the readable html to be parsable by a reader
# 14:43 ben_thatmustbeme there is nothing saying you can't but its the DRY principal. Why have two copies of the same content
# 14:45 eliemichel my approach was more: Everything starts with the RSS feed. Then my blog is just a feed reader configured to read that feed
# 14:46 eliemichel it allow readers to load only the info that interest them
# 14:47 eliemichel looks like a good idea indeed
# 14:47 ben_thatmustbeme interesting approach, so you use some Get values on your main page to filter content?
# 14:48 eliemichel Oh wait, is there a service somewhere that extract info from h-entry to convert them to rss feeds?
# 14:49 eliemichel Or do I have to add it to my todo list?
# 14:50 eliemichel I'm currently working on a feed reader. I gonna add h-entries to its todo-list too
j12t joined the channel
# 14:54 eliemichel Is there already feed readers that handle it?
# 15:02 eliemichel kylewm: thx
# 15:03 eliemichel but it does not include the content of article if it comes from a simple list of posts
# 15:03 eliemichel the resulting Atom feed does not include the core articles
# 15:04 eliemichel and I believe if there was many pages of entries, only the first one would be displayed
# 15:04 eliemichel is there a mecanism in h-entry to be able to recover a full feed?
# 15:05 eliemichel with all entries, and full entries
# 15:05 eliemichel this is, imho, the main issue of the human-first approach
yakker, lttlman, snarfed and joshwnj joined the channel
# 15:45 ben_thatmustbeme eliemichel, its really no different than if someone makes an RSS fee that doesn't have any more than the titles and links to the articles. That sample site isn't very user centric (imo) putting just links on the main page seems silly.
# 15:51 eliemichel yep but putting a list off all full articles is not really more readable
# 15:51 eliemichel I'm not really convinced by the human first approach
# 15:52 bret eliemichel i use a traditional rss/atom reader every day (feedbin/reeder). there are some issues with feeds however
# 15:52 eliemichel The machine that generate the page for the human get some raw data
# 15:52 bret i have to maintain a separate representation of my data
# 15:52 eliemichel there is no problem with sharing this raw data with other machines imho
# 15:53 bret I have to maintain invisible metadata, which tends to get out of sync with my main feed for the humans ;)
# 15:53 bret eliemichel its not a problem, just a hassle since I have to generate a secondary, invisible side file
# 15:53 eliemichel bret: I had the same problem, but if you generate your human page directly from the RSS feed there is no more DRY violation
# 15:54 bret eliemichel I can't because I use a static site generator
# 15:54 bret that would require some serious retooling
# 15:54 bret i like publishing human consumable data, and simply describe that so that machines can read it too
# 15:54 eliemichel but from where I am, using h-entries require some serious retooling too
# 15:55 eliemichel I understant well the human-first approach
# 15:55 eliemichel this is a good idea
# 15:55 bret and the provide the machine only feed through a transoforming service
# 15:55 eliemichel but not without issues
# 15:55 eliemichel it leads to useless computation
# 15:56 bret so i am still in the same state, but publishing for people comes first. so maybe it comes down to philosophy
# 15:59 eliemichel I think I gonna write some paragraph about why I'm not convinced by the human first approach, although I don't dislike it.
# 16:00 bret computes just do the transform, even if you manage everything behind the scenes with machine first data serialization formats, ultimately its turning into light on a screen (or sound etc)
# 16:01 eliemichel yes but doing a transform for undoing it directly is a watse of computation
# 16:02 eliemichel Machine 1 generate a page with a h-entry from raw data and then Machine 2 get the same raw data from the page
# 16:03 bret yeah thats where microformats come in, it turns the page into json or xml or whatever
# 16:03 eliemichel What I like in IndieWeb is that it takes into account devs since it is designed to be implemented by each person individually
# 16:04 eliemichel that's nice, but page cut are not the same for machines than for humans
# 16:05 eliemichel where it becomes tricky is when the machine have to do several requests to build the feed back
# 16:05 bret microformats has implied properties, so literally having a list of posts that have the correct html classes parse to an ordered array
# 16:06 bret which can be easily transformed to any other kind of feed
# 16:07 bret thats transforming the irc logs (uF formattted) into an atom feed
# 16:07 bret excuse the Jade template language... was experimenting with that
# 16:07 eliemichel it is understandable ;)
# 16:14 ben_thatmustbeme i'm sure my site will break a few parsers since in reality the hentry items are not in chronological order
# 16:19 bret you could always add chronological display on another page if you wanted that
# 16:20 bret or add sorting parameters to your urls
# 16:21 Loqi aaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 hour, 53 minutes ago: re google domains. Know that if you register there you cannot transfer out for 60 days after you purchase.
# 16:21 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: I think that is true for any registrar, it's an ICANN rule IIRC
# 16:22 rascul i got in the google domains thing, but there's nothing there to interest me compared to gandi
# 16:23 rascul google doesn't have any of my domains at this time
gRegor` joined the channel
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# 16:25 bret rascul the interesting thing about google domains is that everyone who has a gmail account now has an account with a domain register
paulcp joined the channel
# 16:27 bret thats very good news! mattepp is a wordpress core contributor. Can't wait to see what he comes up with for wordpress
joshwnj and glennjones_ joined the channel
# 16:43 eliemichel 18:19 < bret> you could always add chronological display on another page if you wanted that
# 16:43 eliemichel bret: isn't it some kind of repetition
# 16:44 bret it depends on how you want to look at it or implement it.
# 16:44 eliemichel The difference between making a special page with full ordered articles and h-entries inside it and making a simple Atom feed is not large
# 16:44 bret if your site can sort things, then its a matter of a sorting param
# 16:44 eliemichel as for rss feeds
# 16:44 bret if its going to be feed like, why make it invisible?
# 16:45 eliemichel what is invisible??
# 16:45 eliemichel Loqi: no thanks ^^
# 16:45 bret atom/rss xml feeds are invisible unless you have a tool to detect and consume them. these tools are not included in browsers anymore
# 16:46 eliemichel what about a simple RSS button”¯?
# 16:46 eliemichel like on almost all site using RSS
# 16:46 bret a simple rss button is just an a tag, why link to a page that the browser cant display?
# 16:46 eliemichel well, it's not completely true, I noticed that a lot of sites does not show any button
# 16:47 eliemichel you can link to a page that the browser can read
# 16:47 bret we need to evolve how atom/rss feeds work
# 16:47 eliemichel with a link in it to the feed
# 16:47 bret h-feeds are an effort to do just that
# 16:47 eliemichel that the feed reader will follow
# 16:48 eliemichel I don't think h-entries are an enhancement of traditionnal feeds
# 16:48 eliemichel this is just a phylosophically different approach
# 16:49 bret but will be switching away from the direct publishing of it soon
# 16:49 bret i'll still have the meta information on how to get atom off my site
# 16:49 eliemichel which means?
# 16:50 bret it works the same, but I only have to worry about my html
# 16:50 bret i dont have to edit my html template and xml templates when creating new post types
# 16:51 bret microformats has not been used to enhance readers that much yet. its been primarily used to allow for cross site commenting and reply contexts
# 16:52 eliemichel So why dropping Atom from the protocol list?
# 16:52 eliemichel if the purpose is different
tantek_ joined the channel
# 16:53 eliemichel I feel a little bit lost
# 16:53 tantek_ Atom is no longer needed in general. And XML is out of fashion. ;)
# 16:53 bret :) its okay welcome to the bleeding edge
# 16:54 eliemichel XML is out of fashion…
# 16:54 eliemichel does protocols care about that kind of fashion?
# 16:55 eliemichel I'm aware of that starting-to-be-old never-ending debate =P
# 16:55 eliemichel XML vs JSON, VIM vs emacs, etc
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:57 bret that works by creating a post on your site, marking up the post to indicate it is in reply to another url, then pinging that site to notify it.
# 16:57 tantek_ eliemichel Atom is a dead end that stopped evolving in the mid-2000s.
# 16:57 bret if the site consumes microformats, it can extract that information back into itself
# 16:58 eliemichel aaronpk: I posted it 2 hours ago, it may contains a lot of typos…
# 16:59 bret the goal is to allow people to have conversations with each other like they do on twitter or facebook, without those silos
# 16:59 eliemichel I can't exactly see how h-entries enable twitter-like conversation
# 16:59 aaronpk eliemichel: luckily there are tons of examples of how h-entry enables that
# 16:59 bret eliemichel how else to you propose websites extract data from each other?
# 16:59 tantek_ eliemichel h-entry + in-reply-to + webmention. presto.
tantek joined the channel
# 17:00 bret with atom, I would have to generate xml files for every permalink
# 17:00 eliemichel mmh no, just one single file
# 17:01 eliemichel but it would be heavy…
# 17:01 eliemichel okey, I start to see how webmention + h-entry drive to awesome results =)
# 17:02 bret there is always going to be html for a website. how you generate that is up to you. this just takes the approach of making the html trivialy consumable by a parser
# 17:02 eliemichel but do we agree that h-entry can't be a good way to syndicate full article lists as atom does
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:03 eliemichel When you webmention some page, the target will come here and extract the article from the page
# 17:03 bret eliemichel it depends on the publisher just as it does with atom/rss. xml feeds have the same issues where publihers truncate full text to get more page views
# 17:03 eliemichel but what if I just want to follow someone's posts?
# 17:04 eliemichel yes but it truncate it according to machine-related issues
# 17:04 eliemichel not human-related ones
# 17:04 eliemichel it could be truncated differently
# 17:04 bret the truncation issue is equivalent as far as I can tell between atom and h-feed
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:05 eliemichel I think I gonna draw something
ShaneHud_ joined the channel
# 17:09 bret eliemichel re following someones posts: for now just do as you always do: use your favorite reader or social network. i think the goals of indieweb style readers that barnaby and ben are developing is that you follow people by adding that persons domain name, with the added benefit that all of their social networks are identified on the site and can be used as auxiliary data sources. You follow people by their domain, not xml feeds. No more hunting
# 17:09 bret around for rss buttons or unlisted feeds. Just point to a personal domain or social network profile url.
# 17:10 bret since its actually supposed to be useful, i'm sure atom/rss feeds will be supported
# 17:10 bret the goal is to follow people, not feeds. thats what made facebook and twitter so popular
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:11 ben_thatmustbeme I think elimichel is pointing out the bit about not really getting a full history if you just follow their hfeed. It doesn't go all the way back, whereas rss/atom tend to go back much farther since you aren't concerned about display
# 17:11 eliemichel mmh yes but I still want to be able to read Foo's articles in my feed reader
# 17:11 tantek_ not any more. RSS/Atom tend to be bulkier so I for one have fewer items there than on my home page.
# 17:11 eliemichel "following Foo's domain name" is too abstract for that purpose
# 17:11 bret ben_thatmustbeme in my experience, that is never guaranteed with a feed
# 17:11 aaronpk in my experience atom feeds tend to be much shorter, like 5 or 10 items
# 17:12 tantek_ in general the data quality in feeds is crappier. fewer items, less accurate, truncated, all kinds of garbage.
# 17:12 aaronpk at least with an h-feed you can look for a rel=prev link and follow that for past items
Jihaisse joined the channel
# 17:12 eliemichel atom feed are not supposed to be full
# 17:12 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek_ left you a message 4 hours, 36 minutes ago: <p> is the wrong element for transclusion of someone else's text anyway. We already have <blockquote> for that. And it already has a "cite" attribute for referencing the source.
# 17:13 eliemichel KartikPrabhu: éfollowing a domain" does not explain how to get articles from it
# 17:13 bret KartikPrabhu for the same reason twitter and facebook include follow buttons... we can do that too though
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:13 eliemichel aaronpk: rel=prev exists for Atom too
# 17:14 KartikPrabhu so I could put a domain name and it could osme magically how fin the h-feed
# 17:14 tantek_ eliemichel - can you point to any actual examples?
# 17:14 eliemichel aaronpk: nop ^^
# 17:14 tantek_ eliemichel - Atom has a lot of (far too many, mostly hypothetical) features, no one actually uses them all in practice
# 17:14 eliemichel KartikPrabhu: it's not magical, there is a link in it
# 17:14 tantek_ so "exists for Atom too" is typically irrelevant (or at least hand-wavy)
# 17:14 eliemichel you're right
# 17:15 eliemichel wait, too many backlog =p
# 17:16 ben_thatmustbeme i think h-feed just makes more sense. in the "follow ben.thatmustbe.me" it already knows what page to load, no need to go there and then try to find the atom/rss feen
# 17:16 eliemichel ben_thatmustbeme: it force your index to list all your articles
# 17:16 eliemichel a link allow you to use your domain as endpoint without constraint about the human content
# 17:16 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: not really. my home page does not have all my articles but it has a rel-feed link to a hfeed page that does
# 17:17 bret im of the opinion that phones and computers are pretty super duper fast, so just show me the full content of your last 10 posts :)
# 17:17 eliemichel KartikPrabhu: can I have a link to your page?
# 17:18 KartikPrabhu the nav links at the bottom have rel-feed links to h-feed pages. In fact Bridgy already consumes this to find original posts from POSSE post copies
# 17:19 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: is a h-feed assumed to be chronological?
# 17:19 eliemichel ben_thatmustbeme: Don't think so
# 17:20 eliemichel since it is not supposed to be exhaustive
# 17:20 eliemichel you can suppose each entry is a separate feed
# 17:20 eliemichel so that there is no reason they are ordoned
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 17:21 ben_thatmustbeme because of the design i wanted on my site, i ended up having 1 feed that has my latest 10 posts and latest 10 notes after that
# 17:22 eliemichel Dunno, but don't think so
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# 17:22 eliemichel it would be weired that such a liberal format force entries to be ordered
# 17:23 aaronpk I think most examples of h-feed or lists of h-entries are ordered by publish date
j12t joined the channel
# 17:37 eliemichel Would it be relevant to include h-entry micro-format to agregated data?
# 17:38 eliemichel I mean, is in the articles that I did not write but that are in my feed reader
# 17:51 bret eliemichel, im not sure. would you want a program to consume it in some way?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:51 eliemichel you're right
# 17:52 eliemichel or maybe for some internal JS processing
# 17:52 eliemichel but I don't need a wide spread std for that
# 17:52 eliemichel just a local convention
# 17:55 eliemichel ben_thatmustbeme: thx =)
Phyks joined the channel
# 17:58 KartikPrabhu tantek: about the fragmention quote post. I agree, it is grossly over-thinking quotations and fragmentions too. In fact it would be much easier if your post publishing software saw a fragmention in the post and just fetched and inserted a <blockquote>
# 18:02 tantek KartikPrabhu: was there a tweet associate with that post that I can @-reply to?
# 18:03 tantek oh man, benwerd is schooling @davewiner on POSSE. oh boy.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:05 eliemichel is it possible to sen webmentions manually?
# 18:05 eliemichel I've not implemented it yet
caseorga_ joined the channel
# 18:06 eliemichel but I'd like to "say" that I mention sites
# 18:10 eliemichel indeed it is as simple as a http request
# 18:12 eliemichel actually it's been a long time I need to refactor my whole blog engine
# 18:12 eliemichel that's why I was looking for some social protocole
# 18:12 tantek KartikPrabhu: unfair advantage, been doing Twitter since 2006 ;)
# 18:12 eliemichel and why I end up with 1. writing an article about it 2. adopting indieweb
# 18:13 tantek eliemichel: that's a good approach! documenting your thoughts and wants and needs first, then exploring!
# 18:15 KartikPrabhu it seems funny that everytime someone sees a problem they jump to inventing a protocol... so strange
# 18:17 tantek KartikPrabhu: typically it's a result of ignorance/naïveté. Those who do not know about existing standards are doomed to reinvent them.
# 18:18 eliemichel sometimes they know about it but it seems overcomplicated to them
# 18:18 KartikPrabhu tantek in this case pf fragmention+quotes, those who knew the standards are doomed to reinvent them
# 18:18 tantek e.g. that "hacking paragraph" post - clearly the author was so completely ignorant of <blockquote> that they didn't even mention it in their post!
# 18:18 eliemichel but finally they end up with a more complicated solution…
# 18:19 tantek eliemichel: the "end up with a more complicated solution" is usually an indicator of lack of expertise/skill/practice at designing standards. AKA newbie outcome.
# 18:19 KartikPrabhu tantek: hmm you really think the author did not know about blockquote?
# 18:19 tantek KartikPrabhu: occam's razor, ignorance rather than ignoring
# 18:19 eliemichel tantek: that's exactly what I intented to mean ;)
# 18:20 tantek to put it another way, designing *simple* standards is *very hard*
# 18:20 tantek and typically requires failure and iteration :/
# 18:20 KartikPrabhu tantek: you mean Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
# 18:21 eliemichel «”¯It seems that perfection is reached when there is nothing to remove rather than when there is nothing to add”¯Â»
# 18:21 eliemichel — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
# 18:22 eliemichel what article are u talking about actually?
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# 18:51 aaronpk which means now I'm going to have to PESOS this list to my site
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# 18:54 tantek aaronpk, perhaps you can ask them to support importing h-recipe from your own site
# 18:55 aaronpk well it's all tied to specific product IDs at the specific store, so not so sure that would work
# 18:56 aaronpk and it's also not necessarily a recipe, it could be a list of household items
# 18:56 aaronpk like, these specific brand of eggs at this store at this location
# 18:57 tantek when in practice, recipes have no such need for such specificity, and are just fine with just "eggs"
# 18:57 aaronpk these are lists of things you can buy on the site
# 18:57 aaronpk with little "add" buttons so you can add them to your cart
# 19:00 KevinMarks I was using a diet tracking app that assumed every food had a barcode. Which didn't really work with fresh produce
# 19:01 tantek you know what also doesn't have barcodes? the produce I can (and have) grow(n) in my garden.
# 19:02 aaronpk made an indie smoothie yesterday. well, indie kale anyway
# 19:04 gRegor` is catching up
# 19:06 tantek gRegor`, KartikPrabhu what's even funnier about that p[href] proposal is that "href on every element" was one of the "features" of XHTML2. And I doubt the author even knew that either.
# 19:07 gRegor` I did not know that either
# 19:07 tantek that reminds me I need to +1 something bret said
# 19:07 gRegor` (I only skimmed that p href article. tl;dr)
# 19:09 gRegor` And in response, bret was invited to join a *drumroll* discussion group
# 19:11 tantek gRegor`: I think you mean a discussion *silo* ;)
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# 19:15 tantek how are we looking for IndieWebCamp Cambridge at MIT? were you able to book a room for 2014-10-10..11?
# 19:15 gRegor` On the plus side, their discussion group/silo is open source. But still not on their own domain.
# 19:17 sandro Yes, tantek, when we first talked about this I reserved a room that's rated for 48 people in chairs.
# 19:18 tantek are there 2-3 next door / nearby breakout rooms for separate barcamp sessions?
# 19:21 tantek rather than what I wrote above. 2014-10-10 is CyborgCamp (also at MIT, but at Media Lab)
# 19:24 tantek.com edited /2014/Cambridge/Guest_List (-64) "/* Official Guest List */ move venue capacity to Participants section to bring count closer to where people add themselves, update capacity to 48 per sandro confirmation of venue, and recount signed-up and remaining numbers" (
view diff )
# 19:25 tantek works on updating the Guest List to be more like UK
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# 19:39 tantek bret - did you look at the joindiaspora forum link they posted?
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# 19:42 tantek Sandro - 403 at that URL: "You are not Authorized / You are not authorized to access this page."
# 19:45 tantek looks for any semblance of an address for Stata Center and fails to find one on MIT, including at link labeled "Building Address"
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# 19:48 sandro Capacity: 48 chairs, 9 tables
# 19:49 sandro Square Footage: 1170.14
# 19:49 sandro lcd projector with 2 vga connections in floor boxes
# 19:51 tantek I've been in that room before - at the recent (June?) W3C AC meeting
# 19:51 tantek sandro can we use any of the smaller nearby rooms for breakout sessions?
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# 19:55 sandro tantek, yes, most of them are signed up around 1-3 pm, but there are a few in the building free.
# 19:55 sandro There's a 30 person room free all day -- should I reserve it now?
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# 19:57 tantek the MIT site has very strange information architecture
# 19:57 tantek non-trivial to find a permalink for a building
# 19:58 sandro I thought the camp was Friday + Saturday (Oct 10, 11). Am I confused or has that changed? No one else has reserved any rooms in the building Sat or Sun; Friday is the only contended day.
# 20:00 tantek sandro - sorry, the camp has always been Saturday Sunday Oct 11-12, *following* CyborgCamp which is Oct 10.
# 20:01 aaronpk two different tweets included a link to that page
# 20:01 aaronpk i still don't agree with how this works btw, since technically you liked the tweet, not that page
# 20:02 tantek it still looks odd - I'd think even with that interpretation (of liking the page), the page would de-dup
# 20:02 snarfed aaronpk: tantek: right. one tweet was cyborbcamp's, one was amber's
# 20:03 tantek wonders if by "usable campus map", xkcd implies a campus map where you can permalink to buildings
# 20:04 snarfed (aaronpk: summary: the only explicit way we have to differentiate posse tweets from mention tweets is u-syndication, or *maybe* permashortcitation etc (debatable), both of which have extremely low adoption among bridgy users)
# 20:05 snarfed tantek: huh? i wouldn't expect to look for or use a rel=me link on a post that points to an individual tweet permalink, or vice versa
# 20:06 aaronpk if someone favorites that tweet, it should not be generating a favorite of the cyborgcamp.com link
# 20:06 tantek thought he documented this in the discovery algorithm already
# 20:07 snarfed aaronpk: that's a hard line to draw. when *would* you expect a twitter favorite to result in a u-like-of then?
# 20:07 tantek when the tweet is a POSSE copy of the original
# 20:08 aaronpk oh I see the problem... yeah it needs u-syndication or the permashortcitation
# 20:08 sandro Okay, so if it's Saturday/Sunday, we have the whole building, I think. Pondering whether there are better rooms.
# 20:08 sandro I'll cancel the reserveration for Friday?
# 20:09 tantek !tell caseorganic - confirming - IndieWebCamp Cambridge is 2014-10-11..12 right? the Sat/Sun *after* CyborgCamp on Friday?
# 20:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
# 20:09 snarfed aaronpk: exactly! and those both have low adoption among bridgy users
# 20:09 snarfed to be clear, this is entirely a bridgy product/policy choice. technically, we can implement anything we want. it's just where on the tradeoff i've come down so far. definitely open to changing it in the future.
# 20:10 tantek aaronpk, snarfed, no you can tell the difference because POSSE tweets come from a Twitter profile that the original site has rel=me linked to!
# 20:11 snarfed tantek:true! good point. it's only a partial solution - KevinMarks has complained about bridgy interpreting non-posse tweets of his as posse - but still, it would definitely help. it's a good feature request.
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# 20:24 tantek lols a bit at the prospect of attaching a "ORIGINAL: URL" QR code as photo to POSSE'd tweets
# 20:27 tantek snarfed, where is it documented that Bridgy treats any tweet etc. with a link to an original post as a POSSE copy?
# 20:28 snarfed tantek: i'm not sure it is. like i said before, it's a faq i need to write up, but i've procrastinated because the tradeoff and decision is a bit complex
# 20:29 snarfed again, you're right that rel=me helps distinguish between different people, but that's actually the minority case. the common case is a tweet from the same author that *mentions* the post, but isn't a posse of it.
# 20:30 snarfed hence using u-syndication/PSC to identify posse tweets, which i'm reluctant to do since adoption rates are low, so it would muzzle responses for lots of users
# 20:32 KevinMarks_ I don't mind you replicating my non-posse tweets back as comments BTW, it's just weird when the responses are replicated and the tweet isn't
# 20:33 snarfed KevinMarks_: right. personally, i like the current behavior too.
# 20:34 tantek in case that helps with opening a feature request issue for bridgy
# 20:37 tantek KevinMarks - how about a 24hr threshold - would that work for you?
# 20:38 tantek i.e. any tweeting you do of your own posts more than 24hrs after you published your posts would be treated as *comments* on your own post rather than POSSE copies
# 20:39 KevinMarks_ Also, it would be nice if bridgy embedded the tweet the first time it was faved/liked
# 20:40 tantek what do you mean by "bridgy embedded the tweet"?
# 20:41 KevinMarks_ See that post, where it shows the fav/likes but not the tweet that got them
# 20:42 KevinMarks_ Where the conversation with Nina shows up, but without the linking tweet that started it
# 20:49 tantek KevinMarks: looks like the 24hr rule would work for your examples
# 20:50 tantek another solution for you is to include rel=syndication markup explicitly
# 20:50 tantek which should be also published on <a href="http://techcrunch.com/2013/06/09/how-apples-ios-fragmentation-problems-distort-design-thinking/" rel="syndication">TechCrunch</a>
# 20:53 tantek KevinMarks, and then you could add another link after that: <p>And <a rel="syndication" href="https://twitter.com/...">tweeted</a>.</p>
# 21:04 gRegor` I noticed that
# 21:04 gRegor` Same for fotopedia.com
# 21:04 KartikPrabhu it does have a nice animated header so that counts for somethign right?
# 21:05 gRegor` Ugh, sites that only work with www.
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# 23:13 tantek same button - click retweet again and it unretweets
# 23:14 KevinMarks_ Ah right. I was looking at it in my timeline and the button wasn't there
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# 23:37 tantek emmak_: does your server automatically call Bridgy Publish to POSSE to FB for every post?
# 23:38 tantek or do you use the Bridgy Publish UI to manually POSSE to FB some posts?
# 23:39 tantek oh cool - that sounds ideal. like a checkbox? and then your server does it for you automatically?
# 23:39 emmak_ yes its a checkbox, and everything is handled automatically
# 23:46 tantek KartikPrabhu: hah - and nice analogy too - the Candy House.
# 23:47 tantek and more applicable to all those fancy new startups
# 23:47 KartikPrabhu tantek: the Candy House terminology is from the original Medium article! I want to reply with "oh snap"
# 23:50 KartikPrabhu he seems to already know about #indieweb, so maybe someone who knows him could invite
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