2014-09-18 UTC
# 00:03 tantek so you still keep the full parsed data of the webmention, the URL etc.?
# 00:03 gRegor` When I implement delete, it will be similar. A checkbox and store the deleted date in the database.
# 00:03 bret although the permalink contains some context
# 00:04 gRegor` That's how they're marked as deleted currently, when someone sends a 410 wm
# 00:07 tantek I'm thinking of the use-cases of (1) particularly nasty or ugly comments you don't want to ever read even part of ever again - e.g. when debugging your data(base), (2) URLs you never want even the possibility of visiting ever again (e.g. when you export/import of your data, or debugging it and wondering what that URL was) because the contents were so noxious.
# 00:08 gRegor` Sure, a hard delete makes sense and is a feature a lot of people would want, I'm sure. Particularly those that get attacked online viciously.
# 00:08 tantek KartikPrabhu: I have encountered tweets like that (bad/ugly text) - not necessarily intended for me but referencing @t. And I have definitely encountered pingback spam from supernasty domains.
# 00:08 tantek so these are both real world use-cases that have already happeneed to me personally in the past
# 00:09 tantek I don't want this data to show up in a flat export / data dump of my blog
# 00:09 KartikPrabhu tantek: if you are very inclined to delete then you could and maybe add the sender to a "blocked" list on webmention endpoint
# 00:09 tantek because then it gets "associated" with all the rest of the data in the blog
# 00:09 gRegor` will consider renaming my method "archive" and offer "delete" separately
# 00:10 tantek but they're in your data storage still right? so if/when you export your "data", that content is there.
# 00:11 KartikPrabhu hey it s your data. If you are so replused by certain parts you can delete it. I might consider doing that if I do get really nasty/offensive comments or spam
# 00:12 tantek right. so I have in the past and thus as part of expanding my storage system to store webmentions, I am thinking about how can I store that I received a webmention, without storing the URL or data.
# 00:13 tantek because obviously if I get another webmention for the same URL I want to ignore it.
# 00:13 tantek that way I can check to see if I got it already or not
# 00:13 tantek without knowing what the URL is, and thus not being able to navigate to it
# 00:14 tantek and have my system automatically ignore webmentions from it in the future
# 00:15 tantek but before I designed/built anything from my hypothetical understanding I wanted to ping here to see if anyone else had (a) thought about this problem, (b) implemented it
# 00:16 tantek additionally I might flag a deletion with *why* I deleted it (spam, abusive / personal attack, etc.)
# 00:17 tantek thus I'd consider keeping track of the hashed domain as well as the hashed source permalinks
# 00:17 tantek so I could keep track of - have I deleted anything from this site before?
# 00:17 gRegor` I store an md5 of the source + target URL
# 00:17 gRegor` Currently use the hash to determine if a webmention is new or an update.
# 00:18 tantek also a shareable block list without openly sharing what domains you're blocking (which some people might take offense to)
# 00:18 tantek I figure it could be used for CRUD routing as well
# 00:18 gRegor` Also have a blacklist, but it's just domain-level
# 00:18 Loqi tantek meant to say: I figured it could be used for CRUD routing as well
# 00:18 gRegor` Shareable block lists are an interesting idea
# 00:19 gRegor` I've seen some chatter about that on Twitter. I think there's even some third party services people have made for it
# 00:22 kylewm interesting that flaminga mutes and blockbot blocks
# 00:23 gRegor` blockbot is more about abuse from random people on Twitter you don't follow
# 00:24 tantek (context: last half of 2009 is when I finally gave up on Twitter and started writing Falcon, deploying live and switching over on 2010-01-01)
# 00:24 tantek so that blocklist stuff was probably the last thing I documented as part of social network portability before I gave up on that and decided I need to start by owning my own data first.
scor joined the channel
# 00:41 gRegor` I was about to tweet to them, but realized it'd be less confusing if it was you. "I won't be there but let Kartik know..."
# 00:43 bret What do people think about micropub clients that send out of scope fields?
alexhart_ and alexhartley joined the channel
# 00:58 kylewm bret: can you clarify what you mean by out of scope?
# 01:00 bret kylewm like if I want to POST a micropub post, but also include a field like youtube: [video id]
# 01:02 bret i do media embeds using a template for some sites, so i can track API changes easily
# 01:03 kylewm it seems a little contrary to the spirit to send something that you wouldn't have as a p-* property in the final document
# 01:03 bret like, I can update (almost) all of my youtube embeds with a single template edit
# 01:04 bret yeah i'm not sure what to do. maybe just advanced parsing of content is the way to go
lukebrooker, KevinMarks and glennjones joined the channel
# 01:53 ShaneHudson The index.php thing seems to be caused by mod rewrite not reaching the second rewrite if it was originally going to http:// not https://, anyone had that problem before?
# 01:56 ShaneHudson Yeah. It hits the first redirect (to https) but doesn't reach the second (removing index.php)
# 01:59 ShaneHudson Of course a simple work around is to only ever use https links, but that is unlikely to happen (and not backwards friendly)
# 01:59 ShaneHudson But it is 3am so going to have to sort it in the morning. Goodnight!
fmarier joined the channel
# 02:05 KartikPrabhu !tell ShaneHudson I had the same issue with http->https and www->no-www redirects. Only one of them could be done
# 02:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:05 Loqi ShaneHudson: KartikPrabhu left you a message 33 seconds ago: I had the same issue with http->https and www->no-www redirects. Only one of them could be done
# 02:06 ShaneHudson Interesting. I had problems beforehand leaving that in, so will need to find a way to do both. It has to be possible!
parzzix, j12t, mdik, annevk, danlyke, alexhartley and halorgium joined the channel
# 02:55 parzzix I made a static page and a known hosted site... i have rel-me links to the static age...do I do the same on known?
# 02:57 KevinMarks_ If you choose the solo theme on known it shows the rel me links on the homepage
techlifeweb, alexhartley and Mark87_ joined the channel
# 04:08 GWG Long articles...no one says a thing
# 04:08 GWG Account of my dilemma about buying new pants..10 comments and 4 likes
# 04:15 GWG KevinMarks, just...when I write about the Indieweb...I'd like some opinions
# 04:15 GWG Or something else long than...I didn't steal pants today
KartikPrabhu, lukebrooker, alexhartley, wolftune, addal, techlifeweb and stephanbuys joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, alexhartley, eschnou, j12t, hidgw, bear, alexhart_, wolftune, pfefferle, friedcell, krendil, Sebastien-L, petermolnar, glennjones and sammachin joined the channel
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# 11:12 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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# 13:58 GWG Well, some guy named Ben told me I had a div problem, so I've been working on it
# 13:59 alanpearce Recovering from illness :( Although I might try working on my clojure mf2 parser later :)
# 14:01 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: No. I just hate looking for tags in multi-file code, but it has to be fixed.
# 14:01 GWG So, first I had to disable all plugins on my test site, and check the theming code.
# 14:01 GWG Then I have to enable each plugin to see if it is leaving an open div.
# 14:01 ben_thatmustbeme i try to be really good about designing so that tag levels match per file. with the only exception being the main header and footer templates
# 14:02 alanpearce That's why I prefer inheriting templating systems rather than include-based ones :)
# 14:03 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I wrote the plugins in question. One override the standard commenting template with a custom one.
# 14:03 alanpearce Yeah, most things are fine iff done right, but that's the problem IMO :)
# 14:04 ben_thatmustbeme well pretty much any system can be done wrong too, I can see inheritance being over abused and just leading to difficulty finding anything
# 14:05 alanpearce But it's pretty trivial to ensure tags are balanced with a helpful editor
# 14:05 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I'm going for modularity. The net effect though of that is trying to find which file you need to look it.
# 14:06 GWG And I wrote one thing with a set of options, so I need to check to see if any of the options are coded incorrectly.
# 14:07 GWG I've been wading through it, because I want it to work correctly.
# 14:07 GWG Correction...it was working. I want it to parse correctly.
# 14:09 GWG alanpearce: No. But I am open to ideas. I am not a developer by trade
# 14:13 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I was trained in information Science. But I work in a corporate training and service capacity
# 14:14 jonnybarnes I thought it'd be nice and easy upgrading my dad's iPad mini to iOS 8, but no, it wont update for some reason
# 14:14 jonnybarnes 2nd attempt at downloading iOS, hopefully itll then actually install it this time
# 14:14 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: My grandmother told me work is what you do so you can have fun other times
friedcell joined the channel
# 14:17 GWG Either way, even though the tools I am developing are for me, I want to make them usable by others.
snarfed joined the channel
# 14:18 ben_thatmustbeme johnnybarnes my wife is still on ios 6, she really doesn't like the new look of 7, forget 8
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# 14:19 ben_thatmustbeme indeed GWG, I have stuck within a framework that I know there is an installer for, i'll just have to port that over at some point and stabilize
Pea1 joined the channel
# 14:22 jonnybarnes ben_thatmustbeme: but surely most of her apps are now out of date?
# 14:24 ben_thatmustbeme jonnybarnes, many of them aren't. most suppose back to ios6 fine. she also doesn't update often. her main thing is she can't get new apps that make use of the newer APIs
# 14:39 GWG Next time I will just say that I use a text editor
# 14:45 alanpearce I think it's the most efficient text editing model, but I prefer Emacs for other reasons
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# 15:10 finalcut well, that was interesting. will that happen whenever I tweet or just when I do certain things or use certain keywords?
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# 15:15 finalcut okay, good, I don't want to be that loud boorish guy that just shows up and spams the crap out of you all before getting booted
gRegor` joined the channel
# 15:16 finalcut I hear ya; I was just worried about future tweets all flooding this way.. some days i'm kind of verbal
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# 15:43 jonnybarnes its actually quite a good introduction to basic programming ideas
# 15:45 alanpearce Not sure what to think about it given that it starts with regex :D
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# 15:52 jonnybarnes alanpearce: yeah, that is quite a weird start, but it is targeted at lawyers
# 16:06 jonnybarnes does anyone know where barnabrwalters map-view post aggregator is?
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:14 jonnybarnes Im getting an error about L being undefined, which I guess is the global variable for leaflet
paulcp and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:16 aaronpk look at your JS console. it's not loading most of the libraries because they're all http URLs
# 16:18 jonnybarnes I just get "Location application started successfully" in Firefox Nightly
# 16:19 kylewm and I just get Error: Script error for: leaflet
# 16:20 aaronpk right because it's not loading the leaflet library
# 16:20 aaronpk he just needs to switch it to load the libraries over https
# 16:24 jonnybarnes havving added a temporary exception, I'm not sure on barnaby's geo-data
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# 16:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
alanpearce and ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 16:50 gRegor` Known HTML comment: <!-- To silo is human, to syndicate divine -->
j12t, npdoty and paulcp joined the channel
# 17:09 snarfed !tell willnorris hi! quick question: bridgy is hitting the G+ API daily courtesy quota, and i'd like to request a bump, but i'm a bit scared to bring any attention to it. do you have any feeling for whether the G+ team would be ok with bridgy, or whether they'd ban hammer it? (i'll ask other friends there too, but you have the most direct experience. :P details: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/22 )
# 17:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:15 gRegor` But you get it.
# 17:17 kylewm does anybody's posting interface let you drag/drop images into the composition area, like github issues?
# 17:18 snarfed kylewm: agreed. only from disk, right? if gh supported it from within the browser, that would be truly killer
# 17:19 gRegor` Withknown sells the "syndicate to social networks" well, but not sure it sells the webmention aspect well. I just told my friend how he could post in reply to me and it would show up as a comment. He was like "really?"
# 17:19 snarfed kylewm: wow, wp supports drag and drop images from both disk and the browser
# 17:20 finalcut drag and drop from the browser is pretty slick - I hadn't seen that before
# 17:25 aaronpk ownyourgram sends it! so if you're using ownyourgram for photos you can do it pretty easily!
# 17:25 finalcut I can't express how much I dig this whole indie auth thing.. I feel like I've really been missing out.
pauloppenheim and petermolnar joined the channel
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# 17:32 petermolnar I'm semi-self-hosting it, meaning I've set it up for my wife, but she's not using it yet :(
# 17:34 finalcut yeah, I'm using Known; just working out some kinks in it and my understanding of many of these concepts
# 17:34 kylewm finalcut: is bridgy still not working for you? saw a post from a couple days about it
# 17:36 finalcut though I don't know when it will tie in a comment and when it won't
# 17:36 finalcut the change in my workflow (for instance with twitter replies) is an awkward hurdle for me
# 17:37 finalcut that webmention didn't work today until I patched known - but then no kind of annotation worked on my instance before that
# 17:37 snarfed finalcut: agreed. indieweb tools still usually aren't as easy to use, esp across devices, as the silos
# 17:40 finalcut maybe you can answer this question for me if you don't mind - I have just tried to have known post to facebook for me - the post makes it through but it isn't visible to everyone in "Your Friends" instead it has a statement saying: "shared only with developers and testers while this application is being built"
# 17:41 finalcut well there were a couple other files edited; that particular commit fixes a bug I created fixing the actual problem
# 17:42 finalcut basically in mongo2.6 and above you can't have dots in your field names and annotations are using the URI of the annotation as their key field within the entity being annotated
# 17:42 kylewm finalcut: if you go to your app in developers.facebook.com, under Status & Review, there is a switch for "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?"
# 17:44 finalcut Im not certain my approach is the greatest but it seemed to be the least disruptive way to get it working without breaking how it worked with older mongodb installs
# 17:44 kylewm you may have to fill in some fields like the "App Domains" under Settings, but you should not have to submit to Facebook for review
# 17:44 finalcut kylewm : thanks for the status&review tip; I've flipped that switch
# 17:45 finalcut I don't remember seeing that tip when adding and setting up the plugin - it might be a useful bit of text to add to the plugin setup instructions if it isn't there (i might have overlooked it)
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# 17:47 alanpearce finalcut: you should be sympathetic to the project's coding style (i.e. tabs/spaces)
# 17:48 finalcut you are correct; but I honestly had no idea what it was/is. I was using vi and kind of guessing as I went; i'm not very good with vi.
# 17:53 kylewm finalcut: it does look like you've got a couple of tabs in there but very good of you to submit a PR regardless
# 17:53 finalcut I think I fixed one of the tab files.. using github directly and just copying/pasting whitespace from lines that predate my change.
tilgovi, paulcp, Mark87, dumnut, josephboyle and j12t joined the channel
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# 18:30 gRegor` I thought Known automatically did the bridgy kind of stuff, pulling in tweets and so on?
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# 18:35 ShaneHudson snarfed: How is bridgy faring with the amount of users? Still easily affordable?
# 18:36 kylewm definitely an uptick in the last week and a half though
# 18:37 snarfed it actually throttles polling and webmention sending at a constant rate, so as it gets bigger, it just does those things slower, as opposed to incurring more load
# 18:37 kylewm geez but yeah appengine seems like a steal compared to heroku
# 18:38 ben_thatmustbeme i was looking at their API docs this morning on the train and it looked pretty straight forward
# 18:39 snarfed appengine++ , happy to help or answer any q's if you do try it
# 18:40 KevinMarks_ Appengine makes you use Google storage stuff, which takes some learning, but is pretty efficient. Heroku let's you use more familiar ones, but bills you for them
# 18:41 KevinMarks_ That is also good for Appengine. And the fetch using Google crawl is handy
# 18:42 snarfed re storage on app engine, the datastore is nosql style and cheap(ish), yes, but you can also use google cloud sql (hosted mysql)
# 18:54 kylewm oh i see, shrewdness/locations needs the geo data to be in the h-feed... barnaby publishes it but only on permalink pages
# 18:57 snarfed finalcut: the original tweet has a link to your root page, which makes bridgy try to send there too
# 18:57 finalcut I click on the wrong thing a few times before finding it :O)
brianloveswords, brianlov_, danlyke, eschnou and paulcp_ joined the channel
# 19:29 ShaneHudson finalcut: Yeah I've not got that working yet, if I override it with a page then I'm not able to actually use t as a webmention endpoint. I would like both :) Will remove link for now
# 19:31 ShaneHudson Oh yeah it is definitely possible, just need to work out how to get it working in my plugin for my CMS :)
# 19:31 finalcut I don't really understand how the endpoints work at the moment.. but maybe the source on that page will help you
# 19:32 ShaneHudson KartikPrabhu: Cheers! I rarely publish photos but liked how some of them turned out
# 19:33 KartikPrabhu the mf2 for photos seems to be: if it is a photo post use u-photo. if it a an article/note with a featured image use u-featured. This last one is very new and I don't think anyone has it yet.
# 19:35 ShaneHudson KartikPrabhu: I didn't manage to fix it yet. I'm moving on Saturday so need to pack (loads left to do) but will hopefully figure it out soon :)
alexhartley joined the channel
# 19:36 alanpearce Yeah, good luck with moving ShaneHudson. Awkward times, those
# 19:37 ShaneHudson Yeah luckily it is not an entire house, final year of uni so I don't need to take any furniture or anything (phew!)
# 19:44 kylewm I think /hosting could use some re-ordering ... thoughts on moving "Custom domain silos" and "Hosted CMS" down and possibly removing or de-accentuating Dropbox as a static site host?
# 19:45 kylewm OK I see "roughly ordered from easiest/cheapest/friendliest to most powerful/technical. "
# 19:46 alanpearce Hmm, maybe listing the recommended types near the top would be helpful
# 19:46 kylewm does anyone host a static site on dropbox? I know it's possible but doesn't seem supported
# 19:46 alanpearce even though it's obvious for some of us, newcomers can always use some help
# 19:47 alanpearce I think I've read more posts on how to host on Dropbox than I've actually seen sites on it
# 19:49 bret alanpearce camendesign is a totall web guru. lots of really nice thoughts on how the web [should] work. did you notice that there are no classes on any of his html tags?
# 19:49 bret i found his design principals really enlightening
# 19:50 alanpearce I thought it was clever, but very inefficient in terms of CSS selectors
# 19:50 alanpearce I still admire it, I'd much rather selection improved than we have to use classes everywhere
# 19:50 bret i liked at least seeing someone do that, and its interesting to see someone use the semantic html tags for something
# 19:51 bret I'm curious if indieweb stuff has ever crossed his radar
# 19:52 bret i get the impression family life and disinterest has taken over his involvement with webstuffs
# 19:52 alanpearce I think the forum that he created is still somewhat active though
# 19:53 gRegor` Thanks for the reminder about camendesign.com Love his site.
# 19:53 gRegor` When I was getting into indieweb initially, I was thinking it's right up his alley
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# 19:56 finalcut he seems to have a lot of links that don't go anywhere on that site.. or maybe I'm missing something.
# 19:57 bret his navigation is terrible, bot overall design is brilliant
# 19:57 Loqi bret meant to say: his navigation is terrible, but overall design is brilliant
# 19:58 alanpearce I think he just has different ideas (or maybe data too) about how people use his site
# 19:58 alanpearce I.e. most visits are to a specific page from a search or link in RSS (since he was a huge fan)
# 19:58 bret he pretty much perfected an early html5 php blog within the design decisions he made
# 19:59 alanpearce Yeah, dom/selector templating is common in other languages that don't do templating on their own, it seems like a great thing
# 19:59 bret alanpearce except once I wanted to read more it was a pretty confusing experience
# 20:00 finalcut thanks; that navigation really isn't obvious.. I'll dig around his content a bit more later.
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# 20:00 alanpearce True bret. I think his thinking was that you read an article and then look at the nav, rather than having to jump up the page (which is something that I've often found annoying on large articles on other sites)
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# 20:03 finalcut at least he didn't hit f5 to refresh and accidentally log out
# 20:08 gRegor` http://postach.io/ allows hosting static sites on Evernote or Dropbox. A friend uses it, but with Evernote.
# 20:08 gRegor` But no, I don't know of any indieweb people hosting on Dropbox
# 20:08 bret Could the semantic html5 tags be used as implied uF2 structure?
# 20:10 alanpearce I could see something like article -> h-entry being neat though
# 20:10 bret right.... thinking what would happen if you treated the <artcile> tag as an implied h-entry
# 20:10 gRegor` I just emailed Kroc a short email, inviting him to check out indiewebcamp.com as time permits.
# 20:12 bret using the sematic html5 tags seems like it would make uF even more minimal
# 20:12 alanpearce Yeah, but I guess the problem is there aren't enough for everything
# 20:13 bret im sure there are all sorts of complications with this idea
# 20:14 alanpearce You could rel= the person and then rel= any links inside the person
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# 20:18 bret gRegor` that blog thing looks cool, but it smells too much like acquisition bait for me to really trust it
# 20:19 gRegor` Not sure if we should put the web hosting Dropbox links on /Dropbox too (duplicate), or just move them there, or ?
# 20:19 gRegor` True, bret. Though at least you have control of the files.
# 20:20 gRegor` How easy it is to drop them as HTML onto another host . . . that's an important question :)
# 20:20 gRegor` alanpearce: There is a 'main article' link already, though /Dropbox didn't exist yet. :)
# 20:20 bret true, if they had that it would be rad!
# 20:20 gRegor` Just not sure how much content should appear on the web hosting page vs. the dedicated /Dropbox page
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# 20:21 gRegor` ./web_hosting is pretty long so maybe the links should be moved
# 20:22 alanpearce Good point there. That's why I don't really like the idea of web-components
# 20:23 alanpearce Well, that and it's only as semantic as defined by the javascript..
# 20:24 KartikPrabhu yeah I have my concerns about web components too. Seems like they are saying "lets move templates into the client side"
# 20:24 bret KartikPrabhu it seems like the semantic html5 tags dont really do much and overlapp with some h-* things
# 20:24 alanpearce Client-side templating can be really powerful for a web *application*
# 20:25 alanpearce But for most websites, client templating is just clunky and slow.
# 20:25 KartikPrabhu alanpearce: well... I don't want to go down the "what's a web app" route
# 20:25 gRegor` Copied to /Dropbox. Tweaked kylewm's comment only to clarify since I moved it to "Criticism" subheading
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# 20:25 bret KartikPrabhu I though web components were so you can have a small bit of html, css and js on a page, and give that thing its own dom and space totally separate from the rest of the page
# 20:26 bret hrmm, not really sure what that implies beyond custom named tag
# 20:27 KartikPrabhu yeah. that is my concern. suddenly you'll ave websites with <myawesometagnamewithnosemantics>
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# 20:28 alanpearce I think one of Blizzard's websites had just one tag on it at one point
# 20:30 bret KartikPrabhu presumably due to name spacing issues with CSS and JS right?
# 20:31 KartikPrabhu bret: yeah. the idea seems to be that you can package a "module" so to speak i with custom HTML, CSS and JS
# 20:32 gRegor` What are web components?
# 20:32 gRegor` wears his tantek hat
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# 20:34 alanpearce I think Rick Astley should be available to everyone, everywhere, all the time.
# 20:40 kylewm gRegor`: so does postach.io just get data from Dropbox or Evernote and post it to S3 or something like that?
# 20:43 gRegor` Not sure. I'm guessing it does that at least for images?
# 20:44 gRegor` Yeah, just verified the photos are on S3
# 20:44 gRegor` So I'm sure they're generating the HTML and caching it there, too
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# 20:47 gRegor` Can we have multiple <dfn> on the same page?
# 20:47 gRegor` Guessing Loqi would only pick up the first anyway
# 20:49 gRegor` alanpearce: When you ask 'what is x?' the first sentence with <dfn> is used for the summary.
# 20:49 gRegor` What is Dropbox?
# 20:50 gRegor` Well, doesn't hurt anything, but yeah, Loqi doesn't catch it.
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# 21:18 kylewm gRegor`: thanks! i'm working on cleaning up my css and stuff
# 21:35 techlifeweb People put so much work into Medium posts. It cries out for POSSE :)
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# 21:38 KevinMarks they have a way to download, I'd like them to have a "post using micropub" too
# 21:40 gRegor` Is it a full HTML download?
# 21:46 KevinMarks you don't get mf-2, and they dump the CSS in the top, but otherwise pretty clean
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# 21:48 KevinMarks slightly crufty markup on crossheads like <h2 name="5502" class="post-h2"><a id="5502"></a><strong class="post-h2Strong">What if the linked-to text changes?</strong></h2>
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# 21:54 dlyke KevinMarks, using an <a>(nchor) for a "name=..." ref has been the norm since HTML1, it doesn't seem all that weird to use it for other anchoring tasks.
# 21:55 KevinMarks just odd to see it in html5 along with all the other ways in that post
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# 22:00 dlyke thinks HTML5 is the work of the devil, but also thought that about HTML4.
# 22:04 KevinMarks I think HTML5 (or WHATWG living standard) documenting how to behave when it is invalid is a huge step
# 22:17 snarfed ShaneHudson: hey, just fyi, looks like your webmention handler is 500ing
danlyke and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 22:26 gRegor` And apparently 'name' isn't a valid attribute for h2, in html5. Didn't know that.
# 22:29 techlifeweb snarfed: can bridgy post to a Facebook page instead of personal acct?
# 22:31 techlifeweb Typically you have to log in as you then you get a selection point. At least that's how Jetpack does it.
Pea1 joined the channel
# 23:00 techlifeweb snarfed: Nope. If I disable everything and try it again while logged in as my page, I get a notice like You're using Facebook as a Page: To continue, you'll need to switch from using Facebook as PAGE to using Facebook as FIRST LAST.
# 23:00 snarfed techlifeweb: interesting. that notice is from FB, right?
# 23:06 snarfed techlifeweb: ok. thanks for the nudge. not sure i'll get it soon, but i'll bump up priority. feel free to add details to that issue if you want!
# 23:06 techlifeweb Not a big deal for me. Mostly one of those "I wonder if..." kinds of things :)
ben_thatmust joined the channel
# 23:26 snarfed looking at your jetpack example, i wonder how it handles users with multiple pages. maybe a radio button per page
# 23:33 techlifeweb I only have 1 page but I'd guess it puts a radio button per page.
danlyke_, finalcut2, pauloppenheim and gRegor`_ joined the channel
# 23:51 GWG snarfed: Bridgy has been working very well lately for me without having to add the URL to the post on FB/Twitter.
# 23:51 snarfed GWG: awesome, glad to hear it! kylewm gets all the credit
# 23:53 GWG snarfed: The quality of the discourse needs work, but I just need higher quality commenters, which Bridgy can't help me with
gRegor` joined the channel
# 23:58 gRegor` File that request so I can comment "first!" on it.
# 23:58 GWG KartikPrabhu: You can comment on any of my recent speculative articles if you want.
pauloppenheim joined the channel