#tantekah - that - ok - sure. I put "re-use" to strongly indicate the temporal order, and since Aral started ind(.)ie *after* helping co-organize IndieWebCampUK 2013
#tantekthough that might be worth just documenting on /ind.ie
#verdikylewm: thanks - found him - we're in the common room on the first floor
#tantekverdi - looks like your icon in the logs broke - due to changing your Twitter avatar (they deleted the old one) there's a way to dynamically link to your latest Twitter avatar: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#Profile_Image_URLs
#jenmontes.comcreated /diversity (+4813) "Wrote this to counter-balance the energy that has been spent differentiating "indie web" and "ind.ie"" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhugeneral question: indiewebcamp has a lot of female participation but hardly any of them are active on the IRC channel. What is the reason for this? more importantly how to rectify it?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I've had some women friends inform me that they have had bad experiences in the past on IRC (not on #indiewebcamp in particular, but rather seemingly on other IRC channels in general)
#KartikPrabhutantek: it seems women have been instinctively turned off to internet group communication which is very bad
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I don't know enough to confirm or reject that broader generalization.
#tantekcounter evidence is of course Twitter, which is internet group communication of another sort, with fairly diverse participation
#KartikPrabhubut it is a problem since most interaction takes place here on IRC and it gives the impression that indiewebcamp is run by "white males"
#tantekKartikPrabhu: one of the reasons I suggested the updates to our IRC logs to include faces/logos is to make it more transparent in that regard, and dispell at least implied impressions of "run by white males" and instead provide more data for more informed opinions.
#KartikPrabhuand from personal experience, having your computer connected all the time to the internet is not something that happens in the developing world at all
#tantekit does - hence having good logs (better presentation than clients even) is essential
CaptainCalliope joined the channel
#KartikPrabhutantek: true. but how many new arrivals look at the logs for such information. How does someone new decide if indieweb is diverse? not by looking at the logs
#KartikPrabhusome how the "first impression" needs to be diversified
joshwnj and jjuran joined the channel
#jjurantantek: There are IRC channels I'll never go back to.
gr0k and friedcell joined the channel
#KartikPrabhujjuran: of course. IRCs are not immune to being abusive. It depends on the people involved
#KevinMarksI'm not a server expert, but tell me the problem anyway
#alanpearce_Also not an expert, but I can be helpful :)
#ShaneHudsonSetting it up on Ubuntu (just because the two of us are familar with it), chosen RAID 5 over 3 HDDs and now trying to decide if I need LVM or not
#alanpearce_I would prefer ZFS, but if you're going with Linux, then LVM is probably reasonable enough
#alanpearce_(I know ZFS does work on Linux, but I don't think I'd trust it as much as I do on FreeBSD)
Sebastien-L joined the channel
#ShaneHudsonAh ok, the installer I'm using (cheating I know lol) that comes with the server only has LVM or no LVM as options
#alanpearce_But yeah, LVM means you can start with small partitions, which should help you out if you want to create more VMs/containers/jails/etc later
#ShaneHudsonOk cool, I will use that then :) cheers
#alanpearce_ZFS doesn't work in the same way, which is why I like it. All filesystems (there are no partitions in ZFS) share the same pool of space unless you cut things up with quotas and reservations. Much simpler to think about :D
#jonnybarnesok, what should the file specified in ssl_trusted_certificate be, at the moment mine is the full chain, i.e. `root cert + intermediate cert + my sites cert`
#hmansbarnabywalters, not implemented yet because I haven't really made up my mind regarding the best route to take. I'd prefer to mark up the link in the main navigation with some rel attribute, but I'm not sure.
#hmansBesides probably having to rename Pants (sigh), here's a high-level roadmap I posted earlier, in case anyone is following the project: http://hmans.io/grv862
#ben_thatmusthmans, i saw that. How about renaming it Shorts? *grin*
#ShaneHudsonOr 'Not Pants', with a logo of P/=NP ;)
#ShaneHudsonHow easy is it to move from Apache to Nginx? My old/current server is on apache so migrating will be less hassle if I install apache but would love to change over sometime in the future
#alanpearce_ShaneHudson: It's less open than Nginx, but you might also consider OpenLitespeed, it strives to be a drop-in replacement for Apache and it's got a configuration web interface
#tantekalanpearce_: would be great if you (and maybe ShaneHudson ? ) could create some of those pages ^^^ with short one sentence definition and how it applies to the indieweb.
#tantekotherwise the conversation seems detached from the subject area
#tantek(even though I do assume it's not detached, it's just not obvious to an observer who may be less technical)
#alanpearce_Hmm, I think I kind of understand why now.
#alanpearce_Still makes more sense to me to do my own research, but maybe I'm just strange.
#tantekalanpearce_: re: somewhere else which is more likely to have high-quality content <-- right - our stub pages can simply link to that instead of copy/pasting!
#tantekand our stub pages can simply provide the *context* of how this applies to the indieweb.
#alanpearce_Alright. I'll get back to work first though—haven't really been productive at all today :(
#tanteksorry to hear that! better luck with the rest of the day!
#tantekthe more stubs for such jargon we can document and relate to the indieweb, the friendlier we make it to new folks who may not understand what's going on
#tantek.comedited /adoption-blockers (+59) "citations please, rename Import Export to Import From Silos, and citation needed for "a lot of people"" (view diff)
#tommorrispetermolnar: sure, but it's the way the emails are phrased. I believe they used to be "Some recent visitors to your profile" and they've changed them now to "people are looking at your profile". it's designed to creep you out over your own profile
#ben_thatmustbemeKevinmarks__ that would be nice, it should be able to look up user pages by irc-people
#hmansKevinMarks, nah, nothing at all is happening so far, but if it helps avoid confusion (and a potential dispute at a later stage), I'm happy to find a new name for my projec.t
#hmansPants isn't really the best name ever, either.
#hmansWell, Pants (the other project) is a joint effort between Twitter, Square, and *Foursquare*, so I was tempted to rename my Pants to Swarm, just to piss them off.
#barnabywalterstantek: I think kartikprabhu left a media fragments comment on https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4SYMoz/ which I was going to try to do soundcloud-esque presentation of, but there’s some bug preventing it from working
#LoqiZFS is a file system with a built-in logical volume manager (an alternative to LVM) that is often used on dedicated servers running BSD http://indiewebcamp.com/ZFS
#kylewmis there any sort of comparison that explains the relationship between mf, microdata, schema.org, AS1/2, JSON-LD, RDFa, turtle, n3, etc.? I have a lot of trouble understanding e.g., which things are syntax and which are vocabularies
#kylewmand which are the same or successors to each other
#Mark87kylewm++ I understand what about half of those are, but im very interested to know the other half
#tommorriskylewm: schema.org is a vocabulary. microformats used to be syntax+vocab, now those have been separated in mf2. JSON-LD is a layer of RDFing translation on top of JSON (think of it like an 'RDF stylesheet'!)
#rasculone that uses too much monospace and messes up back/forward buttons
#tommorriskylewm: microdata is Hixie's reimplementation of RDFa's use cases but without RDFa's RDFisms.
#tommorriskylewm: turtle and N3 are so similar you can just treat them as one. there are a few minor differences but just treat N3 as a superset of Turtle
#tommorriskylewm: ActivityStreams 1 is based on Atom. AS2 is based on JSON (and/or JSON-LD and/or a few other things to be determined)
#mkojonnybarnes: Same thing happens for one of the vulnerabilities fixed by openssl patch i
bret___ joined the channel
#kylewmdanlyke: I would love to, where do you thnk would be appropriate?
#jonnybarneswhat ive learnt so far is, if you have multiple ssl vhosts being served by nginx, you need one of them to be a `default_host` and have stapling enabled, otherwise none of them will.
#tantekkylewm - perhaps start by asking questions?
#jonnybarnestantek, i don't think stapling shouls have its own page, its a part of ocsp, which is a part of https
#danlykekylewm not sure, I just copied tommorris's responses off to a text file, was trying to figure out a title.
#tantekkylewm - see also the equivalent URLs on microformats.org/wiki/... <- you may be able to find material / answers to link to there rather than having to duplicate any generic references.
#jonnybarnessimilarly default_host is a part of nginx config
#tommorriscross-wiki redirect to microformats.org (or wikipedia for stuff out-of-scope of both) might be useful
#mkoIt has something to do with the version of Ubuntu I'm running.
#tantekjonnybarnes: the way to do that is to create sections on those pages then, e.g. "stapling" as a section of /OCSP, and then redirect /stapling to that
#mkoI actually just implemented private posting for myself. I'm doing a 3-tiered posting system. Public, logged-in user, private.
#kylewm.comcreated /metadata (+1681) "Capture helpful comparison from tommorris, with note that this should be moved somewhere less confusing" (view diff)
#LoqiMichael K. Owens is a designer and engineer living in San Francisco, CA who loves philosophy, personal data analysis, charity work, cycling, and games http://indiewebcamp.com/mko
#Loqischeduling in the context of the indieweb, refers to the feature of setting a specific time for a post to be published in the future http://indiewebcamp.com/scheduled
#tantekthere was a discussion earlier about how Loqi could keep a query count for any "what is" and then start saying that too
#tantekinstead of just "it looks like we don't have…"
#reedstrmAlso, am I the only one who reads HTH and HAND (and the pairing, esp.) as cynical? ISTR that might be contamination in my brain from a particular usenet group, populated by syadmins and other denizens of the lower planes.
#tantekmore like "That's the second time someone has asked and we still don't have…"
#reedstrmhehe - imaging special dialog for > 10th, w/ loqi going on a Jack Nicholson style rant "No, WE STILL DON'T HAVE IT _AND IF WE DID, YOU COULDN'T HANDLE IT"
#danlykereedstrm I see it as cynical too, but I was also once known to hang out in the monastery.
#tantekkylewm, in that case you're seeing the difference between a page with a slug with the search terms (codinghorror's permalink) vs. a page that is the static file for a month's "archive" with a fragment identifier as permalink
#Loqiloic_m meant to say: because I'm so bad at doing more than one thing at one ;)
ShaneHudson joined the channel
#reedstrmages ago, I let google handle my personal domain (mostly to get email for all family members, ironically enough) What are people doing for hosting?
#LoqiWeb hosting is perhaps the primary regular cost in maintaining an Indie Web Site (more expensive than most domain name registrations/renewals) http://indiewebcamp.com/web_hosting
#LoqiWeb hosting is perhaps the primary regular cost in maintaining an Indie Web Site (more expensive than most domain name registrations/renewals) http://indiewebcamp.com/hosting
#Mark87finchd I think if you were less than honest you could just sign up again with another email address and get another year for free, but im not advocating that
#finchdMark87: and moving vms between said accts may not work out
#finchdI'm thinking of making an AWS acct for Glacier backups, but won't have time to indieweb until graduation in March
#LoqiA Virtual Private Server (AKA VPS) is a level of webhosting service where you get root access to a virtual system and can install whatever you want http://indiewebcamp.com/VPS
#LoqiAmazon EC2, or "Elastic Cloud Compute", is an Amazon.com service that rents out Virtual Private Servers with a variety of Operating System, Pricing, CPU, and Memory options http://indiewebcamp.com/Amazon_EC2
#Mark87well I have some rudimentary flat file storage going on. My very basic editor save my posts as very simple html files to the filesystem, and my viewer loads them back and displays them
#ben_thatmustbemeneeded to do some DB changes, so i figured as long as i'm at it ...
#Loqisnowflake in the context of the indieweb, is typically used to refer in a derogatory way to "snowflake APIs", APIs that are (often silo) website or service provider-specific (unique like snowflakes) rather than an open standard http://indiewebcamp.com/snowflake
#KartikPrabhuthat is the thing with silos though. Once I support Twitter for commenting on my site, people will ask for support to their fav silo.
#KartikPrabhu"why do you support Twitter but not Ello?"
#reedstrmand like snowflakes, often melt soon after falling
#bret.iocreated /chocolatey (+185) "Created page with "{{ stub }} <dfn>Chocolatey</dfn> is a package manager for windows that runs in powershell. It can be used to install developer tools, dependancies as well as desktop GUI applic..."" (view diff)
#KevinMarks_hm, how about doing POSSE syndication by micropub?
#KevinMarks_so then known can send out to anyone who supports micropub
#KevinMarks_and the question gets reversed, and people are lobbying ello to support micropub
#KevinMarks_and we build one micropub-to-silo gateway per silo
#bret.iocreated /homebrew (+335) "Created page with "{{ stub }} <dfn>Homebrew</dfn> is a package manager for OS X that is uses git and ruby scripts to install programs into /usr/local automagically. * I <3 homebrew. --~~~~"" (view diff)
#cuibonobotantek: if, for example, you take your laptop to an internet cafe, it's technically possible to sniff your IP and run arbitrary code on your machine
#cuibonoboi say "technically possible" because nobody has published a how-to yet
#tantekeven though I'm not running an externally responding web server?
#aaronpkcouldn't I go around updating other people's ubuntus by doing '() { :;} sudo apt-get upgrade' on remote hosts? :P
#aaronpktantek: you are running apache on your laptop, it's probably listening on rather than just localhost
#cuibonobotantek: the vulnerability is pretty extensive. for example, routers don't normally sanitize DHCP messages when they're assigning an IP address to you, so you could potentially run arbitrary code just in the process of getting an IP address from a router
#tantekI ask these questions to prompt Loqi because we need to document simple answers to these if we have any hope of expanding the reach / understanding of all this stuff.
#danlykereedstrm I saw some wistful hypothesizing today about what good could be done with some DHCP servers that have a large number of clients, and what responsibility re possibilities for disaster was with owning those DHCP servers...
#tantekaaronpk - I'm seeing an SSL error in IndieAuth trying to scan https://bit.parts/ for IndieWebCamp login - can you take a look and see what SSL error that is?
krendil joined the channel
#aaronpklooks like a new root cert that the server deosn't know about
#jonnybarnesso I have OCSP stapling working on my site according to ssllabs :)
#ShaneHudsontantek: I linked quite a few of them to Wikipedia, is that okay?
#tantekthat's great for a stub. even better would be to update the summary definition/description to explain its relation to the indieweb
#jonnybarnesbasically I went through my nginx.conf and all my vhost files, cleaned them up and then voila
#tantekotherwise it's just confusing detached technobabble to the average reader - like why is this on the indiewebcamp site, and why are people in the channel talking about it? how is this on topic?
lukebrooker joined the channel
#rasculi think my sister will come to the first day of indiewebcamp cambridge
#tantekthink of it this way, reading the IRC logs should make you feel like you're learning something relevant to the indieweb
#rasculi should probably verify that, then... add her as an apprentice?
#jonnybarnestantek: hmmm, I would say these kinds of pages should be linked to /https