2014-09-25 UTC
# 00:04 KartikPrabhu as there is no HWC-Chicago I am thinking of writing a h-feed to Atom converter
# 00:10 tommorris KartikPrabhu: will have a look at soon. can you file a bug on github to remind me? :)
# 00:10 bret___ tantek: any objections to chaining re-use to share?
# 00:11 tantek "waiting for platform.linkedin.com" - due to a <script src="http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js"> sigh
# 00:12 tantek ah - that - ok - sure. I put "re-use" to strongly indicate the temporal order, and since Aral started ind(.)ie *after* helping co-organize IndieWebCampUK 2013
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# 00:18 KartikPrabhu gives up on h-feed -> Atom too much work and working around Atom spec
snarfed joined the channel
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# 00:33 mko Hi all. I'm HWCing from home if anyone is IRC-transcribing.
# 00:34 bear tommorris, KartikPrabhu -- I just commented on that issue - IIRC python-requests latest version solves that issue
# 00:34 kylewm verdi: tantek went to get coffee, he might not be back yet?
# 00:36 bear and with older versions you can "fix" it by installing pyOpenSSL, ndg-httpsclient and pyasn1
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# 00:37 verdi kylewm: thanks - found him - we're in the common room on the first floor
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# 01:16 dietrich portland is on vidyo! tantek___ let me know when you want to do AV check
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# 01:33 dietrich bah, i can't remember how to refer to myself in the wiki
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# 01:39 equivalentideas listening in from Sydney :)
# 01:44 dietrich instead of community hub, applications can be deployed directly
# 01:45 bret___ Jennifer is here for the scone time and has wordpress up and running
# 01:45 bret___ If you do wordpress stuff and want to help people get started, she's looking for pointers
# 01:46 bret___ starting to work at ripple, an open protocol for financial transactions
# 01:49 tantek built a system that goes through /irc-people, extracts URLs, looks for feeds, and tracks inbound links from those to flutterby.net!
# 01:50 tantek also noted had an immediate negative reaction to webmention upon first reading
# 01:50 tantek but now thinking about ways to distribute webs of trusted URLs and trusted comments
# 01:51 tantek is also spidering these things once a day, thinking of dumping them into a database and setting up a full text search for it all
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# 01:54 bret___ ... go to someones blog, they have a reply button, and the browser takes you to your micro pub client
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# 02:01 kylewm doesn't seem nearly as promising as app.net :(
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# 02:03 kylewm bret___: make sure tallpaul sees that zine article
# 02:09 expandrew "my other CMS is Apache" - tantek
# 02:10 tantek here's how you can start a new HTML5 static file
# 02:11 tantek <!doctype html><html><head><meta charset=utf-8><title>hello world</title></head><body><p>This is a sentence.</p></body></html>
# 02:16 tantek "I'm sorry Dave, I can't accept that pull request."
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# 03:30 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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# 05:28 KartikPrabhu general question: indiewebcamp has a lot of female participation but hardly any of them are active on the IRC channel. What is the reason for this? more importantly how to rectify it?
# 05:38 tantek KartikPrabhu: I've had some women friends inform me that they have had bad experiences in the past on IRC (not on #indiewebcamp in particular, but rather seemingly on other IRC channels in general)
# 05:39 KartikPrabhu tantek: it seems women have been instinctively turned off to internet group communication which is very bad
# 05:39 tantek KartikPrabhu: I don't know enough to confirm or reject that broader generalization.
# 05:40 tantek counter evidence is of course Twitter, which is internet group communication of another sort, with fairly diverse participation
# 05:40 KartikPrabhu but it is a problem since most interaction takes place here on IRC and it gives the impression that indiewebcamp is run by "white males"
# 05:42 tantek KartikPrabhu: one of the reasons I suggested the updates to our IRC logs to include faces/logos is to make it more transparent in that regard, and dispell at least implied impressions of "run by white males" and instead provide more data for more informed opinions.
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# 05:42 tantek btw - my experience is that email lists for example are no better, often worse, both in terms of participation, and tone/length of dialog.
# 05:43 KartikPrabhu of course not. email lists tend to be more confrontational and downright idiotic at times
# 05:43 tantek right. and all of that IMO tend to make email lists even more unfriendly to minority and marginalized groups.
# 05:45 KartikPrabhu and from personal experience, having your computer connected all the time to the internet is not something that happens in the developing world at all
# 05:47 tantek it does - hence having good logs (better presentation than clients even) is essential
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# 05:51 KartikPrabhu tantek: true. but how many new arrivals look at the logs for such information. How does someone new decide if indieweb is diverse? not by looking at the logs
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# 05:54 jjuran tantek: There are IRC channels I'll never go back to.
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# 05:57 KartikPrabhu jjuran: of course. IRCs are not immune to being abusive. It depends on the people involved
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# 07:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 08:24 ShaneHudson Setting it up on Ubuntu (just because the two of us are familar with it), chosen RAID 5 over 3 HDDs and now trying to decide if I need LVM or not
# 08:26 alanpearce_ I would prefer ZFS, but if you're going with Linux, then LVM is probably reasonable enough
# 08:26 alanpearce_ (I know ZFS does work on Linux, but I don't think I'd trust it as much as I do on FreeBSD)
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# 08:27 ShaneHudson Ah ok, the installer I'm using (cheating I know lol) that comes with the server only has LVM or no LVM as options
# 08:27 alanpearce_ But yeah, LVM means you can start with small partitions, which should help you out if you want to create more VMs/containers/jails/etc later
# 08:29 alanpearce_ ZFS doesn't work in the same way, which is why I like it. All filesystems (there are no partitions in ZFS) share the same pool of space unless you cut things up with quotas and reservations. Much simpler to think about :D
# 08:31 alanpearce_ It does until you look at FS output for the first time and you find that somehow your 1TB drive shows 1TB free in 10 places :)
# 08:32 alanpearce_ And then there's the compression to confuse the numbers even more. The numbers just feel really 'hand-wavy'
# 08:34 ShaneHudson How come? Linux and BSD are so similar, what issues does it have?
# 08:34 alanpearce_ It's under a different (GPL-incompatible) license for one, so it can never go in the mainline kernel
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# 09:55 petermolnar that might as well indicat that the signer's cert you're chaining was revoked
# 09:56 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: that might as well indicate that the signer's cert you're chaining was revoked
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# 10:11 alanpearce_ None of my cert files (including intermediates) have that expiry date
# 10:11 petermolnar 11:11 here, it's way passed morning, but good one for you as well :)
# 10:12 petermolnar alanpearce_ could it be that chrome has the intermediate locally while FF fetches it from somewhere and that is revoked/invalid?
# 10:13 alanpearce_ Nginx doesn't refresh an SSL stapling file that's fetched outside of it until it's reloaded.
# 10:15 rascul if you use zsh for you login shell that's fine, but are you certain bash isn't called elsewhere?
# 10:16 rascul is one way the bash vulnerability can get you
# 10:17 rascul nginx can't directly, but if you're using uwsgi to run cgi or something...
# 10:17 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: how come? itcannot run cgi
# 10:18 rascul plus it's not immediately realized the scope of this, there's probably ways to pass that to bash that we're not realizing yet
# 10:18 rascul but not using cgi is a pretty good step in the right direction regardless :)
# 10:19 rascul all the major distros have pushed out updates to bash by now, but there's another cve because the patch wasn't complete
# 10:19 petermolnar I have the security updates on autoinstall, so even if I forget today, it will be on the machines tomorrow
# 10:21 rascul it's also been noted that bash stuff can be executed via dhcp
# 10:23 rascul probably harder to get it with ssh because it requires authentication
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# 10:32 jonnybarnes anyone know nay decent guides to get ocsp stapling working on nginx?
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# 10:45 alanpearce_ When I realised that I'd got something stupid wrong when verifying it :D
# 10:50 alanpearce_ Although you'll need to replace ^D with an actual EOF, which you can get with ctrl-v ctrl-d usually
# 10:54 rascul charset wasn't really in that scope when i wrote it up
# 10:58 jonnybarnes ok, what should the file specified in ssl_trusted_certificate be, at the moment mine is the full chain, i.e. `root cert + intermediate cert + my sites cert`
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# 11:56 barnabywalters hmans: awesome! pretty sure that’s the first time anyone’s implemented webmention + rel-following consumption!
# 11:58 barnabywalters hmans: given someone’s pants homepage, how should I discover the “following” page?
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# 12:05 hmans barnabywalters, not implemented yet because I haven't really made up my mind regarding the best route to take. I'd prefer to mark up the link in the main navigation with some rel attribute, but I'm not sure.
# 12:09 hmans Besides probably having to rename Pants (sigh), here's a high-level roadmap I posted earlier, in case anyone is following the project: http://hmans.io/grv862
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# 12:38 ShaneHudson I think I've successfully set up a 50/50 split on the server with lxc :) Just need to add to ip tables
# 12:40 barnabywalters remember to keep a ssh connection open all the time and test reconnection in another session, to avoid locking yourself out :)
# 12:40 ShaneHudson I'm not too good with iptables, was just going to add forwarding to lxc
# 12:40 petermolnar iptables is not that bad, unless you're doing it from a legacy shell script ::shivers::
# 12:41 alanpearce_ barnabywalters: That's what I like about ferm, it has a flag which reverts the config if you don't/can't type 'yes'
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# 13:04 ShaneHudson How easy is it to move from Apache to Nginx? My old/current server is on apache so migrating will be less hassle if I install apache but would love to change over sometime in the future
# 13:05 alanpearce_ It's a bit of a jump to go from mod_php to php-fpm but well worth it IMO
# 13:05 ShaneHudson Ok, I will do that then :) Apache for now but change over later on
# 13:07 alanpearce_ ShaneHudson: It's less open than Nginx, but you might also consider OpenLitespeed, it strives to be a drop-in replacement for Apache and it's got a configuration web interface
# 13:10 ShaneHudson Heh yeah it is tempting to just stick to nginx, but I know apache quite well and would make migration harer
# 13:10 alanpearce_ On the other hand, now would be the easiest time for you to do it
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# 13:52 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 13:52 Mark87 does anyone hav eany suggestions one what post editor to use for a custom blog?
# 13:52 Mark87 something more advanced than textarea but easy to implement?
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# 13:55 ShaneHudson I don't have a suggestion but have a look around, I am sure there are plenty of good editors :)
# 13:55 Mark87 yea i've been exposed to a few before, but i was just curious if anyone had any experience before i decide
# 13:59 neuro` Mark87: depends. I like the way we're going on publify (demo at demo.publify.co/admin/content/new admin / admin), and we'll integrate zenpen
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# 14:06 tantek well good morning active #indiewebcamp channel!
# 14:06 tantek goes to read irc log on the web instead of backscroll :)
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# 14:10 tantek is having trouble relating this morning's conversation to indieweb - is this all somehow related to /https ?
# 14:11 tantek alanpearce_: would be great if you (and maybe ShaneHudson ? ) could create some of those pages ^^^ with short one sentence definition and how it applies to the indieweb.
# 14:12 reedstrm tantek - the value of context sensitive data - google probably has a very different answer to '
# 14:12 alanpearce_ Well, I don't think ZFS or LVM are really relevant unless you're part of the very few campers using dedicated servers
# 14:13 ShaneHudson Hey tantek, I'm just heading off out but can sort the pages out when I get back :)
# 14:13 tantek alanpearce: it's worth a summary stub page even for just those campers :)
# 14:13 alanpearce_ Really? IMO they'd be better off going somewhere else which is more likely to have high-quality content
# 14:14 tantek ShaneHudson: thought about the wikipedia fallback - but then that doesn't answer the question of - how does this relate to the indieweb?
# 14:14 tantek which a wiki page on indiewebcamp.com should answer in the summary definition of the term
# 14:14 ShaneHudson True but the tools we use to enable indieweb are not indieweb themselves.
# 14:15 tantek e.g. ZFS stands for Z-something File System and is one of the options for indieweb sites maintained on dedicated [[web hosting ]] servers.
# 14:16 tantek otherwise the conversation seems detached from the subject area
# 14:16 tantek (even though I do assume it's not detached, it's just not obvious to an observer who may be less technical)
# 14:17 alanpearce_ Still makes more sense to me to do my own research, but maybe I'm just strange.
# 14:17 tantek alanpearce_: re: somewhere else which is more likely to have high-quality content <-- right - our stub pages can simply link to that instead of copy/pasting!
# 14:17 tantek and our stub pages can simply provide the *context* of how this applies to the indieweb.
# 14:18 alanpearce_ Alright. I'll get back to work first though—haven't really been productive at all today :(
# 14:20 tantek sorry to hear that! better luck with the rest of the day!
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# 14:45 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: a *collective* todo list for us the community ;)
# 14:45 tantek the more stubs for such jargon we can document and relate to the indieweb, the friendlier we make it to new folks who may not understand what's going on
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# 15:04 dlyke (I'd guess that fewer are using LinkedIn than Known, but...)
# 15:05 tommorris Everytime I want to use LinkedIn, I want to run away screaming.
# 15:05 tommorris Their emails are ludicrously dark-pattern-ish. "People are looking at your profile" read a recent subject line. :)
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# 15:19 petermolnar tommorris in LinkedIns case you do want people to check your CV that is how you get a job, so I seriously disagree with that
# 15:21 tommorris petermolnar: sure, but it's the way the emails are phrased. I believe they used to be "Some recent visitors to your profile" and they've changed them now to "people are looking at your profile". it's designed to creep you out over your own profile
# 15:22 petermolnar this might also be something that I don't feel as bad as you, probably due to not being English language native
# 15:27 tantek and then click on your link there and start a User: page! :)
# 15:33 tommorris I was hoping for "a drunk and a cancer on human sanity". Oh well.
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# 15:36 hmans KevinMarks__, there's another open source project called Pants, developed by Twitter (among others), ironically
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# 15:36 ben_thatmustbeme Kevinmarks__ that would be nice, it should be able to look up user pages by irc-people
# 15:37 hmans KevinMarks, nah, nothing at all is happening so far, but if it helps avoid confusion (and a potential dispute at a later stage), I'm happy to find a new name for my projec.t
# 15:38 hmans Pants isn't really the best name ever, either.
# 15:39 tantek hmans - I think Pants is a great name for your project! :)
# 15:40 hmans Well, Pants (the other project) is a joint effort between Twitter, Square, and *Foursquare*, so I was tempted to rename my Pants to Swarm, just to piss them off.
# 15:40 hmans Except they'll sue me and I'll be all sad and stuff.
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# 15:42 tantek in all aspects, how they're displayed realtime while the song is playing, the use of mini mini icons displayed under the song itself etc.
# 15:42 tantek anyone know of anyone else doing such realtime media fragment comment-presentation?
# 15:43 KevinMarks__ The thing is a lot of them aren't actually tied to a time, they were just typed in whilst the song was playing
# 15:43 tantek are time-index comments fragmentions of another sort?
# 15:44 tantek KevinMarks: there's a separate "normal" comments display below
# 15:44 tantek KevinMarks: does soundcloud (or anyone) use that media fragments spec ? I mean, any real world examples?
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# 15:50 barnabywalters additionally, that note is POSSEd (manually) to soundcloud, so there’s potential for backfeed of positional media comments too
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# 16:11 ShaneHudson Oooh, didn't realise that (serves me right for not copying from another page lol)
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# 16:35 kylewm is there any sort of comparison that explains the relationship between mf, microdata, schema.org, AS1/2, JSON-LD, RDFa, turtle, n3, etc.? I have a lot of trouble understanding e.g., which things are syntax and which are vocabularies
# 16:36 kylewm and which are the same or successors to each other
# 16:38 Mark87 kylewm++ I understand what about half of those are, but im very interested to know the other half
# 16:38 tommorris kylewm: schema.org is a vocabulary. microformats used to be syntax+vocab, now those have been separated in mf2. JSON-LD is a layer of RDFing translation on top of JSON (think of it like an 'RDF stylesheet'!)
# 16:38 tommorris kylewm: Notation3 is an RDF syntax that's human readable. RDFa is RDF in HTML.
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# 16:39 rascul one that uses too much monospace and messes up back/forward buttons
# 16:39 tommorris kylewm: microdata is Hixie's reimplementation of RDFa's use cases but without RDFa's RDFisms.
# 16:39 tommorris kylewm: turtle and N3 are so similar you can just treat them as one. there are a few minor differences but just treat N3 as a superset of Turtle
# 16:40 tommorris kylewm: ActivityStreams 1 is based on Atom. AS2 is based on JSON (and/or JSON-LD and/or a few other things to be determined)
# 16:40 Mark87 rascul didn't u have a github with your file-storage system on it
# 16:41 tommorris "What they're calling #IndieWeb, we used to call "The Web"" —that is the exact point.
# 16:42 jonnybarnes ok, i give up, running `openssl` locally I get an OCSP response from my site, ssllabs.com still says I don;t have ocsp stapling though!
# 16:42 danlyke kylewm tommorris are either of you copying these into the Wiki, or shall I? Good run-down!
# 16:42 rascul jonnybarnes the ocsp thing was a bit tricky for me to get setup, i can't remember what specifically the issue i was having was
# 16:43 mko jonnybarnes: Same thing happens for one of the vulnerabilities fixed by openssl patch i
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# 16:43 kylewm danlyke: I would love to, where do you thnk would be appropriate?
# 16:44 jonnybarnes what ive learnt so far is, if you have multiple ssl vhosts being served by nginx, you need one of them to be a `default_host` and have stapling enabled, otherwise none of them will.
# 16:45 mko "OpenSSL CCS vuln. (CVE-2014-0224) Yes EXPLOITABLE (more info)" comes back as Exploitable no matter what I do, resulting in an SSLLabs score of F.
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# 16:47 jonnybarnes tantek, i don't think stapling shouls have its own page, its a part of ocsp, which is a part of https
# 16:47 danlyke kylewm not sure, I just copied tommorris's responses off to a text file, was trying to figure out a title.
# 16:47 tantek kylewm - see also the equivalent URLs on microformats.org/wiki/... <- you may be able to find material / answers to link to there rather than having to duplicate any generic references.
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# 16:48 tommorris cross-wiki redirect to microformats.org (or wikipedia for stuff out-of-scope of both) might be useful
# 16:48 mko It has something to do with the version of Ubuntu I'm running.
# 16:48 tantek jonnybarnes: the way to do that is to create sections on those pages then, e.g. "stapling" as a section of /OCSP, and then redirect /stapling to that
# 16:48 mko I'm using OpenSSL i which is patched, but it isn't registering as unexploitable.
# 16:48 tantek redirects are your friend - for both those use cases :)
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# 16:52 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: maybe i should just move to benthatmustbeme.... *sigh*
# 16:53 danlyke kylewm sounds great! We can always move it later.
# 16:54 mko Man. Getting StartCom Identity Validation feels like it gives them like everything they'd need to completely hijack my identity.
# 16:54 mko aaronpk: I'd love to know how you feel about StartCom's ID Validation process once you've finished it.
# 16:55 mko Mine is in the final approval process right now.
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# 16:56 tantek danlyke, kylewm I think the framing of "metadata" leads people down a confusing and unhelpful path.
# 17:04 mko I actually just implemented private posting for myself. I'm doing a 3-tiered posting system. Public, logged-in user, private.
# 17:08 Loqi Michael K. Owens is a designer and engineer living in San Francisco, CA who loves philosophy, personal data analysis, charity work, cycling, and games http://indiewebcamp.com/mko
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# 17:36 kylewm reedstrm: if you put <dfn> tags around the subject of the article (in this case your name), Loqi will use the first sentence as a summary
# 17:46 tantek reedstrm - lazy definitions, demand-based upon actual questions here in the channel.
# 17:47 tantek just for convenience, so anyone that doesn't understand something can ask "what is …" and more often than not get an answer :)
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# 17:49 reedstrm tantek Right - but extending Loqi to call wtf for those cases, rather than extending the wiki w/ lots of low value pages ... whatever :-)
# 17:50 tantek there was a discussion earlier about how Loqi could keep a query count for any "what is" and then start saying that too
# 17:50 tantek instead of just "it looks like we don't have…"
# 17:50 reedstrm Also, am I the only one who reads HTH and HAND (and the pairing, esp.) as cynical? ISTR that might be contamination in my brain from a particular usenet group, populated by syadmins and other denizens of the lower planes.
# 17:50 tantek more like "That's the second time someone has asked and we still don't have…"
# 17:52 reedstrm hehe - imaging special dialog for > 10th, w/ loqi going on a Jack Nicholson style rant "No, WE STILL DON'T HAVE IT _AND IF WE DID, YOU COULDN'T HANDLE IT"
# 17:53 danlyke reedstrm I see it as cynical too, but I was also once known to hang out in the monastery.
# 17:53 reedstrm never configured posting there, which may have saved my career at least once :-)
# 17:54 KevinMarks__ Interesting to see loqi repeat the jibot pattern, but with an actual wiki
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# 18:00 stevelle tantek: that comment about email surprises me
# 18:02 kylewm surprise to see codinghorror has better SEO than tantek for that particular phrase
# 18:02 tantek kylewm because codinghorror has it ON HIS OWN DOMAIN, whereas mine is on a wiki silo :(
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# 18:04 tantek kylewm, in that case you're seeing the difference between a page with a slug with the search terms (codinghorror's permalink) vs. a page that is the static file for a month's "archive" with a fragment identifier as permalink
# 18:04 stevelle tantek: yeah, I can see your thoughts, but frankly don't agree with your analysis.
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# 18:05 kylewm tantek: gotcha, I have not seen these older archives of yours
# 18:05 tantek stevelle: cool. you're welcome (and encouraged) to blog about how you're able to productively use email!
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# 18:06 stevelle tantek: let me just ask you this, as I form my thoughts on it. do you have a decentralized alternative for semi-private communications?
# 18:06 loic_m like "I'd like to share lots of things!", then "Hum I don't know what to talk about" :)
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# 18:08 loic_m but today I'm happy to have found Known, exactly what I need to setup a private family network to share thoughts and photos
# 18:09 loic_m was thinking about creating my own stuff but no need anymore
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# 18:09 tantek stevelle: re: decentralized alternative for semi-private communications - depends on specific use-cases.
# 18:10 loic_m tantek> I will take time to read indiewebify, looks a but complicated at first
# 18:11 tantek is that less complicated / easier to start with?
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# 18:15 loic_m I'll look at it! (but for now I'm installing Known on a personal domain name to have our own family network tonight)
# 18:16 loic_m because I'm so bad at doing more than once thing at once ;)
# 18:17 Loqi loic_m meant to say: because I'm so bad at doing more than one thing at one ;)
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# 18:20 reedstrm ages ago, I let google handle my personal domain (mostly to get email for all family members, ironically enough) What are people doing for hosting?
# 18:30 finchd Mark87: EC2 free is only free the first year
# 18:32 Mark87 finchd yea unfortunately. Long enough to implement something tho.
# 18:32 Mark87 finchd I think if you were less than honest you could just sign up again with another email address and get another year for free, but im not advocating that
# 18:32 finchd Mark87: and moving vms between said accts may not work out
# 18:33 finchd I'm thinking of making an AWS acct for Glacier backups, but won't have time to indieweb until graduation in March
# 18:33 Loqi A Virtual Private Server (AKA VPS) is a level of webhosting service where you get root access to a virtual system and can install whatever you want http://indiewebcamp.com/VPS
fmarier joined the channel
# 18:37 reedstrm somehow, ending up w/ very wild-west acronyms POSSEs and PESOS
# 18:40 Loqi Amazon EC2, or "Elastic Cloud Compute", is an Amazon.com service that rents out Virtual Private Servers with a variety of Operating System, Pricing, CPU, and Memory options http://indiewebcamp.com/Amazon_EC2
# 18:42 finchd may want to nest that under AWS, which has EC2, EBS, Glacier, load-balancing...
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# 18:43 finchd has no webspace yet to indieauth or he'd stub those
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# 18:50 ben_thatmustbeme lets see how many random things i can implement today, drafts, geotags, deleted items, hmmm
# 18:50 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: It sounds like you're starting an "Itches" list.
# 18:51 Mark87 well I have some rudimentary flat file storage going on. My very basic editor save my posts as very simple html files to the filesystem, and my viewer loads them back and displays them
# 18:52 danlyke Stupid q: Is there a super compelling reason to use <article class="h-entry"> vs <div class="h-entry">? Asking for legacy layout reasons.
# 18:52 danlyke Sweet. Then I think Flutterby.com is microformats2 enabled. Enough that a syndicator which used it could read it.
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# 18:53 tantek (IMO all flat file storage is "in progress", mine included, as we keep coming up with new things for it to do :) )
# 18:53 Mark87 @tantek I should add myself to IRC people as well probably
# 18:54 tecgirl hey, tantek, have you upgraded to iOS8 (not 8.0.1) - I noticed today that all my custom homescreen icons are gone! Boo!
# 18:54 tantek tecgirl no I'm waiting for the usual buggy iOS versions shakeout
# 18:55 tecgirl no big deal to resave but weird that the cache would remove them. and, smart man.
# 18:55 tecgirl also if I resave/readd to homescreen the previous icon shows
# 18:55 tecgirl oh, apple. you amuse me.
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# 19:22 KartikPrabhu hmm now people are asking for POSSE to ello already!? how many new silos will Known support?
# 19:22 aaronpk that should work more like how planet aggregators work
# 19:23 aaronpk that way things like Known don't have to go implement a bunch of snowflake APIs to support new silos
# 19:23 Loqi snowflake in the context of the indieweb, is typically used to refer in a derogatory way to "snowflake APIs", APIs that are (often silo) website or service provider-specific (unique like snowflakes) rather than an open standard http://indiewebcamp.com/snowflake
# 19:24 KartikPrabhu that is the thing with silos though. Once I support Twitter for commenting on my site, people will ask for support to their fav silo.
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# 19:34 bret.io created /chocolatey (+185) "Created page with "{{ stub }}
<dfn>Chocolatey</dfn> is a package manager for windows that runs in powershell. It can be used to install developer tools, dependancies as well as desktop GUI applic..."" (
view diff )
# 19:36 KevinMarks_ and the question gets reversed, and people are lobbying ello to support micropub
# 19:39 bret.io created /homebrew (+335) "Created page with "{{ stub }}
<dfn>Homebrew</dfn> is a package manager for OS X that is uses git and ruby scripts to install programs into /usr/local automagically. * I <3 homebrew. --~~~~"" (
view diff )
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# 19:43 tantek KevinMarks - simpler than micropub would be consuming PuSH feeds the way Google Buzz used to.
# 19:43 tantek or heck, ask Ello to add support to *directly* getting updates from PuSH feeds/sites.
# 19:44 tantek e.g. people on status.net saw my notes from tantek.com (via PuSH + Atom) in their reader view because that actually worked.
# 19:44 KevinMarks_ both are options; PuSH makes sense if you are primarily a reader; micropub if you're primarily a blog
# 19:49 tantek KevinMarks that's not been my experience with Friendfeed - it appeared to stop importing everything of mine
# 19:50 tantek hence if you think it still works, please document it
# 19:51 KartikPrabhu but people are not asking silos to support indieweb but indieweb to support silos
# 19:52 tantek right, in the short term we can ignore POSSEing to new silos because most of them flame out
# 19:53 tantek it's only worth POSSEing to silos where you have friends that you want to reach. that's pretty much it.
# 19:56 aaronpk dalton did come to portland, but not for indiewebcamp
# 19:56 Mark87 @tantek Friends over Federation ought to be a slogan somewhere
# 19:59 tantek has said that in talks before, thought he put it on the wiki
# 19:59 aaronpk any designers here want to put together a sticker with that on it?
# 19:59 aaronpk speaking of which, I have a ton more indiewebcamp stickers arriving tomorrow!
# 19:59 aaronpk I can ship some to the chicago and minneapolis groups!
# 20:00 tantek aaronpk - I'm actually running out would you believe!
# 20:00 tantek are they diecut like the ones Crystal made? with the sweet rounded corner?
# 20:00 tantek reedstrm: just takes two to start. see Chicago for example!
# 20:02 bret___ I want an IW/IWC/HWC hexagonal stickers. might try to put something together soon
# 20:04 KevinMarks_ note the DRY violation if you click "read the manifesto" on the left
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# 20:06 tantek need to channel Tina Turner here: "We don'd need another si-lo"
# 20:06 Loqi tantek meant to say: need to channel Tina Turner here: "We don't need another si-lo"
# 20:07 cuibonobo seriously guys. if anything you love touches the internet, you need to patch it pronto
# 20:08 cuibonobo aaronpk: nothing too nefarious yet. just pings and telnets. seems like the bad guys are making lists of vulnerable sites
# 20:09 mko KevinMarks_: I don't think Aubs is in IRC yet. I haven't seen her in here anyway.
# 20:09 tantek cuibonobo: wait what - how do we patch everything? is this regarding bash vulnerability?
# 20:09 mko Yeah. It's a pretty big bash vulnerability.
# 20:09 cuibonobo tantek: yes. Apple hasn't released an update yet, but most linux distros have a fix
# 20:10 tantek until Apple releases an update, what are we supposed to disable to lock this down?
# 20:10 cuibonobo tantek: the only way to patch Apple products at the moment is to download the latest version of bash and compile it
# 20:11 mko A simple "apt-get upgrade" on a Linux server is all you need to do to patch it.
# 20:11 tantek cuibonobo: presumably there's a way to close ports or some such?
# 20:11 kylewm KevinMarks_: it also looks kinda like a fork bomb
# 20:11 mko Mac is a little SOL, but less vulnerable by the nature of being less server-oriented.
# 20:11 tantek mko - I don't think "simple" should ever be used to describe anything "apt-get" or "Linxu"
# 20:11 Mark87 I read the redhat post, but I don't quite understand what its doing
# 20:11 cuibonobo tantek: the vulnerability is for bash, so it's not limited to any port per se
# 20:12 Loqi tantek meant to say: mko - I don't think "simple" should ever be used to describe anything "apt-get" or "Linux"
# 20:12 mko tantek: For anyone running Linux, apt-get upgrade is easy.
# 20:12 cuibonobo tantek: regarding the access log, usually web servers have a log of all their visitors somewhere
# 20:12 cuibonobo so you wouldn't necessarily have one on your local machine
# 20:12 tantek is this only for web servers then? I read more than that into "anything you love touches the internet"
# 20:13 KevinMarks_ so you can just send linux that magic string followed by apt-get upgrade
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# 20:13 cuibonobo tantek: if, for example, you take your laptop to an internet cafe, it's technically possible to sniff your IP and run arbitrary code on your machine
# 20:14 cuibonobo i say "technically possible" because nobody has published a how-to yet
# 20:14 tantek even though I'm not running an externally responding web server?
# 20:14 aaronpk couldn't I go around updating other people's ubuntus by doing '() { :;}
sudo apt-get upgrade' on remote hosts? :P
# 20:15 aaronpk tantek: you are running apache on your laptop, it's probably listening on rather than just localhost
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# 20:15 cuibonobo tantek: the vulnerability is pretty extensive. for example, routers don't normally sanitize DHCP messages when they're assigning an IP address to you, so you could potentially run arbitrary code just in the process of getting an IP address from a router
# 20:16 tantek I ask these questions to prompt Loqi because we need to document simple answers to these if we have any hope of expanding the reach / understanding of all this stuff.
# 20:19 neuro` Speaking of vulns, do some of you host their site on Amazon?
# 20:20 tantek hopes that web hosting providers are automatically fixing this vulnerability ASAP
# 20:20 tantek individuals should not have to deal with this
# 20:20 aaronpk shared hosts should be doing it automatically yes
# 20:21 aaronpk but VPS hosts are not responsible for that layer and should at best be proactively telling you if you're vulnerable and how to fix it
# 20:21 rascul i believe amazon patched their stuff yesterday
# 20:21 tantek perhaps this is worth documenting as a /VPS admin responsibility?
# 20:22 cuibonobo aaronpk: you're right. i feel like i should've gotten an email from digitalocean by now
# 20:22 aaronpk rascul: but if you have any EC2 servers then you'll ahve to patch them yourself
# 20:23 danlyke env x='() { :;}
; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y' bash -c "Patched it for you"
# 20:23 rascul aaronpk yes, i probably could have expanded my statement
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# 20:24 neuro` aaronpk: it took Amazon ages to fix heartbleed on their ELB, leaving their clients with a vulnerable OpenSSL for days.
# 20:25 neuro` aaronpk: yeah, no more end users. I'm dreaming about it.
benwerd and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:26 reedstrm danlyke: tuck that in a header, and fireup the scanner. Hmm, metasploit module ...
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# 20:32 KevinMarks_ CollectQT is worth a look - a spec for a LGBTQ-friendly social network
# 20:33 tantek KevinMarks - then is it worth you starting a wiki stub for it? ;)
# 20:35 danlyke reedstrm I saw some wistful hypothesizing today about what good could be done with some DHCP servers that have a large number of clients, and what responsibility re possibilities for disaster was with owning those DHCP servers...
# 20:37 tantek aaronpk - I'm seeing an SSL error in IndieAuth trying to scan https://bit.parts/ for IndieWebCamp login - can you take a look and see what SSL error that is?
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# 20:38 aaronpk looks like a new root cert that the server deosn't know about
# 20:39 jonnybarnes so I have OCSP stapling working on my site according to ssllabs :)
# 20:41 tantek that's great for a stub. even better would be to update the summary definition/description to explain its relation to the indieweb
# 20:42 jonnybarnes basically I went through my nginx.conf and all my vhost files, cleaned them up and then voila
# 20:42 tantek otherwise it's just confusing detached technobabble to the average reader - like why is this on the indiewebcamp site, and why are people in the channel talking about it? how is this on topic?
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# 20:42 rascul i think my sister will come to the first day of indiewebcamp cambridge
# 20:42 tantek think of it this way, reading the IRC logs should make you feel like you're learning something relevant to the indieweb
# 20:43 rascul i should probably verify that, then... add her as an apprentice?
# 20:43 tantek better to have smaller pages that describe why any specific topic was worth bringing up in the indiewebcamp context
# 20:43 jonnybarnes why should I make my site https is part of the indieweb, it verifies who you are to other people etc etc
# 20:44 tantek sure, but then why do you have to worry about details like OCSP or stapling?
# 20:44 jonnybarnes ocsp stapling is part of setting up ypur site as https as well as possible
# 20:44 tantek rascul - right - hence we need to make smaller ones
# 20:44 tantek jonnybarnes: *why*? why does it matter to have to know about OCSP stapling?
# 20:44 rascul when there's too much information on one page i find it can gets cumbersome and harder to navigate
# 20:44 tantek every such piece of techno jargon needs a wiki page with a big == Why == section at the top which asnwers that question
# 20:45 rascul which is maybe contradictary to what i just said...
# 20:45 tantek a one line "why" answer is fine for a stub too :)
# 20:45 aaronpk hm my twitter tokens seem to have expired. was there some twitter hack recently?
# 20:48 cuibonobo aaronpk: could be they updated their servers and expired all tokens just to be sure
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# 20:49 aaronpk (btw i'm working on making those mentions look better in the logs)
# 20:52 ShaneHudson I think I've figured out how to get micropub/indieauth working in craft btw :)
# 20:53 Loqi ec2-23-20-141-11.compute-1.amazonaws.com
# 20:53 bret i put my nickserv pass into #ubuntu before
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# 21:04 kylewm wow no joke, a lot of the CollectQT people are on ello
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# 21:06 ShaneHudson tantek: They seemed interested when KevinMarks_ mentioned indieweb
# 21:07 kylewm could you build a centralized social network as a commons?
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# 21:08 kylewm mmm, requiring content be licensed would be tricky
# 21:10 kylewm so is there something between a silo and commons where you have free access to your own data but not necessarily to everyone elses?
# 21:11 cuibonobo kylewm: user-restricted access is a thing most APIs can do
# 21:11 tantek kylewm: right. and I think with "free access" you get all the silo misbehaviors
# 21:11 cuibonobo i'm actually more interested in who would pick up the server costs for this commons
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# 21:15 ben_thatmustbeme working draft for my post to introduce friends to what is indieweb and why its needed
# 21:17 cuibonobo tantek: i really like anomalily's analogy and it *would* be apt, except setting up an indie website is more involved than zines.
# 21:18 cuibonobo tantek: zine culture is great and the reason it's great is that anyone can photocopy some pages and staple them together
# 21:19 cuibonobo rascul: very much! but how are they gonna pay for all these free accounts?
# 21:19 ShaneHudson tantek: Did Matt talk to you any further? Would be incredible (and even help their business in some respect) to have indieweb in core Wordpress
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# 21:20 KevinMarks That's a good start Ben, and with some cross heads and a bit of copy editing should come out well (it's a bit Beatles at the moment)
# 21:20 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i have a lot of work to do on it. just more wanted to test out draft article sharing first
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# 21:21 cuibonobo rascul: are they willing to keep the site up and host this data potentially forever? if not, do they have a backup plan for putting all that data on archive.org, for example?
# 21:21 KevinMarks Cuibonono in a similar way WordPress does - charging for group installs and support, but having the core open source
# 21:21 cuibonobo withknown is taking on a huge responsibility and i worry for them
# 21:21 aaronpk running *.withknown.com sites is not really indieweb friendly, since the users don't actually own the domain
# 21:22 aaronpk i think we're talking about people who install Known on their own server
# 21:22 ShaneHudson Before this week, I can't remember the last time I saw the word 'grok'. But I have seen it so much this week, very strange
# 21:22 ben_thatmustbeme AH, i just had a great realization, with the display earlier of rel=follower / rel=following i can finally figure out how to populate a micropub endpoint with people to share a post privately to / start an Indiemessaging conversation
# 21:22 aaronpk when it's possible to go to dreamhost, buy a domain and install Known with one click, then we're getting somewhere
# 21:23 kylewm ShaneHudson: perhaps when you read stranger in a strange land
# 21:23 KevinMarks They also can host domains eg AndrewMarks.media but that is not turnkey yet
# 21:23 kylewm KevinMarks: the "wordpress" model involves advertising on free accounts too, yeah?
# 21:24 kylewm ShaneHudson: better concept than execution, imo. Heinlein was a weirdo
# 21:24 cuibonobo kylewm: thanks. i'd had a previous discussion on in this channel about how i didn't really think they were that different, and aral felt the need to "clear up the confusion" in a blog post. i just found it funny.
# 21:24 KevinMarks They do it for free accounts, if you're logged out. I doubt it makes much these days
# 21:25 kylewm cuibonobo: haha, that is a lovely turn of phrase
# 21:27 aaronpk "In a nutshell, we reject the Silicon Valley startup culture of venture capital and exits. We see the spyware companies of Google, Facebook, etc. as harmful malware vendors. We reject any form of sponsorship or investment from them."
# 21:27 aaronpk "The IndieWeb community makes no such claims and tries to work within the system to attempt to change the behaviour of the closed silos and provide tools to give themselves greater control over their own data."
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# 21:31 benwerd It's an important conversation to have, but I reject the notion that investment leads necessarily to bad behavior.
# 21:32 Loqi benwerd: npdoty left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: and erinjo congratulations on the awesome Wired article
# 21:32 ShaneHudson I think that is fair, making it clear that it isn't IndieWeb that rejects Google etc
# 21:33 ShaneHudson benwerd: Not seen you around in a while! Well done with the launch of the beta :)
# 21:34 benwerd ShaneHundson: It's been a whirlwind / tornado. And thank you!
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# 21:34 tantek ShaneHudson: haven't heard any more from Matt. Though I do think eventually we want to see more indieweb tech in WordPress core - I don't think we're there yet.
# 21:35 bret benwerd! congrats on the recent success of known! I keep hearing lots of positive things from new users
# 21:35 benwerd tantek, kevinmarks: I won't be in SF on the 8th either - in Cambridge pre: IWC
# 21:35 tantek KevinMarks: are you able to organize or host on the 8th? or perhaps kylewm ?
# 21:36 tantek KevinMarks: re: HWC NYC/Brooklyn - I'll be there on 2014-10-08 if anyone wants to co-organize an indieweb/HWC meetup
# 21:36 benwerd bret: Thanks! Soooo much stuff to do. Really thought we'd have TLS, proper domain support, etc by now - but it's been never-ending meetings
# 21:36 tantek preferably in Brooklyn near Brooklyn Beta reunion
# 21:37 tantek how do startups get anything done with all those meetings?
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# 21:39 KevinMarks I remember that. Meetings all day, coding all night. Having to put 2 of me into Microsoft project to make the gantt charts work
# 21:39 bret benwerd: i dont understand mattervc.... is it just a workshop and then they let you free?
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# 21:39 benwerd bret: 20 weeks of a very intense programme, and then we present in two cities and it's over. It's been incredibly valuable. Seriously the best place we could have brought idno / Known.
# 21:40 benwerd They do design / user research workshops with us, help us intensively user test the product, connect us to people, etc. And yes, they (lightly) fund us.
# 21:41 bret so rad! super happy known was able to participagte
# 21:41 Loqi bret meant to say: so rad! super happy known was able to participate
# 21:41 aaronpk you guys are bringing back memories^H^H^Hnightmares with terms like "runway"
# 21:42 benwerd Nightmares are definitely a part of my lifestyle mix right now ;)
# 21:43 benwerd tantek: what I will say is that we have lots of customers in the pipeline, including your alma mater
# 21:43 benwerd Customers being the goal of a business, controversially
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# 21:50 kylewm how do you pull up these ancient tweets, KevinMarks?
# 21:51 KevinMarks Though also I remember some of them and they are Googleable by the fragmention principle
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# 21:53 jonnybarnes in particular, an empty Post request with an attached token is given a www-url-form-encoded response like me=domain&scopes=...&client_id=...
# 21:54 aaronpk quill will query your micropub endpoint to get a list of syndication endpoints
# 21:54 aaronpk but I don't think it checks the micropub endpoint for scope info
# 21:56 aaronpk want to fill it out based on your implementation then?
# 21:56 jonnybarnes ah, wrong terminology, my micropub endpoint responds to the empty Post request
# 21:57 jonnybarnes thinking, could a *client* have some kind of check access token link?
# 21:57 aaronpk if it's just querying then it should be a get request
# 21:58 aaronpk yeah or clients may periodically test if the access token is still valid
# 21:58 aaronpk like when the interface is opened for the first time in a while
# 21:58 jonnybarnes cool, so the verification should actually say "Access tokens can be verified by making an empty GET request to the Micropub endpoint"
# 22:02 jonnybarnes before I was having to check if a Post request was empty or not and then respond accordingly
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# 22:08 bret aaronpk: kylewm and i had some confusions over the csv fields
# 22:09 bret my body parser doesn't return arrays for csv fields, i have perform additional processing on those
# 22:09 aaronpk this is a pretty serious limitation with the form-encoded format
# 22:09 aaronpk since there isn't really a way to specify multiple values for a parameter
# 22:10 bret some of the url encoding libs did some funky things, like return multiple fields suffixed with []
# 22:10 aaronpk php handles it by parsing named fields that end in [] into an array
# 22:10 aaronpk i am not entirely opposed to doing it that way, but it's not part of form encoding per se
# 22:11 bret yeah I'm not really sure either, other than it seems easier to follow convention? but splitting fields at , isn't that hard either
# 22:11 aaronpk splitting on , just means you can't have , in the value
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# 22:12 aaronpk which is fine for tags and URLs, but may cause probelms in the future
# 22:12 tantek these sound like limitations we should at least document
# 22:13 bret node parsers follow the [] convetion as well i belive
# 22:13 tantek all this knowledge about form-encoded appears detached and scattered at the moment in IRC chats
# 22:14 jonnybarnes so thinking outloud, my client currently, whilst logging in, goes to the token endpoint specified at your domain, and then once it receives a token, stores it in a cookie in your browser, so maybe that cookie could store a last verified timestamp, and when you goto my client it checks said timestamp, if its too old attempt to verify the token by doing the empty get request
# 22:15 jonnybarnes though I dont know what I should do if the endpoint doesn't know how to respond to an empty get request
# 22:15 aaronpk maybe just assume it's valid? (assuming you're handling errors properly when attempting a POST)
# 22:16 kylewm aaronpk: bret: unfortunately python's standard library doesn't follow the [] convention
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# 22:17 jonnybarnes double checks my code to see what my client does when the endpoint errors
# 22:19 kylewm bret: aaronpk: which is to say, it treats the [] just like any other character, so the field name is "property[]" rather than "property"
# 22:22 tantek KevinMarks it looks like feedster (.)com finally died and got repurposed as some sort of spam link site?
# 22:23 bret tantek: good call.... though I'm very new to form-form encoding details as well
# 22:23 kylewm >>> parse_qs("property[]=abc&property[]=def")
# 22:25 ShaneHudson My server is no where near ready but I've learned loads today :) Been a while since I felt like I learned a lot in a day, it is a nice feeling :)
# 22:26 bret I don't even know how to define it right now... at least carefully
# 22:29 bret I don't have time to recreate the tests I was performing the other day
# 22:32 ShaneHudson Does anyone here know a nice way to log into lxc containers externally via ssh without having to change port?
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# 22:33 bret ShaneHudson: are you using docker? maybe there is a docker command for that?
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# 22:59 tantek dietrich - the other thing that's related is "WebMaker" - although that has always seem *very* introductory scoped
# 22:59 bret one thing we discussed last night was maybe looking for crossover between mozilla web maker projects and indieweb projects
# 22:59 tantek whereas Homebrew and IndieWeb are more like WebSiteMaker :)
# 22:59 tantek so how do we transition / graduate WebMaker folks into WebSiteMaker folks?
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# 23:01 bret tantek: I don't fully understand what "webmaker" is yet, but was thinking that some of that introductory stuff could be geared towards people starting their own websites
# 23:01 bret even its just people starting a static html page with a list of there online profiles
# 23:04 jonnybarnes so my client will now check the validity of old tokens when you visit. currently the ux will either display nothing of note, or will state that is can't verify the token
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# 23:05 jonnybarnes is that reasonable, i.e. if it hasnt been checked in over a month, check
# 23:05 jonnybarnes if it was last checked less than a month ago assume its still valid
# 23:06 jonnybarnes obv if it isnt then the appropriate error is shown when you click submit
# 23:11 jonnybarnes aaronpk: I see twitter have tweeted about issues with their api endpoint
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# 23:57 kylewm "what is it?" "not facebook!" "what's it like?" "facebook!"