#indiewebcamp 2014-09-26
2014-09-26 UTC
mdik, tecgirl1, Mark87_, KartikPrabhu, verdi and cmhobbs joined the channel
# Like #privacy *and* #social. Check out ello manifesto: https://ello.co/manifesto and then check out http://indiewebcamp.com/ for an indie option. ( twitter.com/_/status/515310918498922496)
tantek, _hobs, cmhobbs and jjuran joined the channel
# uploaded /File:ello-post.jpg "sample ello post with the said monospace font. Font declaration: "AtlasTypewriterRegular","Andale Mono","Consolas","Lucida Console","Menlo","Luxi Mono",monospace"
# created /JSON_form_encoded (+1134) "stub with dfn, use plain form-encoded instead, issues, see also" ( view diff)
# Great article @anomalily Reminds me of the following quote by @craigmod “The web is undeniably one of the..." more: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/zine-indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/515327749188116480)
parzzix joined the channel
cmhobbs joined the channel
scor joined the channel
joshwnj joined the channel
caseorganic and gr0k joined the channel
# well, @gasull @ScottBeale @quinnnorton diaspora is still a monoculture http://indiewebcamp.com/monoculture You want protocols with multiple implementers ( twitter.com/_/status/515344444317765632)
# If a lowly physicist can just walk into @indiewebcamp and call himself a ‘creator’, then anyone working on the Web surely can! #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/499314196769566720)
arlen joined the channel
# @jonathanstark @mattg I'm still very much in support of the #IndieWeb so I don't want to hand over the keys, but I can wish for better ( twitter.com/_/status/515350076802088961)
gr0k, mlinksva and shauna joined the channel
# @sungo right now I'm polling other RSS feeds for back links. Others are experimenting with WebMention. ( twitter.com/_/status/515356751214833664)
lukebrooker joined the channel
cmhobbs, reedstrm and j12t joined the channel
jet_ joined the channel
# @embolalia @kevinmarks @ScottBeale @quinnnorton Known is a monoculture and it's centralized http://indiewebcamp.com/monoculture ( twitter.com/_/status/515368506246701056)
# @embolalia @gasull @ScottBeale @quinnnorton @withknown is part of an #indieweb solution, but doesn't have a reader ( twitter.com/_/status/515368651772280833)
# Nice to see Interest in the #indieweb getting attention recently with press for https://ello.co/ & @withknown ( twitter.com/_/status/515368681124028416)
# @gasull @embolalia @ScottBeale @quinnnorton @withknown implements multiple #indieweb protocols and interoperates. It's open source too ( twitter.com/_/status/515369002328027136)
# @krynsky I doubt if ello can be considered #indieweb unless I can host it on my own servers… @withknown can be… (https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/ello-note-indieweb) ( twitter.com/_/status/515370063646298112)
# @kartik_prabhu @withknown true. I mistakenly did attribute it. Thanks for pointing out the distinction. ( twitter.com/_/status/515372030254776322)
# Ello *might* want to rethink their “fail-safe method” of holding themselves accountable to their community. https://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/515290247567921152/photo/1 ( twitter.com/_/status/515290247567921152)
j12t joined the channel
# @krynsky @withknown just to note that ello doesn’t even have self-hosting in their list of to-dos. https://ello.co/wtf/post/about ( twitter.com/_/status/515375243502702592)
fmarier joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel
glennjones joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
paulcp and lukebrooker joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel
# "Intranet des objets" / #ownyourdata : la @wikihouse 4.0 cherche des bénévoles ce weekend et sem. prochaine á .. http://xtof.withknown.com/2014/intranet-des-objets-ownyourdata-la-wikihouse-40-cherche-des-bnvoles ( twitter.com/_/status/515384099477786624)
joshwnj, tantek, lewiscowper, swartwulf, loic_m, Phyks, ShaneHudson and j12t joined the channel
# Is Ello #indieweb? https://ello.co/waxpancake/post/oy73kFfDdhOPh8Jv9z9pFA (not even sure what #indieweb means anymore, going the way of "open") /via @aral ( twitter.com/_/status/515397092060463104)
petermolnar joined the channel
swartwulf and modem joined the channel
# RT @matdryhurst: @TCF6edfsdf4c7e7 @MXEXSXH eggsactly. Personally more excited about @withknown #indieweb syndication model ( twitter.com/_/status/515402836222291968)
lewiscowper joined the channel
# Thanks to @mapkyca, I have a new #POSSE destination. #indieweb http://twitter.com/benwerd/status/515405561156747264/photo/1 ( twitter.com/_/status/515405561156747264)
# RT @matdryhurst: @TCF6edfsdf4c7e7 @MXEXSXH eggsactly. Personally more excited about @withknown #indieweb syndication model ( twitter.com/_/status/515405622242603008)
# RT @benwerd: Thanks to @mapkyca, I have a new #POSSE destination. #indieweb http://twitter.com/benwerd/status/515405561156747264/photo/1 ( twitter.com/_/status/515405775108186112)
Sebastien-L and eschnou joined the channel
# RT @benwerd: Thanks to @mapkyca, I have a new #POSSE destination. #indieweb http://twitter.com/benwerd/status/515405561156747264/photo/1 ( twitter.com/_/status/515409038683930624)
j12t, KartikPrabhu and krendil joined the channel
# When nerds in a relationship fight, shit gets ugly. https://twitter.com/snipeyhead/status/515408613163433984/photo/1 ( twitter.com/_/status/515408613163433984)
benwerd joined the channel
# @deburca #indieweb has a pretty well defined set of principles. http://indiewebcamp.com/Principles How does ello fit them? Not well ( twitter.com/_/status/515415662769225728)
fmarier and friedcell joined the channel
eschnou, j12t, loic_m_ and BjornW joined the channel
# @Documentally they're bringing domain mapping to the platform soon. It has backing of @IndieWebCampUK so good enough for me ( twitter.com/_/status/515424778916986880)
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# @marccoop3r @IndieWebCampUK I need apps. Not websites ;) ( twitter.com/_/status/515427443407355904)
KevinMarks__, krendil, elima, j12t, sammachin, BjornW and expandrew joined the channel
# Plz If any girl who wanna become a pop singer plz don't kill your dream :-) I am just like you #India #indieweb #Indians #GirlMeetsWorld ( twitter.com/_/status/515455200723599360)
modem joined the channel
Erkan_Yilmaz, j12t, KartikPrabhu and danlyke joined the channel
# #Seo intervista a Brian Dean, guru del link building #indieweb #SEM http://growthhackers.com/an-interview-with-link-building-expert-brian-dean/?utm_content=buffercdc64&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer ( twitter.com/_/status/515466604680065024)
# @patlockley I'm still liking the POSSE model, and think that Known is starting to make this viable. Webmention is a fine, fine thing. ( twitter.com/_/status/515468361938259968)
# @patlockley next stage of POSSE is aggregation of what is shared + webmentions. In an aggregator whereever you want. ( twitter.com/_/status/515470874850656257)
modem and annevk joined the channel
scor, modem, Sebastien-L and JasonO joined the channel
gr0k, modem, ShaneHudson, cmhobbs and elima joined the channel
# RT @_jared: “Using databases for the primary storage of your content is a known antipattern.” well then. http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern Thanks @… ( twitter.com/_/status/515491169078239232)
j12t joined the channel
# . @kevinmarks does IndieWeb have WebMention/PingBack just for LikeButton that post-host-server can aggregate? ( twitter.com/_/status/515491935339827200)
lmorchard and expandrew joined the channel
# RT @_jared: “Using databases for the primary storage of your content is a known antipattern.” well then. http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern Thanks @… ( twitter.com/_/status/515497121920090112)
# RT @_jared: “Using databases for the primary storage of your content is a known antipattern.” well then. http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern Thanks @… ( twitter.com/_/status/515497489525641217)
# A Domain of One's own #ownyourdata #wcfc14 https://umwdomains.com/details/ ( twitter.com/_/status/515497979265179648)
PierreO joined the channel
reedstrm and wagle joined the channel
# #FridayReads #mustread #amwriting #indieweb best by b. sting http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/makeover-games-b-sting/1117561642?ean=2940045485784 ( twitter.com/_/status/515501793682685952)
danlyke joined the channel
eburcat and elima joined the channel
BjornW joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
reedstrm joined the channel
gr0k and loic_m__ joined the channel
jet_, paulcp and dlyke joined the channel
# @Inkybat but they still own your content and it's even less open programmatically than FB - @withknown is the only #indieweb social network ( twitter.com/_/status/515513212897226752)
lmorchard joined the channel
Sebastien-L, eburcat and gr0k joined the channel
# Thank you so much for retweeting my webseries link! #indieweb #indiefilm @LA_LiftOffFest ( twitter.com/_/status/515522477254901760)
annevk_, j12t, paulcp, annevk, KevinMarks and verdi joined the channel
# Thank you so much for retweeting my webseries link! #indieweb #indiefilm @LA_LiftOffFest ( twitter.com/_/status/515522477254901760)
# #FridayReads #mustread #amwriting #indieweb best by b. sting http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/makeover-games-b-sting/1117561642?ean=2940045485784 ( twitter.com/_/status/515501793682685952)
# Plz If any girl who wanna become a pop singer plz don't kill your dream :-) I am just like you #India #indieweb #Indians #GirlMeetsWorld ( twitter.com/_/status/515455200723599360)
scor joined the channel
verdi joined the channel
scor, KevinMarks__, paulcp and annevk_ joined the channel
# Ello is anti-pattern, but digital sovereignty isn't. http://indiewebcamp.com/antipatterns ( twitter.com/_/status/515544711592161280)
jet_, chrissaad, ShaneHudson, verdi and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# #nightly14 Q: @aral, what moment led you to fight for indieweb and even sell your house on it? ( twitter.com/_/status/515550157396774912)
# #nightly14 @aral when do you think indieweb solutions will be ready for primetime and used by masses? ( twitter.com/_/status/515550534418563072)
wagle_ joined the channel
# @helloanselm (Just for the record) @aral sold his house for ind.ie not indieweb :) ( twitter.com/_/status/515550717529292800)
# @ShaneHudson I know but this is part of the indieweb… was a bit generalized +@aral ( twitter.com/_/status/515550924849569792)
dlyke joined the channel
# @libel_vox that's something http://indiewebcamp.com does nicely ( twitter.com/_/status/515553472108703744)
# RT @_jared: “Using databases for the primary storage of your content is a known antipattern.” well then. http://indiewebcamp.com/database-antipattern Thanks @… ( twitter.com/_/status/515557134978015233)
wolftune, ShaneHudson, j12t and squeakytoy joined the channel
# Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withknown ( twitter.com/_/status/515563748572930049)
annevk joined the channel
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515564388669861888)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515564496962981888)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515564499425062912)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515564652936568833)
# @krynsky @withknown is lovely, but @ello adopting #indieweb protocols and principles would be great too. ( twitter.com/_/status/515564716983193600)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515564747434229760)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515565074443157504)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515565117505679361)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515565125949206528)
# RT @kevinmarks: @krynsky @withknown is lovely, but @ello adopting #indieweb protocols and principles would be great too. ( twitter.com/_/status/515565181112291329)
tantek joined the channel
# @aestetix @krynsky diaspora has a monoculture problem, @withknown is built on interoperating specs see http://indiewebcamp.com/Diaspora ( twitter.com/_/status/515565507395600384)
# RT @kevinmarks: @krynsky @withknown is lovely, but @ello adopting #indieweb protocols and principles would be great too. ( twitter.com/_/status/515565843980505088)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515566000545497089)
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515566611281883136)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515567099432173568)
# edited /site-deaths (+290) "Anything acquired by Yahoo (WP). Bonus: update that the table at that Wikipedia link to include a "Shutdown date" column with dates from the article for each acquisition." ( view diff)
# I wish @lockerproject would be revived. Any chance of this @jeremie @smurthas @temas? See https://twitter.com/krynsky/status/370587230995509248 #indieweb /cc @kevinmarks ( twitter.com/_/status/515569016757174272)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515569376775262209)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515570283085045761)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515570635767304192)
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
chrissaad joined the channel
# "@NYMag: Indie-minded filmmakers are suddenly in demand again, on streaming TV http://t.co/znvyZKRswR" #film #indiefilm #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/515572526819196930)
BjornW joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
# Reading the @withknown docs... it's getting better and better... #indieweb #testPOSSE.. ( twitter.com/_/status/515575108987936768)
# created /trello (+116) "Created page with "
{{ stub }}
<dfn>[https://trello.com Trello]</dfn> is a popular online project management/note taking/ticket system."" ( view diff)# Seeing a lot of ello mentions come from nowhere in two days. Reminds me of leaving myspace for facebook ( twitter.com/_/status/515451964076085250)
# Deciding whether to boot up a new digital ocean droplet and install @withknown, or go home and watch last week's Doctor Who... #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/515577653571493888)
# created /webwewant (+518) "Created page with "
{{ stub }}
<dfn>[http://webwewant.org Webwewant]</dfn> is an conference in London about improving the state of the Web: "We focus on using innovative approaches to build suppor..."" ( view diff)pauloppenheim joined the channel
# @polotek @aredridel how about this alternative http://indiewebcamp.com ( twitter.com/_/status/515579839366307841)
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# @aredridel people have been using standalone blogs for >10 years… #indieweb is the same, just with new tech, short posts, etc. ( twitter.com/_/status/515582217322790912)
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515582272146530305)
indie-visitor joined the channel
alexhartley joined the channel
irdan joined the channel
# » @anotherny: What if i told you there was a completely open social network without advertising called making your own blog—« #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/515590787598266368)
# Thanks to @skjonas for fun, enlightening #QS #PDX meetup http://www.meetup.com/PDX-Quantified-Self/events/205399332/ and @dietrich for beta on #FirefoxOS and @indiewebcamp ( twitter.com/_/status/515592169810591744)
# @dakami @kragen Maybe you're talking about Diaspora protocol or the IndieWeb work? Bitmessage? What protocol have you decided can't work? ( twitter.com/_/status/515592899493658624)
elima joined the channel
grantmacken joined the channel
# @dakami do you have a longer-form explanation of this? sounds like a point too subtle for tweet length @evanpro @kragen #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/515597633931718656)
irdan joined the channel
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515599828928446464)
KartikPrabhu, j12t and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
dsearls joined the channel
verdi joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
verdi joined the channel
# @dakami I'd welcome that - the more we document this stuff the better. use http://indiewebcamp.com wiki if you like @evanpro @kragen @gojomo ( twitter.com/_/status/515608497439113216)
# RT @kevinmarks: @dakami I'd welcome that - the more we document this stuff the better. use http://indiewebcamp.com wiki if you like @evanpro… ( twitter.com/_/status/515608836351459328)
# moved /webwewant to /Web_We_Want_Festival "titlecap, use fullname"
techlifeweb joined the channel
# Simple, beautiful & ad-free Read the #ello manifesto: https://ello.co/manifesto interesting just need to adopt #webmentions & #indieweb concept ( twitter.com/_/status/515612985004683264)
# RT @RikMende: Simple, beautiful & ad-free Read the #ello manifesto: https://ello.co/manifesto interesting just need to adopt #webmentions & #i… ( twitter.com/_/status/515613438887088129)
# @RikMende @kevinmarks but.. it's very much not indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/515613737731231745)
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
benwerd, paulcp, indie-visitor and ShaneHudson joined the channel
moizsyed, wolftune and benwerd_ joined the channel
# RT @krynsky: Forget Ello. We need to support #indieweb friendly apps that are open source, de-centralized & can be self-hosted like @withkn… ( twitter.com/_/status/515638640383655937)
eburcat and moizsyed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
benwerd joined the channel