#LoqiIndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites http://indiewebcamp.com/indiewebcamp
#bretI have been playing a but with vagrant lately. Having low security vim that I can just spin up and destroy makings learning config management way easier
#shanersMy plans for multi-user in Homesteading land is for me to have my own site and you to have your own site, then to have a subscriber app that slurps both of them and zips them together to create a composite feed.
#shanersbenatkin_ You (or actually past you) just fixed a problem for me. Thanks, Past Ben!
#KartikPrabhuseems like the "trust" thing sort of is an issue here
mlncn joined the channel
#TysonBrooksHey all... I'm looking for a social network search engine. Wanting to search all social networks for a keyword or keywords. I'd use Google but I don't want to see miscellaneous websites.
#Loqixxcoeurxx: tantek left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: looksl like http://cyborgcamp.com/ is running WordPress and some IndieWeb plugins! Which plugins in particular? Is the cyborgcamp.com setup documented anywhere?
#Loqixxcoeurxx: tantek left you a message 1 week, 2 days ago: - confirming - IndieWebCamp Cambridge is 2014-10-11..12 right? the Sat/Sun *after* CyborgCamp on Friday?
#Loqixxcoeurxx: snarfed left you a message 1 day, 10 hours ago: btw, on the topic of bridgy facebook access expiring, looks like amber's expired too. amber, you can click on the yellow pause icon to reconnect it! https://www.brid.gy/facebook/31600719
#xxcoeurxxhmmm is loqi serving messages to all who newly join?
#GWGacegiak: I've been thinking again, dangerous as that is.
#ben_thatmustxxcoeurxx, he stores any messages you leave for people.. like so
#xxcoeurxxwell i asked KevinMarks if #joiito was still populated since i had taken a timeout from all webby things for the past three years, so he suggested i come in here :)
#KartikPrabhuxxcoeurxx: maybe aral sees Ello not doing a good enough thing for "freedom" but since there are no details about how HeartBeat works it is definitely pre-mature
#xxcoeurxxKartikPrabhu: aiming for osx only for alpha release is kinda icky for a open source, web only project.
#KartikPrabhuxxcoeurxx: is HeartBeat supposed to be web-only... ? not sure how that works with the p2p stuff it talks about
#tantek« In an article titled "Vaporware" in the November 1983 issue of RELease 1.0, Dyson defined the word as "good ideas incompletely implemented". »
#tantekKevinMarks: whoa - an original selfdogfooder: "And I admit that part of my head is still stuck in the ’90s — real bloggers write their own thing. "
#xxcoeurxxbut.. KartikPrabhu what if im a perfectionist and not happy with my copywriting :3
#cuibonoboxxcoeurxx: yeah man. i used to work for a BIOS company. you wouldn't believe the number of people that called in with grand ideas about their device but had barely a Google search under their belt about how stuff actually worked
#KartikPrabhuxxcoeurxx: I give to you -- “If you look for perfection, you'll never be content.””• Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
#@aralIn case the initial announcement doesn’t make it clear, Heartbeat & all our platform code will be released under GNU GPL. #freeasinfreedom (twitter.com/_/status/517369474564239360)
#cuibonoboi take issue with the idea that GPL == free as in freedom. copyleft licenses actually depend on the power of copyright to be successful and large corporations are always looking to make copyright even more powerful.
#cuibonoboseems contrary to what ind.ie says to espouse
#xxcoeurxxwhy doesnt the mail verification thingie support +@ ?
#KartikPrabhuxxcoeurxx: what error did you get with github for indieauth?
#xxcoeurxxKartikPrabhu: i solved it, it had old info in it
#Loqiaaronpk_: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 28 minutes ago: it looks like Loqi got nicknames crossed and gave messages to xxcoeurxx that were intended for caseorganic. See http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-10-02#t1412300329621 and on.
#aaronpk_I used to do it on notes but took it off a long time ago because I didn't like the fact that it meant I was displaying different text than I had written for notes
#aaronpk_I kept the h-card markup and link to the person's site, but stopped showing the icon and displaying the full name
#jonnybarnesaaronpk_: well, in order for that to appear I a) need the info stored already, and b) need to type @nick where nick is a valid contact nick
#cuibonoboi worry about my friends' feelings in this regard
#KartikPrabhuit is on a public URL so i don't see it
#KartikPrabhui get the part about backfeeding private posts
brianloveswords joined the channel
#GWGI approve all comments to my site, including backfeed
#cuibonoboi think it has to do with what "public" means. if a conversation of yours in a public park is then published somewhere, it would create icky feelings
#cuibonoboeven though "legally" you would have no standing
#cuibonobobecause you made the statements in a "public" place
#GWGI don't think so far anyone has said anything they'd worry about
#xxcoeurxx*someone follows you* *you follow back* a week goes by *receives email questioning you about who you are, and if they know u irl -- when they live in rural georgia *
#GWGBut I do think a disclosure on the site id worth doing
#GWGKartikPrabhu, I think I should have an About this Site page
#KartikPrabhupossibly, if you have to make "disclosures" then that is where they'd go
#cuibonoboi don't think think the "content" is the issue, but the "context". saying something in a Facebook context is different from saying something in a comment-on-your-website context.
#cuibonoboagain, not really a criticism of anything that anyone is doing. just something i am also personally struggling with
#GWGKartikPrabhu, I'd be doing it for openness, not for legal coverage
#GWGMany people have trouble understanding what I am doing
#KartikPrabhucuibonobo: again, if the content being replied to is the same, i don't see it.
#KartikPrabhuin fact nothing stops people from backfeeding your comment to the "wrong" post
#cuibonoboyes. which is why i struggle with displaying backfeeds at all. in my current setup i'm capturing backfeeds, but not displaying them. because i'm still not sure.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#KartikPrabhucuibonobo: is this only an issue with silos or would you be hesitant to display a comment I made to your post but on my site?
#cuibonoboKartikPrabhu: my issue is with silos specifically. the comments are made in walled gardens and i don't think it matters that a public URL exists or not. 'comment on Facebook' and 'comment on my blog' are different contexts
#KartikPrabhuthis is big grey area. Tumblr is a silo-ed blog service
#KartikPrabhuso is Wordpress.com. But in any case, you can make up your own mind about this, I just don't see the diff.
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#ben_thatmust__It's actually a great way to start it off. rather than loading up on a domain and assuming no one knows to visit the uri until after you have set it up. it just edits the page and puts that one link. enough to start use that first indie auth only
#ben_thatmust__actually scratch that. it would take them two seconds to just set up a Twitter account
#ben_thatmust__my other thought is just do have rel me links stored in a text file. edit that file before you start
aaronpk_, gr0k, pfefferle and npdoty joined the channel
#aaronpk_now I want a tiny map to show up on posts but only for authenticated viewers
#Loqigives aaronpk_ a tiny map to show up on posts but only for authenticated viewers
j12t, j12t_, caseorganic and davidmead joined the channel
#dlykeaaronpk: On h-card/vcard, is there semantic for home lat/lon vs current lat/lon? Active users on this channel to indiewebcamp.com/irc-people to their h-cards to a map doesn't seem like an impossible task...
#ben_thatmusti had hoped to use JS, offload the data pull
#davidmeadaaronpk because i’d expect to see the content of the permalink I enter on Ben’s page, so I can edit it, rather than just replace it wholesale.
#aaronpk_davidmead: if you click that link I pasted a few lines ago you see your content that's at your URL like you'd expect
#davidmeadmissed that aaronpk. sorry. yeah that’s what i’d expect as a user
#ben_thatmustnods, would be cool to implement my MP endpoint to say if it gets a url= in a MP submission, then its a reblog and here is the original URL
#aaronpk_if the URL is not on your own site then it's a reblog
#cuibonoboof note: "mobile apps you've installed", "ads you clicked on", "targeting criteria LinkedIn uses to show you ads"
#cuibonobothough i presume that what they make available isn't a complete data set because there's also a link to a Data Consent form if you'd like to see more
#ben_thatmustwell, not yet gRegor` or rather, i do, but i'm inverting it now so all create fields are one form, all edit are one form, all deletes are one form
#Loqitantek: aaronpk_ left you a message on 10/2 at 10:02pm: thanks, looks like Loqi was matching also on IRC username (in addition to nick) and xxcoeurxx had a username of "case"!
#aaronpk_props to him for having actually implemented webmention on his site tho!
#dlykeBut also participating in implementing stuff.
#tantekah, that's a very reasonable combination. implementation + anticipation / heads-up.
#gRegor`First (I know of) to implement email notification for webmentions
#aaronpk_"At a minimum I'll be trying to design and code ways of mitigating abuse before it happens on my own web properties, now that I've opened that door."
#aaronpk_pretty sure Known sends email notification of webmentions?
#dlykeYeah, it looks like the same thought process that got me: "I'm going to put this in my site... oh, look, this is exactly like what I did a decade ago, only the names are changed... uh, okay, we'll leave it enabled for now but..."
KevinMarks joined the channel
#gRegor`I thought it was an earlier version of his throughtstreams page that triggered all our recent discussion about vouch, etc.
#dlykegRegor` Either that, or my incessant whining about the topic.
#tanteknope. have been thinking about the 3rd parameter for quite some time.
#gRegor`Hehe. I wouldn't call it whining. :) But you're right, his post did come after you'd raised the DDoS concerns.
#aaronpk_I still maintain that separation of spam prevention and the actual webmention protocol is what has led to us making this much progress so far
#aaronpk_otherwise we'd still be debating signed requests vs web-of-trust and other junk
#tantekaaronpk, agreed, and hence why vouch is an extension
#dlykeYeah, for all my reticence on this, I like the "build something broken so we have something to fix" approach.
#dlykeI'm just concerned that, like the previous attempts, we'll abandon it rather than fix it.
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu re: "looks like microformats are moving towards qualifiers for properties" - nope, no such general rule or pattern AFAIK. All one-by-one based on documented use-cases.
#aaronpk_dlyke: I think we've demonstrated enough value that the chance of abandoning it is small
#tantekdlyke - "we'll abandon it rather than fix it." - I think that's not a reasonable comparison, because I've already proposed (brainstormed) "vouch" whereas no such effort occured in previous attempts (Pingback etc.)
#aaronpk_as opposed to the relative value of displaying pingbacks, which was low because there was very little innovation or even attempt at such
#tantekPingback display value was *negative* it added *noise* to a page.
#aaronpk_good point, it actually detracted from the page
#dlykeI think the value in RSVPs is what could give it enough legs to succeed... Speaking of which, I both need to expose it in more than metadata on Flutterby.com, and implement the outbound version on Flutterby.net
#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites http://indiewebcamp.com/reblog
#dlyketantek, I never bothered to put reply into my Facebook/Twitter interface because it's more crap to do for something that has relatively low value. If I write something large enough to warrant saving, copy and paste to put it into Facebook is totally reasonable.
#dlykeSimilarly, if I get a good reply, I'll copy it out, but I really don't need every bit of attaboys archived for eternity.
#dlykeAll of which is a "I don't find it surprising that nobody's doing that, because social media management (vs one way posting) seems like a different problem"
#dlykeMaybe that's where I'm seeing it wrong, but I got sick of "whoops, we're gonna deprecate RSS now" and figured that keeping up with the changing APIs there is a no-win game.
#tantekdlyke I'm split between Twitter and FB. On Twitter, all my replies originate at tantek.com and have permalinks I own. Just that restructuring of user flow has made me much more thoughtful (and picky) about my replies.
#dlyke(And also noticing: Not only did I not "/nick danlyke" on my work machine, none of my replies here are coming from a tool I own...)
#tantekwhereas on FB, nearly all my replies are made on non-public posts, which a) I haven't figure out how to do that from my own site (Falcon doesn't do any non-public posts), and b) I don't think Bridgy Publish supports POSSEing replies to non-public FB posts.
#aaronpk_just realized now that this channel has a web interface for chatting, it's not out of the realm of possibility of POSSEing IRC messages from my site to here
#danlykeYeah, when I first set up Flutterby.net, I used Emacs and files stored in a git repo, because Emacs has wiki mode... Eventually I cobbled together web UI, which is awful and kludgey. Now I primarily use the web UI. ugh.
#tantekirc/today?beta#bottom is an *integrated* reading/publishing UI!
#tantekso that's a reasonable challenge - who will be the first to have an integrated reading/publishing UI - at least for notes/replies - *as good as* and *as simple as* /irc/today?beta#bottom ?
#LoqiA reader (or indie reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site as well http://indiewebcamp.com/reader
#cuibonoboin the context of facebook and twitter, your 'site' is your profile page, while the feed is your reader
#emmakno screenshots but you can see the actual feed
#danlykeWell, the big challenge with Facebook and Twitter is blocking people for particular subject matter. Not so much of a problem on blogs, not so many sports fans there, but why doesn't the reader tool put together the participants in the conversation?
#danlykeKind of the way Twitter does for @replies.
#emmakwhen logged in, it shows reply/like/repost buttons under the posts
#tantekdanlyke - every time he's demo'd it it has been mind blowing. and he just keeps cranking out amazing features.
#tantekit's basically a kickbutt indieweb tweet-deck like reading UI. pretty much blows away all the old crappy email-program-UI like feed readers out there.
#tantek*plus* has the ability to inline reply if your site supports micropub
#kylewm.comedited /reader (+18) "/* Andy Sylvester */ fix link to point to Andy's site rather than caseorganic.com, presumably copy/paste oversight" (view diff)
#tantekwho is around SF next week? kylewm? danlyke? iboxifoo? looking for a host for HWC 2014-10-08!
#tantekkylewm - I'm expecting that barnabywalters will make that seamless pretty soon - that is, if you enter a site without any h-feed / h-entry markup, it can try doing feed file discovery and then sending that through unmung
#tantekbut I believe you are correct - currently, subscribing to legacy RSS/Atom requires an extra step of going to feed.unmung.com
#danlyketantek, I'm out on the 8th (going to an event at Chimera in Sebastopol)
#kylewmtantek: I will be in town but I don’t really have any way to host people
#tantekkylewm - can always do it Chicago style - pick a coffee shop / cafe where you think you can grab a table for a few folks.
#tantekbut wow on everyone being out of town from SF or otherwise busy/pre-occupied!
#KevinMarks__weird bug - I had some browser pages minimized, and I installed the Mac OS update
#gRegor`hoo boy, opened another tab and got "Heroku no such app"
yakker joined the channel
#KevinMarks__it reopened them non-minimized, with the minimize button disabled
#tantekclearly from the implications in that comic, we should consider the use-cases of a) explicitly notifying someone that you're following them (their site), and thus b) figuring out how to send a webmention to a homepage of someone you're following, with the source being some sort of "hey I'm following you" type post.
#tantekgRegor`: yes, document == Downtime == - with screenshots
#tantekand perhaps even == Plumbing == with apparently Heroku
#tantekpeople presumably like being notified that their profile/site/posts are being followed / read?
#KevinMarks__Scoble said they were running on a single postgres instance and maxed it out