2014-10-04 UTC
# 00:00 kylewm very confused about why ello.co. would go to a heroku error page
# 00:04 gRegor` Interesting, kylewm
# 00:12 KevinMarks__ trailing . doesn't match their "which app should be served here" thing
gr0k joined the channel
krendil, gr0k_, gr0k, aaronpk_, adactio, cuibonobo, chrissaad, benwerd, KartikPrabhu, shaners, scor, erlehmann_, ben_thatmust_, a, a___, j12t, behind_you, tommyfun and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 03:45 tommyfun what’s up cambridge?
# 03:53 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 5 hours, 35 minutes ago: re: "looks like microformats are moving towards qualifiers for properties" - nope, no such general rule or pattern AFAIK. All one-by-one based on documented use-cases.
# 03:56 tommyfun it’s funny cuz static is the new dynamic
# 03:56 tommyfun I’m curious of the tools that are current
# 03:57 tommyfun I’ve been using octopress and I like it
# 03:57 KartikPrabhu good good. stick with what works for you and welcome to indiewebcamp :)
# 03:59 KevinMarks Random idea: half the tutorials for rails/meteor/node whatever are "make your own blog" ones. We should send them pull requests so that the blogs have mf2 markup
# 04:01 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: seems like a nice idea. I mean that's why most Wordpess themes have mf1 anyway
# 04:02 KevinMarks Hm. Thinking about rails/Django etc, dumping out the fields into the html as p-whatever would also be a good pattern to bake in
# 04:03 tommyfun it’s just a octopress site
# 04:05 KartikPrabhu tommyfun: "just" is a funny word ;) mostly "just" is pretty non-trivial
# 04:05 KevinMarks How many times do I answer "maybe" to your ask recursively program before it runs out of stack?
# 04:06 KartikPrabhu nice you already post quite a bit, and have github G+ links maybe you could add some rel-me markup to those so you can log in to the wiki and edit it :)
# 04:07 tommyfun do you think markup should be standardized?
# 04:10 KartikPrabhu tommyfun: some of it should be particulary metadata stuff like mf2 things
# 04:16 ben_thatmust i just wanted something fun, but damn, seems like a waste since everyone can find me on here
# 04:18 ben_thatmust maybe i'll just order more of them and have them shipped later... damn, i just spent all that time making an h-card Business Card though
# 04:25 ben_thatmust what do you think though? should I bother? or am i just being rediculous?
benwerd joined the channel
# 04:30 tommyfun just generate 2d bar codes
# 04:30 ben_thatmust problem was i looked at moo.com, which i know is overpriced, but man they are pretty
# 04:32 KartikPrabhu here is a good b-card statement: me@kartikprabhu.com ;) name+domain+email all in one :P
# 04:35 ben_thatmust HAHAHA, i went to preview it, and it actually rendered the HTML in their preview, so all i see no tags
# 04:38 ben_thatmust oh the hell, Its not work the money, but now i have some ideas for the next print i do
adactio joined the channel
# 04:49 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmust: try some stock paper and your local printer, you'd be surprised at what can be done :)
# 04:50 adactio KartikPrabhu: very well—getting all set for a weekend of hacking at Science Hack Day.
# 04:50 ben_thatmust i have, i need to try thicker stock. I make just opt for the perforated stock just have to line it up right
# 04:53 tommyfun whoa, you’re going to github’s new hq
j12t joined the channel
# 05:04 KartikPrabhu tommyfun: regarding markup standardisation: mf2 follows something more like a consensus-based documentation approach
# 05:05 KartikPrabhu you use some mf2 markup and document it and if it is useful more people use it
# 05:08 tommyfun it should be standardized or youl get the markdown problem
j12t, tantek, wolftune, squeakytoy, aaronpk_, krendil and KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronpk_, petermolnar and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:38 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 09:42 kauwika hello jonnybarnes
# 09:43 kauwika newbie here (hence indie-visitor)
# 09:44 kauwika yes - finding my way around the freenode screen...
# 09:46 kauwika and looking for chat/advice/general info on setting up an indieweb presence. In the current web environment, which is a bit differnet from last time I hostd a personal blog on my own domain...
# 09:49 kauwika I've been perusing indiewebcamp.com. Have a few ideas. Have previously had a Wordpress blog; previously had a drupal CMS running, but I'm getting old and tired and don't want it to be that much work any more...
j12t joined the channel
# 09:51 jonnybarnes if you dont wnt to manage your own setup a good piece of software may be known
# 09:52 kauwika Nice... earlier today I set up a hosted account with known to give it a trial run. Clean! I like!
# 09:55 kauwika I notice the facebook integration is one-way only on withknown, but if I install it on my own server I can add another app to handle back-links. (I have too many loose ends in my head at the moment - I forget what it's called.)
# 10:03 jonnybarnes bridgy both backports comments from facebook and allows you to crossposrt your own content to facebook
sammachin joined the channel
# 10:12 kauwika Yes! That's where I've been pondering heavily for a couple of days. I can set up a blog on my domain. btdt... It's the interconnections of the social web that I don't know much about.
aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 10:16 kauwika I've looked at "federation" services, like GNU Social - I'd either be relying on another host, or setting myself up for a lot of work to install my own instance. Known appears to be an even more autonomous approach, which suits me, but that doesn't mean I want to lose the connections I've built over the years.
# 10:18 kauwika I think I'm leaning to wards either installing my own instance of Known or similar, or using a widely avaialble platfor like wordpress and adding the appropriate plugins.
# 10:18 kauwika ('scuse typos!)
friedcell joined the channel
# 10:23 kauwika My heart is with open source.
friedcell1 joined the channel
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brianloveswords, wolftune, yakker, edsu, paulfitz and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 16:28 jdp23_ hmm. apparently i've registered jdp23, but don't know the password. is there a way to recover it?
Pea1 joined the channel
# 16:37 jdp23_ apparently i need to ask a freenode staff member for a password reset. or just be jdp23_ until i get around to it
jdp23 joined the channel
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snarfed, infpetal, frzn, jdp23__ and shaners joined the channel
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# 17:34 tantek jdp23 - how did your reply show up on shirky's ello post? did you POSSE that manually? or did Known cross-comment for you?
# 17:35 jdp23 @tantek thought you'd like that. and i was just reading through the logs, glad you appreciated the reference to Liz Gannes' 2011 "apologies of Facebook"
# 17:35 jdp23 yeah i still haven't figured out just what ello shows on the profile
# 17:35 tantek and apparently Ello comments (@-replies) are not considered part of your profile/feed?
# 17:36 tantek a-ha but that's not an @-reply, that's merely an @-mention at the start of a top level post.
# 17:36 tantek looks like your @-replies do not show up on your profile
# 17:37 jdp23 i believe that's all correct. the UX is a little confusing, that @-mention to womenwhotech was supposed to be a @-reply
# 17:38 jdp23 and, i don't believe there's a good way to see all your @-replies. so there's extra value in an off-silo copy.
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 17:44 jdp23 that was auto-posse'd from known to Twitter
# 17:49 tantek when Known auto-POSSEs a post, it puts a line with links to the POSSE copies with text like "Also on (Twitter) (Facebook)" - where the parentheticals are button-looking links to the POSSE copies.
# 17:49 tantek there's no such display on your reply permalink
# 17:51 jdp23 ah. that's because i mistakenly deleted the original post and then had to repost (this time without syndicating)
# 17:54 jdp23 so it was really POSSEDOSROS -- post on site syndicate elsewhere, delete on site, re-post on site
# 17:54 tantek jdp23++ for exploring how POSSE to Ello could work
mlncn joined the channel
# 18:11 tantek see if anything is missing, or if I implied a feature that Ello does't support (yet)
# 18:12 jdp23 tantek i was just looking at it, seems accurate, will make some minor tweaks later to include the POSSEDOSROS background.
# 18:12 tantek or you could write a new post and POSSE it and we could use that as the example :)
# 18:13 tantek the POSSEDOSROS background seems confusing (I'm still not sure I understand what happened, might need a diagram ;) )
# 18:13 jdp23 yeah, i'll do another post -- probably not until later today though
# 18:14 jdp23 that's a good suggestion, make it a cleaner example. how long until somebody puts this together with the "unofficial api"? :)
# 18:14 tantek also - the POSSE a reply as a comment (even if manually) is a good example too (worthy of a second example)
# 18:15 jdp23 all righty, i'm going to take off ... is hwc this wednesday night?
# 18:15 tantek yeah - I did a POSSE a reply as a comment (manually) myself to a WordPress blog
# 18:16 tantek and since WordPress has permalinks for comments, I was able to include an "View on GigaOM" link to the copy
# 18:16 tantek jdp23: yes next HWC is 2014-10-08 - HOWEVER we don't have a host in SF yet
# 18:17 jdp23 i'm in sf this week. based in my apartment so that's not a solution :)
# 18:17 jdp23 ok well i'll keep my eyes peeled. see you there perhaps.
# 18:17 tantek if you can find at least *one* more person in SF who will commit to meeting up - you can run HWC SF this week!
# 18:18 tantek we're that open a community - where anyone can make meetups happen
# 18:18 tantek if you have any questions about how to run one - happy to help
# 18:19 jdp23 ok thanks ... i may well take you up on that
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 18:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gRegor` joined the channel
# 18:35 xxcoeurxx the bad thing about silos: apparently i am signed up to medium
moizsyed and aaronpk_ joined the channel
# 18:49 tantek good morning aaronpk. I was just flipping through my many windows with open tabs and noticed that I'd collected the multi-RSVP examples from you and me
# 18:49 tantek it's like a multi-reply but RSVPs to multiple event posts that makes sense because they represent the same event!
# 18:51 xxcoeurxx tantek: no idea, but when i googled myself i found out that i had one...
# 18:52 kylewm tantek: can you recommend a coffee shop/other appropriate meeting place in the general vicinity of mozilla sf?
# 18:54 tantek kylewm: cool! I think jdp23 is also mostly convinced to help co-organize HWC SF - he was in the channel earlier.
# 18:56 kylewm I know the mission pretty well but not SOMA so much
petermolnar joined the channel
# 19:00 tantek It's got plenty of variable size table seating, wide spectrum of drink/snack/meal choices depending what you want
j12t joined the channel
# 19:02 tantek oh and they have several quiet booths upstairs in their second floor which would be especially conducive to meetup discussions
# 19:05 Loqi bret meant to say: sit on the side closest to peats
hober joined the channel
# 19:10 tantek in fact they might not even have wifi anymore
eburcat joined the channel
# 19:13 tantek kylewm: other options, The Creamery (very near Caltrain), has wifi, but seating is unpredictable, and closes at 19:30. or La Boulange du Dome in the 4th(?) floor of Westfield Mall (between Market/Mission 4th/5th) - has wifi and *a bit more* seating than The Creamery, and open later.
aaronpk_ joined the channel
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# 19:17 bret are there any online versions of the microformat python or ruby parsers?
# 19:19 bret KartikPrabhu: while you are here, can you relink me to your parser on your site too?
# 19:22 bret tantek: I guess I'll add in the details I put together there instead (/microformats2#Parsers)
# 19:22 petermolnar hey, dear indieweb, I have question: had anyone ever tried to pull in comments from reddit, ycombinator news, etc? does anyone think it would be possible?
# 19:23 tantek petermolnar: I'm not sure anyone has ever wanted to before! (fairly low quality :/ )
# 19:24 bret I have to step out... saving my edits in a text edit
# 19:26 tantek petermolnar - it's a question of, is it the kind of discussion you would want in your living room (personal site) ?
KartikPrabhu1 and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 19:40 KartikPrabhu aah ok. I think the fact that no one has done it yet indicates somethings
# 19:43 tantek petermolnar, KartikPrabhu these are good questions to ask and consider re: /backfeed (pulling in comments/interactions from POSSE copies)
# 19:52 tantek would be also good to capture the discussion yesterday about different expectations of backfeeding public Facebook comments to your site.
# 19:55 tantek not really, at least not the specific things discussed yesterday
# 19:56 tantek and a bunch of the Yes/No is hypothetical talk. might be better to redo/restructure based on citations of actual questions raised by folks about real world backfeeding
aaronpk_, Pierre-O, wolftune, reedstrm, jdp23, gr0k, mlncn, brianloveswords, tilgovi, paulfitz, j12t, snarfed, petermolnar, grantmacken, moizsyed, j12t_, KevinMarks, CaptainCalliope and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 22:34 bret !tell ShaneHudson ampersands on your sites index page are turning into "&"
# 22:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 22:54 snarfed and don't stress too much about the web page. lots of respectable projects get by fine with just a github readme
# 22:54 KartikPrabhu snarfed: it is more for me than others :) ultimately I want to self-host the code too
KevinMarks, j12t, moizsyed and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 23:23 tantek KartikPrabhu++ for open sourcing some of his site code! nice!
j12t joined the channel
mlncn, brianloveswords and gr0k joined the channel
# 23:59 tantek KevinMarks: sounds like a criticism of Disqus