tantekno. it creates a larger target for spam. when that target becomes big enough to be worth attacking, the spam will happen, first in a trickle, and then all at once.
tantekno we are not. that should be obvious. there is no mechanism preventing existing pingback spammers from also spamming webmention. the only barrier is a bit more endpoint discovery code, and a bit easy microformats markup.
tantekthe adoption spike of Known has already greatly accelerated our previously somewhat linear organic growth, hence why i spent some time refining my thoughts on an improved webmention and brainstormed the vouch protocol directly into IRC rather than spending the time doing a longer write-up.
tantekoh dear - be careful with that line of thinking, be very deliberate with your documentation of use-cases or else you will end up down the dark path of reinventing WSDL
aaronpk_a micropub client requests the scope of "post-food" and if the token includes that scope then it can be assumed that the micropub endpoint knows how to handle creating posts of that type. if the token is granted with a scope that does not include the requested one, then the endpoint doesn't support it
LoqiOAuth is an authorization protocol created to replace the need for client applications of a service (e.g. a silo) to ask for your username and password to the service in order to access the service on your behalf http://indiewebcamp.com/oauth
tantek.comedited /pingback (+244) "add projects section with link to webmention.io github for handling pingbacks. makes more sense here than in backfeed see also." (view diff)
tantekI'm pretty sure barnabywalters proposed the term "backfeed", but no amount of Google searching, nor waterpigs.co.uk searching finds anything earlier than 2013-06-30
tantekThe other term I can't seem to find an originating definition for is POSE - one of the related predecessors to POSSE: "POSE" - Publish Once Syndicate Everywhere
tantek.comedited /database-antipattern (+306) "/* DB connection loss */ another better search - for sites indexed as "Database Error" "Error establishing a database connection"" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /database-antipattern (+457) "/* DB connection loss */ note specific example found today during unrelated google search, quote the boilerplate error markup that comes back" (view diff)
LoqiPOSE is an acronym for "Publish Once Syndicate Everywhere" which is conceptually similar to but looser than POSSE, which asserts that the "once" be on your "own site" http://indiewebcamp.com/POSE
tantekKevinMarks: I think I'm not seeing the "blowing up your phone" notifications problem because I saw it before anyone else did - with all the false references to @t - and thus turned everything off long ago - abusive or not.
jdp23my guess is that every single person considering getting involved in Quirell (or any similar project) will ahve significant questions about governance.
KevinMarks__I'm not going to tell them how ot run their project; I am goign to try to keep up with ti and point to work here and elsewhere that they might be interested in
jdp23tantek every single methodology out there has a bad track record. most programming projects fail. most social network projects fail to get to critical mass. most social network projects that do get to critical mass then turn sour in some way.
tantekthe home page of http://collectqt.herokuapp.com/ is far more interesting that the Twitter - which I suppose is a good sign (rather than vice versa)
tantekKevinMarks: you linked the phrase "phone becomes useless " to a tweet that is about "***OSX*** Twitter client crashing/lagging repeatedly. Too many tweets." - what phones do you know of that run OSX?
tantekKevinMarks - unless by "discussion" you mean "reactions" on "Twitter", and in that case, I'd say you certainly made that happy the other day with your citation of DBAP.
Loqitantek meant to say: KevinMarks - unless by "discussion" you mean "reactions" on "Twitter", and in that case, I'd say you certainly made that happen the other day with your citation of DBAP.
jdp23in terms of avoiding governance by empowering everybody to have sovereignty ... there's circularity here. who writes the software that enables everybody to do this? who owns the copyrights and trademarks? what's the governance model for that group?
tantekjdp23 - I for one have tired of long prose with assertions without citations. If there's anything the web has given us, and URLs, it's the ability to form *better* arguments with citations, rather than "take my word for it" logical reasoning / handwaving.
jdp23i agree about the value of evidence and the web's ability to do so. skud calls the documentation they do on the Geek Feminism wiki "evidence-based feminism"
tantekthe very existence of the web has raised the bar in what is possible in political / philosophical discussion - so we should raise our expectations as well.
jdp23but in your 1/2/3 point above, 2 and 3 are governance decisions. you're arguing that these are the right decisions. where's your evidence of trans/queer-positive social networks that didn't have governance discussions up front?
jdp23Dreamwidth was in a slightly different situation because they were forking an existing code base. but as i understand it there were a lot of discussions before they launched about what the governance was going to be
tantekno such specialization was attempted. rather, starting simply, minimally, and with the most freedom to empower people to work towards their own goals.
tantekjdp23 - that being said, evidence has demonstrated that there is harrassment which requires more explicit policies, governance if you will, hence http://indiewebcamp.com/code-of-conduct
KevinMarks__you need a bit of cross-pollination and connection between groups, but if you make the flow too strong we get the kind of stuff that freebsdgirl is getting tonight
tantekdespite not having had any incidents of harrasment at any IndieWebCamp per se, given incidents at *other* tech meetups, it was reasonable to conclude that it may just be a matter of time (probability), and thus worth documenting the existing organic "good" culture, along with explicit steps to demonstrate caring for the safety of individuals
jdp23by having governance dicussions. and, in a queer/trans project, everybody is probably coming into it having had bad experiences elsewhere. so having these discussions early is very important.
tantekKevinMarks: I think that's the wrong order. Rather than attempting to *set* tone/culture onto a community, study healthy organic communities, and document their tone/culture so it is reinforced, and copied.
tantekin addition, by making our own community itself *forkable* (by way of providing everything "community" in CC0 / open source), we empower others to make *even healthier* communities, if we happen to screw up.
KartikPrabhulittle things like font choice, and visual design makes it so much more enjoyable to read individual sites than silos where everyone looks and feels the same except for some colour changes
KartikPrabhu"140 characters? ARE YOU KIDDING ME, it’s not enough letters to convey anything but bare essentials." xxcoeurxx damn right, but others like tantek have more skill
tantekThe 140 char thing was cute for a while, but ends up encouraging trite conversation unfortunately. Happy to be able to post longer on my site, and just tune the first sentence or so for tweet POSSE copy.
tantekthe implication being, if you POSSE a *reply* to Medium, that is also a reply *to* something on Medium, then you should do explicit POSSE threading there.
tbrunOn the indieweb site there are examples of people doing things like microformats. What is the policy about seeing what others have done and 'repurposing' them into my site
tbrunI have been an executive director of the local Habitat for Humanity, and now I am semi-retired and doing some statistics teaching at the college level, and doing some consulting to a startup.
ben_thatmustas far as licensing it depends on the project really. don't be afraid to look at how people use microformats, its an open standard. so if it helps you learn, great
tbrunI don't think licensing is the right word. There are some folks that have done some interesting things on putting their personal info on their front pages, but in such a way as not to be easily scrapable by folks whose intent is suspicious. If I look at how they do it and copy it is that 'stealing'. I want to be a good member and not viewed as a thief
brettbrun: a few personal projects that people have been working on are not completely open source because the individuals don't want the overhead of dealing with open source project of the same scope as their full personal project, but those who do that have all open sourced parts of their own project
ben_thatmustsomewhat regrets basing his code base off of opencart, i'm stuck opensource rather than going creative commons or public domain as i'd prefer
tbrunIt is not so much a project, it I see something I like, it is easy to view the source of the page. If I use that source as a basis for my site I would not be looking for anyone other than myself to maintain it.
tbrunBeing somewhat goal oriented, I have gone through the levels of idenfity, etc. on the site and am just trying to cover the bases moving up the levels. I don't want to re-invent the wheel, so if someone has a good way of presenting their identify, and it meets my needs is copying that format acceptable.
brettbrun: there is a decently complete set of wordpress plugins, and now the recently launched http://withknown.com that can get you a high level indieweb site. https://transmat.io is close to launching and a community member just started working full-time on http://homesteading.io Of course, if you are interested, even non-coders can get started on an
tantek.comedited /silo (+3919) "document New and Hip Silos separately from Popular, document Silo Innovations, Flexibility, User Innovations Inside Silos, move Cybe to a new Vaporware Silos section" (view diff)
tantekI've been fascinated by all the different approaches / opinions / desires for different post creating / editing interfaces / preferences / formats.
xxcoeurxxbt seriously though, we see this every time there's a new tool on the market, its built on some quasi-greek logic through confirmation bias into "what the user wants" / "what the user needs"
tantekanybody have *other* approaches to editing that what's in this list? http://indiewebcamp.com/editor#Approaches - or if someting there matches what your tool does, add yourself to the respective parenthetical list.
shanersi want feed to accept all requests for my domain (i know how to do that), and then url map /articles to articles.herokuapp.com and /notes to notes.herokuapp.com
tantekI'm still impressed by adactio's pure HTML+CSS animated slider toggle made from only <span> wrapping a checkbox and <label> : http://jsbin.com/rugonu/6/edit <-- source and interactive
tantekshaners, pretty sure adactio uses iOS Safari and Chrome, and he showed it working to me. odd that iOS would have newer versions of those browsers?
GWGI have a question. I want to extend my rel-syndication link plugin to as many services as possible, as I want to redesign it to only activate the ones a site is using, instead of all. What services do people have rel-syndication links to? I have Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and Instagram right now
GWGtantek: There's a use case. Although I'd just pick up and move myself. But since my goal is to make a menu of choices, and the rendering code is pretty duplicative, I'll add it.
tfontaineAny good projects working on getting WM into Ghost? I've been searching, but found little actual work being done. But a lot of "That would be awesome!"
tantekaaronpk, similarly, I'm waiting to see bear build an XMPP server emulator that is actually a micropub client and indieweb reader so that he can read things and create posts and replies from his XMPP client.
brettfontaine: a quick way to get started would be something like https://webmention.herokuapp.com where display is dynamic and you host the content in a separate system
tfontaineBret, That's kind of what I was thinking. Without the API, it'd have to rely on something ELSE with an API we could hook into with some javascript.
bretwebmention is a ping back without the xmlprc stuff, and is paired with a website that has been marked up microformats. The microformats allows the receiving site to parse the mentioning site for a json version of the page, and lets it display replies, comments, reply-context in any way they wish to choose.
bretthis allows people to have twitter style conversations displayed across different website implementations without a central server, manifesto or complicated protocol implementations
tantekKevinMarks if you have advice for POSSEing to Medium, please add it in the main section here: http://indiewebcamp.com/Medium#POSSE (like same paragraph as "It is possible…")
tantekGWG , the reason to create a /SNAP page with simple definition/summary is to also put a place for IndieWeb Examples of people using it - so others who come by can see if it's worth trying out, and who to ask
gRegor`tfontaine: If you can easily add rel="me" to your twitter link, you could sign in to the wiki and add yourself to http://indiewebcamp.com/irc-people
gRegor`Cool. tfontaine (@thursdayschild) is my friend that was in here just a bit ago. He's also interested in getting it set up. But he's gone again, heh.