#aaronpk_I built a microformats parser into the layout so that each page renders a microformat-parsed version of itself and it's pretty much the best thing ever
#GWGaaronpk_: I'm just wondering...the MicroPub client...is it canned responses or are you trying to write on a Pebble?
shaners joined the channel
#shanersIf I'm rolling an experimental mf2, should I do something like: h-hs-foo or h-hs-foo or h-x-foo?
#shanersExperimental meaning, i'm using it and no one else is yet.
#KartikPrabhushaners: if you only intend to use it internally rhen *-hs-* would be good, else if it could be useful for others but still experimental then *-x-*
eburcat and gRegor` joined the channel
#KevinMarks_Writing C in PHP is a traditional pastime
#KevinMarks_Anomalily's dataviz also looks great on a nexus 7
#KevinMarks_Aaronpk you output mf2,parse into json, then render with what?
#aaronpk_boy do I have a surprise coming for y'all this weekend!
#aaronpk_I'm kind of unreasonable excited about it
#aaronpk_(assuming I can finish in time of course)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk - you've built so many amazing things, that I hesitate to guess at what *you* could consider such a surprise that you're unreasonably excited about it
#aaronpk_sometimes I think too fast for my own good
#aaronpk_I am hoping to make a point important enough that someone else can document it ;)
#aaronpk_she posted an event on her wordpress site (as a wordpress post!) with h-event markup, then manually POSSE'd to facebook and is getting bridgy rsvps!
#aaronpk_interesting, wordpress is catching some of the bridgy "invite" posts as spam!
indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#indie-visitorHey, anyone have trouble with Bridgy getting replies caught in spam in mass? Is there a way to write a rule in wordpress spam
#snarfedare you using the semantic-linkbacks plugin? a recent version? i *think* it should skip the spam filter
#snarfedanomalily: and this is akismet flagging them as spam?
#snarfedanomalily: if so, i guess i'm not surprised. it's being aggressive, but that's probably intentional. maybe file a semantic-linkbacks or webmention plugin feature request to disable spam checking on webmention comments?
#snarfed(that's debatable, of course. maybe a user option)
#snarfedanomalily: also, i'm curious, is your event public? i don't see it on https://www.facebook.com/anomalily/events . if not, that's arguably a bug i should fix. (bridgy should only backfeed fully public posts/events/etc)
#aaronpk_this is fascinating... "stopping drinking coffee significantly reduced the emotional sense of urgency to respond instantly to every email/phonecall..."
#aaronpk_oh hey she's a friend of anomalily it looks like
#KartikPrabhusomeone should send an encouraging reply to @robynover I might not be the right person as I dn't understand the whole "not the right fit" thing
#KartikPrabhutantek: ha! was pretty much a n00b at that point to have commit logs :P
#KartikPrabhuerrr I still don't do version control on my site code :P
#shanersI mean, has anyone moved hMedia into mf2-land as h-media?
#aaronpk_I haven't gone down that road yet because h-entry describes my current photo posts better right now. once I (eventually) have all my flickr photos on my site I suspect those will be better as h-media posts
Jihaisse joined the channel
#shanersaaronpk_ actually, now that i look at it again / deeper, h-entry has way more usefullness than the old hmedia.
#aaronpk_tantek: do we have an algorithm to find a representative h-card from a person's home page?
#tantekshaners - in practice hMedia never found any interesting consuming applications, so it didn't get moved forward to microformats2
#tantekand only those with publicly visible / useful consuming applications got upgraded to microformats2, and even those had every property scrutinized.
#LoqiThe representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card http://indiewebcamp.com/representative_h-card
#tanteknow that I've answered the prior art question - let me ask the use-cse
#tantekaaronpk - good. a more common use case would be when writing a blog post and entering a URL for a person, having their photo and name be auto-filled from their h-card on their site
#tantekon p-author it would be wrong because that's inside the h-feed
#shaners!tell Kevinmarks Seems like unmung doesn't do anything with video enclosures on video podcasts. Maybe add those with a .u-video class? Eg: http://putthison.com (link in sidebar)
#aaronpk_ok I'll make this follow the u-uid rule and it will definitely fail on people's websites until they add u-uid somewhere. i'll try to add a debugging step to help
#tantekright - that debugging step should be fixing the existing validator - indiewebify.me - as the issue you filed
#KevinMarks_I can add a case for video links too if you have example feeds
#LoqiKevinMarks_: shaners left you a message 19 minutes ago: Seems like unmung doesn't do anything with video enclosures on video podcasts. Maybe add those with a .u-video class? Eg: http://putthison.com (link in sidebar)
#tanteknone of those are about a person nor have a *representative* h-card
#KartikPrabhufrom what I recall, representative hcard algo is for finding the h-card once you are already on a person's page, not for finding h-card of the author from a post page for instance
eburcat and shaners joined the channel
#shanersKevinMarks: I don't think you should bother with rel-enclosure. But maybe a .p-x-enclosure class? Since mf2 moved away from rels for most thigs that classes can do.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: hence my request for specific use-cases - to disambiguate/clarify if someone is asking for the wrong plumbing for their use-case
#tantekshaners - what's the use-case you're trying to solove with p-x-*?
eburcat joined the channel
#shanersKevinMarks: i mean .u-x-enclosure. u, not p.
#shanersi think .p-enclosure should exist on h-entry to be explicit about what a feed reader should download as the enclosure. but it's not part of the h-entry spec (yet). so it goes under the experiment prefix, right?
#Loqineuro`: tantek left you a message 5 days, 11 hours ago: re: https://twitter.com/fdevillamil/status/517054101793026048 not really. Not understanding the huge difference between /Twitter & /RSS is why RSS-framed publishing/sharing solutions/approaches are doomed to die a slow irrelevant death.
#KevinMarks__I told benwerd to go have a drink with benward because they have a short edit distance - I think they got on
#petermolnarI have a question on u-in-reply-to and the similar: can that be within e-content or it's a strict thing to put it out of e-content?
#barnabywalterspetermolnar: consider how the reply would look as a comment on a post, or in a feed reader. If it makes sense to have the link in the content as displayed that way, then it’s fine
#barnabywaltersfrom a mf2 parsing POV there’s nothing technically wrong with it
#petermolnarok; the main reason I asked because I'm trying to reduce the amount of per article metadata attached to an entry on my site
#tfontaineOh look. I caused a robot to do work. Whoops. :)
pfefferle joined the channel
#loic_maaronpk> I'll be at border-none next week, would be nice to meet you :)
#jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: hey, remember your article on HTTPS and you mentione alpower.com as working in browsers but not in guzzle?
#GWGpetermolnar: When I tried to put it inside when working on the Indieweb Taxonomy plugin, it seemed to cause trouble for some parsing, as I recall.
#petermolnarthat does not sound too promising GWG :)
#GWGpetermolnar: I went around it by offering a content filter that can be turned on, and I'm going to change the alternate placement to custom by theme.
#GWGSo, if you want to put it outside the e-content, you have to support that in the theme. If not, you have an option for putting it in the content filter
#GWGI need to submit a pull request to SemPress for that, actually. It's on my list
#petermolnarnothing special at all, but I do getting a bit tired of WordPress itself with all the hacks I need to put in place for it to work and look like I want it so
#petermolnarso at the moment, I've already remove as much meta entries as I could and put them into the content
#Loqibarnabywalters: jonnybarnes left you a message 26 minutes ago: well, I think I've made some headway in getting Guzzle to "just work" with sites like alpower.com: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/848
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: even if the PR doesn’t get merged (which would surprise me) that code could be wrapped up as a Guzzle plugin
#barnabywaltersbut really the PR should get merged, as it makes guzzle way more robust
#barnabywaltersideally it needs a way of storing the certificates as well though
alanpearce, barnabywalters, wolftune, paulfitz, mlncn, verdi and alanpearce_ joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemewell darn... apparently i broke my whole MP endpoint
Pea1 joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeapparently if you have a field display=none, it doesn't submit the data from it, but it will still submit a blank entry (overridding previous filled ones)
#ben_thatmustbemei had multiple copies of the same input field and just turned on the one i needed
#aaronpk_oh yeah I had something similar happen yesterday with html form
#jonnybarnesright, working on authorship algo for my webmentions parser and was looking at shrewdness, but I'm wondering if I've mucked up my own notes
#jonnybarnesyes I have I think, tantek's h-card shouldn't have a "p-author" should it?
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: yep, pretty sure tantek didn’t write that note :)
#jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: so I've corrected the p-author issue
#jonnybarneshowever shrewdness still think's Tantek is the author
#barnabywaltersin that case my authorship algorithm implementation is probably weighting embedded h-cards higher than following rel-author links, which is incorrect. can you raise an issue on http://github.com/barnabywalters/shrewdness please?
#barnabywaltersI’m going to work on shrewdness tonight, and will try to get that fixed
#ben_thatmustbemei think i've given up on my plan to have indie-config done by friday
#ben_thatmustbememy original idea was to have "edit" and "delete" web actions done
#ben_thatmustbemeas well as it really should be extended with some way to tell the code how to tell the editor to route back to where it left off
#jonnybarnesthe last like 2000 lines arent actually certificates
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: TBH I have no idea what they are. I just took the mozilla bundle and added the StartSSL certs. It worked, I didn’t look much closer :)
#jonnybarneswell, I think itll still work without those CRLs :)
#jonnybarnesalso I got a response on that Guzzle issue I opened
#KevinMarks__!tell barnabywalters can we chat on how to mark up h-feeds so that https://waterpigs.co.uk/services/microformats-to-atom/ makes podcatcher friendly ones - would be nice to round-trip podcasts through fund.unmung.com and yout hfeed to atom, adn to give guidance for h-feed podcast markup.
#GWGI actually know little about Javascript and half the web uses it now.
#ben_thatmustbemei figure there is always more to learn in tech, no matter who you are. One of the main reasons I try to make sure every job I get is a slightly different area than the last
#ben_thatmustbemeGWG, i found it easier to learn JS with jQuery to begin. I think its a bit easier to pick up
#tantekGWG - there's *very little* you "need" JS for.
#tantekGWG - my first suggestion is to add a new section to your user page, "Working On" which is very *present* focused, as in what are the few (just 2-3 to start with) things you are thinking about and actively working on right now
#GWGtantek, I had some thoughts this week on refining.
#tantekeven just start a "Working On" section with *one* item
#ben_thatmustbemei don't think i'm going to have time for all the fun stuff i was hoping to get done in time for IWC
#tantekGWG - I'm trying to help with the problem of "feeling frustrated"
#tantekwhat if before you jump to something, you made yourself update the "Working On" section on your user page to put that thing on the top of the list?
#ben_thatmustbemeGWG, one thing that helped me was having my ToDo list, much more detailed. even though it made this list go from like 5 to 30 items, getting things checked off really felt good
#GWGRight now, fixing the three plugins that I feel are held together with Chicken wire
#GWGI need to rewrite sections of code that are long sets of nested conditionals
#GWGI need to remove a bad decision that I made and decide on the right one
#GWGIt is mostly the long set of nested if statements that makes me think that there is a better way.
mlncn and Pierre-O joined the channel
#GWGSo it comes to me having an idea of what is wrong, but needing missing knowledge to write the improvement.
#tantekunless you care (and are keeping metrics) about who / what IP / what UA is polling your legacy feed files, we really should offload that kind of thing to proxies
#Loqibarnabywalters: KevinMarks__ left you a message 1 hour, 16 minutes ago: can we chat on how to mark up h-feeds so that https://waterpigs.co.uk/services/microformats-to-atom/ makes podcatcher friendly ones - would be nice to round-trip podcasts through fund.unmung.com and yout hfeed to atom, adn to give guidance for h-feed podcast markup.
#bretthe AS2 formatting changes were the primary focus for this week right?
#carmenUSENET, BBSes, email, we socialnetworked for decade w/o the "social" branding-buzzword bandied about or theoretical metagroups holding teleconferences about proposed-standards
#carmenmainly the one where i don't believe in signing NDAs or owrking on bloated shit like Mozilla so i have no job.. ever..
#tantekcarmen - those notes are too highlevel to make the distinctions
#tanteksocial *web* has certainly changed greatly over the past ten years
#tantekand has much functionality far above / beyond USENET, BBSes, email
krendil joined the channel
#tantekcarmen - well, we can help with your own site at least. what's your personal domain?
#barnabywaltersbret: awesome! I can give you the (PHP) code now if you want, or make it into a package which we can both use, so improvements get applied everywhere it’s used
#bretbarnabywalters: does it have a repo that it lives in?
#barnabywaltersbret: not yet, part of (unreleased) taproot code so far
#bretNo rush, but getting that broken out, I can try to fork it and get it running on heroku
#aaronpk_basically the browser opens a websockets connection then tells the server the URL of the page it's on, and the server sends blobs of HTML whenever there's comments on that URL
#aaronpk_it's backed by redis which does the pub/sub stuff to avoid getting into multiplexing hell in code
jet___ joined the channel
#aaronpk_oh and since my webmention handler is PHP, I still get to use PHP for rendering the HTML of the comments, and PHP just pushes the HTML into redis
#aaronpk_redis is a nice bridge between PHP and node
barnabywalters and anomalily joined the channel
#jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: as per you comment on the shrwedness issue, should my h-card on my homepage have a u-url link to jonnybarnes.uk?
#barnabywaltersif you can’t put anything complete (e.g. name and url at the very least) in the author property of each h-entry, just add a rel-author link to /
#tantekwhat's the best way to respond to a tweet like that? ask for specific list of names/URLs of "dead" open-source distributed-social-network projects ?
#jonnybarnesmy auth algo now passes a load of theoretic tests
npdoty joined the channel
#jonnybarnesnow I need to go through them and see how standard the output is and then try it on some real sites
#tantekwishes his posting UI made it easier to quick reply to tweets like that
#jonnybarnesby the discussion just now tantek.com could be a good bet :)
#GWGtantek, what would be necessary for you to do that?
#tantekGWG - building a reply endpoint and posting UI on my site. farther down on my list than what I'm currently working on.
#KevinMarks__ask him to add them to site-deaths where all the closed source dead ones are listed?
#GWGtantek, writing a posting UI is on my list though
#tantekGWG - but you already have one - in WordPress
#thierrymariannetantek: It's funny how this place is a sort of observatory on the outdoors except that this IRC chan also forms part of the subject of observation.
#@misubaOK, new plan. Screw thehaus, screw Known. We need a centralized alternative with momentum, only not sucky. And we have it. I have invites. (twitter.com/_/status/512809104880857090)