acegiak!tell benwerd in your checkins your e-conent contains a script that includes a reference to a varable called L on the first line. that var isnt set in the e-content as far as i can tell so by browser javascript crashes when displaying those notes?
LoqiShaneHudson: gRegor` left you a message on 9/30 at 8:32am: I don't have experience with Squarespace, but my understanding is you have full control of the HTML, so you could use it for indieweb. Webmention would be tricky, of course. Unless we encouraged them to add support for it. :)
tfontaineShaneHudson: You've more or less got control. You can have MORE control with business or greater accounts, but you can inject almost anything you want even at the personal level. Not sure how that's changing with SquareSpace 7, but not a lot I think.
barnabywaltersif you’re referring to getting webmention comments working on squarespace, if you can author arbitrary HTML then it’s doable. Just treat it as a static site and use a tool for webmention comments on static sites
EOGreerShane says: Ah if you can inject then it should be fine, I think there is a webmention service it could hook into? I have to dash, but Edd is wanting to learn about indie web. I think he's done the first few steps :) Seeya!
barnabywaltersgreat! try running it through some of the tests on for suggestions on easy bits of markup you can add to enable things like indieauth
jonnybarneshey barnabywalters I've been working on my authorship algorithm and it now does what yours does for my notes, i.e. it gives the facebook url for the author url
barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: great! you might consider allowing a guzzle client to be passed in as a constructor argument instead of having a method which does a testing-specific task
barnabywaltersGWG: supposed to have mainly be working on shrewdness recently but got distracted with authorship and representative h-card parsing. Managed to get some improvements to the reader done
barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: exactly — there’s a sane default (creating a basic client), but the caller can pass it’s own in with whatever modifications already done
barnabywalterseventually I’ll probably have to implement both natively in shrewdness, but thanks to julien51, snarfed and KevinMarks I can concentrate on more important UI/UX design rather than building too much plumbing upfront
ben_thatmustbemewell, doesn't necessarily mean they are using osX, just the hardware, and honestly when it comes to laptops, its rare that anyone swaps out hardware in them.
ShaneHudsonI think the difference is that avoiding the proprietary hardware is mostly political whereas wanting to own your own data isn't quite so much. If I could fully trust twitter or facebook and they produced a service that scratched my itches then I would probably use them :)
ben_thatmustbemeif they made a chromebook with all the same specs but a non-touch screen thus dropping the price significantly, I'd probably do that one
reedstrmI've said the same thing myself, here. ShaneHudson disagree with the distinction you make between hardware and software. How is owning your own data, and sharing it out not Freedom of the Press in its most fundamental form?
reedstrmI want hardware that doesn't leave me beholden to a megacorp who's interests don't necessarily align with mine. Same with my publicly shared data.
ShaneHudsonIs your question an argument against what I said? Because I do completely agree. I do think hardware is rather different in that an open source CPU doesn't give me many advantages whereas using Linux or an indieweb site does
reedstrmWell, you jump from hardware all the way down to the CPU. There are layers in between - closed hardware probably does not let me put my own software on board, for example.
reedstrmThe deep point I should write a blog about: choices matter. "Why don't I just post to FB, it's sooo much easier" _is_ the discussion about indieweb we all have experienced. Ease of use vs. freedom of one sort or another. Reoccurring theme.
reedstrmIs there any activity in the mobile space for all this? Are people just using their websites from mobile browsers? (which usually works quite well, I must say - minimalist designs lend themselves to responsiveness)
ShaneHudsonHas there been any discussion on ephermeral webmention? It goes against long web but I've found snapchat useful now that it has a chat feature
ShaneHudsonApple seem to be going the right route (at last). Which is good, because as much as I dislike them, they are the company that have a business model that would work with indieweb etc
davidmeadaaronpk I got a webmention to a blog post. I was trying to add the my comment reply URL to their blog but it comes back “cannot find endpoint”
reedstrmIt amusing how 'all things old are new again' is it not? decentralized person-to-person communications w/ no central authority ... It's not just for sysadmins anymore!
dlykeAs likely, some activist picking a fight with Native Americans, using Facebook as the tool. SWATting similar to how that (apparently one person or small group of people) went through and tagged hundreds of drag people.
kylewmaaronpk_: actually no. i went back and looked. i was reading too much into "If you really must question the morals or intelligence of someone here, esp the blogger, then your comments belong on your blog, not mine."
kylewmand from whyArentThereMoreWomenProgrammers "Also, I closed comments because they're almost all angry and personal now. Rather than moderating, I think it's time for people who want to say something to say it in their space. "
danlykereedstrm I bow to your obviously superior lexical selection. Other words starting with "a" do indeed convey the intended semantic meaning more clearly than "activist".
danlykekylewm I have similar memories of Dave saying such things > 10 years ago. So even if he didn't say the words, he's been batting around the concept for a while. BTW: I've had it with all of these Fahrvergnügen aardvarks in these Fahrvergnügen comments...
tommorristantek: just one minor thing - - FOAF isn't "based on invisible metadata". It's invisible if you put it in an RDF/XML file like 10 years ago. if you publish it as RDFa, say, then it is as visible as an XFN link. there's a vocabulary/syntax distinction there.
LoqiA permashortcitation (or permashortid) is a short non-hyperlinked citation to a post permalink, in contrast to a permashortlink which does hyperlink to a post
tommorristantek: <strong property="schema:name foaf:name" class="fn p-name">Tom Morris</strong> - the foaf:name property isn't any more invisible than the p-name class. ;-)
tommorris(I would be interested in seeing if we could come up with better ways to style the concept of a property or relata. but that's for another day.)
tommorristantek: let me see if I get the vouch-for stuff right. tells's webmention endpoint that links to, and the vouch link points to a post on that contains a link back to another post on, so I can then see "oh, has also linked to, so perhaps reckons
ben_thatmustbemetommorris, you linked to adactio, adactio linked to tantek. tantek sends you a webmention with link to adactio's post which links to tantek.... you already know you link to adactio, tantek's vouch has proved tantek is a second degree friend
tommorrisOne of the most important things I learned as an undergrad philosophy student: if you get emotionally attached to a concept, replace it with a letter. God became 'X'. Can you prove that X exists? :)
tommorristhe substantive question I'd ask is how you scope the sites. if the vouch-for stuff in this example causes me to think "oh, is on the good guys list", how far does that go?
indie-visitorPardon me for interrupting this discussion. I am trying to register for the Indie Web Camp and runing into difficluties registering my website. Is there someone I can email my plans to attend this weekend? Should I just show up?
danlyketommorris I see two vulnerabilities to webmention: spam, and DDOS. I see the "vouch" as a way to address DDOS more than spam, but even so I'd limit to host names, and maybe equate with, just because.
indie-visitorIf anyone can give me somepointers, i do have a drual site, but it is empty and I am not a huge fan of social media. I have a linke in account.
danlykeindie-visitor you can change your nickname on IRC with "/nick Kendra". Can't help you with the actual IndieWebCamp attendance, I just do the Homebrew Website Club meetups.
tommorrisindie-visitor: if you add a link like <a href="mailto:[your email]" rel="me">my email</a> to your website, you can sign in using Mozilla Persona.
danlykeaaronpk I've seen enough sites that serve identical content from both that I'm okay with ignoring leading "www"s in comparing domain names. What attack vector do you see? That a domain serves different content for and, and a vouch links to one and not the other?
aaronpk_danlyke: if a site does not serve, but allows users to register subdomains, then someone could register on a site. imagine for example, if someone made a user account "www"
aaronpk_better is to generalize it so that URLs that send redirects are treated equivalent, that way someone could say = intentionally
tilgoviI'm thinking abuot some SOA for my infrastructure and toying with the idea of using webfinger for my services to discover the email address of my users
tilgovibut my other services could make authorized requests against the webfinger endpoint to ask that the account server provide the email address for a particular username
tilgoviI think the issue is just that since webfinger addresses often are email addresses I was having trouble finding prior art where webfinger was used to resolve the email address
danlykekylewm nope, I'm hitting the "Testing Python, Introduction to OpenSCAD modelling and Jamine.js unit testing" event at Chimera in Sebastopol this evening.
bretthe only compelling case for webfinger that I have seen is the concept of starting with a real email address, then querying for metadata via webfinger (ignoring support info). If your starting with an html profile with a permalink, microformats 2/h-card is ultra simple/easy and makes more sense.
tilgoviIf you have a page that's totally static and you don't want to run a backend that receives webmentions, you can put our JS on the page and a link to our webmention endpoint in and we'll pull mentions in as annotations client-side
bretJonathanNeal: there was some discussions about the use of ## a while back? was there any resolution on if that is a good idea or something different should be used
brettilgovi: its kind of subtle, but that link above actually does medium/annotator style comment display based on the webmention containing a fragmention
JonathanNealIf someone can find a way, in javascript, to move a selection forward by one character, I could probably make the major improvements to fragmention.js i’ve wanted to