#marclaportebut I added <link rel="me" href="https://twitter.com/marclaporte" /> <link rel="me" href="https://github.com/marclaporte" /> to my source, as documented
#tantek.comedited /Vouch (+292) "prepare to use Bret's cleaned up drawing instead at top of page, move photo of whiteboard to section lower down" (view diff)
#marclaporteaaronpk_: thanks. So I tried http://marclaporte.com/Contact and I get 0Â supported and verified providers were found! twitter.com/marclaporte An unknown error occurred with this provider. github.com/marclaporte An unknown error occurred with this provider.
#aaronpk_if you want to do that, your twitter profile would have to link to the Contact page
Pea1 joined the channel
#aaronpk_i think it's failing because twitter.com links to marclaporte.com which still has the bad redirect
#aaronpk_sorry, 93 people have set it up, 44 have used it
#ben_thatmustso i'll just keep resubmitting some small set of 6 digit combos (as many as i can fit in the time before changes) and eventually google auth will happen upon those that i am submitting
#aaronpk_i'm pretty sure they factored that attack in when designing TOTP
#marclaporteBut that wasn't enough :-) so I have now pivoted to Tiki Suite: http://suite.tiki.org/Tiki+Suite a FLOSS Server, Web, Mobile and Desktop suite with 80%+ of the features all organizations need
#ben_thatmustif a person has your login and password, brute force can still be done on two factor too, its just they have to try as many combinations as possible in the 30 second window they have.
#gRegor`GWG: Sure, but ben's point is that indieauth should be doing rate limiting for gootle authenticator login. With the other indieauth options, they're probably already doing that on their end (Twitter, Github)
#LoqigRegor` meant to say: GWG: Sure, but ben's point is that indieauth should be doing rate limiting for google authenticator login. With the other indieauth options, they're probably already doing that on their end (Twitter, Github)
#ben_thatmustyes, and no, i'm saying any other point you have a large possibility of password inputs, the range is much larger when you have a-zA-Z0-9, forget about if you add other characters, but here you have[0-9]{6} always. it basically makes the time factor in it irrelevent
#ben_thatmustthe reason it works so well as 2 factor auth is that it obscures your password correctness on a brute force. so if you try to brute force password, even if you get it right you have to provide a proper TOTP, so (properly implemented) you don't know if you guessed the password correctly or the TOTP failed
#ben_thatmustso this got mentioned off the cuff after my demo. But currently (and mainly for proof of concept) I am only pulling my vouch suggentions for my site
#ben_thatmustbut suppose we did some sort of published endpoint for where to look up a vouch
paulfitz joined the channel
#marclaportefeels nostagic and hopeful as he replaced <link rel="openid.delegate" href="http://marclaporte.myopenid.com/"/> by <link rel="me" href="https://github.com/marclaporte" /> today...
#tantek.comedited /Vouch (+953) "document Protocol Summary based on original IRC with some details since, discussed at IndieWebCamp Cambridge. add FAQ re: Is a vouch saying "you may know me from…"" (view diff)
#shanersaaronpk_ Nokogiri in Rubyland provides you similar functionality if you ever find yourself needing to do similar thing for indieauth or whatever.
#dafyeah, there ought to be no excuse for using a real parser these days :)
aaronpk_1 joined the channel
#aaronpk_1Yeah I realized pretty quick that a trivial way to hack that is to make a plain text comment that has the text of something that looks like <a href...
#aaronpk_1So thanks emmak for the short verify code
ben_thatmust__, lukebrooker, caseorganic, alexhartley, lukebrooker_, Erkan_Yilmaz, dariusdunlap, adactio, ShaneHudson and KartikPrabhu_ joined the channel
#aaronpk_ben_thatmust: i'm pretty excited to grep my access log to build the initial cache of potential vouch URLs
#aaronpk_then I realized I have 4gb of access logs because I never set up logrotate
#ben_thatmustbemei will still include the list of values that should be set as Reply With source, targer, vouch at least if someone hits the error they can dump the headers and find out what they are missing
#ben_thatmustbemei think i have also given up the idea on having my vouch search point published. It would be cool to have that as you could look for vouches from any micropub client, but that also exposes an awful lot, especially since it does curls from the request
#aaronpk_and I now have a database cache of all outbound domains in my posts so my vouch approval algorithm went from 3 seconds grep to milliseconds DB query
#gRegor`I think he means publishing a list of the domains we trust to vouch? Not sure if that would cause problems or not
caseorganic joined the channel
#gRegor`Would make it easier for sender to find a vouch URL in common by limiting it to those domains.
#ben_thatmustbemeit would make it much easier on the sender for sure
#gRegor`I guess it would cause problems if you accidentally had a domain listed that should have been rel-nofollow, and a spammer could easily create an account on that site.
adactio joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeyes, but it also means you you have an easy way to review that list
#ben_thatmustbemein fact i'd just do it as a page on my site that just didn't include header info, that way i can test if is_site_owner and display needed remove/block links
#ben_thatmustbemeand no chance of any of the header or footer messing up the list
#ben_thatmustbemefor example my footer contains menus which show recents, etc
#gRegor`I might alter the vouch checking to not just be the domain, but anything below a certain path. So that way I could allow a vouch from @t but not @twitterspammer
#ben_thatmustbemei need a method to week bad links out already from possible vouch list for myself, I have received referrer entries from t.co and indieauth.com
#ben_thatmustbemeat which my example with adactio started to show indieauth as a suggested vouch
#rascul_My sister really likes her known site i setup for her :)
#rascul_Now my sister's site is more functional than mine...
#ben_thatmustbemeugh, I need to basically store regex for any sites i want to black list from vouch use (e.g. indieauth.com) since some i may have to do all subdomains and some not
#marclaporte.comcreated /OpenHub (+400) "Created page with "The Black Duck Open Hub (formerly Ohloh.net) is an online community and public directory of free and open source software (FOSS), offering analytics and search services for disco..."" (view diff)
#ben_thatmustbemeor i'd say all subdomains of co.uk by accident at some point
lukebrooker_ and thierrymarianne joined the channel
#reedstrmcatching up on the weekend irc logs - sat. in Cambridge sounds like it was an awesome meeting! I reaaally need to spend some deep thinking time on how indiewebcamp, peer collaboration, and OER (openstax flavored) all fit together ...
#reedstrmThe UWM 'give every student a domain' thing ++
#reedstrmre: un-meeting org - sounds like 'start with demos, then schedule' is a good way to get over various common problems w/ 'schedule as very first thing'
#gRegor`reedstrm: There's a youtube archive of the demos too
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk_ you might want to ignore homepages too or do something smart to find the permalink, if those end up in my vouches it could pretty much mean plenty of invalid vouches going out
Pierre-O, j12t, loic_m_, danlyke and thierrymarianne1 joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemehuh, additionally https -> http url drops the referrer (probably because i redirect immediately to https
#ben_thatmustbemenevermind about the redirect, http->https just as long as you use 301 not 302, referrer is sent
cweiske joined the channel
#reedstrmoh, never noticed that diff for 301 vs. 302. What browsers have you tested this against? Doesn't seem to be specified in the relevant specs ...
#gRegor`301/302 preserving referrer depends on the browser, I believe.
KartikPrabhu_ joined the channel
#gRegor`Brief searching seems to indicate the RFCs don't specify referrer behavior for 301/302
#ben_thatmustbemei think i might fragment my MP client in to a ton of little ones, one simple thing per page, so that on mobile I can bookmark them all and save them in 1 folder
#aaronpk_I wonder if it makes sense to send human-redable content so micropub endpoints sort of "fall back" to that if they don't understand the "p3k-food" field that is sent
#aaronpk_not burned out, just working on finishing my vouch code :D
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#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk_ you see my issue with sending vouch right now
#ben_thatmustbemei think a public endpoint of acceptable hosts as was discussed isn't actually a bad idea
#ben_thatmustbemethat way my webmention code doesn't have to hunt all over, and I should not even need an interface to post a specific vouch, the code can handle it all
#ben_thatmustbemei think the only security would be you are no longer protected by the obscurity of it. I personally like the idea for giving myself a place to review the list so i can remove / block entries in ti
#aaronpk_KevinMarks: I fixed the weird $url error thanks!
#ben_thatmustbemeif i am considering some site as a authorized mention source, then its not like i'm opening up a hole by publishing the list, i'm still just as vulnerable to spam from those sources, but It does reveal to others that i have that security issue
#ben_thatmustbemeit could get really interesting to start pulling in your autorized sites's authorized list and check their lists for sites you have blocked, then you could automatically notify them of entries you would recommend against
#shanersOh yeah. I thought I was gonna have to do some extra work for emoji but by the time I got around to it, I got it for free from the combination of Rails 4 + Ruby 2.1 + Postgres.
#reedstrmapropos the Midwest consensus map - what sort of maps would include IL ,but not WI, IA, and MN? Hmm, perhaps they had 'Upper Midwest' as another region.
#shanersToday I'm working on this list of autoembeds: tweets, gists, thisismyjam, wikipedia, indiegogo, kickstarter, bandcamp, medium, soundcloud, slideshare, speakerdeck, google maps
#ben_thatmustbemei just can't decide if i want to make that list rel=nofollow or not
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#ben_thatmustbemepros or allowing follow, that page can be used as vouch URL for anyone on it. If I trust them to post on my site, I am going to vouch for them elsewhere also makes finding if I can use a person as a vouch for me super easy. cons, anyone can send a webmention on my behalf easily, with rel=no-follow its much harder, the person i've linked too should have been able to collect the referals already anyway.
loic_m__ joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemethat page could also just be optional or need not even be complete (hide some connections, etc) its only to make receiving mentions from new people easier
erlehmann joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbememaybe i'll have only those I trust / manually entered listed there, others can use links if them know them
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: maybe i'll have only those I trust / manually entered listed there, others can use links if they know them
krendil joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemewith following, it becomes a duel purpose list, "here's a list of people I trust to not be spamming me" AND "Here's a list of people I trust to not spam others"
#gRegor`Maybe I need to start implementing this before I fully grasp it.
#ben_thatmustbemedanlyke, people first, machines second. plus parsers for html already exist too
#ben_thatmustbemebesides, you really don't need to fully parse it, you just care about href= and potentially rel=
#gRegor`If I have linked to twitter.com/t/* and tantek has linked to your ben.thatmustbe.me/*, why shouldn't I trust twitter.com/t/* as a vouch URL for you?
#danlykeben_thatmustbeme yes, but the machines need to know that this is a list of trustworthy links.
#gRegor`Or I guess the problem then becomes what if tantek links to "look at these jerk spammers [link]" in a tweet...
#danlykeI've got heuristics which grab feeds from /irc-people and there's a lot of emphasis on human readable there, but trying to automate how to get those feeds from what's there is tough.
#ben_thatmustbemegRegor` any time its a silo, I can't trust that they don't turn on side bars or promoted tweets, etc, I trust tantek not to post bad content, i don't trust twitter
brianloveswords joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemedanlyke, they do, same way we know endpoints etc, you can just specify it as rel='vouch-list' or something like that
#ben_thatmustbemeor a link that has h-feed tag so you know where it is (correct me if i'm wrong here guys, not as strong with mf)
#shanersben_thatmustbeme danlyke not everyone wraps their .h-entrys in .h-feed
#shanersi do. i think it's nice. but some are team "infer an .h-feed as the array of .h-entrys".
KartikPrabhu_ and loic_m__ joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemei somewhat like that about the group, forces any code to watch out of odd cases, there will certainly be more as microformats2 spreads
jet___ and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#ShaneHudsonshaners: Could we not just say h-entry inside h-feed (especially if multiple on a page) is recommended?
#shanersi mean, that's what *I* recommend. but not everyone agrees.
#shanersthat said. i agree with what ben_thatmustbeme just said: recommend it, but don't assume it. infer it if .h-entry(s) are present without an .h-feed
#gRegor`I only have one h-feed so far, for my notes. It's linked from my <head> with rel=feed, so in that instance I think the h-feed makes sense as a "requirement"
#gRegor`My main use case for that is bridgy backfeed
#ben_thatmustbemegRegor` I disagree, if its linked in the head as rel=feed i'd say there is more of an argument that its NOT needed
#ben_thatmustbemeany code parsing it would already assume its a feed of h-entries
#gRegor`Only if you're presuming the code is starting at my homepage.
#gRegor`What if you just put in my notes feed in your reader?
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#ben_thatmustbemethen again, same as before, if it lacks h-feed and lacks rel=feed, i assume the URL i am given is the feed
#LoqiA card in the context of the indieweb are small information summaries—often summaries of specific, external web pages http://indiewebcamp.com/cards
#LoqiAn autolink is a hyperlink that was automatically added to some text to link that text to an obvious or useful destination, e.g http://indiewebcamp.com/autolink
brianloveswords joined the channel
#ShaneHudsonOk so the basics are there. Might be nice to get some discussion going about when to auto-embed, could be interesting.
#ShaneHudsonThink I will add it to my list of itches :)
#snarfedapologies, late to the conversation…but re implied vs explicit h-feed, bridgy's original post discovery (using syndication links) currently expects it to be explicit
#snarfedwe can definitely change that to work without explicit h-feed; we just haven't yet
#KevinMarks_Publishing a list of possible vouch urls sounds like a subscription list/blog roll variant
#KevinMarks_So an html list of links with rel on seems like a good existing pattern
snarfed joined the channel
#KevinMarks_Would adding rel="vouch" be redundant? If you link without rel="nofollow" it is already a vouch-worthy link
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#kylewmis there a rel value for subscription list/blog roll?
#gRegor`@joeld's original idea was a rel-vouch to a text file of URLs, but it could be to HTML. I don't think it was intended for individual external links.
#kylewmlike if i have your domain name, can i get to that list?
#gRegor`kylewm: I think the indiereader from Portland hack day used something like that.
#gRegor`There could be a difference between "my subscriptions/blog roll" and "sites I've linked to that I trust as a vouch" too
#kylewmgRegor`: the indiereader needed you to give it a particular URL of the subscription list
dariusdunlap, willowbl00, lukebrooker, caseorganic, snarfed1, caseorga_ and brianloveswords joined the channel