2014-10-14 UTC
# 00:04 cr i got an email, forgot about libre.fm
# 00:05 cr does scrobler.fm support it? if not i think i'll add it
KartikPrabhu_, fmarier and sivy joined the channel
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# 03:10 GWG When doing a reply-context or other contexts, what should you extract from an mf2 site as part of the presentation?
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:12 shaners GWG can you give me a URL of a post of yours that is in reply to another site (wth mf2)?
lmorchard joined the channel
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# 03:18 GWG shaners: Well, let's say I responded to something on the site of someone here
# 03:18 GWG I wanted to come up with something that made sense.
# 03:18 shaners i understand, i'd like to point to something concrete, if possible
# 03:19 shaners but the short version is the .h-entry at the url that you're replying to
# 03:19 shaners and then opitonally, you can walk up the reply thread (if the url you're replying to is in reply to something else)
# 03:20 GWG Right now, for the plugin, there are three hardcoded fields...
# 03:21 GWG The plugin that generates the context. Response URL, Response Title, and Response Quote(optional)
halorgium joined the channel
# 03:21 GWG I want to try to retrieve some of that
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# 03:22 shaners you can parse out what you need from the json dump of the page
# 03:22 GWG I think someone wrote a library for that.
# 03:23 snarfed for reply contexts, title, summary, or e-content are basically the state of the art right now afaik
# 03:23 GWG snarfed: I want to extract that information instead of manually entering it
# 03:24 GWG I'm trying to figure out what to extract.
# 03:24 shaners ok. are you asking WHAT to extract or HOW to extract it?
# 03:24 snarfed GWG: right. my point is, afaik no one has done that well (or at all) yet. people have talked about algorithms for extracting representative snippets from longer articles, but just vague talk so far
# 03:25 GWG snarfed: I'll start with notes, I guess
# 03:26 shaners i see. it's up to you, really. how much of the reply-context post do you want on your site? just link, just linked title, author, content, preview entrys in the thread, etc?
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# 03:28 GWG That is what I'm trying to decide.
# 03:29 GWG What seems common is the other person's profile image.
# 03:30 shaners that's the fun thing about indieweb, we all get to try out our own flavors on our own sites.
# 03:33 GWG The advice I'm looking for is to help crystallize in my head.
# 03:44 shaners then walk up the stack until there is no more in-reply-to url
# 03:44 GWG shaners: What about sites for which there is no mf2?
# 03:45 shaners past that, you're entering a whole world of "it depends"
# 03:45 GWG Then you get to special cases for specific silos
# 03:54 shaners otherwise, you have to refetch it every time your page loads. right?
# 03:56 GWG And if the person's picture changes?
# 03:57 shaners that's up to you. how often do you want to check for updates to all of your posts' reply contexts?
# 03:57 GWG Is it better to preserve it as it was...or leave it as historic?
# 03:57 shaners that's an old question that doesn't have an easy answer
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# 04:10 aaronpk_1 KevinMarks: before I got on the plane I fixed the $url error you saw.
# 04:11 aaronpk_1 But just fixed enough to not be ugly, it's not ideal
# 04:11 aaronpk_1 What you're seeing is Known is not returning the Location header so Teacup doesn't know if it created the post and has nothing to link or send the browser to
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# 04:12 aaronpk__ My ideal version is it tells you it tried to make the micropub request and show you the response from your site and tell you it didn't return a location header
icco, snarfed, dariusdunlap and tantek joined the channel
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# 05:37 Loqi An autoembed is an embedding of media, typically of an image or video, that was automatically added from a URL to that media, to provide immediate viewing and or direct interaction with that media http://indiewebcamp.com/auto-embed
# 05:37 tantek and with that, my work for tonight is done :)
sdboyer_, KevinMarks__, hober, j12t and loic_m__ joined the channel
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fmarier, KartikPrabhu_, j12t, thierrymarianne, adactio, scor and KevinMarks joined the channel
eschnou, j12t, KartikPrabhu_, tfontaine, csarven, Sebastien-L, ShaneHud_, LauraJ, mlncn, scor, verdi, ben_thatmust__, danlyke and EOGreer joined the channel
# 13:05 ben_thatmust__ going to talk to university of RI to see if they could host is at their providence campus. How far out does everyone think I should schedule an iwc providence?
csarven and mlncn joined the channel
j12t, Pierre-O, paulfitz, 7YUAA5NTB, KartikPrabhu_, brianloveswords, Pea, eburcat, reedstrm, dlyke and Pierre-O1 joined the channel
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gRegor`, LauraJ, EOGreer, j12t, chalettu and wolftune joined the channel
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# 15:02 dlyke g'morning, ben_thatmustbeme
# 15:05 danlyke No, I just have identity problems. Work vs home machines.
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# 15:06 danlyke (Couldn't re-use my customer account for my job account at work, xchat isn't smart enough to give me per-server nicks)
# 15:11 danlyke ben_thatmustbeme petermolnar XChat's nick config is global. I should switch to irssi or Hexchat or (probably best) something Emacs based.
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# 15:14 danlyke petermolnar ben_thatmustbeme thanks, just installing hexchat made me look more closely at my server config dialogs, found the fields hidden by the checkbox.
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# 15:32 marclaporte I love how wiki page edits have notifications in the IRC chat room. Well done!!!
# 15:39 kylewm marclaporte: I can't log in to OpenHub anymore (probably haven't since it was ohloh)
# 15:41 ben_thatmustbeme just created my openhub account... still need to decide on a new name for the platform though
# 15:41 kylewm ah nevermind, it wanted my username, not email
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# 15:43 rascul i mean, i'm the one drinking with her at the brewery, i'm not the horse!
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# 15:45 rascul beer straight from the vat, fresh as can get, is delicious :)
# 15:47 KevinMarks Pendantic is going to have the same problem with autocorrect as fragmentions
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# 15:47 rascul oh, looks like someone registered indieweb.camp a couple weeks ago
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# 15:54 gRegor` What is openhub?
# 15:54 Loqi The Black Duck Open Hub (formerly Ohloh.net) is an online community and public directory of free and open source software (FOSS), offering analytics and search services for discovering, evaluating, tracking, and comparing open source code and projects http://indiewebcamp.com/OpenHub
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# 16:03 ben_thatmustbeme i liked pendent because its the mark left behind when writing , but that is pretty funny too
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# 16:08 sandro clever. hopefully they'll do something good with it
# 16:11 tantek I'd say keep such names short, easily speakable and easily understood by voice.
# 16:14 sivy rather happy, I got dropbox-webhooks-based updating for boxpub working last night
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# 16:26 gRegor` I hope it was someone here that got indieweb.camp?
# 16:26 GWG What's the domain shopping about?
# 16:27 gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme: Unknown? :)
# 16:27 mko "christophe ducamp"? Not sure who that is.
# 16:28 gRegor` Then someone can make Known Unknowns
# 16:28 gRegor` GWG: Think it started with ben_thatmustbeme talking about new name for openblog
# 16:29 GWG reedstrm, Going to stop by and make an offer?
# 16:29 reedstrm (At first thought, "Poisoner's Street? Cool!" Then my dormant French kicked in and translated ...
KartikPrabhu_ and cweiske joined the channel
# 16:41 danlyke kylewm, gRegor` thanks, I'm now using the e-content that's a child of the h-entry but no other h-class for my summaries for webmentions on Flutterby.com, per conversation on Friday.
# 16:44 GWG ben_thatmustbeme, how is the custom editors going?
# 16:54 ben_thatmustbeme GWG, I need to customize them more for mobile, but I added the Notes and Checkin page to the homepage. Get Location isn't working for checkin for some reason though ben.thatmustbe.me/new/note and ben.thatmustbe.me/new/checkin
# 16:56 GWG ben_thatmustbeme, I have something similar on my list
# 16:57 npdoty has anyone had a problem with Bridgy/Known/Facebook such that multiple "likes" are sent as webmentions but Known only records/displays the most recently received like?
# 16:58 ben_thatmustbeme npdoty, there are things about facebook and how public the person puts their profile. i have noticed issues of Likes not backfeeding through bridgy, but I think thats a privacy setting on their part
# 16:58 npdoty ben_thatmustbeme, well, every like did make it through
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# 16:58 GWG ben_thatmustbeme, I was there in spirit
# 16:59 npdoty but every time another webmention was received, the previous like disappeared
# 17:02 GWG ben_thatmustbeme, are there enough people?
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:04 ben_thatmustbeme plus my alma matter (URI) has a web development track, and a building/campus in Providence
# 17:09 ben_thatmustbeme i was thinking wait until spring, its getting late to try for this year, don't want to have to cancel for a snow storm
tgbrun joined the channel
# 17:10 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: do you already know that post.ly was a posterous service ~2010?
# 17:10 GWG Depending on the weekend, Id try to drive up
# 17:12 kylewm yeah, probably doesn't matter, just so long as you know
KevinMarks and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 17:25 ben_thatmustbeme Btw tantek, don't know if you saw the discussion on publishing a list of people who you link to / accept webmentions from/ may be used as vouches
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# 17:31 kylewm woohoo, I have "an average number of source code comments" (which is surprisng)
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# 17:54 marginalventures hi I am not sure if this is the right place to ask about installing withknown from github clone but here goes
# 17:54 marginalventures Everything checked out on the front page, I set up the mysql database and entered the info. the wizard had me make config.ini
# 17:55 marginalventures and on the front page it says it can't connect to the database.
# 17:55 marginalventures although I just noticed the db connection message so I'll go hunt that down
# 17:58 reedstrm kylewm: perhaps that says more about the average programmer than about you ...
# 18:02 rascul kylewm where do you discover your source code comment rating?
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# 18:05 tantek marginalventures: yes this is a good place to ask. benwerd and erinjo are here reasonably often, and there are other folks that have gotten Known working, e.g. kylewm and KevinMarks
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# 18:08 kylewm marginalventures: are you using Apache? it is likely an issue with the .htaccess
# 18:10 marginalventures thanks kylewm ! i'll look
# 18:11 kylewm reedstrm++ suspect you are totally right about comments. "You have almost no source code comments, so... pretty much average"
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# 18:21 marginalventures thanks again kylewm, that fixed my not found problem. Still says unable to connect to the database but probably I missed a step
# 18:22 marginalventures is nginx recommended over apache2 now?
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# 18:31 kylewm marginalventures: nope mostly people use apache
# 18:35 aaronpk_ I've been running nginx on all my new stuff. still have one legacy apache server that's actually behind nginx
# 18:38 kylewm oh yes -- clarification: mostly people use apache for Know
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# 18:56 rascul who posted a like that firefox got confused about?
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# 18:59 rascul not really sure what that link is, some sort of template maybe?
# 19:02 rascul ben_thatmustbeme if i have about a month notice i should probably be able to make providence
# 19:04 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: experience has shown that indiewebcamps require 2+ active/interested organizers to be succesful
# 19:04 tantek so I'd say, before figuring out a date, find an organizr
# 19:04 Loqi tantek meant to say: so I'd say, before figuring out a date, find an organizer
# 19:04 rascul i don't feel i would be useful as an organizer, though
# 19:05 tantek however you can start keeping track of current state on the wiki
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# 19:12 rascul has there been any more talk about indiewebcamp dc?
# 19:19 tantek rascul - anyone can create /2015/DC - feel free to do so and just note that you're interested in it!
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# 19:23 rascul maybe we need an IndieWebCamp Rascul's House :)
# 19:24 rascul i have 100Mbps internet and enough room for 20 people or so in my back yard!
# 19:25 rascul my sister is up here in shrewsbury, i'm staying with her until tomorrow
# 19:26 ben_thatmustbeme thanks tantek, I was trying to get a generic user template that would serve for others so people wouldn't have to create their own templates all the time, but i think i've given up on that
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# 19:28 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: we have both. per-user templates, and generic use template. the per user templates are made from the generic one.
# 19:29 rascul if/when indiewebcamp dc turns into a thing, my note should be removed :)
# 19:32 marginalventures thanks for your help re known on my site. I missed applying the schema
# 19:32 marginalventures also the .htaccess allowall thing was missed
# 19:32 kylewm marginalventures: oh gosh it should do that on its own
# 19:32 marginalventures mine didn't
# 19:32 kylewm strange! I haven't had to do that since a pre-beta version
# 19:33 marginalventures although it also seemed like the user I added for it did not take the permissions I had set (grant all) so probably that was the real problem
# 19:33 marginalventures so there were several things wrong or missed in my install.
# 19:34 marginalventures not sure why my grant command didn't work the first time but likely that's why
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# 19:43 rascul a real irc client that hasn't been updated for 2.5 years ;)
# 19:45 ben_thatmustbeme correctly written software never needs to be updated. Look at openssl... wait i mean Bash, look at ba-- nevermind
# 19:45 rascul well, weechat has been updated since 0.3.7 ;)
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# 19:50 reedstrm recommendations for android irc client? xabber seems missing things like ... list of participants in a room!
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# 20:14 reedstrm i'll check them out. We use a jabber server internally here, so was trying to keep to one client, but ...
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# 20:27 ben_thatmustbeme tantek, went through the list of every rel tag and couldn't find anything that seemed to fit
# 20:28 tantek search for blogroll - it has a bunch of results that may be interesting
# 20:31 ben_thatmustbeme i'll continue looking, but thus far all i've been finding is data on how to mark up the list, nothing on how to link to the list
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# 21:53 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I feel like we did some work on this in the era of "social network portability"
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# 22:00 tantek warning, you're likely to find dead links there to Upcoming, Magnolia, Pownce
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# 22:10 kylewm Use xfn rel="me" to link to contacts list pages and contacts list pagination links too
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# 22:16 KevinMarks__ if I want google to parse my h-cards, I need to add the microformat-1 names too?
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# 22:20 tantek KevinMarks: Google only pays attention to one object per page for their search results use case, and a very limited number of properties at that.
# 22:21 kylewm KevinMarks__: ok that makes sense, it's not so much for marking "this is a blogroll" as "the relationships on this other page are still referring to me"
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# 22:22 KevinMarks__ right, it becam necessary fro paginated follow lists on twitter, back when twitter still cared about being crawlable
# 22:22 tantek amazing how many things went wrong from 2009-present
# 22:23 tantek looking back, I don't think any of us expected it to be this bad - in terms of social networks (what we used to call silos)
# 22:23 tantek both with dying / killing permalinks, and with becoming disinterested / hostile behemoths.
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# 22:33 ben_thatmust__ kylewm. I just read that too and at first I was disheartened but it's easy enough to look for rel=me links that have the same domain as the page and check there
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# 22:36 ben_thatmust__ not ideal. but it is logical. unless there are other reasons to have rel=me within a domain
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# 22:42 ben_thatmust__ that's okay. given a Link to someone's site. Look at that page for all domains linked that could be vouch. . if none cHeck for all rel=me links within the domain. if none try the base url or search for rel=feed
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# 22:56 kylewm bret: just me and jdp23, but it was fun ... we mostly talked privacy/safety in online communities
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# 23:30 mko Basically, make sure to disable SSL 3.0.
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# 23:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 23:38 snarfed bret: i haven't followed 2.0, but probably not much. i like having AS as a common format, but i generally don't care about the details of the schema
# 23:39 bret snarfed: would you likely track A-U to use AS2.0 given the fairly significant changes?
# 23:40 snarfed no a-u users have asked about 2.0, so i'm not seeing demand yet
# 23:42 bret what is going on is there are a lot of participants asking for json-ld users, but they are not currently using AS themselves, so just trying to probe different people who are actually consuming/generating it on their throught
# 23:44 snarfed bret: ok. i doubt i can help much, but fwiw, most a-u users like it because it normalizes the different silos' data to a common format. they don't care as much what that format is, AS 1.0 or 2.0 or whatever
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# 23:53 bret snarfed: do you have any opinion on calls to change that common AS vocab in fairly significant ways? (in this case to satisfy the LD crowd needs) It seems like this might be disruptive to the primary use case of A-U users, which seems to be consistent/common vocab.
# 23:55 snarfed bret: i don't have a strong opinion. if 2.0 is that backward incompatible, and if i implemented it, i'd probably support both 1.0 and 2.0 and let users choose