#indiewebcamp 2014-11-01
2014-11-01 UTC
ben_thatmust GWG: here is a simple file to test your server and see when/if its fixed https://gist.github.com/dissolve/a6b9147f142cfb04812e

ben_thatmust if you want a site that also uses nginx and wildcard but does not have this issue, i used aralbalkan.com

ben_thatmust possibly keep-alive settings, no clue

EOGreer, dns53 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aaronpk wow this is a fascinating story of how this guy got his instagram account stolen https://ello.co/gb/post/knOWk-qeTqfSpJ6f8-arCQ

tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmust so now after all that, any other thoughts on IWCOnline?

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
chrissaad joined the channel
ben_thatmust GWG, we could do it as HWC Online for 2014, give us time to work out all the kinks in using hangouts on air, etc

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "in between a HWC and an IWC" yet. Would you like to create it? http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=in+between+a+HWC+and+an+IWC

ben_thatmust kink event... lets not use that term for it

ben_thatmust we could work it as more of an IWC primer

ben_thatmust IWC but we don't care if not many show up, if its 5 people its 5 people, but we get a good amount testing for it

ben_thatmust i like having the open discussion of people working through ideas etc

ben_thatmust several hangouts is actually an idea i really like you can record them all through on air, and it forces a max size

ben_thatmust why? can still work out the groups that day

ben_thatmust instead of rooms it becomes Chat 1, Chat 2, etc

ben_thatmust s/Chat/Hangout

ben_thatmust you can also just create them on the fly

aaronpk man the comments on that article make me really reconsider using SMS/phone as a security mechanism at all. both for 2fa and account recovery. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8541313

tantek, brianloveswords, paulfitz, tantek-ipod, chrissaad, mlncn, EOGreer and lukebrooker joined the channel
@themezoom RT @kevpolley: New post: The Indieweb - I'm taking control - http://www.kevinpolley.com/the-indieweb-im-taking-control/124 (twitter.com/_/status/528372516256219136)
ejpfauth, chrissaad, tantek, mdik, tantek-ipod, snarfed, willowbl00, EOGreer, KartikPrabhu and dns53 joined the channel
tantek.com created /snsr/index.jsp (+390) "Document how the user got here and how to fix the situation" (view diff)

krendil, tantek, KartikPrabhu, chrissaad, EOGreer, Deledrius_, cweiske, willowbl00, wolftune, Deledrius, krendil_, loic_m, Pierre-O, Sebastien-L, glennjones, jsun, ejpfauth and LauraJ joined the channel
@ShaneHudson It would be amazing (and creepy) to walk around the streets and see everyone's personal site. Feels very #indieweb :) https://twitter.com/ShaneHudson/status/528501526516736001/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/528501526516736001)
EOGreer and sammachin joined the channel
@FrankJWest RT @ShaneHudson: It would be amazing (and creepy) to walk around the streets and see everyone's personal site. Feels very #indieweb :) http… (twitter.com/_/status/528510148411924480)
alexhartley, alexhart_, friedcell, Pierre-O, bitraten, EOGreer, ejpfauth, mlncn, scor, jsun, cmhobbs, loic_m, paulfitz, brianloveswords, jsun_, willowbl00, tgbrun, chrissaad, levertourist, danlyke_, Reykjavik, reederz, snarfed, wolftune and willowbl001 joined the channel
KevinMarks and paulfitz joined the channel
ejpfauth joined the channel
Pea1 joined the channel
Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
richardlitt and alexhartley joined the channel
richardlitt and alexhart_ joined the channel
scor and ejpfauth joined the channel
numpian joined the channel
jschweinsberg and tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmust GWG any luck figuring out what wrong with your config?

ben_thatmust hey tantek

ben_thatmust heh

ben_thatmust its such an obscure test, its not surprising may never notice it

ben_thatmust s/may/many

ben_thatmust blame bear... no reason, just because

ben_thatmust thats possible GWG

ben_thatmust hehe

Loqi A personal domain is a domain name that you personally own, control, and use to represent yourself on the internet http://indiewebcamp.com/your_domain

ben_thatmust bear, its genuinely weird, polling GWG's site (david.shanske.com) and it works at first

ben_thatmust but if you let it time out then reconnect, it seems to think that the SSL key does not match that domain

ben_thatmust i created a test in ruby / mechanize, which is what indieauth uses

ben_thatmust s/indieauth/indieauth.com

ben_thatmust to learn ruby... run irb, then type (some object).methods.sort

ben_thatmust and continue

ben_thatmust haha

ben_thatmust ruby is pretty straight forward for just reading it

ben_thatmust bear, you prefer python?

ben_thatmust good morning

ben_thatmust oh, i am getting closer to things things working https://ben.thatmustbe.me/static/newpage/

ben_thatmust its still really messed up, i have a lot of functionality i need to rip out still

ben_thatmust but you should be able to swipe now

ben_thatmust does not seem to work well on chrome mobile yet

loic_m joined the channel
ben_thatmust thats always a good place to start

richardlitt and ejpfauth joined the channel
ben_thatmust I've been trying to reproduce the issue without ruby/mechanize to confirm its not the client software

ben_thatmust it is returning an exception from the openssl lib though

ben_thatmust ditto to that, getting in to cert chains is a little past me

ben_thatmust bear, i have reproduced this with multiple versions of openssl, and it does verify the first time

ben_thatmust just not the second

reederz joined the channel
ben_thatmust cool

ben_thatmust the second request correct?

ben_thatmust me too

ben_thatmust i'm trying to use just openssl s_client

ejpfauth joined the channel
ben_thatmust actually i'm pretty sure its not a problem of the client. i was able to run the same test on a server with SNI by the same client

ben_thatmust and it passed

ben_thatmust if only openssl s_client -reconnect would let me pass a time before reconnect

ben_thatmust woops, just noticed i wasn't outputting the exception message correctly in that gist i posted, just updated it

bear ben_thatmust - have you seen https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4685736/openssl-server-name-indication-support-in-nethttp

ben_thatmust bear, if i intantiate a new agent each time, it works every time, indieauth.com keeps that running though

ben_thatmust also, bear, gist? i'd love to compart languages

ben_thatmust compare*

XgF joined the channel
ben_thatmust i wonder if maybe the reconnect just doesn't do SNI for some reason

bear ben_thatmust - https://gist.github.com/bear/56401974a8f7b762d7dc

bear ben_thatmust - that is what I was thinking from the reading of that second link above https://github.com/drbrain/net-http-persistent/issues/51

ben_thatmust hmm, it looks liek they they somewhat ignore this issue, https://github.com/drbrain/net-http-persistent "# if you are done making http requests, or won't make requests for several

ben_thatmust # minutes

ben_thatmust http.shutdown"

ben_thatmust but that would be odd for it to throw an error saying that its hostname doesn't match

ben_thatmust unless net-persistent assume that it doesn't need to send servername since it is still established

ben_thatmust so then it sounds like a bug in net-http-persistent not respecting timeout values returned by the server

ben_thatmust session

ben_thatmust doesn't really explain why these tests work on other servers that also use SNI though

ben_thatmust hmmm, also the other servers i tested on, while they do use SNI, its only for subdomain selection, the cert returned is still *.domain

ben_thatmust if i don't give it the servername option (from openssl)

ben_thatmust so i just need to find a server that doesn't do that

tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmust used raw net-http-persistant in ruby, and i get the error, so its lower level than mechanize for sure

alexhartley joined the channel
alexhartley Evening all. Following on from not being able to get brid.gy to work on my known install, web mentions seems to be working fine https://stream.hartley.cc/2014/its-too-early-for-these-shenanigans-im-confused
alexhartley but i'm still getting: Giving up this target.
{'request': u'GET https://stream.hartley.cc/2014/53523543245', 'code': 'BAD_TARGET_URL', 'error_description': 'Unable to get target URL.', 'http_status': 410}
alexhartley hi bear
alexhartley yeah but they didn't seem to know what was wrong. It's even more confusing as it used to work.
alexhartley I thought it might be an https thing but when I disabled it, still the same result.
alexhartley I've disabled the firewall, still no joy. Really stumped.
alexhartley This is a link to the brid.gy output. https://link.hartley.cc/h
ben_thatmust yeah bear, i think you were right in pinpointing net-http-persistant. i'm reviewing their code now. i might be able to offer them a fix

alexhartley Cool. Thanks bear. How do I leave a message? Sorry I'm quite new to IRC.
alexhartley Ah right cheers. I've created a gist here: https://gitlab.hartley.cc/alexhartley/gists/snippets/2 so will leave a message.
numpian joined the channel
@Johannes_Ernst @scottjenson Posted here: https://t.co/bPrjSg2JKp. Pointing to my own blog to follow #indieweb "own your content" principles. (twitter.com/_/status/528648245803642880)
numpian and richardlitt joined the channel
alexhartley !tell Hi snarfed, sorry to be a pain, but still having issues with my known install and brid.gy. It seems to work fine with normal web mentions so not sure why I'm seeing an issue. I've created a gist here: https://gitlab.hartley.cc/alexhartley/gists/snippets/2 Just wondering if you could help me out?
ben_thatmust GWG, follow this https://github.com/drbrain/net-http-persistent/issues/62 and then you can get aaronpk to update the lib once they fix it

snarfed joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
alexhartley snarfed: thanks!
snarfed alexhartley: so bridgy has definitely managed to find your syndication links and send you wms before. e.g. https://stream.hartley.cc/2014/ah-alcohol-now-you-are-my-best-friend-tomorrow-youll
alexhartley snarfed: yeah
alexhartley Yeah I disabled it to test then re-enabled.Do you want me to disable again?
alexhartley I got exactly the same output from brid.gy though but just without the https
snarfed alexhartley: yeah, confusing, same issue as before. your known install claims https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/facebook/537627227/10153180496667228/535981838 doesn't link to https://stream.hartley.cc/2014/only-way-hes-making-that-call-in-leigh-on-3 , but it definitely does
alexhartley Yeah it's weird. I'm baffled.
snarfed do you have shell access on your server? can you try curl https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/facebook/537627227/10153180496667228/535981838 and make sure that fetches ok?
alexhartley I sent myself a web mention from http://alexhartley.withknown.com/ and that appeared
alexhartley I can only find apache server logs, I can't find known logs. The apache error.log just says the same as the brid.gy output.
alexhartley You may have to talk me through that. What am I curling?
alexhartley Ok will ssh in and do that now
alexhartley snarfed: I just did curl on that url and got: https://gitlab.hartley.cc/alexhartley/gists/snippets/3
alexhartley That's right isn't it? curl that page from the server.
alexhartley erm it's either London or Amsterdam. It's just a digital ocean one.
snarfed huh. is your server in russia? http://www.geocodeip.com/ says is in russia. hard to believe they've blocked app engine entirely, but i guess possible
alexhartley eh?
alexhartley Checking now....
alexhartley It should be in London?
cr hmm. google servers love hating on good webarch
cr try sending HEAD to nearly any of them, nope..
cr try reading the URIs for that matter. or keyword-matching them for easy referally. theyre just these giant 64-char hashes
scor joined the channel
snarfed here's example TOS that discusses that: https://code.google.com/projecthosting/terms.html
alexhartley Ok thanks. I'll email them now...
alexhartley I think it's mine alone
snarfed known users, re HEAD 404s, i filed https://github.com/idno/idno/issues/548
alexhartley snarfed: is it definitely an ip thing? I've just put that address in an ip finder and it says London? http://a.hartley.cc/1g3no/5EPP5OSD
alexhartley Ah right
alexhartley Oh yeah it does, sorry missed that.
alexhartley snarfed: Ok put a ticket in. Thanks for your help!
alexhartley snarfed: Not your fault! Just really happy I'm getting somewhere with it. Was losing hope :D
alexhartley snarfed: I'll let you know what they come back with.
Loqi [mention] http://pfauth.com/blogging-advice/becoming-part-indieweb-movement/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/why (webmention)

ejpfauth and alexhartley joined the channel
alexhartley snarfed: ok I got a reply https://gitlab.hartley.cc/alexhartley/gists/snippets/4
alexhartley No very helpful
alexhartley I'm guessing it's a standard answer.
alexhartley Weird that it worked previously. It was still the same IP address.
alexhartley Excellent, I'll do that. Thanks for all your help.
jsun joined the channel
sparverius django is excellent for rapid development
sparverius i suspect for most of the uses of people here, it is in the higher tier of frameworks you might want to start with
sparverius i have zero knowledge of scaling it, but like i said, "most of the uses of the people here"
sparverius kylewm: i use flask as well
sparverius one thing i was looking into was building all of my future stuff under one existing MVC application
snarfed, ejpfauth and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu kylewm: I wouldn't advise against DJango

Loqi KartikPrabhu: joskar left you a message 1 day ago: I now have a working prototype (in Firefox at least) of fragmentation annotations: https://joskar.se/-MG6

KartikPrabhu joskar: looks great!

KartikPrabhu from that same article?

KartikPrabhu did you use my form?

KartikPrabhu yeah. the link looks weird let me see what happened

chrissaad and richardlitt joined the channel
bret Just got a copy of http://www.amazon.com/Two-Scoops-Django-Best-Practices/dp/098146730X and really digging it

KartikPrabhu joskar: your artilce has a u-url with href = "" blank so mf2py used the title as a fallback! (this is strange behaviour)

KartikPrabhu maybe use href = "/"

KartikPrabhu is href="" supposed to be currecnt page?

KartikPrabhu joskar: yeah just realised

KartikPrabhu ok this is a mf2py bug

KartikPrabhu joskar: yeah. I think mf2py is ignoring blank href's I filed a bug https://github.com/kartikprabhu/mf2py/issues/46

KartikPrabhu I'll get to fixing it not very soon... busy week ahead. kylewm want to look at https://github.com/kartikprabhu/mf2py/issues/46 might be some idiot code I wrote

KartikPrabhu joskar: temporarily I'll add the url to your response by hand

kylewm KartikPrabhu: do you know what this liine is for https://github.com/kartikprabhu/mf2py/blob/master/mf2py/dom_helpers.py#L23
KartikPrabhu hmm yeah that seems to be the culprit

KartikPrabhu let me see the parsing rules and guess why I put them there

KartikPrabhu i think I put those in there to treat blank values as no values, but that is wrong in hindsight

@ejpfauth Fascinated by @indiewebcamp and how they encourage people to own their identity + content. Started experimenting: http://pfauth.com/blogging-advice/becoming-part-indieweb-movement/ (twitter.com/_/status/528693969593856000)
ejpfauth joined the channel