kylewmi went through the other day looking at my friends pages from 2002-03 era, and noticed they were mostly static html + some external comment service that I can't remember the name of
kylewmGWG: you indieauth into the service, and choose a username. it gives you a snippet of code to stick at the bottom of your pages, and that's it. i was planning on having like a dashboard where you can see and possibly moderate incoming webmentions.
kylewmaaronpk: so I guess I do want to work on this for my own use (I basically just pulled out the wm-receiving part of redwind), but if I wanted to open it up as a "service" does that feel too much like ripping off
snarfed(to be clear, by "we do already have…" i meant that there's already duplication of effort, and we're generally still positive about those projects)
acegiakGWG: I'm redoing my posse in my own plugin because I accedentally updated the posse plugin I was using which got rid of my modifications to the tumblr code
snarfedacegiak: sorry no. bridgy currently accepts and renders incoming webmentions on tumblr, and sends outgoing webmentions for links, but doesn't yet handle tumblr-specific post types like reblog
GWGI'm trying to build toward author data in Indieweb Taxonomy, which has led to plans to design in an option to change where the author data is stored for future.
acegiakalso: with your new way of storing metadata in the taxonomy plugin, doesnt that make checking for and displaying the metadata more complicated for theme authors?
acegiakcause i feel like with the old way you could have multiple plugins that do thr metadata and multiple themes that read it and they would be interchangable
GWGSo, I want to craft it so, as a future add-on without changing anything in the structure, the authors could be stored separately from the posts and then retrieved.
GWGI may never do it, but I want to write it so I could. So I wanted to look at the functions WordPress uses for gravatars and write my functions similarly.
GWGacegiak: I had a loop going to migrate the data. I didn't unset the variables, so if the response didn't have a quote, it used the one from the last loop iteration
GWGaaronpk: According to Google, if you have it linked to a Google+ page, you can assign other Google Plus individuals as page managers, thus giving access to the Youtube page
ben_thatmustyeah, if we have people in europe interested in participating / co-organizing I would say we should start in the morning EU time, then break things in to smaller sectiongs
ben_thatmustso say, 3 hours sessions, 3 hours talk, bu then it would be late enough that when we start the second sessions set we are able to get US in to the groups
ben_thatmusti think we just have to look at where participants would be joining from, we can't get all groups in on it unless we plan to do a lot of sessions like that
Loqibarnabywalters: jonnybarnes left you a message 5 days, 3 hours ago: have you upgraded to Yosemite yet? Messing around with getting guzzle working with sites like (missing intermediate certs) and Yosemite's cURL now repliactes browser behaviour and just works™
barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: that’s good to hear! I’m not on Yosemite yet, but I’m glad that Guzzle is defaulting to using the system chain. At some point I need to go over all my projects and update to the latest version of Guzzle and get this behaviour — hopefully then I can stop shipping hard-coded cert bundles in projects
brianloveswords, chalettu, ShaneHudson, shiflett and reidab joined the channel
barnabywaltersAMD (of which require.js is an implementation) allows you to define your code as a function of it’s dependencies, which makes a lot of sense on the web where dependencies are loaded async
Loqitantek: bear left you a message 1 day ago: thanks - I was hoping my post made sense from the IndieWeb perspective, I have more thoughts but those were the ones that I dashed off before I forgot them
bretbarnabywalters: do you have any experience with embedded content loaders? (i.e. what boingboing does to their videos? )
barnabywaltersat the very least, to cache 3rd party images, and more than likely to wrap video and audio embeds with a poster image which loads the content when clicked
mkoPfft. Just a little slip-up. I will say this, though: since these are public logs, you should probably change passwords anywhere that you've used that one.
tantek, davidpeach, Pea1, benjamin-agaric, gr0k, mko, ooland, Sebastien-L, snarfed, mlncn-agaric, brianloveswords, alexhartley, michielbdejong, tilgovi and j12t joined the channel
kylewmoh interesting, they recommend using www. (or another subdomain) because you can use a CNAME record rather than hard-coding an IP address
glennjonesSorry ro explain, I have mixed my indieauth support into my preexisting token system which is also used for oauth2 - so my bearer token timeout afterr x amount of time. Do need to make them last forever
aaronpkso if you wanted to use ownyourgram then you'd need to give it a token that lasts forever, or you'd need to log in periodically to give it new tokens
glennjonesOK for indieauth issued tokens I will extend the timeout well into the future, so I dont have to keep logging back into clients - Just want to check I had not missed a refresh feature
glennjonesHave and up and working with my app. All the devloper related information in the flow was very useful
glennjonesThis use is a bit different in that the links are in my blog but all the token and micropub inteaction is handel by which supplies the content to the blog through an API