#myfreeweblooks like I'm joining this whole thing: https://unrelenting.technology – been working on a custom engine for a while, it's still a massive todo list, but at least it works with quill and displays the…
pfefferle_, EOGreer, Haxxa, j12t, friedcell, Sebastien-L, gr0k, willowbl00, willowbl001 and willowbl002 joined the channel
#joskar!tell KartikPrabhu: My parser was fatally allergic to some URL in your document and segfaulted, leaving no trace. I've fixed it now though, thanks for letting me know!
#barnabywaltersas it’s a middle way between form-urlencoded (which has ubiquitous but completely inconsistent support) and going upper-case-Semantic and insisting on JSON-LD everywhere
j12t and gr0k joined the channel
#acegiakGWG: just got prepopulation of post editor working through jQuery
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: joskar left you a message 6 hours, 42 minutes ago: My parser was fatally allergic to some URL in your document and segfaulted, leaving no trace. I've fixed it now though, thanks for letting me know!
willowbl00 joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuwow I segfaulted a parser with just a URL!
#joskar(it doesn't on the translation though, but I'll probably never fix that :P)
davidpeach joined the channel
#joskarKartikPrabhu: It should look better in wide screens now as well. (I hope?)
willowbl00 and j12t joined the channel
#KartikPrabhujoskar: the little button thing show up on the immediate right of the paragraph when I view it at the original text size, but if I make the text bigger using browser zoom at one point, the buttons go stick to the right edge of the screen
#bret"You'd probably be better off sticking to application/x-www-form-urlencoded data and processing that on the server instead of JSON. Your form doesn't have any complicated hierarchy that would benefit from a JSON data structure."
#aaronpkbut basically you create a preprocessor that parses the JSON input before the rest of your app logic runs
#aaronpki've done this in both PHP and Ruby a long time ago
#breti forget if you spoke to this already, but rather than csv fields, did you consider built in form arrays?
willowbl001 joined the channel
#aaronpkthat actually isn't part of form-encoding, it's a hack
#bretmost form-encoding parsers support it though don't they?
#aaronpkmost environments will convert duplicate named parameters ending with [] into an array
Sebastien-L joined the channel
#aaronpkI think I'd be ok with formalizing that in micropub
#davidpeachCould anybody help with a bit of initial feedback on my font size / style on my articles? Ive been staring at it and need an outside opinion if possible?
#davidpeachah ok. funnily enough I was thinking of removing some links. thanks for advice.
#davidpeachit does collapse in reduced width (have to refresh)
#gRegor`Minor thing: the first 'highlight' is a quote from IWC wiki, the second appears to be your own words, just in a call out. blockquote might be good for those
#gRegor`And maybe a slight differentiation between one from another site / highlighting your own words
#KartikPrabhudavidpeach: aah yeah the menu does collapse if I load in a small viewport... excellent!
#reedstrmgRegor`: (and others who don't know) reader mode is triggered by the little 'open book' icon at the right end of the URL bar. On android only. Safari apparently has something similar, according to my mac-using colleagues.
#reedstrmSounds like a similiar problem to OSM linking segments into a roadway.
shiflett and Sebastien-L joined the channel
#KevinMarksI want a directions app that understands bike+public transport routing
#Loqigives KevinMarks a directions app that understands bike
lupinedev joined the channel
#aaronpkI wonder why google hasn't done that yet. they have all the data.
#KevinMarksGoogle maps and citymapper both get this wrong
#kylewmKevinMarks: I frequently want that from 511.org ... maximum walking between bus stops is 1 mile
#KevinMarksBecause they have Google buses for that use case in the bay area
#KevinMarksAlso for citibikes in sf, London, NY, DC etc
#KevinMarksThey have defined places you need to start and end journeys but no useful routing
#kylewmincrease that to 5 miles and assume I can walk 10 miles an hours :)
chalettu joined the channel
#reedstrmKevinMarks I keep banging the OSM drum here, but the data is available - heck osm has better walk/bike info than google (updates faster - which google eventually imports)
reederz, snarfed, fmarier and musigny joined the channel
#joskarrealises that he missed that "(after following redirects)" part of the protocol. :(
#aaronpkbut setting the target to the short URL is important
#aaronpkcause I'm not gonna follow all redirects on the page looking for my site
#joskarI have a vague memory of putting explicit shortlink-handling in my code, but I have probably refactored it away...Ah well, one more thing for my TODO list.
#kylewmaaronpk: might be interesting to special case twitter and look for data-expanded-url in addition to href ...
#aaronpkI don't expect to be getting webmentions from twitter.com any time soon tho
#kylewmI feel like this came up for KartikPrabhu at one point
#kylewmsomebody wanted to reply directly on twitter