2014-11-04 UTC
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 00:10 myfreeweb looks like I'm joining this whole thing: https://unrelenting.technology – been working on a custom engine for a while, it's still a massive todo list, but at least it works with quill and displays the…
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:12 myfreeweb yeah, that's the project(s) I'm learning Haskell on
# 00:16 kylewm myfreeweb: looks like a great start, nice job getting it working with quill
# 00:18 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: oh hmm maybe skip this week then? I have to prep for a conference over the weekend too
# 00:18 Loqi KartikPrabhu: gRegor` left you a message 5 hours, 26 minutes ago: Don't think I can make HWC this week
# 00:18 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Sounds good
chrissaad joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, tbbrown, wont_on_, cmhobbs, caseorga_, EOGreer, KevinMarks, j12t, mdik and fmarier joined the channel
gr0k joined the channel
tbbrown, snarfed, gr0k and emmak joined the channel
awolf and gr0k joined the channel
davemenninger, willowbl00, KartikPrabhu, j12t, snarfed, lukebrooker, loic_m_ and Deledrius_ joined the channel
csarven, elima, loic_m_, gr0k, KartikPrabhu, friedcell, krendil, EOGreer, davidpeach, glennjones, loic_m, pfefferle, cweiske, kensanata, KevinMarks and Haxxa joined the channel
pfefferle_, EOGreer, Haxxa, j12t, friedcell, Sebastien-L, gr0k, willowbl00, willowbl001 and willowbl002 joined the channel
# 10:28 joskar !tell KartikPrabhu: My parser was fatally allergic to some URL in your document and segfaulted, leaving no trace. I've fixed it now though, thanks for letting me know!
# 10:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
willowbl00, EOGreer, willowbl001, eschnou, barnabywalters and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 11:16 Loqi barnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message on 11/3 at 11:13am: thanks! Fixed the logs!
# 11:18 barnabywalters as it’s a middle way between form-urlencoded (which has ubiquitous but completely inconsistent support) and going upper-case-Semantic and insisting on JSON-LD everywhere
j12t and gr0k joined the channel
# 11:50 acegiak GWG: just got prepopulation of post editor working through jQuery
cweiske joined the channel
wont_on, chrissaad and davidpeach joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
eschnou, willowbl00, j12t, mlncn-agaric, Sebastien-L, gr0k, EOGreer, Deledrius, brianloveswords, cweiske and Pierre-O joined the channel
shiflett, reedstrm, willowbl00, EOGreer, gr0k, Sebastien-L, mlncn-agaric, Mark87, verdi_, friedcell and gRegor` joined the channel
wolftune and j12t joined the channel
chalettu, willowbl00, willowbl001, gr0k, mlncn-agaric and tbbrown joined the channel
EOGreer, eschnou, chrissaad, stream7_ and stream7 joined the channel
j12t, Pea1, KartikPrabhu, mko, tilgovi, willowbl001 and fiatjaf joined the channel
# 17:11 Loqi KartikPrabhu: joskar left you a message 6 hours, 42 minutes ago: My parser was fatally allergic to some URL in your document and segfaulted, leaving no trace. I've fixed it now though, thanks for letting me know!
willowbl00 joined the channel
# 17:13 joskar I was probably very tired when I wrote that code
# 17:13 joskar No, it was this one: '//themes.googleusercontent.com'
# 17:14 joskar I had already coded a guard against that case, but apparently I had forgotten to write 'else'. *doh*
# 17:15 joskar But it wasn't the lack of a scheme that did it. It was the complete lack of a path ('//themes.googleusercontent.com/' would have made it)
willowbl001 joined the channel
# 17:15 joskar Strange that I hadn't noticed before, really.
# 17:16 joskar (it doesn't on the translation though, but I'll probably never fix that :P)
davidpeach joined the channel
# 17:18 joskar KartikPrabhu: It should look better in wide screens now as well. (I hope?)
willowbl00 and j12t joined the channel
# 17:20 KartikPrabhu joskar: the little button thing show up on the immediate right of the paragraph when I view it at the original text size, but if I make the text bigger using browser zoom at one point, the buttons go stick to the right edge of the screen
# 17:21 joskar It sticks to the right edge as long as the full comment can't be expanded in the margin of the article.
willowbl001 joined the channel
# 17:22 KartikPrabhu that is clever but then it is sort of hard to tell which paragraph it belongs tpo
# 17:22 joskar That's why I now highlight the paragraph when you hover the button :)
# 17:24 joskar Criticism is always good :) I don't claim to do UI perfectly ;)
# 17:25 joskar ...and I dindn't really figure out how to do it properly without hardcoding stuff in Javascript. So this is a compromise.
willowbl00 joined the channel
# 17:29 joskar KartikPrabhu: Thanks for taking your time to give feedback (and crashing my code ;) ), it's just what I need :)
willowbl001 joined the channel
# 17:29 aaronpk if html forms get JSON then it makes a ton of sense for micropub endpoints to support JSON too
# 17:31 aaronpk seems like a relatively sane attempt at making html form data more well structured
# 17:31 joskar Nested structures means I need to implement a real parser => no regex-fu! :/
# 17:32 aaronpk please tell me you're not parsing form-encoding with regex
# 17:33 joskar I probably didn't even lie, now that I think about it.
willowbl00, brianloveswords, KartikPrabhu and willowbl001 joined the channel
# 17:41 bret aaronpk: should micropub support both form-encoding and json?
# 17:41 aaronpk I suppose it could support both. that's what the content-type header would be for.
KartikPrabhu and npdoty joined the channel
# 17:41 aaronpk the question is whether micropub endpoints are interested in supporting both formats
# 17:42 bret to support a form based client right now that submits json would require the client to parse the form data and encode in json right?
willowbl002 joined the channel
# 17:43 bret or are there ways of submitting json right from the browser
# 17:43 aaronpk i mean you could create a textarea with JSON in it, but that would be JSON wrapped inside form encoding
willowbl00 joined the channel
# 17:45 aaronpk actually handling both kinds of inputs isn't as hard as it sounds
chrissaad joined the channel
# 17:46 bret "You'd probably be better off sticking to application/x-www-form-urlencoded data and processing that on the server instead of JSON. Your form doesn't have any complicated hierarchy that would benefit from a JSON data structure."
# 17:46 aaronpk but basically you create a preprocessor that parses the JSON input before the rest of your app logic runs
# 17:47 aaronpk i've done this in both PHP and Ruby a long time ago
# 17:48 bret i forget if you spoke to this already, but rather than csv fields, did you consider built in form arrays?
willowbl001 joined the channel
# 17:48 aaronpk that actually isn't part of form-encoding, it's a hack
# 17:48 bret most form-encoding parsers support it though don't they?
# 17:48 aaronpk most environments will convert duplicate named parameters ending with [] into an array
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 17:49 aaronpk I think I'd be ok with formalizing that in micropub
# 17:50 bret i tend to agree as well, as having to further parsed an already parsed POST body was a bit of a gotcha
# 17:51 aaronpk with that in mind, I could actually make my GPS tracker submit form-encoded requests by just sending a bunch of "location[]" values
willowbl00, danlyke and willowbl001 joined the channel
# 17:57 KevinMarks_ adopting that json encoding for forms server-side as a parse of form-encoding seems doable
# 17:58 KevinMarks_ as the main difference from currenlt implementaitons is handling multivalued selectors consistently
# 17:58 KevinMarks_ the problme we had hen discussing it before was that server-side handling checklists was language/library dependent
gr0k, lmorchard, gavinc and wolftune joined the channel
# 18:19 kylewm +1 to formalizing the [] array hack in micropub
# 18:19 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: thanks for editing the wiki about no HWC, forgot to do that last night
# 18:20 davidpeach Could anybody help with a bit of initial feedback on my font size / style on my articles? Ive been staring at it and need an outside opinion if possible?
# 18:20 gRegor` davidpeach: Sure
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 18:23 gRegor` I think it looks good
# 18:23 gRegor` Anything in particular you're thinking of changing?
# 18:24 gRegor` Nice responsive text sizing too
# 18:25 KartikPrabhu davidpeach: one nit that I would have is that the top menu has a lot of items and so on small screens you have a page full of links.
# 18:25 davidpeach ah ok. funnily enough I was thinking of removing some links. thanks for advice.
# 18:26 gRegor` Minor thing: the first 'highlight' is a quote from IWC wiki, the second appears to be your own words, just in a call out. blockquote might be good for those
# 18:27 gRegor` And maybe a slight differentiation between one from another site / highlighting your own words
# 18:28 KartikPrabhu davidpeach: aah yeah the menu does collapse if I load in a small viewport... excellent!
willowbl00 joined the channel
# 18:29 gRegor` Oh, it's a great video, davidpeach. By indiewebcamp's own adactio :)
# 18:30 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: I think a good one can be read any time / entices people. But they can be overused / poorly placed, for sure.
# 18:31 KartikPrabhu just that they are something interrupting the reading flow and demanding attention
# 18:33 gRegor` I suppose I may not use them correctly always, either, since it's usually text that's not in the main article (like that example)
tilgovi joined the channel
# 18:34 gRegor` It's a quote from the video that was a good summary
# 18:35 reedstrm gRegor`: that's how I read it - saved me watching the vid :-)
# 18:35 davidpeach gRegor ` Have you heard adactio on The Web Ahead? a great episode
# 18:35 KartikPrabhu davidpeach: there are a couple with adactio on the Web Ahead if I recall
# 18:35 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: At a skim, all the different indentations on that page seem uncomfortable
# 18:36 gRegor` It would be uncomfortable to read is what I mean
# 18:37 gRegor` Subheadings line up, except for "HTML is Awesome"
# 18:38 reedstrm Recently I've taken to reading on my tablet, mostly to get Firefox Reader mode. I'll see what these look like w/ that.
# 18:39 gRegor` But in the middle of the page? Odd
# 18:39 gRegor` I like when I make it smaller that the paragraphs line up, at least. ;)
# 18:41 reedstrm gRegor`: in reader mode, the pull-quote styles very nicely in stream, light-grey w/ a quote bar on the left.
# 18:41 gRegor` Cool. Never tried Firefox Reader. Extension?
# 18:41 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Haha, well yeah, but it's also easier on the eyes. Aids readability. :)
# 18:42 reedstrm Nope -standard bit for android version. Desktop is work-in-progress.
# 18:42 reedstrm Lifesaver on the phone for reading 'just the text' of ad and image heavy pages.
# 18:42 gRegor` I'm only nitpicking cause I know you can take it, KartikPrabhu :)
# 18:44 reedstrm KartikPrabhu: when is that article from? no hints inthe url
mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 18:46 reedstrm KartikPrabhu: looks good in reader mode as well. aCtaully ,both your sites are so clean that I'd never bother w/ reader mode. I like you'
# 18:47 reedstrm yours in particluar, KartikPrabhu, in the narrower, tall screen.
# 18:50 reedstrm gRegor`: (and others who don't know) reader mode is triggered by the little 'open book' icon at the right end of the URL bar. On android only. Safari apparently has something similar, according to my mac-using colleagues.
# 18:51 gRegor` Don't encourage him, reedstrm. ;)
# 18:51 aaronpk i'm gonna have to add multi-mode segmented trips to my site now
# 18:52 reedstrm gRegor`: good design should always be encouraged. Even (especially?) in the incorrigible.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:07 reedstrm aaronpk: oh, that makes even more sense than racks on buses. You have that already, I'm sure?
# 19:11 reedstrm So, you need multimodal for all those as well (not to mention walking/bus, etc.)
# 19:12 aaronpk yeah I haven't been tracking bus/lightrail/streetcar trips at all. I want a clever way to do that.
# 19:12 Loqi gives aaronpk a clever way to do that
# 19:13 reedstrm Actual racks? Cool. Here they just allow it, limited weekday hours (basically non-rush hour), and only two per car.
# 19:15 reedstrm This is derived from the on-body/phone tracker data, right?
# 19:15 aaronpk yeah I have a gps tracker app on my phone. but for car2go trips I download the logs from their website
# 19:16 reedstrm Ah so it's combining disparate logs into one trip, I see.
# 19:21 reedstrm Sounds like a similiar problem to OSM linking segments into a roadway.
shiflett and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 19:47 KevinMarks I want a directions app that understands bike+public transport routing
# 19:47 Loqi gives KevinMarks a directions app that understands bike
lupinedev joined the channel
# 19:48 aaronpk I wonder why google hasn't done that yet. they have all the data.
# 19:48 kylewm KevinMarks: I frequently want that from 511.org ... maximum walking between bus stops is 1 mile
# 19:48 KevinMarks Because they have Google buses for that use case in the bay area
# 19:49 KevinMarks They have defined places you need to start and end journeys but no useful routing
# 19:49 kylewm increase that to 5 miles and assume I can walk 10 miles an hours :)
chalettu joined the channel
# 20:08 reedstrm KevinMarks I keep banging the OSM drum here, but the data is available - heck osm has better walk/bike info than google (updates faster - which google eventually imports)
reederz, snarfed, fmarier and musigny joined the channel
caseorganic, friedcell and mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 21:18 aaronpk I just got a webmention with a source of twitter.com
# 21:21 joskar To bad twitter t.co's everything, otherwise it would at least show up as a mention for most people :)
# 21:22 aaronpk redirects are fine as long as it starts with the value entered in "source"
# 21:23 aaronpk i mean "target". yes, if you sent me a webmention with the t.co URL as the target, it should succeed
# 21:25 joskar realises that he missed that "(after following redirects)" part of the protocol. :(
# 21:25 aaronpk but setting the target to the short URL is important
# 21:25 aaronpk cause I'm not gonna follow all redirects on the page looking for my site
# 21:27 joskar I have a vague memory of putting explicit shortlink-handling in my code, but I have probably refactored it away...Ah well, one more thing for my TODO list.
# 21:40 kylewm aaronpk: might be interesting to special case twitter and look for data-expanded-url in addition to href ...
# 21:40 aaronpk I don't expect to be getting webmentions from twitter.com any time soon tho
# 21:40 kylewm I feel like this came up for KartikPrabhu at one point
# 21:41 aaronpk using twitter's data-expanded-url would be a good thing for the twitter shim to do
mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 21:44 KartikPrabhu yeah shepazu wanted to use Twitter to post marginalia but my form does not handle it yet
# 21:45 KartikPrabhu kylewm: I don't think twitter should be special cased in some parsing protocol. Using a shim like Activity Streams Unofficial seems best
# 21:46 aaronpk my twitter shim resolves all t.co links but it does that by making http requests
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 21:46 bear doesn't twitter return the real url inside of a twitter post json object?
wolftune, gRegor`, mlncn-agaric, snarfed and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 22:20 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
gr0k, KartikPrabhu, reidab, lukebrooker, mlncn-agaric, petermolnar and chrissaad joined the channel
# 23:00 KevinMarks_ do twitter preserve fragments in their urls? I've seen them remove www for example
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:02 snarfed KevinMarks: i assume you mean when rendered, not in the actual underlying link?
fmarier joined the channel
# 23:05 KevinMarks_ ah, maybe - I was trying to point out that www.t.co doesn't resolve and that may be a singularity
# 23:09 kylewm lol, looks like somebody is testing noter live
dialdn joined the channel
# 23:13 KevinMarks_ I need to overhaul that UX so it makes sense to someone other than me...
# 23:14 acegiak GWG: Web actions, an easier press-this-like experience?
# 23:15 snarfed KevinMarks: ux is hard, i say give up. wanna go shopping?
wolftune joined the channel
# 23:18 gRegor` Idea: analyze snarfed's chat logs for frequency of the word "shopping" :)
EOGreer joined the channel
# 23:19 snarfed gRegor` does my offhand remarks too much credit :P
# 23:20 gRegor` x is hard. wanna go shopping? makes me laugh each time.
# 23:23 gRegor` Idea: !shopping ux => "ux is hard. Let's go shopping."
# 23:23 gRegor` only has silly ideas today
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# 23:26 gRegor` My jedi powers worked on aaronpk!
# 23:27 KevinMarks_ do we need a verb that is like tanteking, but for getting aaron to implement something?
# 23:28 KevinMarks_ My favourite variation of that trope is from when Stephen Wolfram came to give a talk at Apple about his book A New Kind Of Science
tilgovi joined the channel
EOGreer and verdi_ joined the channel
# 23:41 GWG acegiak: I meant...can you demonstrate it? I'm having trouble picturing it.
danlyke and gr0k joined the channel