lmjabreu___, wont_on, j12t, j12t_, Deledrius_, indie-visitor, YourMom, pauloppenheim, fmarier, KevinMarks and EOGreer joined the channel
#KevinMarkshm, I uploaded an svg profile picture to twitter and it made a png
#LoqiKevinMarks: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 14 minutes ago: what was that article you cited that said something like "if you have to moderate the trolling, the trolling has already succeeded." ?
gr0k joined the channel
#KevinMarkshm, I remember that but not where i saw it
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, tantek, brianloveswords, gr0k and npd joined the channel
#npdmade it almost all the way to San Francisco before reading that we weren't meeting in person tonight
#aaronpkI have my design the way I want it (one line at the bottom of the repost saying "November 5, 2014 12:08pm GMT-0800 (reposted on November 5, 2014 12:20pm PST)")
#aaronpkone is the date of the original post, the other is the date of my repost
#aaronpkthey link to the original post and my repost respectively
#aaronpkthe problem is my repost's URL is now inside the h-cite instead of as a url property of my own h-entry
#aaronpktwo ways to think about it, progressive enhancement vs new post type
#aaronpkthe way both kyle and I have done is treating reposts as a new post type, so consumers (readers) need to understand how to handle the class="p-repost-of h-cite" property
#kylewmso I tried wrapping the p-repost-of h-cite in an OUTER e-content div, and got some kind of interesting results
#aaronpkthe progressive enhancement way would be to not use h-cite, and just use h-entry but have the author be the author of the original post. i'm unsure how you'd add the repost's own properties to that though.
#aaronpkwell i feel kind of stuck on repost markup at the moment
#kylewmaaronpk: let's table it, did you have something you were working on that you were going to show off?
#tantekre: repost markup - thought I'd solved that and am now curious what the source of confusion was from. perhaps I didn't document enough?
#tantekpretty sure we figured out both repost UI / presentation and markup details at the first IndieWebCamp NYC in April, and I thought I'd documented all that in our notes on that session.
#aaronpktantek: I couldn't find any documentation on including an h-cite in hte markup on the wiki page
#tantekaaronpk: turn that around - where did you get the idea for that pattern from?
#Loqifinchd: tantek left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: CORS is a good thing. Based on CORS, we've written up some of this: https://indiewebcamp.com/subdomains
#finchdLoqi: guess you do away status by last-spoken, huh?
#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites http://indiewebcamp.com/repost
#aaronpkso the repost post has properties of its own, such as date reposted, who reposted it, and I expect I will add additional tags to a repost that wasn't in the original
#aaronpkthis isn't a problem if I just want my site to show something like "aaronpk reposted a link"
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 9 minutes ago: probably worth capturing this image as an inline-UI for creating marginalia https://twitter.com/wblau/status/529713139961827329/photo/1 - replace the twitter/email buttons with a "->" post/reply buttons and do="post", do="reply" /webactions
#aaronpktantek: yes, nobody is displaying reposts the way I want to display them
#tantekaaronpk - also - worth capturing that question (want my site to show reposts the way twitter shows them) to a new subsection here: http://indiewebcamp.com/repost#Challenges along with a screenshot illustrating what you mean by "the way twitter shows them"
#aaronpki mean kylewm actually shows them the way I want to but had similar challenges with the markup
#tantekaaronpk - note that I have captured some historical Twitter repost/retweet UI/presentation screenshots for this exact reason: http://indiewebcamp.com/repost#Twitter - however an updated screenshot of what it looks like now would be very helpful to see what you're talking about
#KartikPrabhucool... will be travelling to a conference soon, will do it tonight through hotel wifi!
#kylewmthe tricky part about reposts for me is that i had previously tuned them for dispaly in shrewdness, so it would basically look like a first class post from the person being reposted
#kylewmdefinitely the most prolific user of repost
#tantekcan you at least capture those links on the /marginalia page for existing UIs and note they need to be expanded / embedded with a screenshot needed inline?
#KartikPrabhuyeah. but what is a good section for these?
#kylewmaw tantek that's a little harsh, i don't mean i hacked them up to workaround quirks in shrewdness. i mean that i marked them up as if the other person had posted directly on my site
#tantek.comedited /Events (+1293) "move last night's HWC to recent, note last week's W3C Social Web Working Group meeting, add 2015 upcoming section to surface these events sooner" (view diff)
#ben_thatmustbemewhat tantek, you don't want to test your site in every version of IE to make sure it works?
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: just IE5.1/Mac on an old MacOS9 box ;)
#tantekaaronpk re: "I don't know how to describe how twitter displays retweets", describe each chunk of text or graphic, top to bottom, left to right, in a flat list. quote and explain.
#ben_thatmustbemekylewm: i don't think thats much of a change in amplification. they still have to pull down the site the initial time to get the WM endpoint. and since its time based they can make a number of calls before the endpoint expires
#aaronpkhow's that? Twitter displays retweets on a person's stream identical to how it appears on the original author's stream with a little note at the top "Aaron Parecki retweeted".
#tantekaaronpk, describe each chunk of text or graphic, top to bottom, left to right, e.g. start with: "This Twitter retweet presentation starts with a green retweet icon ..."
#tantek"… then 'Aaron Parecki' - which is the display name of the person doing the retweeting followed by the word 'retweeted' which is presumably localized."
#ben_thatmustbemekylewm, my take on it, is that my webmention receives are non-realtime. I have a cron job that will run every 5 minutes. and if someone submits the same mention more than once, it still only keeps 1 entry. so the most they could really pull down is only 1 pull per 5 minutes
#tantekby breaking down a screenshot like that into the individual pieces/components/meanings of each thing, we can then come up with markup to represent each of them
#aaronpkwell that assumes I want to display it exactly as twitter does, which is not quite true
#ben_thatmustbemethough I suppose if they kept saying that it referred to different pages on my site, they could do it, but there is an upper limit on that since they can only do it as many times as pages they can find. and simply caching data pulled from external sites kills that off completely
#tantekaaronpk - nope, this is the analysis you start with
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: totally, I think danlyke cited a time delay as another way to mitigate those attacks
#KevinMarksis the tumblr repost model more relevant if the post isn't a note?
#tantekthat's the point, by first analyzing the exact existing display, it increases understanding which helps you make more informed design forking changes
#tantekKevinMarks please replace "isn't a note" with a specific concrete post type, and then post a screenshot of said post type from Tumblr
caseorganic, mlncn-agaric and brianloveswords joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /repost (+410) "/* Display */ listify, add observation about second green retweeted icon" (view diff)
#tantekaaronpk ^^^ this is the kind of list / analysis that I mean - note the detail about the second green retweet icon
#tantekalso if you can get a direct image src reference to the white-on-green retweet icon, and the green-retweet-icon, adding those to the list would also help
#tantekalso interesting that there's no "View Summary" link in the bottom right corner, unlike the tweet above the retweet
#tantekhmm - noticing Twitters examples documented on the page are all different
#tantekKevinMarks: requires one more step, e.g. for editors of the wiki pages that embed them - also makes it too easy to override unintentionally later
#tantekalso a generic name implies the screenshot should/may be updated
#tantekwhereas all our embedded uses thereof are specifically fo date-frozen screenshots for analysis
#tantekso it makes sense to put the date in the name
#tantek.comedited /repost (+69) "merge challenge/display example into existing Silo Examples Twitter section with datestamped subsections" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /repost (+441) "/* Display */ reference twitter examples, and attempt to ask the question(s) that it sounded like aaronpk was asking, cite previous work exploring this at IndieWebCampNYC" (view diff)
#tantekaaronpk - in particular, I'm interested in what you want to show/display differently than twitter for your reposts, both on permalinks and in-stream. Definitely feel free to add a subsection with your specific thoughts to http://indiewebcamp.com/repost#Display
#tantekkylewm when you were tweaking your repost markup to help out Shrewdness, did you consider or worry about colliding with the problem of people spoofing posts from others? i.e. does repost markup look too much like someone spoofing a post by someone else? http://indiewebcamp.com/authorship#Spoofing
#tantekkylewm, and is there something special/particular about your repost markup that *could* permit a reader to verify that your repost markedup content is an accurate representation of the original? And if so, should we write up reader implementation guidance for how to verify repost(ed) original content/author authenticity?
#KevinMarksshoudl I document the wordpress repost experience too?
#kylewmtantek: that was the same issue KevinMarks got sorted out with twitter...marking archive.org links as spam. apparently just a temporary bug
#davidpeachI am writing about setting up indie webon wordpress and since I just installed all the indie web plugins with realising what each one did, I wanted to confirm I was correct be publishing
snarfed, friedcell, fmarier and j12t joined the channel
#reedstrmsnarfed: you sure that's not exponential? Look better than linear to me. At small numbers, it can look surprisingly flat. (my inner science geek is twitching)
#reedstrmmy lesson for the day: don't use an interface that isn't your primary one, even for just 'one quick post' - you'll put your foot in it ( or at least, I will)
#snarfed_GWG: I'm not! every time was an actual bug or something else worth fixing!