#tantekthough I'm skeptical about Google Trends, e.g. compare seemingly generic terms that are unlikely to have year over year difference in interest, e.g. "news"
#tantekwhy would fewer people search for music vs. news?
#tantekthe "search for facebook" is a reasonable proxy for browser login to facebook, since people do a google search as the fastest way to find the site to login
#aaronpkmaybe people search for music more now in other places?
#danlykethe music vs news is probably the specific tool (iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, whatever else the kids these days are listening to their rock and roll on) vs the generic one.
#tantekkylewm: a-ha your article already says this: "people using Facebook via their smartphones each month could explain the drop in Google searches – those looking to log on are no longer doing so by typing the word Facebook into Google."
#XgFtantek: And indeed I think both Facebook and Twitter report that most of their use is now via their mobile apps
#tantekI hesitate but can't help but hypothesize that the music search drop is a proxy for MP3 usage drop and streaming music increasing
#tantekreedstrm: hah - re: misattribution. thanks for the kind words about UX, however yes, snarfed deserves all the credit in that case :)
#reedstrmtantek what's extra ironic is when you where describing how to do the UX description of the re-post UIs, I was going to mention that it was clear you knew how to do this, and ask if there was any particular resource you'd recommend for developers
#tantekreedstrm: I didn't think I was doing anything special, just left-to-right, top-down (typical western eye-scanning) UI reverse engineering analysis
#tantekwhich itself is an instance of the "observation" step of scientific method
#tantekto design UIs better than the silos, it helps to first reverse engineer their UIs, understand their components and interactions
#tantekit's particularly interesting to note the changes in their UIs over time
#reedstrmwell, it seemed logical to me, but also seemed like part of a method. It reminded me of how I do alt text for images, though there I tend to go macro to micro "A picture of a tan puppy, wearing a red collar, lying on his left side, on green grass"
#LoqiDesign is a catchall term used to refer to everything that affects users about a page/site including: http://indiewebcamp.com/ui
#tantekreedstrm: indeed, alt text for images has a different purpose, more of breadth first communication of overall meaning, rather than thorough analysis
#tantekKevinMarks - POSSE is syndication, not reposting
#tantekin reposting, the act of reposting is relevant in itself, and has its own information, e.g. author (who reposted), dt-published (when was it reposted), possibly even permalink (what is repost permalink vs. the original permalink).
#reedstrmtantek probably related to the "talk to the bear" phenomena, when describing a problem to someone else, you realize the answer: in order to descibe things in a wiki context, you need to organize and clarify concepts that may be fuzzy in your own mind ...
#acegiaklooks like because I had the plugin installed on the network but only active on one site something happened when I upgraded it that removed the associated metadata
#acegiakI'm just a bit short today because I have the flu and deleted a large section of my database, sorry
#GWGacegiak: But, I keep starting out with writing things that require the user to enter in the data. I always consider a future step to have the data filled in for me.
j12t joined the channel
#acegiaksee that's never been a thing I've had to worry about because I've got things filling in the data for me already
#acegiaklike whisperfollow and now that I've got the prepopPost plugin I can just use greasemonkey to insert buttons in twitter and the web that open post.php?response_title=example&responseurl=example.com
#GWGacegiak: I keep switching back and forth between two plugins I'm making major changes to. And as part of that, I was contributing to Semantic Linkbacks.
#kylewm!tell tantek re: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-11-06#t1415303419961 verifying reposts is an interesting concept, but honestly the bigger problem on existing social network is faked screenshots .. source of a lot of abuse in gamergate
#petermolnarfrom the indieweb point of view, I'm surprised how many sites are out there in the wild where there is a pingback url in the header and it's not working ( or it does but the owner does not care )
#petermolnarI wanted to reply to non-indieweb but xml-rpc supporting sites without luck
#petermolnaralthough some forgotten old WordPress installs work quite nice :D
#GWGpetermolnar: Did you see the log from yesterday, where there was a suggestion about converting pingbacks to webmentions?
#petermolnarnope, I did not have time to catch up at all, could you please summerize it?
#GWGpetermolnar: It started with this WordPress site. I wasn't actively around
#GWGpetermolnar: The display isn't different, actually, unless the theme sets it up that way.
#GWGpetermolnar: It does have a different comment type. But, it should be easy to convert to a better display format and change it to, for example, the 'mention' format that Semantic Linkbacks uses.
#petermolnarthe default wp_list_comments chops the response body lenth as far as I can recall
#petermolnareven though the full length is there in the db
#pfefferleThe current state is: The plugin supports MF2 enrichments for Pingbacks,Trackbacks and Webmentions… But it doesn’t support it for older pings that happent before installing the SLB plugin…
#pfefferleGWG I would like to keep the comment type
#GWGpfefferle: Okay, so the basic issue is upgrading older pings.
#GWGpfefferle: One of the things I like about you is that whenever I have an idea, your response to it is usually a better method than I would have conceived.
#david.shanske.comcreated /WordPress_Outreach_Committee (+341) "Created page with "The <dfn>WordPress Outreach Committee</dfn>''' is a group of active Indiewebcamp participants who reach out to individuals already running WordPress to add Indieweb functionality..."" (view diff)
#LoqiThe WordPress Outreach Committee is a group of active Indiewebcamp participants who reach out to individuals already running WordPress to add Indieweb functionality to their existing sites http://indiewebcamp.com/The_WordPress_Outreach_Committee
#GWGpfefferle: Either way, I didn't take the structure format change lightly. Once it is an array, it stays one, and any additional parameters will go in with backward compatibility.
danlyke joined the channel
#pfefferleGWG does it break the style or the site in general? HTML/CSS or PHP problems?
#GWGpfefferle: Acegiak said the data was gone from the database
#pfefferleGWG WordPress is not that easy because it excuses a lot of errors and you can solve problems on sooo many different ways…
#GWGI did define the settings fields, I thought. I read the Settings API codex when I rewrote the options page to standard.
#pfefferleGWG I learnt a lot by looking into the source code of other coders… mainly of willnorris’ plugins
#GWGI want to figure out what happened so I can prevent it in others. But, in one more version, hopefully, no one will have the old structure, so it will be a moot point.
#GWGpfefferle: How does the Indieweb Plugin Installer handle updates, by the way?
#pfefferleGWG oh, you extended the walkers… hmmm… Your code grew a lot in the last weeks…
#GWGpfefferle: I need to attribute that. But that has been there from the beginning.
#pfefferleGWG I also didn’t write the update/install handler of the IndieWeb plugin, so I am not sure if it handles updates for plugins that are hosted on github
wolftune joined the channel
#GWGpfefferle: Looking at that code I borrowed for the taxonomy radio buttons is on my list because there is no button for selecting No Taxonomy if you accidentally selected one
EOGreer joined the channel
#pfefferleGWG I think the easiest way is to install a WP MU locally to run some tests
#pfefferleGWG you only have to set a flag in your config.php I think… The merged both repositories and code bases a while ago
#GWGpfefferle: I ran a multisite for a while. It always gave me problems, especially with caching plugins, so I stopped.
Pea1 and tantek joined the channel
#GWGpfefferle: Either way, I'm also working on a rewrite of the Semantic Comments plugin to be less intrusive, after which I'll be proposing adding it to Indieweb Plugins.
#Loqitantek: kylewm left you a message 10 hours, 20 minutes ago: re: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-11-06#t1415303419961 verifying reposts is an interesting concept, but honestly the bigger problem on existing social network is faked screenshots .. source of a lot of abuse in gamergate
#david.shanske.comcreated /Semantic_Linkbacks (+410) "Created page with "<dfn>Semantic Linkbacks</dfn> is a [WordPress] plugin that adds a semantic layer to classic linkback protocols like Trackback, Pingback or WebMention. Webmention support requires..."" (view diff)
#tantekGWG, that readme has no copyright, thus must assume all rights reserved
#tantek"words of the developer" is not always a good thing, in fact, usually it is a bad thing since developers typically write in terms of plumbing rather than user features
#tantekon the indieweb wiki, we should describe everything we can in terms of user features
#tantekespecially something (anything) we expect a user to install
#GWGThe Semantic Linkbacks plugin, if it determines a webmention is in fact, a comment, will change its type to comment. That leaves the webmention type for actions
#tantekbut semantic linkbacks also overrides pingback right?
#LoqiSemantic Linkbacks is a WordPress plugin that upgrades the presentation of linkback notifications (like Trackback, Pingback, or Webmention*) from the ugly default pingback presentation of "[…] random text excerpt […]" to a much more meaningful and user-friendly display as comments, reposts, likes, and favorites, detected using microformats2 markup from the source of the linkback http://indiewebcamp.com/Semantic_Linkbacks
#tantekaaronpk, rather than invite them here, I'm helping them in #microformats where it is quieter and so a single topic of discussion for a new person is a friendlier experience
#tantekis anyone here publishing quotation posts as a different post type / presentation?
#LoqiA quotation is a type of post that includes a subset of the contents of another post, and a citation of that other post http://indiewebcamp.com/quotation
#tanteknew question - content snippets within an article that are datetime sensitive (e.g. about "future" events) that you may want to "auto disappear" after a certain date - is anyone doing this?
#tanteke.g. "(reminder: yearbook photos tomorrow)" is only valid for the day of the post, and after the event has happened, I want the entire paragraph to just stop showing up
#Loqimko meant to say: No, I haven't seen that before, but I love that idea.
#Loqigives tantek the entire paragraph to just stop showing up
#mkoI haven't seen any sort of expiring post logic really by anyone. Even the last time I checked, h-events that people have posted didn't give any explicit indication that the event had passed.
#mkoI realize. My point is that the use case for that includes things like h-event posts could benefit from this as well as a real-world use case. For example: http://known.kevinmarks.com/2014/homebrew-website-club-october-22-2014 has come and past, so the "Come early for a quiet writing hour from 17:30-18:30" could be considered the same type of information (timely only to the people who are reading prior to the event).
#tantekand I like the idea that immediate readers get more / richer content
#tantekmko - except that in cases like events and event posts, the entire context of the event is something datetime-specific
#tantekphrase: "hopefully this Sunday at the Berkeley Half. " <-- obviously date-sensitive
#tantekand is a forward looking statement about an unknown
#mkoYeah. I like the idea that it could be a toggle of content. I had considered posting my slides from the class publicly and replacing it with an embedded slideshow after the event.
#tantekafter that date, the information will be known
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, i was able to recreate that issue only by keeping the agent around long enough. it might be something internally in mechanize, but i believe i had tested that, creating a new agent i thought had fixed it
#tantekso I'd like to have a) some automatic update to the content before I get the chance to provide an actual update, and b) an easy place/slot to put the *new* information to overide the automatic update
#tantekmko - right, slides vs slideshow - great example
KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekalso: from the recent indiewebcamp: live stream vs. archived videos
#tantekmko - now that we've established that there's a real world use-case that 2+ of us have encountered for such temporally sensitive content fragments, let's try to name it
#tantekI feel like the expiration date aspect is important
#tantekthere's a certain date (perhaps even time) at which point the content should no longer be shown, and *optionally* something else should be automatically shown instead
#mkoI like the idea of being tongue-in-cheek and calling it Self Destructing Message
#Loqischeduling in the context of the indieweb, refers to the feature of setting a specific time for a post to be published in the future http://indiewebcamp.com/scheduled
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, well my choice to only allow webmentions via vouch or whitelist hasn't hindered me at all... since like 90% of my webmentions are from brid.gy
#cadrstill kno idea what /trackback is, but my HTTP logs are full of bots attempting to do it
agaric and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#cadrnot crazy about whitelisting, as who knows who might want to legitimately have a backlink. requiring WebID/Persona credentials and valid mf2/rdfa in remote doc with an actual complementary link seems like a good start?
#aaronpkinteresting comment: "Social media is so frustrating for a lot of the types of exchanges that went on here because it's so ephemeral. Miss something you're interested in on Facebook and good like finding it again."
#voxpelliaaronpk: would love to be added as well, pelle@kodfabrik.se :)