2014-11-08 UTC
richardlitt joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
stream7 joined the channel
# 00:43 tantek still around mko? has anyone else found themselves with "expiring content" inside otherwise semi-timeless blog posts / articles?
# 00:43 mko I'm still here, but I'm cranking away at work stuff.
# 00:44 tantek mko - cool, I'll write up the brainstorming so far and you can give it a look-see later
brianloveswords joined the channel
mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 00:55 GWG I see someone asked about IWC Online.
# 00:56 GWG I need to have a long chat with ben_thatmustbeme
# 00:57 GWG tantek: We wanted to use Hangouts. We need to try it out and figure out how to work things
# 00:58 tantek that way when you do get the chance to coordinate with ben_thatmustbeme, all you have to do is go to /2014/Online#To_Do and go through everything that's been collected so far.
# 00:58 tantek get those "open loops" out of your head/IRC and onto the wiki page
# 01:02 GWG tantek: Am I removing IWC Cambridge?
# 01:03 tantek GWG - the home page should always show the very next IWC - as it has historically :)
# 01:04 Loqi tantek meant to say: it's good practice to make sure details of "current" / most recent IWC have been captured on /IndieWebCamps
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 01:04 mko Alright. Off for a while. Have a good weekend, all!
npdoty joined the channel
# 01:09 npdoty it's pretty exciting to be able to enter a credit card number to purchase an indieweb service
# 01:09 Loqi npdoty: tantek left you a message on 10/26 at 8:21pm: 1) for automated spam, I'm pretty convinced /vouch squashes it. 2) for abuse and targeted spam (which is just a form of abuse), we have /block - which frankly is a solved problem - Flickr got it right, everyone else needs to just copy their model. 3) for ways to publish blocklists, see http://microformats.org/wiki/blocklist. 4) what will you implement on your own site? write it down on /User:Npdoty.name perhaps in a new sec
# 01:10 tantek huh, network is too slow / lossy, (some, most) web pages not loading (damn bloated CMS web pages with too many HTTP requests and JS done by sloppy web devs)
# 01:10 npdoty oh man, Loqi, that message is *so* out of date
# 01:10 tantek npdoty Loqi is just telling you you've been away for a long time
# 01:10 tantek also - best to RSVP for meetups you intend to come to ;) we canceled / made online this week because only 2 of us had RSVP to HWC SF.
# 01:11 npdoty I RSVP'ed with you in person! but then forgot to follow up in a machine-readable way ;)
# 01:11 GWG tantek: Are you attending IWC Online?
krendil joined the channel
# 01:14 npdoty tantek, it sounds like Loqi got the last bit of this cut off, but I think I'm unlikely to implement /vouch (for send or receive), but will try to implement abuse endpoints and blocklists
# 01:15 tantek npdoty, RSVPd in person - oh yeah! totally forgot. in-person storage is not reliably indexed into queryable storage.
# 01:15 tantek GWG - not sure, hence delegating everything about it back to you ;)
# 01:16 npdoty tantek, indeed, it's a major bug with human interaction
# 01:16 GWG tantek: I was asking because so far we have no attendees.
# 01:16 GWG I just need to work on my cheerleading
# 01:16 tantek IWC does not have attendees, only participants.
sdboyer_, agaric and renoirb joined the channel
# 01:28 GWG kylewm: I was just about to do that
shiflett joined the channel
beepbloop joined the channel
# 01:34 GWG sends participation request to kylewm
xxcoeurxx joined the channel
# 01:41 kylewm GWG: in IWC Online? I'm fairly sure I'll be able to participate
# 01:42 GWG kylewm: You should add yourself to the Guest List
stream7 and tantek joined the channel
# 02:46 GWG ben_thatmust: When is dry run day?
# 02:48 GWG I'm free Sunday morning or tomorrow
mdik_ joined the channel
# 02:49 GWG tomorrow I have no specific plans, so I can work around nothing
# 02:50 ben_thatmust hmm, tomorrow morning i'm not sure of my schedule, sunday morning i'm free until 1
# 02:51 GWG ben_thatmust: Sunday morning is fine.
# 02:53 GWG I get up before that, but I work till 10 at night...then turn around, go to bed, and do an early shift Monday morning
# 02:54 ben_thatmust haha, okay, i'm going to go lie down until my wife passes out then i'll probably be back
car, j12t, reedstrm, Deledrius_ and emmak_ joined the channel
dns53 joined the channel
# 05:44 GWG We got Indiewebcat attending...we've hit the big time
indiewebcat joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 06:20 GWG I'm just looking forward to a day where I focus on Indieweb
benward____ joined the channel
# 06:23 GWG Ditto. Also, I was very busy in September, and I'm in the midst of another separate project to get rid of my junk
JonathanNeal, benward____, jden, voxpelli, KartikPrabhu and loic_m joined the channel
eschnou, friedcell, EOGreer, stream7, cweiske, j12t, krendil, alexhartley, friedcell1, xxcoeurxx, loic_m, KartikPrabhu, reedstrm, mlncn and tantek joined the channel
fiatjaf, squeakytoy and mlncn joined the channel
friedcell, EOGreer and wolftune joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
# 16:51 GWG !tell acegiak I'm commenting out the upgrade function. I know you intend to roll your own solution, but even though I can't reproduce the problem and it is possible your data is somewhere in the database, I don't want to risk affecting anyone else.
# 16:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:04 GWG I admit to being an amateur. Plays into my feelings of programming inadequacy.
alexhart_ joined the channel
xxcoeurxx joined the channel
alexhartley joined the channel
# 18:00 pdurbin GWG: bringing my kids and their friend to the pool soon
# 18:01 GWG Sounds nice. Too cold for that here.
# 18:01 pdurbin indoor pool. heated. belongs to the town/high school
# 18:05 GWG pdurbin, I am off to buy a cheap access point to try and eliminate a dead zone without having to run a wire in an inconvenient place
friedcell, caseorganic, j12t and thedod joined the channel
# 18:45 thedod Just added myself to the RSVP, and even tried to ping from a post (not sure if it worked :) )
# 18:47 thedod Anyway, it's a LOL that I got to a place that actually has text about "why not OpenID" trying to promote HiddenID :)
# 18:50 thedod I think I'll order cold pizza for the occasion
j12t joined the channel
# 18:56 thedod a recent one - tor users are treated like 2nd class citizens
# 18:57 thedod tl;dr gay, cancer patient, job seeker desrves 3 identities
# 18:57 thedod "cancer patient" is even protected by medical confidentiality
petermolnar joined the channel
# 19:04 car why is "hidden" not in quotes. too lazy to install that curious-traffic-concentrating navy-research thing w/ honeypot qualities
# 19:08 thedod BTW you don't need to install tor for this. You run tor browser, and once it's up you run the script (the way onionshare works)
# 19:09 thedod anyway, one of the things HiddenID tries to achieve is show that "tor users won't bite yout site"
# 19:11 thedod A good place to start is WP comments. Try it. If you get spammed, remove it. I have a gut feeling that users with the HiddenID icons would be leave interesting comments the blogger would love to hear
# 19:12 thedod especially in communities where anonymity is important (e.g. abused wives)
# 19:13 thedod Anyway: if you don't build it, they won't come, so there :)
# 19:27 car well, why does 4chan not use tor?
# 19:27 car i just see an infinite sea of wiki-specs and w3c-specs coming out of various groups and wonder what's the incentive to implement *any* of it. not a hater, just curious. and ridiculously broke and i cant see any reason to spend my time working on this crap
# 19:28 car seems like the way to go is just sign an NDA and become google/facebook/salaryman
# 19:29 kylewm car: what are you spending your time working on?
# 19:35 thedod car: do you claim that tor, as a living, peer-reviewing, bug-patching community isn't the best shot at anonymity today? (no disrespect to I2P)
# 19:36 thedod And I think that if tomorrow we move from tor to some other solution, accountability would still be a problem (even on "brightnet" it is)
jschweinsberg, alexhartley and Pea1 joined the channel
# 19:49 aaronpk I don't really understand how HiddenID is useful for someone's personal website
# 19:50 aaronpk anyway there's no reason someone couldn't just make 4 different domains for their 4 different identities
alexhart_ joined the channel
# 20:05 bret kylewm: just a wip, I want to switch over to using it soon. my current set up as too much baggage
# 20:06 thedod There are 2 sides to HiddenID: users and sites (e.g. blogs).
# 20:06 thedod Let's assume that users would have incentive to use HiddenID because this way they can login from tor and be identified
# 20:06 bret car if you don't see any reason to do something you should't probably do it, or complain about it in irc.
# 20:07 thedod just accountable, as in "the same one who was here yesterday"
# 20:07 thedod now what it means to you as someone with a site is,
# 20:08 thedod if you support HiddenID you'll get users from tor who [I believe] are cool people
# 20:08 thedod to tor user I plan to say they should have HiddenId so that they can comment at your cool site ;)
# 20:09 car bret no i should do it to figure out what the reason was
# 20:10 car obviously it's not "so barnaby thinks you're cool" or so 3 people who are probably actually yandex employees or rich guys woh've solde a few startups doing this as their hobby log in and say "tada it works" then your code rots..
# 20:10 thedod aaronpk, some people can have 4 domains, others are abused wives or dissidents. they prefer setting up a hidden service :)
# 20:11 aaronpk I guess I'm saying someone could just as well have a website that doesn't reflect their real name at all
# 20:11 aaronpk and completely not linked to a different website that might have their real name
# 20:11 thedod they register a domain. they need SSL. They leave a footprint
# 20:12 aaronpk being completely anonymous is different from having an online identity that is different/separate/not-linked-to a real-world identity
# 20:13 thedod When I did a cert for zzzen.com, the guy woke up my Mum 5 timezones away to verify
# 20:13 aaronpk not sure where you got your cert from... it's relatively easy to get a cert without that
# 20:13 thedod not talking about completely, but good-enough-for-assad-not-to-torture-my-family-maybe
xxcoeurxx joined the channel
# 20:14 aaronpk weird, I definitely have never talked to a human before to get all my SSL certs
# 20:14 thedod but I wouldn't want it if I wanted to say something bad about a government
gavinc_ joined the channel
reedstrm joined the channel
# 20:15 aaronpk I'm just wondering how someone else had to be involved in you getting an SSL cert cause i've never heard of that before
# 20:16 myfreeweb when I tried startssl, a human support employee told me I used a business address and not a personal address
# 20:17 myfreeweb yeah, the physical address requirement is the worst thing about domains and certificates
# 20:17 petermolnar is the cacert idea dead? can it be revisited? ( circle of trust ssl )
# 20:17 myfreeweb registrars mostly don't care
# 20:17 thedod Easier to leave my Mum's details because I keep moving
# 20:18 myfreeweb petermolnar: well, cacert isn't dead, but it's not getting very popular because it's not accepted in the mozilla cert bundle
# 20:18 thedod Hidden services don't require physical address :)
# 20:21 thedod It's not like I don't work anymore, but I don't need to leave the country to renew my visa
# 20:22 aaronpk oh yeah I did apparently have to put in my address on startssl. had forgotten about that, and i've moved twice since then so I should probably update it.
# 20:23 thedod If you don't have a class 2 identity, it expires after a while anyway :)
# 20:24 aaronpk I've been meaning to do the class2 validation so I can get free wildcard certs
# 20:24 thedod then fill a stasi evaluation form or whatever the CA require
# 20:25 aaronpk petermolnar: yeah I set up a root CA so that I can generate SSL certs for non-internet dev domains for testing
# 20:25 thedod it costs money, and you somehow ID yourself (passport scan? don't remember), and a lawyer signs it and stuff
# 20:25 kylewm petermolnar: CACert is a circle of trust thing? I thought it was just a non-profit issuer
# 20:28 thedod I'll live without the wildcard certs :) I try to minimize leaking metadata :)
EOGreer joined the channel
brianloveswords and alexhart_ joined the channel
# 20:50 GWG aaronpk: I did Class 2 validation with startssl. I got a call from Israel at 2AM.
petermolnar joined the channel
alexhartley and thedod joined the channel
# 21:36 pdurbin thedod: just email GitHub support. That's what I did.
EOGreer joined the channel
EOGreer joined the channel
wolftune, gavinc_ and reedstrm joined the channel
# 22:27 thedod ouch. pingback is to the wrong guestlist, but now it says "The source URI does not exist"
# 22:29 GWG I don't think you can attend an event that already occurred.
# 22:40 thedod GWG, that wasn't my intention, of course :) some copy/paste error.
# 22:40 GWG If it's in the wiki, tell me. I'll fix it.
alexhartley, Deledrius__ and xxcoeurxx joined the channel
# 23:22 aaronpk I just prettied up the microformats parser on pin13.net
# 23:22 aaronpk now works via both fetching a remote URL as well as pasting in HTML directly
beepbloop, npdoty and EOGreer joined the channel
alexhartley and thedod joined the channel
# 23:49 acegiak GWG: "rolling my own" at the moment is just extracting the metadata section of an older version of the taxonomy plugin
# 23:49 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 1 day, 8 hours ago: I will check it out.
# 23:49 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 6 hours, 58 minutes ago: I'm commenting out the upgrade function. I know you intend to roll your own solution, but even though I can't reproduce the problem and it is possible your data is somewhere in the database, I don't want to risk affecting anyone else.
# 23:50 GWG Just isn't displaying because of the new location?
# 23:51 acegiak it got deleted when my stupid upgrade process did something like removing the associated metadata because it was deactivating the plugin on all subsites or something stupid
# 23:51 acegiak I don't know what happens and I'm the kind of person who doesn't like holding on to being upset
# 23:52 acegiak but I am gonna run with my own code for now because I want more control over it
# 23:52 GWG acegiak: If you ever figure it out, I'd like to know to prevent it in future. That is my main concern.
# 23:52 GWG acegiak: Understood about your own code.
# 23:53 acegiak It was just a dumb thing where I was stuck in bed with the flu so I wanted to do something productive
# 23:53 acegiak but because my mind wasn't working 100% I didn't back up beforehand even though I knew I should
# 23:54 GWG How is the flu? Feeling better on that front?
# 23:55 acegiak since I got a good way to indieweb reply to tweets I've been way more invested in twitter
# 23:56 GWG Well, my problem with Twitter was the inbound firehose
Deledrius_ joined the channel
# 23:56 acegiak yeah I'm not adding twitter streams to whisperfollow
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:59 GWG acegiak: For the time being, I've moved back to the territory of facepiles.
wagle_ joined the channel