#npdotybret, in theory, the browser could recognize the scheme and show it to the user in their preferred mapping service
#bretGWG: like geo tags that come in on micropub POSTS that relate to a note
#npdotyyou could add a bit of javascript in your page so that when you referred to a place you included a geo URI and then had a little click handler so that the user loaded an HTTP page to OpenStreetMap or whatever
#tantekbret - what do silos do with location/geo links? and which of those behaviors do you feel is the best experience?
#breti guess I could create a place-name tag and use that as a venue search of sorts
#tantekbret - if you're trying to figure out a good UX for some data, look at how other services do UX for that kind of data, document it, note the shortcomings in their interactions (e.g. Twitter showing "Paris, Paris"), and do something similar but better.
#tantekfor just general unpleasantness or unproductive conversation, we have a community that applies the Socratic and scientific methods and asks questions "how does this apply to your personal site?" and go from there
#LoqiInstagram is a popular image hosting silo most well known for square photos that have been processed with an image filter http://indiewebcamp.com/IG
#tantekKevinMarks: not really interested in yet another ID proposal - always filter with the question, are you using it on your own site? or when do you plan to?
#kylewm"Every user floats by themselves, interacting with who they please. This denies us the ability to build communities, to set social norms, and to enforce them."
#pdurbinKevinMarks__: so the proposal is for several competing identity registrars?
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#tantekspeaking of identity, is car, cr, cadr, carmen all the same person?
#kylewm.comedited /Twitter (+654) "/* Developer Relations */ added section on Community with Alex Gaynor citation" (view diff)
#tantekthat's the closest we have to any kind of identity issue in this channel, and they're not really sock puppets as they're similar enough to imply the same identity
#tantekbut there's a real world example for identity related discussions here if people are interested in that
#pdurbintantek: where are you seeing all those variations?
#KevinMarks__Eastgate's proposal bothered me because it was so obviously elitist and naïve, but then it reminded me of requiring your own domain (which does need money, a name and address etc)
#tantekpdurbin, check IRC logs for the past several weeks
#tantekappears to be the same person speaking (tone, topics, attitude) when it is butter, cr, car, cadr, carmen, tet, tot
#pdurbintantek: ah. well, I figure KevinMarks KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks__ are the same person. :)
#tantekpdurbin: sure, punctuation variant is different than spelling
#kylewmthe hand-waviness bothered me more ... holding identity in escrow, to be released if the person does something bad. who is doing the escrow, who decides what constitutes "bad"
#pdurbinkylewm: no kidding. sounds pretty centralized
#pdurbinoddly, I'm throwing away old paperwork right now and happened upon a mindmap I did about identity a few years ago :)
#kylewmpdurbin: sounds from that article like Google+ has a much better implemetnation of block than twitter
#pdurbinkylewm: it's a double edged sword. you don't own your comments on Google+ (the ones you make on other people's posts). this is different than Twitter
#pdurbinkylewm: so not only can you block... you can simply delete comments you don't like
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#KevinMarks__Which is what Tantek praised about flickr block I think,, but does require a central authority
#KevinMarks__Also subsidiary relationship of comments
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#pdurbinit looks like comments at https://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/11/01/1/ for example were collected from Twitter but I assume aaronpk could delete them if he wanted, that they are stored on his site somehow
#KevinMarks__Right. The stuff documented in the post linked from Eastgate is shocking and distributed. Strategic deletions, all kinds of organised harrasment
#KevinMarks__I don't think there can be technical fixes for that, they require community Action too
#GWGGetting the camera replugged. I have a better one, but I left it somewhere
#aaronpki'm not actually sure where mine went... I should find it
#GWGaaronpk: I remember last time. You have a lot of whiteboards
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#bretkylewm: i updated the readme to base if you are curious https://github.com/bcomnes/base I added a general outline of what is done and what is coming for that
mlncn, KartikPrabhu, alexhartley, j12t, EOGreer, thedod_, npdoty, Erkan_Yilmaz and friedcell joined the channel
#TheNewYorkereverything in the archives section will get fed into a php script that extracts the date component and uses it to select which version of the target resource to serve
#TheNewYorkerso a visitor will be able to reconstruct what the site looked like at any point in time
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#TheNewYorkeron the authoring side I'll have a custom cams written in go that will detect changes to the working directory and preserve a single file corresponding to each unique version of a file's contents along with a log mapping URI's to file versions
#TheNewYorkerthen the temporal dispatch script will work out which version was current for the embedded timestamp in any request.
#GWGSo you intend archives to act like a way back machine?
#TheNewYorkerI should also auto generate a master change log with crawlable links to the root node for each time index when something actually changed.
#TheNewYorkerExactly, it will be an embedded way back machine for the site
#GWGInteresting. Never seen a site archive with that design.
#TheNewYorkeron my last project I got stung by relying on the big Way Back Machine to have captured some lost site revisions that got clobbered by accident
#TheNewYorkerand sadly, that revision hadn't been crawled
#TheNewYorkerNaturally, I'll Open Source everything once I get it working.
#TheNewYorkerall file revision will renamed to an hash of their content indexed by the Unix Nano timestamp at which that unique hash was first generated
#TheNewYorkerin that case I might include a redaction link in the timeline database to redirect to the nearest equivalent resource (i.e. a transparent png with a "redacted" caption or say a substitute web page with a callout that "The material originally appearing here was redacted due to copyright uncertainty")
#TheNewYorkeralso I'd have to relocate the potentially infringing content to a directory above my web root just to play it safe
#TheNewYorkeror block it off from direct access in my htaccess file
#TheNewYorkerI might also want to implement an Errata mechanism in PHP so I could preserve the original content but also splice in a widget to demonstrate that the page had been revised to correct a broken url or embarrassing typo.
#TheNewYorkerThat would just be a map of actual file versions to errata notes.
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#TheNewYorkerWith the standard Way Back Machine you can't annotate an old page with a corrected URL
#fiatjafno, I was thinking about the more general concept of a "hub"
#fiatjafa centralized aggregator of some kind of thing
#fiatjafand what the indieweb would have to say about it
#GWGfiatjaf: I'm not always the most eloquent spokesperson for the philosophies around here, but..
#GWGThere is nothing wrong with aggregation or hosted solutions, as long as they can live side by side with self-hosted.
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#GWGFor example, Bridgy is a hosted service, but if you want to, you could take the source and run it yourself.
#fiatjafwhat about a public webmention hub, where people could read what others are saying about websites that do not support webmentions?
#GWGI think kylewm is working on a hosted webmention solution in the vein of Disqus.
#fiatjafexample: I read an article at some webpage that does not support webmentions (it doesn't have to be a personal website or a blog, it can be any webpage), I comment about it in my website, with a link to the commented page. my CMS sends a webmention to this webmention hub, or to various different webmention hubs. the person whose website was commented can later go to this webmention hub and see if someone commented about his website.
#fiatjafother people reading that same webpage can check (manually, or using some browser extension) the webmention hub for what others have said about that page and join the discussion by posting about it in their own pages.
#aaronpkOk poll: what would you be more likely to do. a) include an additional tag on posts you want to syndicate to IndieNews or b) create a separate feed where everything in the feed is syndicated?
#GWGaaronpk: It depends on the platform. In WordPress, for example,. a tag generates a tag feed
#aaronpkSo are you suggesting that the feed method is easier for Wordpress users?
#GWGaaronpk: I'm saying that to WordPress, it is the same thing. So, both are the same
#bretcreating a specific syndication feed would be more work than just a link on a post + a wm
#GWGI'm also prepared to create a plugin for WordPress that figured out the syndication URL.
#GWGOf course, I have a long list of things. If people started using Indienews, I might escalate that. I'll have an Indienews metabox in my syndication link generator before the end of the night
#aaronpkBret: you said two contradictory things. The "tag" method was about auto generated feeds for tags
#aaronpkok so are you saying you'd tag posts with "IndieNews" to syndicate them there?
#aaronpkRather than syndicating all posts tagged "indieweb"?
#bretme to! let me start over. I like the way it works now. I indicate I want my post syndicated to indienews in my front-matter and a link to indienews with the syndicate-to class ends up in the post and ping indienews is sent
#bretthe thing is, now that i think about it, people generating feeds for specific posting targets to pull/push from seems like it takes the burden of writing additional syndication adapters
#bretit seems like adding a link and pinging is an easier thing to program, rather than hoping that consumers can parse/diff feeds reliably
#aaronpkwell both cases involve parsing the h-entry
#aaronpkthe tag+feed mechanism seems easier to me personally, but only once I set up a thing in my software to generate feeds from tags
#aaronpkwordpress does by default of course. I think jekyll does too actually.
#GWGaaronpk: Just adding Indienews to my Syndication Links program. So I'll syndicate something
#aaronpkGWG: cool. you already hav ebridgy publish there right?
#GWGaaronpk: It is on my future plans list. I rewrote the Syndication Links plugin to allow for a variable list of targets. Adding optional Bridgy Publish support is a future feature
#GWGBut firing a webmention using the webmention functions is pretty easy
#GWGSo, it is just a matter of adding a checkbox to the post UI that embeds the hidden link and fires the webmention
#GWGI have the code to read and store the response from Bridgy, which includes the URL, but I haven't tested it or implemented an interface for it. But for Indienews, I wouldn't need to check for a response.