fiatjafthis is probably not the channel, but if I wanted a private anonymous-pseudonymous forum or forum-like application for a group to share information and chat about a topic, where should I look?
KartikPrabhudepends on how much anonymity you want, and this is the part i think takes it far away from what the indieweb is trying to do into "overthrow the system" territory
j12t, snarfed, KevinMarks and fmarier joined the channel
bretfiatjaf: forum software has worked for that scenario for a really long time actually although running it requires sysadmin skills. Set up any forum software you want, make sure everything live behind an account login, and enforce community guidelines regarding identity
mkotantek: Congrats on the launch of Firefox Developer Edition. I don't know if you had any direct involvement, but it looks like a really useful tool.
mkotantek: Ended up having a few additions to the explanations (specifically regarding huamn readability and adding "optional" recommendations like content type and ordinals.
Loqimko meant to say: tantek: Ended up having a few additions to the explanations (specifically regarding human readability and adding "optional" recommendations like content type and ordinals.
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 14 minutes ago: where was that IRC conversation about the problems you had with type-first URL structure and switching to /date first ?
mkoAgreed. Big fan of that. #12 is one of my biggest annoyances for Medium's URLs. Right now, I have to delete the @ symbol every time I copy a URL to use on my site because it breaks my tweet parser right now.
mkoI actually prefer having a specific "reply" type that is separate from my articles and notes for the same reason that Twitter offers the "Tweets" and "Tweets + Replies" as separate feeds on individuals' profiles.
Loqimko meant to say: That way people can look specifically at my non-reply content (since large quantities of reply content can be irrelevant to third-parties).
reedstrmkylewm: seems a personal policy/decision to me: do you want to keep your audience-on-twitter involved, or have you/we bootstrapped enough of a indienet to not need it?
tantekand if the original is *not* on Twitter, POSSEing your reply to Twitter is still useful if your reply is "self-contained" enough to be relevant to your Twitter readers
tantekreedstrm: the only way I found to work through all my thoughts on replacing my posting to Twitter with posting to my own site was to thoroughly document each case I had to solve, and I figured I might as well do so using the IndieWebCamp wiki
aaronpkmko: that is the reason I have a separate reply type too, so that people don't see my replies by default. although now I just want to do that by showing filtered feeds rather than having it be an explicit different post type
mkotantek: It's funny that we're talking about URL Design in #indieweb today. I'm literally about to walk into a URL design discussion for our current redesign. :-)
tantekreedstrm: not research, but flawed methodology unfortunately. I learned from many communities of what-might-be-useful speculation (e.g. standards communities) and it took a long time to question and unlearn that :/
reedstrmWhat I hate to see are standards or 'best practices' that are just the initial speculation, w/o the hard won experience. Common refrain from developers "has anyone ever actually implemented this? It's impossible!"
tantek.comedited /Twitter (+453) "/* POSSE Replies to Twitter */ note about joy about indie-to-indie replies not hitting Twitter. sub-sub-heads" (view diff)
reedstrmaaronpk: are attached photos going to be polymporphically accessible as their own thing as well? 'cause then you an bootstrap up to "large quantities"
thedodAt the moment, the main focus is on wordpress, because that can be an easy way to get many "services" (blogs), so I already have a pitch why HiddenID auth is better than Wordpress email auth:
reedstrmthedod: hosting of indieweb is a thing - it's not all about roll-your-own server. See known. So, you're talking providing hosting, with special consideration to providing it in a way that is friendly to those who need to hide their 'real world' identity. And hopefully, baking it into the set of indieweb protocols so by default, all the 'indie' sites are accountable friendly.
reedstrmthedod: I think we do: anonymous is "could be anybody", accountable/authenticated is "the same thedod as last week", identified is "thedod who lives at 1000 Main St., Sometown, somewhere"
reedstrmWell, not you personally providing the hosting, but someone somewhere provides the service, so you're here to make sure the protocols/processes support that case.
reedstrmI think we (the massive collective we) are smart enough to come up with ways to support the legit anonymous w/o having to allow the trolls free reign. Reviewing vouch w/ that in mind would be useful.
LoqiThe Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention. Webmention with Vouch depends on understanding Webmention
reedstrmthedod: I see this group (this chat/indiewebcamp) as the proving ground/skunkworks for developing the nextgen protocols and tech (and reviving existing neglected ones!) to free the web from dependence on the social media silos. The participatory web.
tantekthedod could you provide links to your definitions of authentication / accountability / identification as it sounds like you have very specific meanings to explain (better to explain them on a longer page on your own website than dump in IRC)
aaronpkuntil someone shows up here with their own .onion personal website I suspect there won't be much interest in getting webmentions to work with it
tantek"a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]"
aaronpkthedod: I see what you're getting at, but I don't think "troll" is the right word to use. maybe if you used a different word, the point you're trying to make would come across better.
tantekthedod - if there's such a fundamental problem with the words you're using to try to support your proposals / projects / definitions, then it becomes difficult to discuss them
tantekGWG - if your'e referring to free speech sure. like any right, we draw the boundary where it imposes on others rights, such as to be free of abuse and harm.
reedstrmSo, I think there _is_ a place for a voice in these discussion who looks at them from the point of view of the needs of the pseduonymous. That's what ello supposedly started about, isn't it?
thedodand there's a whole blog at where you can only login with HiddenID (was built as a demo), but it contains many posts about this
aaronpkyou'll need either a rel-me link to twitter which then links back to or you could use one of the other providers like persona/gpg
tantekbtw regarding the POSSE discussion earlier today, and kylewm's point about why bother to POSSE an indie-to-indie reply to Twitter, I'm seeing very different interaction on POSSE copies on Twitter vs Facebook
tantekFor my most recent post - - it has gotten 11x more interactions (comments and likes) on the FB POSSE copy than the Twitter POSSE copy.
reedstrmtantek Hmm, just look at the two formats of the post, the tweet is not very compelling, to me, as not -a-marathoner, and not an bay-area resident. Interesting datapoint.
XgFtantek: Thats the kind of post where I think maybe my Facebook friends would be interested (people who know me in person) but not my Twitter followers (people who have relatively common interests with me on the internet)
tantekso here's my question - why did the company that is choose to use the name "indie", *knowing* that there were plenty of other overloaded uses of the term already, not the least of which was "indieweb" ?
kylewmtantek: I think the non-cynical answer is he doesn't think indieweb goes far enough... like when people point out, sure you own your own domain but the server is hosted by Amazon so what have you really gained
tantekkylewm - for starters you gain that you own your data more than you do when its own Twitter - which, is incrementally more than all those "iamindie" tweets - they're not actually indie
Loqitantek meant to say: kylewm - for starters you gain that you own your data more than you do when it's on Twitter - which, is incrementally more than all those "iamindie" tweets - they're not actually indie
tantekkylewm "he wants to be the thing that underpins all that is indie" <- and that is what I think is triggering the complaints of arrogance and ego-centrism.
tantekkylewm: I haven't come up with a good explanation that doesn't assume some degree of malice or flawed self/ego-centrism, so I'm not willing to offer an explanation. I'm rejecting all the explanations I have come up with so far.
tantekI'm still trying to come up with an explanation based on good intentions + lack of information/knowledge rather than anything malicious or egocentric/arrogant.
tantekyet this past year aaronpk (and others?) noted being too tired from OSBridge to be as productive at IndieWebCamp, and wondered if we could plan IndieWebCamp *not* adjacent to OS Bridge (2015-06-23..26)
tantekso I suppose the rationale is - because someone took the initiative and wanted to, and it seemed more in the "indie" spirit as well as *decentralized* spirit to encourage and enable multiple locations
tantekbear if you think that hReview via markdown article is worthy of consideration, please add to /Markdown. As I'm not a markdown user I didn't know how to evaluabe the merits of their proposal.
mkotantek + kylewm: I think it would be neat if the different IWCs collaborated and did something like "shared sessions" with some video conferencing or something to connect the different IWCs while still letting each one provide their own unique experiences, too.
mkoSatellite IWCs basically where someone would host the main IWC at one location and the satellite IWCs would have their own experiences but still able to participate in some of the main IWC (perhaps like having the keynote presentation streamed to all Satellite IWCs).
tantekmko - we did that this past year --> "neat if the different IWCs collaborated and did something like "shared sessions" with some video conferencing or something to connect the different IWCs while still letting each one provide their own unique experiences, too"