#tantek.comedited /2014/Schedule (+29) "shorten headings and switch from punctuation polluted US-centric month day, year dates to YYYY-MM-DD" (view diff)
#kylewmtantek: mko: bear: ok I'm satisfied that satellites are good, I will make a personal effort toward participating/facilitating shared sessions next year (had a bad experience trying to loop GWG into a smaller session we had in portland)
#aaronpkgood cameras and microphones are super important
#mko!tell benwerd Are the Known Pro features going to be available to self-hosted instances on GitHub, or does pre-ordering Known Pro get developer access to Known Pro code as well?
#Loqiown your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos, or only posting copies of your posts to silos (POSSE), preferably automatically, and with permashortlinks back to your original posts http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata
#Loqiown your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos (or only posting copies of your posts to silos per POSSE), preferably both automatically & with permashortlinks back to your original posts http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata
#Loqiown your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos (or only posting copies of your posts to silos per POSSE, and if so, preferably both automatically & with permashortlinks back to your original posts) http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata
#herbsmnwhat do you mean by "interesting criticism"? isn't it bad to create a password and/or log in to places without SSL?
#tantek.comedited /own_your_data (+100) "/* Tantek */ articles since 2002! (had forgotten to count my "old" blog, with still working permalinks)" (view diff)
tilgovi, KartikPrabhu and npdoty joined the channel
#tantekGWG, indeed, prioritizing itself is hard. Then again, it's also something to not worry too much about, as the only you really need to prioritize / know is the very *next* thing you want to work on. You can postpone prioritizing the rest until after you've done that ;)
#danlykeHardly worth enumerating all the *coin variants... They spring up and collapse all the time, or at least did when people still thought Bitcoin or Dogecoin had a future.
#Loqipayment in the context of the indieweb refers to a feature on an indie web site that provides a way for the visitor to that website to pay (currency, gift card credit, etc.) the person represented by that indie web site http://indiewebcamp.com/payment
jonathanfrei joined the channel
#tantekdanlyke - agreed with not worth enumerating all. I only asked about the ones on the real world example I provided :)
#voxpelliCan one make the wiki point all of those names to the "payment" page for now?
#tantekI figure if someone thinks it's worth putting on their real world personal website, it's likely worth documenting
#tantekkylewm: yeah - it's a particularly nice presentation of GNU social
#tantekmy point was more the UX than the underlying plumbing :)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeso quitter copied twitter's old UI, which is now pretty much the same as facebook
#tantekright - that's why I think it's interesting!
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: my impression is that talks about federation with StatusNet/GNU social are a dead end. There's only one-ish developer and he doesn't have time/interest
#kylewmbuuut since it's built on Atom and PuSH, bridgy shouldn't be necessary
aaronpk_ joined the channel
#aaronpk_this is mostly a thing internal to p3k, but I've been considering refactoring my code to remove the entire concept of post type
#LoqiJavaScript (JS) is a popular programming language due to its nearly ubiquitous availability in web browsers, and growing web server availability in the form of node.js http://indiewebcamp.com/Javascript
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, other questions (though i assume you fit them under notes) are scobbles / listens / watches also any of aaron's quatized self data, sleep hours, etc
#ben_thatmustbemei have been trying to clarify this all in my head, i'm thinking there might be some better categorization that can be done in general. historical vs planned vs doing
#kylewmbret: e.g. I wanted to have two rigid divs, side by side (like for showing a avatar next to a comment). with the avatar float: left, the comment text flows around the picture in an ugly way. but if the comment is "overflow-x: hidden", it wraps how I wanted .... no idea why
#ben_thatmustbemesomething I .... did(watched/listenedto), plan to do(event), am doing (checkin/note), like (favorites/external links), am responding to (rsvp/comment) , think (review,article/note)
#Loqitantek meant to say: ben_thatmustbeme: back to your question(s) about scrobbles / listens / watches also any of aaron's quatized self data, sleep hours, etc
#LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track) that you have listened to http://indiewebcamp.com/scrobbles
#tantekaaronpk, indeed, see socialwg channel and minutes
#tantekit's a thing that still wants to do its own protocols
#aaronpk_oh I thought that was just a reference to that (old) thread
#tanteknor have I actively used services like delicious
#ben_thatmustbememy thinking is that i'm trying to generalize all post types, not just public
#ben_thatmustbemei would like to someday import all my aim chat history in just keep it all private
#tantekof course, hence I have 'm' for message, including private messages
#ben_thatmustbemeits just hard, there are going to be so many types of posts that it will get pretty messy pretty fast
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: for things like "scrobbles" and "views", they are in a general category of "passive" posts, where without even doing anything explicitly, you "do" them.
#ben_thatmustbemei would guess either in-reply-to the original question, with some markup to identify "upvote" on the comment's canonical URL, OR, in-reply-to the comment's canonical URL as a "like" or "upvote" and send a webmention to the question's URL
#tantekfor scrobbles/listens/watchings/viewings - I think those are all the same kind of post, something passive that is about your environment more than it is about you an "experience" post
#tantekand simply drop XMDP profile as I haven't posted any of those on my own site and don't expect to
#bretif the box model is flawed, why not default to the one every one wants to use?
#ben_thatmustbemeif you "like" a song its different than just listening to it. basically anything that auto-posts photos I would then put under that class too
#tantekbret perhaps you meant to ask that in #css :)
#tantekI disagree re: photos as you actively *took* the photo
#ben_thatmustbemetrue, what i'm getting at is basically the same thing that has been said about photos, i really don't see "Photo" as a post type. its a note / scrobble that contains a photo
#tantekthe UX is very different in those scenarios I just listed
#tantekthey are bigger than the sum of their types of data
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, i guess i need to think more user facing wise, as I do see that an explicit "photo" post could have some additional UI for zooming etc, but then I still don't see that discluding text
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: hmm, i guess i need to think more user facing wise, as I do see that an explicit "photo" post could have some additional UI for zooming etc, but then I still don't see that excluding text
#aaronpkcreate a page that actually does link to the spam target, and after the first request to that page, update it to redirect to your desired location
#aaronpkthe first request to that page being the target verifying the link exists