2014-11-11 UTC
# 00:00 kylewm i think i went to all the less popular sessions :)
# 00:01 bear the shared sessions worked well when there was 1) a camera with a good view of the people and whiteboard 2) someone monitoring IRC for questions
# 00:02 kylewm re: Markdown hReview, the proposed Markdown-version is a big downgrade from the mf version to me
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:02 bear i'll make a note that the sample includes old mf code
# 00:03 tantek I dislike headings with punctuation - makes the fragment URLs much uglier :(
friedcell joined the channel
# 00:05 kylewm tantek: mko: bear: ok I'm satisfied that satellites are good, I will make a personal effort toward participating/facilitating shared sessions next year (had a bad experience trying to loop GWG into a smaller session we had in portland)
# 00:06 bear it's never easy and requires lots of prior planning
# 00:06 bear something we will have to coordinate for sure
# 00:07 tantek aaronpk - it's why I left my Logitech HD camera with adactio in Brighton
friedcell joined the channel
# 00:07 tantek in the hopes that he can use it to coordinate collaboration from there
# 00:07 tantek then of course I ordered another one for myself :)
# 00:07 tantek so adactio has the one you shipped me originally :)
# 00:08 bear I will gladly ship my logitech HD camera to anyone who wants to run a satellite session
KartikPrabhu and veselosky joined the channel
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# 00:36 herbsmn is Known Pro going to all be on GitHub fo' free?
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# 00:36 bear I did for the two I found because I think they will get used often
# 00:37 KartikPrabhu gregor` made one for me so I would think it is fine. they can always remove it
# 00:37 bear I have been using the style of name that I find on IRC_People
# 00:37 KartikPrabhu herbsmn: I don't know. maybe ask benwerd or erinjo or @withknown on twitter :)
# 00:37 herbsmn aight. thx kartikprabhu
# 00:38 bear as long as we keep IRC_People up to date - that is what I've been using as a roster more than anything
# 00:39 GWG bear: Have you heard from Jeremy Zilar?
# 00:40 bear (but I also was not in a lot of contact with him normally)
# 00:40 KartikPrabhu herbsmn: is there some URL to Known Pro features over and above Known ?
# 00:42 mko !tell benwerd Are the Known Pro features going to be available to self-hosted instances on GitHub, or does pre-ordering Known Pro get developer access to Known Pro code as well?
# 00:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:43 GWG Reading up, I see there was talk about IWC 2015.
# 00:43 KartikPrabhu that's how you do a Pro feature set. Note that export is available in both unlike Ello's Pro policy
# 00:49 bear heading out to celebrate Veterans Day at the local pub with other Jarheads :)
# 00:49 GWG That reminds me, I should start dinner
# 00:52 GWG aaronpk: What is indiewebcat having?
# 00:57 tantek there's the ownyourdata pledge or throwdown however you'd like to read it
# 00:58 Loqi own your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos, or only posting copies of your posts to silos (POSSE), preferably automatically, and with permashortlinks back to your original posts http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata
# 00:59 KartikPrabhu tantek: a grammatical ambiguity note: the "or posting copies" could be taken together with the "instead of"
# 01:00 tantek KartikPrabhu: can't do multiple sentences in a dfn - Loqi don't parse that.
# 01:01 Loqi own your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos (or only posting copies of your posts to silos per POSSE), preferably both automatically & with permashortlinks back to your original posts http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata
# 01:01 tantek note that the "per POSSE" invalidates any attempt at saying you don't have to post on your own site, since POSSE requires that.
# 01:01 KartikPrabhu now the "preferably" part is incorrect ;) it should go in the parenthesis
# 01:03 Loqi own your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos (or only posting copies of your posts to silos per POSSE, and if so, preferably both automatically & with permashortlinks back to your original posts) http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 01:03 tantek great, now who here ONLY posts notes to their own site, and NEVER posts notes directly to Twitter?
# 01:04 tantek KartikPrabhu: do you post notes exclusively on your own site? or do you sometimes directly tweet on Twitter?
# 01:06 tantek great - add yourself when you find your start date, or rather your "stopped directly posting to Twitter" date :)
tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:07 KartikPrabhu booo don't have rel-syndication on my older POSSEd notes. have to trawl through Twitter stream
# 01:07 tantek KartikPrabhu: that's ok - you can have different start dates for notes, vs. POSSE of notes.
# 01:08 bear does it count that i've only ever posted anything to my site and never to twitter?
# 01:08 herbsmn i'm from Minnesota and am interested in the IndieWeb
# 01:08 tantek herbsmn awesome! did you find us through the Homebrew Website Club meetings in Minneapolis?
# 01:10 herbsmn no. i'm from minneapolis, but have never been to one of the meetings. I tried once but no one else was there when I showwed up
# 01:11 herbsmn i left facebook and am interested in creating my own indieweb site but i don't have any money for a domain or hosting at the moment
# 01:11 KartikPrabhu herbsmn: good idea to check the wiki page to see if there actually is a meeting. and also RSVP in advance :)
# 01:11 herbsmn yeah, i didn't RSVP because I don't use facepalm and I don't have an indieweb site yet
# 01:13 herbsmn i had been waiting to set up a Known site until they got SSL set up. i just checked and it looks like they finally got it
# 01:16 herbsmn shoot. they have SSL, but you can't create a password with SSL.
# 01:18 herbsmn what do you mean by "interesting criticism"? isn't it bad to create a password and/or log in to places without SSL?
# 01:19 bear grins at his reaction to tantek updating to 2002 for earliest blog article
# 01:20 tantek bear, don't know why I spaced on articles. maybe because I wasn't POSSEing them? or doing them *instead of* any silo at the time?
# 01:20 bear I had dipped briefly into "darnit!!!" and then happily climbed back out to "yea!!!"
# 01:20 bear yea, it was pre-POSSE mindset I would imagine
# 01:20 tantek bear - don't worry, plenty of others have owned their own articles since before then
# 01:20 tantek though - I wonder how many have strayed and started sharecropping on Medium :P
# 01:20 bear yep - I was just getting a laugh at my own reaction :)
# 01:21 bear Tumblr and Medium are a tempting distraction for the young minds of today
# 01:21 tantek and for folks looking to escape self-hosted WordPress admin-tax
# 01:21 tantek (not theoretical / weaselword - actual friends of mine ;/ )
# 01:22 herbsmn i think the SSL problem has something to do with how Known does subdomains, but I'm not an expert
# 01:22 bear herbsmn -- IIRC it is for that reason
# 01:27 KartikPrabhu boom ^ added examples of photo and manual POSSE of comments to blog :)
# 01:30 tantek I'm wondering if we need something more catchy than ownyourdata for this
# 01:30 mko It goes straight to the heart of the issue. I'm definitely open to alternatives.
# 01:31 tantek declaring independence implies there is something you are declaring independence *from*
# 01:31 tantek whereas ownyourdata is a goal you can achieve without ever having touched or cared about any silo
# 01:31 herbsmn Indie Pen Dance
# 01:32 mko Alright. Gotta head out. Talk to you guys later!
# 01:41 KartikPrabhu but as of today, I post all replies to my own site and then POSSE (manually if needed) to other places including blogs
# 01:42 GWG tantek: By the way, the truncating is being done by my Twitter plugin. That is the problem.
# 01:43 herbsmn As a long time twitter user, i hate seeing truncated tweets
# 01:44 herbsmn seems like it'd be better to post a short headline that meets a tweet's length requirement when POSSEing a longer blog post to twitter.
# 01:44 tantek herbsmn - doesn't work for posts without headlines
# 01:44 KartikPrabhu herbsmn: yeah that is what I do now. edit the POSSE copy to fit Twitter but it is annoying
# 01:44 tantek and doesn't make sense to require publishers to make up headlines when they don't want to
# 01:45 herbsmn i'm not saying as a requirement, i'm just saying that as a user I would do it just because it looks cleaner
# 01:46 herbsmn I talked with Known on twitter about the SSL stuff and Known Pro
# 01:47 herbsmn Loqi is really cool! I've never seen anything like it before.
# 01:49 herbsmn do you guys think that there's money to be made in IndieWeb development? it seems to me like something that is going to catch on like wildfire
# 01:50 KartikPrabhu herbsmn: possibly. at least a few people are trying like Known and the newly formed IndieHost
# 01:50 snarfed KartikPrabhu: re posseing blog comments, we've thought about adding that to bridgy publish
# 01:50 KartikPrabhu snarfed: yes but you wouldn't be able to support all blog stuff now would you?
# 01:51 snarfed KartikPrabhu: of course not. just like bridgy doesn't support all silos…but supporting the 4 (or N) biggest goes a long way
# 01:51 KartikPrabhu but Disqus, Wordpress and Blogger are definitely the ones to start with :)
# 01:52 snarfed KartikPrabhu: not actively working on them right now. just a thought for the future
# 01:53 snarfed it is a bit of a dumping ground for functionality :/
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# 01:54 snarfed (i'd be fine with putting blog comment posseing in a separate service. bridgy publish just has a lot of the plumbing already set up)
# 01:54 KartikPrabhu tantek: the text that should read "instead of Twitter," reads "instead of ," in my browser for some reason
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# 01:55 KartikPrabhu tantek: hmm some CSS weirdness in latest FF. the <b> element around it is set to 0x0 at the top-left of the page :|
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# 01:57 tantek KartikPrabhu: weird - it looks fine in latest FF Dev edition (AKA aurora)
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# 02:00 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I'd be up for working on POSSE to blog comments with you if you are interested, inside bridgy or not :P
# 02:01 KartikPrabhu kylewm: possibly. but they are not that much of an itch for me. I comment on blogs only sporadically
# 02:03 KartikPrabhu yeah. since I've been swamped with real life work, I am only focusing on immediate itches for indieweb
# 02:03 tantek along with Bridgy Publish feature request links for the same
gr0k, Pea1, veselosky, jamms404, chalettu, mdik and j12t joined the channel
# 03:10 herbsmn KartikPrabhu: what is indieHost?
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# 15:38 GWG pfefferle: Good morning...if belated.
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# 16:03 GWG pfefferle: You stopping by on Sunday?
# 16:10 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: It works for tantek
gr0k, Pea1, fiatjaf, j12t, xxcoeurxx, KevinMarks_, mko and tantek joined the channel
# 16:47 tantek GWG++ for encouraging participation in IWC Online!
# 16:48 GWG tantek: I'm looking forward to it as an excuse to focus on some things.
tilgovi, KartikPrabhu and npdoty joined the channel
# 17:01 tantek GWG, indeed, prioritizing itself is hard. Then again, it's also something to not worry too much about, as the only you really need to prioritize / know is the very *next* thing you want to work on. You can postpone prioritizing the rest until after you've done that ;)
# 17:04 GWG tantek: I tend to jump around to give a lot of little things some attention.
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# 17:07 GWG I have 3 separate projects I am trying to move along, because they are growing together in my vision
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# 17:57 tantek odd that it has rel=nofollow where it should have rel=me to the other profile / contact links
# 17:58 tantek however, what's interesting is note all the different "Thank me" payment options!
# 17:58 tantek Litecoin, Primecoin, Reddcoin, Flattr, Bitcoin
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# 18:02 danlyke Hardly worth enumerating all the *coin variants... They spring up and collapse all the time, or at least did when people still thought Bitcoin or Dogecoin had a future.
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# 18:04 Loqi payment in the context of the indieweb refers to a feature on an indie web site that provides a way for the visitor to that website to pay (currency, gift card credit, etc.) the person represented by that indie web site http://indiewebcamp.com/payment
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# 18:05 tantek danlyke - agreed with not worth enumerating all. I only asked about the ones on the real world example I provided :)
# 18:05 voxpelli Can one make the wiki point all of those names to the "payment" page for now?
# 18:06 tantek I figure if someone thinks it's worth putting on their real world personal website, it's likely worth documenting
# 18:06 tantek click on the create link, and create a redirect
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# 18:07 voxpelli tantek: cool, if I remember it when I get to a proper computer I'll do that then
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# 18:08 tantek but certainly create a Flattr page since there are multiple folks using that
# 18:10 voxpelli not sure I should do that though, as a former employee of them
# 18:11 tantek if you have any doubts, just ask for review and edits
# 18:12 tantek I think you get the factual-centric documentation style of the wiki
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# 18:56 kylewm tantek: sorry if you already know, but that is running GNU social
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# 19:03 tantek kylewm: yeah - it's a particularly nice presentation of GNU social
# 19:03 tantek my point was more the UX than the underlying plumbing :)
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# 19:11 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: my impression is that talks about federation with StatusNet/GNU social are a dead end. There's only one-ish developer and he doesn't have time/interest
# 19:12 kylewm buuut since it's built on Atom and PuSH, bridgy shouldn't be necessary
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# 19:13 aaronpk_ this is mostly a thing internal to p3k, but I've been considering refactoring my code to remove the entire concept of post type
# 19:13 aaronpk_ as it stands, i've actually had better luck with my generic "note" type that I have sort of extended in various ways
# 19:13 tantek I'm pretty sure I documented my (architectural / design) reasons for post type
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# 19:14 aaronpk_ i think if I continue this thought I may end up with 2-3 very coarse types
# 19:14 tantek but some explicit post types are still useful IMO
# 19:14 tantek aaronpk - I tried to document my reasoning for that in my Whistle documentation I think
# 19:14 aaronpk_ but the way I'm thinking about it, I have a "post" which may have various attributes such as name, content, photo, etc
# 19:15 ben_thatmustbeme i have every post stored as just a POST, just happen to have different fields for different "types"
# 19:15 aaronpk_ some posts also have a start/end date, which then also may contain a route
# 19:15 ben_thatmustbeme but I store them all in one place for that very reason, things like photos and notes are really fine line between them
# 19:16 tantek aaronpk - perhaps write a follow-up to your previous blog post where you debated this?
# 19:16 aaronpk_ good thinking. now I have a ton of real-world examples on my site to screenshot too
# 19:17 aaronpk_ of that list I am still not publishing "people" or "venues"
# 19:18 aaronpk_ oh hey in the "future work" section I even mentioned wanting to create micropub
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# 19:31 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: happy to discuss questions or challenges for any of them, i.e. why etc.
# 19:33 tantek emprical answer, I post my RSVPs as notes (t) with in-reply-to link to an event post.
# 19:34 tantek it could, though with experience I've found some response just make sense as notes
# 19:35 tantek thus I'm considering restricting 'r' to review, recommendation
# 19:35 tantek or even review, recommendation (with optional but likely rating)
# 19:37 kylewm micropub question, semi-relevant to all this ... could a micropub client publish h=cite's for reply contexts?
# 19:39 ben_thatmustbeme oh, read more, i get it, line up the words correctly and it spells soemthing going down
# 19:39 benatkin tantek: five cryptocurrencies and no mention of dogecoin *smh*
# 19:40 ben_thatmustbeme kylewm, what you mean remotely push the reply-context rather than have the site fetch its own
# 19:41 kylewm I think it would be a wholly separate POST call
# 19:43 kylewm I'm really surprised it picked up "what is an RSVP" in your earlier message
# 19:43 tantek ok now I'm confused as to why Loqi picked up and what is an RSVP
# 19:44 tantek ok now I'm confused as to why Loqi did not pick up and what is an Dogecoin
adactio joined the channel
# 19:46 ben_thatmustbeme tantek, other questions (though i assume you fit them under notes) are scobbles / listens / watches also any of aaron's quatized self data, sleep hours, etc
# 19:47 ben_thatmustbeme i have been trying to clarify this all in my head, i'm thinking there might be some better categorization that can be done in general. historical vs planned vs doing
# 19:47 kylewm bret: e.g. I wanted to have two rigid divs, side by side (like for showing a avatar next to a comment). with the avatar float: left, the comment text flows around the picture in an ugly way. but if the comment is "overflow-x: hidden", it wraps how I wanted .... no idea why
# 19:49 bret bummed to find out sass does not do any kind of auto prefixing magic
# 19:50 ben_thatmustbeme something I .... did(watched/listenedto), plan to do(event), am doing (checkin/note), like (favorites/external links), am responding to (rsvp/comment) , think (review,article/note)
# 19:51 kylewm I didn't know who any of these people were the first time I read it :P
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# 19:51 kylewm bret: sorry I mean, the "what is" was coming, not prefix magic
# 19:51 tantek kylewm: and now you know likely nearly all of them :P
# 19:52 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: back to your question(s) about scobbles / listens / watches also any of aaron's quatized self data, sleep hours, etc
# 19:52 Loqi tantek meant to say: ben_thatmustbeme: back to your question(s) about scrobbles / listens / watches also any of aaron's quatized self data, sleep hours, etc
# 19:52 tantek otherwise the unit you're looking for is milliscobles
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# 19:55 tantek aaronpk, indeed, see socialwg channel and minutes
# 19:55 tantek it's a thing that still wants to do its own protocols
# 19:55 aaronpk_ oh I thought that was just a reference to that (old) thread
# 19:57 kylewm oh ha that wasn't a typo, it really is milliscobles
# 19:59 ben_thatmustbeme huh, noticed scrobbles don't list video, apparently trakt.tv is trying to be last.fm of video
# 20:00 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: re: bookmarks, I'd likely re-use text notes for that
# 20:00 tantek with in-reply-to to the bookmarked link, and maybe u-bookmark-of
# 20:01 tantek though they do "feel" different from notes so I'm not sure
# 20:01 tantek nor have I actively used services like delicious
# 20:03 tantek of course, hence I have 'm' for message, including private messages
# 20:03 ben_thatmustbeme its just hard, there are going to be so many types of posts that it will get pretty messy pretty fast
# 20:04 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: for things like "scrobbles" and "views", they are in a general category of "passive" posts, where without even doing anything explicitly, you "do" them.
# 20:05 tantek and seaparate from any *active* metrics / quantified self data, sleep hours
# 20:05 tantek vs. the environment (scrobbles, listens, watches)
# 20:06 tantek another I thought about was a "question" like what people post on Quora.
# 20:06 tantek I see that as different from article and note
# 20:06 tantek in terms of the expected response, where to syndicate etc.
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# 20:08 ben_thatmustbeme it gets pretty hard to see the line between that and note though, splitting based on expectation can get fuzzy
# 20:08 tantek a question is something that is explicitly asking for answers
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# 20:09 tantek so I just logged back into Quora for the first time in years and I see that the few questions I asked and answers I provided have been deleted
# 20:09 ben_thatmustbeme which brings up an interesting question, how would one "upvote" or "downvote" a response to a question
# 20:09 tantek I have 0 Questions and 0 Answers on Quora currently
# 20:11 ben_thatmustbeme i would guess either in-reply-to the original question, with some markup to identify "upvote" on the comment's canonical URL, OR, in-reply-to the comment's canonical URL as a "like" or "upvote" and send a webmention to the question's URL
# 20:21 tantek as an example of why shorter URLs are important
# 20:22 aaronpk i mean it's due to me reading IRC through a console-based client, so it's partly my fault
# 20:22 tantek aaronpk, not your fault. document the limitation of the specific client in handling such URLs
# 20:23 tantek sigh, we had a couple of drupal folks at IndieWebCamp Cambridge and couldn't convince them to at least create a stub page for it?
# 20:30 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: re: questions and metrics/measurements, captured: tantek.com/w/Whistle#underconsideration
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# 20:36 tantek for scrobbles/listens/watchings/viewings - I think those are all the same kind of post, something passive that is about your environment more than it is about you an "experience" post
# 20:37 aaronpk_ I suppose things like reading books or web comics would fall into that category too
# 20:37 tantek not sure what shortcode I'd use for them. I could pick from j,k,y,z (reserved) OR I could use x since that is in "experience"
# 20:37 tantek and simply drop XMDP profile as I haven't posted any of those on my own site and don't expect to
# 20:37 bret if the box model is flawed, why not default to the one every one wants to use?
# 20:37 ben_thatmustbeme if you "like" a song its different than just listening to it. basically anything that auto-posts photos I would then put under that class too
# 20:37 tantek bret perhaps you meant to ask that in #css :)
# 20:38 tantek I disagree re: photos as you actively *took* the photo
# 20:38 tantek now if something is passively taking photos for you - that would be different!
# 20:38 tantek that could be a "saw" type of post with an attached photo
# 20:39 tantek yes if the narrative clip auto-posted, that would be like scrobbling for photos
# 20:39 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: not really. very different to have an explicit view of what someone has framed and taken
# 20:40 tantek vs. just a timeline of passive "measurements" that happen to be pixels
# 20:40 ben_thatmustbeme true, what i'm getting at is basically the same thing that has been said about photos, i really don't see "Photo" as a post type. its a note / scrobble that contains a photo
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# 20:41 tantek and notes (and other things) *with* a photo (or more) attached
# 20:42 tantek explicit photo type post is a replacement for IG/Flickr UX
# 20:42 tantek whereas notes with a photo is Twitter/FB status+photo replacement
# 20:42 tantek those have very different UX and user expectations
# 20:42 tantek where's it's unlikely you'd put notes with photos into an album
# 20:42 aaronpk_ instagram and twitter are more similar to me, flickr is less about a single stream of posts and more about collections
# 20:43 tantek then post a note that references that photo post and embeds it
# 20:43 aaronpk_ this is why I think the whole photo vs note discussion is irrelevant. they're all just posts.
# 20:43 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: you're describing it by its parts rather than by the experience
# 20:43 tantek the UX is very different in those scenarios I just listed
# 20:43 tantek they are bigger than the sum of their types of data
# 20:45 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, i guess i need to think more user facing wise, as I do see that an explicit "photo" post could have some additional UI for zooming etc, but then I still don't see that discluding text
# 20:47 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: hmm, i guess i need to think more user facing wise, as I do see that an explicit "photo" post could have some additional UI for zooming etc, but then I still don't see that excluding text
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# 20:53 snarfed hey aaronpk, you haven't (re)tried commenting w/the instagram API yet, have you?
# 20:53 aaronpk_ my priority on that is relatively low since ownyourgram works just fine with the posse-post-discovery
# 20:54 snarfed right. my itch is the other direction, posseing my own comments
# 20:54 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: thanks for your very astute and specific questions, has helped me refine the design for better future use
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# 21:34 kylewm "Other services like Flickr (isn’t that one passé?)..."
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# 21:35 kylewm is Flickr the first silo that has been obsoleted without anybody replacing it?
# 21:43 sparverius also smugmug could be possibly a competitor to them but apparently yahoo got its shit together w/r/t flickr
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# 22:16 aaronpk_ I kind of miss the days when websites had lots of tiny text
# 22:16 aaronpk_ maybe I can make a retro theme for my site or something
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# 23:09 aaronpk tho kind of funny that it was to the pingback page specifically
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# 23:13 kylewm aaronpk: shouldn't that be filtered since that page doesn't link to indiewebcamp.com?
# 23:14 aaronpk it probably did at the time the pingback was sent
# 23:14 aaronpk create a page that actually does link to the spam target, and after the first request to that page, update it to redirect to your desired location
# 23:14 aaronpk the first request to that page being the target verifying the link exists
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# 23:18 GWG No Smugmug page in the wiki? Hmmm..
# 23:18 kylewm ahh I see and since pingback required a backlink, they wouldn't need to write an exploit specifically for webmention
# 23:23 aaronpk could technically even happen with a vouched webmention if the vouch was legit
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:28 snarfed1 eh it's just british for proprietary, right?
# 23:28 snarfed1 and/or custom
# 23:29 snarfed1 i guess custom
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