mkoI actually couldn't find it in their docs, but there's a Node module that creates a streaming connection that listens for new pushed events:
mkoYeah. I didn't really want to deal with maintaining a service right now. I barely have time to work on my own stuff, so maintaining an external service would be more work than I'd like to deal with.
snarfedwhich is probably why we here aren't as aware of it, since 1) not as many personal sites run it, and 2) not as many of the sites that do run it have badges saying so, since the owners replace them with their own name and logo
tantek.comedited /IndieMark (-17) "/* search */ link search main page, move brainstorms / possible futures / features to main search page, Level 5 awaiting real world implementations beyond Level 4" (view diff)
KartikPrabhu, Jihaisse, eschnou, KevinMarks_, loic_m, stream7 and krendil joined the channel
snarfedi'm definitely happy to help people w/wordpress when i can, of course! but we'll case by case. e.g. twitter is kinda the worst possible medium for helping someone with sysadmin debugging
snarfedGWG: definitely not! lots of us here use wordpress, and we've all been helping others more or less as things come up. i think that's probably working ok as is
david.shanske.comcreated /SmugMug (+435) "Created page with "<dfn>SmugMug</dfn> is a paid service for hosting photos. Features include folders, galleries, metadata, options to share to social networks, and options to seamlessly send phot..."" (view diff)
tantek!tell bear I don't understand your point about "** Replies and mentions" - are those *others'* replies and mentions *to your articles?* or did you mean replies and mentions that *you* publish?
tantek!tell aaronpk how long have you been exclusively posting notes (@-replies, etc.) to your own site instead of Twitter? (add yourself! ) Or do you still occassionally post a note directly to Twitter not using your own site?
tantek!tell benwerd how long have you been exclusively posting notes (@-replies, etc.) to your own site instead of Twitter? (add yourself! ) Or do you still occassionally post a note directly to Twitter not using your own site?
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 21 minutes ago: how long have you been exclusively posting notes (@-replies, etc.) to your own site instead of Twitter? (add yourself! ) Or do you still occassionally post a note directly to Twitter not using your own site?
Loqibear: tantek left you a message 25 minutes ago: I don't understand your point about "** Replies and mentions" - are those *others'* replies and mentions *to your articles?* or did you mean replies and mentions that *you* publish?
LoqiInstagram is a popular image hosting silo most well known for square photos that have been processed with an image filter
snarfedtantek: re the wiki edit, it only really relates to a discussion aaronpk and i had a while ago. instagram's commenting API does work, you just need to apply to get whitelisted
snarfedtantek: sure! understood. in this case, aaronpk saw a doc change that we thought implied a difference, but we were wrong. the docs do (still) match the API
snarfedresponse body: {"meta":{"error_type":"APIError","code":400,"error_message":"This client ID is not permitted to POST comments. For more info, please refer to our developer site at http:\/\/\/developer\/endpoints\/comments."}}
andicascadesfHey guys. I’d really love to lead a 30 day blogging challenge for IndieWebCamp. We could come up with a list of writing prompts and encourage people to develop a habit of blogging daily.
andicascadesfMost of my blogging is personal, but a few companies have been requesting for me to write a blog post on their site about starting a design community, etc.