2014-11-13 UTC
npdoty joined the channel
# 00:05 tantek and with that in mind, who's coming to next week's HWC meetup(s)?
# 00:09 andicascadesf Unfortunately, it’s the same evening at UXNight, which is scheduled based on speaker and venue availability.
# 00:09 andicascadesf :/ wahhhh!
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:10 andicascadesf same goes for Dec. 3rd.
# 00:10 npdoty add a plugin to your own site so that it automatically archives all the pages that you link to
# 00:11 npdoty ... and then when those inevitably disappear, you can provide a cache link to your users with your cached copy of the pages
# 00:12 andicascadesf Hey guys, gotta go, but thanks for the insight on the blog challenge. Tantek, would be a great new years resolution. 30 days of blogging to start off 2015.
# 00:14 tantek I think I stopped doing new years resolutions and instead started doing new years actions.
lukebrooker, snarfed, fmarier, j12t, j12t_, KartikPrabhu, yakker and mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 01:06 KartikPrabhu re: new years resolutions, isn't there already a 2015 indieweb challenge? replace completely your use of Twitter by IWC 2015?
# 01:18 tantek I think I can do *completely* for *publishing*
# 01:19 tantek but I don't think I'll have a reader built by then that I can replace
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# 01:20 KartikPrabhu yeah for me the obstacles are reader, posting interface and following lists
# 01:21 tantek KartikPrabhu: I've been thinking of that larger challenge though of *completely* replace Twitter - what would it take?
# 01:21 tantek I have implemented a good chunk of that on my own site
npdoty joined the channel
# 01:24 gRegor` Re: blogging for 30 days challenge, National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) has been going on each November for years. There is one each month, actually, but November is the main one.
# 01:25 gRegor` They have suggested prompts, but they're optional of course.
# 01:25 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Yeah, that's where the name derived from
# 01:25 KartikPrabhu tantek: the replce Twitter challenge should be official, so that people can take it up. Even if most people get half way that'll be huge
# 01:26 gRegor` I've participated in NaBloPoMo a couple times, once successfully.
# 01:26 gRegor` It's quite large; good way to 'meet' new bloggers by browsing around. Honestly I think it was easier to network before Blogher took it over
# 01:27 gRegor` goes to create wiki pages
# 01:28 kylewm I haevn't been able to figure out a way to do the server sent events stuff without getting into green threads :(
# 01:30 gRegor` green threads?
# 01:30 kylewm unfortunately this was discussed in #indiechat
# 01:30 Loqi This. (AKA THIS. or This: or THIS:) is type of quotation post similar in meaning to a combined like & repost where the text "This." is stated on a line by itself after the quotation, or the text "This:" is stated before a quotation or URL to express a strong affirmation or agreement with the referenced quotation or article http://indiewebcamp.com/this
# 01:30 kylewm aaronpk was talking about server-sent threads as an alternative to websockets
# 01:33 KartikPrabhu hmm. Is there an advantage over Web Sockets? Why are there 2 specs doing the same thing? Are both w3c/whatwg specs?
# 01:33 kylewm Python has libraries for managing lots of concurrent lightweight threads, e.g. gevent, but I haven't wanted to get into them
# 01:33 KartikPrabhu also interestign things like this should be moved from #indiechat to #indiewebcamp so we have logs
# 01:33 kylewm that's what I meant by green thread. I'm not sure if that's 100% techincally accurate
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# 01:37 kylewm KartikPrabhu: AFAICT, websockets are bi-directional and over a separate channel. server-sent events are over HTTP and only server to client
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# 01:44 tantek KartikPrabhu: the challenge is to map the Twitter features list into IndieMark features and levels
# 01:46 tantek I really need to implement "email" posts on my own site so I can POSSE them to W3C mailing lists just to make a point. Especially social web wg.
# 01:47 KartikPrabhu tantek: what is the flavour of the general discussion in social web wg?
# 01:47 tantek KartikPrabhu: in IRC, good. on the wiki, ok, some noise. on the mailing list? a big mess.
# 01:48 tantek there is no "they" - there's a lot of individuals
# 01:48 tantek most of whom make proposals without actually using their own sites to do so
# 01:48 tantek so I ignore the mailing list unless someone points to it in IRC
# 01:49 tantek w3c was born in the age of email lists - 1990s
# 01:49 gRegor` ^ Props to Eden for maintaining her permalinks, blog posts from 2006 still working
# 01:49 gRegor` Even after a domain name change, apparently
# 01:50 KartikPrabhu i should figure out a way to do permanent redirects in my old Blogger posts
# 01:51 tantek even just replacing what Twitter *launched with* would be a huge accomplishment
# 01:52 tantek KartikPrabhu: btw that being said about w3c and social wg - I was asked to participate and co-chair because indieweb opinions ARE valued there
# 01:53 tantek so in that regard, I'd encourage you to lurk in the IRC channel as well irc://irc.w3.org:6665/social
# 01:54 tantek there's also been a bunch of related discussion with marginalia and fragmentions too
# 01:59 gRegor` wut. that's a new one to me.
# 02:00 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Does Blogger allow javascript? Bit messy, but you could do window.location=URL
# 02:04 tantek idea was stuck in my head so I had to braindump it
# 02:06 tantek seems fitting in the spirit of tilde club etc.
# 02:08 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: that is for redirecting within Blogger. or else you have to some JS trickery
# 02:13 tantek I wonder if people learning '@' as a username prefix made '~' more usable
# 02:15 kylewm given the overloaded meaning of @ in email addresses, it's kind of remarkable that they did (mostly) learn it
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# 02:48 kylewm oh I get it, it's because they're non-square ... thought it was a network hiccup at first
# 02:49 kylewm also interesting because that's a very active, thoughtful thread! mostly backfeed facebook
# 02:50 tantek I keep wanting to click the * to favorite the post :(
# 02:51 kylewm I think that is an issue/annoyance for Known users too
cmhobbs joined the channel
# 02:52 kylewm like, that you can't post likes from one Known to another
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# 03:04 tantek kylewm: SF location for next week's HWC is a go
# 03:04 tantek could you post an indie event and POSSE copy?
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# 04:28 GWG I might be able to come to HWC this week
# 04:53 kylewm julian``: I see only four markers in the final output
# 04:56 kylewm KevinMarks_: before I reply to tilgovi's tweet, I think he is confused about what bridgy is (i.e. they should not need it for indieweb <-> hypothesis). agree?
# 05:13 KartikPrabhu kylewm: oh I just did that. also your comment about tilgovi's confusion did not make it to the logs
Loqi and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 05:21 aaronpk yeah, I copy my weechat logs and the script imports them into the database
gRegor` joined the channel
# 05:52 julian`` kylewm read the console.log it shows 4 but theyre underneath, if you change draggable="true" you can move them around and see
adactio joined the channel
# 05:55 kylewm julian``: drag them around where? the code you shared *only* prints things out to the console
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# 06:23 GWG kylewm: You've been to one of these HWCs?
# 06:24 GWG I might actually be available when it is on. What preparations should be made if I can?
# 06:39 kylewm GWG: that would be great, I think we should be able to have a talky up from MozSF. You shouldn't need to do anything
KartikPrabhu, npdoty, stream7, cweiske, ooland, eschnou, j12t, loic_m, teknotus and krendil joined the channel
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# 11:11 davidpeach anybody know how to pull in twitter mentions into wordpress admin in order to reply directly from admin?
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# 12:48 petermolnar pfefferle, GWG are there any news/status on the converting pingback to webmention feature request?
scor, friedcell, veselosky, Sebastien-L, modem, pfefferle and mlncn-agaric joined the channel
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j12t, mdik, mlncn-agaric, danlyke, brianloveswords, eschnou, pfefferle and thedod joined the channel
# 15:14 GWG petermolnar: Re your question...you could always send pfefferle a pull request.
# 15:14 GWG thedod: Will look forward to seeing you there
# 15:14 petermolnar GWG I know, I just did not really start to think about a solution yet
# 15:14 thedod there were talks about a "dry run". Is that still on?
# 15:16 GWG petermolnar: The functions are there. You would just have to create a custom query for all pingbacks, check for the presence or absence of the metadata that is added by the plugin, and then process.
# 15:16 thedod Got time to talk a bit about webmention for my case? (as Mum says: why do you always have to be a special case?)
# 15:16 GWG thedod: This is the first online event. The entire event is also a dry run for future increased online participation
# 15:16 GWG thedod: I'm not an expert, but what's on your mind?
# 15:17 thedod Sending webmentions I guess I can handle. The problem is my weird permalinks
# 15:19 thedod what it does is redirect to an anchor on a page (they're all on the same page. it's a tiddlywiki)
# 15:22 GWG Not sure, not familiar with tiddlywiki
# 15:22 thedod I can add stuff there giving a url where you can send webmentions (I'll write the app if needed)
tantek joined the channel
# 15:23 thedod and let's suppose you'll guess that you click on more, permalink, and copy the url. question it:
# 15:24 thedod the thing comes from a static cloud storage. I'd need to add some js that reads the comments and displays them
# 15:25 GWG thedod: Lots of people here have done webmentions on static sites
# 15:25 GWG They probably have some thoughts. Try bear, I think he did that, for one
# 15:25 thedod there's not exactly a "bottom" here, unless you mean at the bottom of each visible tiddler
# 15:27 tantek GWG - did you see davidpeach's request above?
# 15:28 tantek a-ha, wondering if I can help by at least collecting those in the WordPress Outreach Community #inbox
# 15:28 GWG tantek: That's the sort of functionality I wanted to add to my Indieweb Taxonomy plugin.
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# 15:29 GWG tantek: According to the wiki, there is a php-mf2 library and a twitter to mf2 conversion.
# 15:29 GWG Using those to add the ability to bring in the content from Twitter automatically is something I would like to do.
mlncn-agaric, gr0k, chrissaad and snarfed joined the channel
# 15:40 GWG tantek: I need more committee members
# 15:41 tantek GWG, take the easiest one on the list - or if you were to ask me which to pick, I'd start with Dan Gillmor's request - sounds pretty important to debug that
# 15:41 tantek I think snarfed set him up with all the Bridgy related stuff, but anyone in the WordPress Outreach Committee should be able to help out with that right?
# 15:44 tantek (I'm just trying to help make sure the opportunities to help / requests don't get lost)
# 15:50 GWG tantek: Check the page. How many listed members are there?
# 15:50 tantek GWG - one is all it takes to start something. That is certainly part of the essence of the indie web.
# 15:51 GWG Either way, today is my last day of work. I'm taking a few days, which include IWC Online on Sunday. So after today, I'll be kicking in some time.
# 15:51 GWG Also need to clean my apartment, but that isn't Indieweb unless I write about it
chalettu joined the channel
# 16:05 tantek GWG, I did mean the "committee" in a tongue-in-cheek way
# 16:06 tantek I certainly don't want people to think there's any intention of bureaucracy (what committee seems to imply)
# 16:06 GWG I know. But I tend to run with jokes.
# 16:07 tantek Have you considered how IndieWeb could change your life^H^H^H^H blog?
# 16:07 Loqi tantek meant to say: Have you considered how IndieWeb could improve your life^H^H^H^H blog?
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# 16:08 tantek GWG, I'm also trying to be more sensitive to how such jokes can sometimes be seen as as insiderisms, and potentially off-putting to new folks (they just feel they don't belong because they're not part of the inside joke)
# 16:09 tantek thus a suggestion to consider renaming to WordPress Outreach Club. It's also fitting with the already existing Homebrew Website Club. I like the informality of "club". It's approachable.
# 16:09 tantek not a big deal - just a suggestion. up to y'all GWG, pfefferle :)
Jihaisse joined the channel
# 16:11 pfefferle yea, club sounds more like smokings and cigars… GWG, tantek
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# 16:21 GWG tantek: I'm nominating you for club mascot
# 16:22 GWG tantek: But think of the merchandising.
# 16:22 GWG tantek figurines...tantek posters...
# 16:23 GWG tantek: I did once suggest that, based on your attending of the majority of Indiewebcamps, if you ever didn't show up, you should be photoshopped into the group photos.
# 16:23 GWG Sort of like a Where's Waldo type thing
# 16:25 GWG The problem with me joking is I have such a serious delivery people can't tell
# 16:30 GWG mattl: I lack the perspective you do on that
# 16:30 tantek GWG, they also tend to be self-deprecating, and hyperbolicly so.
# 16:31 tantek just RSVP'd to the FB Posse copy of the event from Bridgy not FB
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# 16:32 GWG I have to watch a Chili's commercial?
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# 16:34 mattl if you don't have adblock installed, i guess you do. sorry about that.
# 16:34 GWG mattl: Adblock seems unfair to people trying to make money. I just disabled the ability to autoplay video. But on Youtube...
danlyke joined the channel
# 16:47 julian`` hi kyle the map doesnt show the markers because it outputs to a different page, however there are more than four markers in the console.log
# 16:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:53 julian`` busy week tantek
mlncn-agaric and friedcell joined the channel
# 16:56 kylewm julian``: I mean, it prints out the string 4 times and each time it gets 1 map-marker longer, is that what you mean?
# 17:01 kylewm julian``: is this something for your personal website?
# 17:11 GWG tantek: I do need your advice. Someone mentioned it and I added a SmugMug page to the wiki. Can you think of any other categories to cover? You are an advanced wiki contributor.
gRegor` joined the channel
# 17:15 GWG I'm also curious how SmugMug could fit into an Indieweb site. Unlike Flickr, there isn't a community exactly.
# 17:15 GWG I set up my family on Smugmug because they wanted a private photo storage service.
# 17:18 GWG Is it some of the features on the silo list or does it have to hit all of them to be a silo?
# 17:21 GWG Also, I did this because I didn't want to be supporting an archive of 12,000 photos for my family. I wonder if not building my own solution is hypocritical of me.
# 17:22 gRegor` Morning, indiewebcamp!
# 17:23 kylewm GWG: it would only be hypocritical if you advocate that people immediately start storing all their data on servers they control
# 17:24 gRegor` Maybe I'll actually get back to some work on my site next week :)
# 17:34 tantek GWG, we can only build so much, so quickly, for ourselves, for others.
# 17:35 tantek GWG - it's a place that hosts your photos for you at URLs they control. that's fairly obv silo.
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# 17:37 GWG tantek: So, how do I, if I'm not prepared to take over the hosting, integrate it?
# 17:38 tantek start with: put it on your list of itches to scratch to start with, at whatever priority level it is vs. existing itches - then you can later look at taking an approach like BuddyPress or Diaspora, which involve self-hosted solutions for small groups of people
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:38 tantek any time you feel like "I should do that… " just collect into into your itches list on your user: page
# 17:39 tantek that will make it (more) obvious to you how many things you have you want to work on, and hopefully help make it clear the tradeoffs of working on one vs another
alanpearce, brianloveswords and emmak joined the channel
# 17:59 thedod I'm back. contemplating redwind. kylewm here?
# 18:00 thedod found >30 occurences of "kyle" in templates :) will try to fork and parametrize a bit more.
# 18:00 thedod also no creat_all() script. had to copy/paste from the jekyl importer
# 18:00 gRegor` kylewm: You're so vain, you probably think this code is about you
# 18:03 thedod bottom line: instead of making my static / indiewebcamp-friendly, I'll put a redwind at /indie or something and only do some rel=whatevers at /
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# 18:07 kylewm thedod: and install.py definitely has a create_all()
# 18:12 tantek I wonder if we could put a JS embed on the wiki that showed webmentions for each page?
# 18:12 tantek then we could iterate on showing special webmentions differently, e.g. RSVPs and invitations!
# 18:13 tantek aaronpk, I thought barnabywalters made a JS embed for webmention.io
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# 18:17 aaronpk i wouldn't want to do iframe embed on the wiki. i'd rather do JS embed
# 18:20 tantek aaronpk, why not iframe embed? works better cross-domain too
# 18:21 aaronpk I've always found it harder to make it look good as an iframe
# 18:21 thedod kylewm, good thing I looked. I've overlooked install.py #facepalm
# 18:23 kylewm aaronpk: yeah I had to use postMessage to get resizing to work at all (still needs work)
# 18:24 kylewm thedod: and ">30 occurences of kyle in the templates"? I only see two
# 18:25 dietrich tantek: can't commit for next week in pdx, will have just got back into town after long travel spell. is aaronpk hosting?
# 18:26 gRegor` Holy mentions, BatLoqi
# 18:27 thedod kylewm, I'm now reinstalling from scratch, so we'll see. On the instance I have at localhost I see [e.g.] your h-card on /, and it's hardwired into the temlate
# 18:28 thedod maybe I ran some rogue code when I tried to run something that does create_all(). will tell you how it goes as soon as the fresh instance installs
# 18:30 thedod kylewm, finished the pip, no install.py returns ImportError: No module named flask.ext.script
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# 19:36 tantek that's an impressive onboarding time - well done kylewm and thedod
# 19:44 gRegor` what is onboarding?
mlncn-agaric, stream7, danlyke, snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 20:19 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I think he's going to have to figure that out on his own, or come talk to us here
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# 20:35 KartikPrabhu1 feel free to chime in that confusing conversation ^^^
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# 21:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
fmarier joined the channel
# 21:56 KartikPrabhu seems to be a terrible confusion about webmention, backfeed and POSSE all in one
# 21:57 thedod kylewm: No kidding. And I was doing all that in mysql
# 21:58 thedod the authorize links look cool (once I deploy where I have a domain name)
# 21:58 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I think he is talking about threaded comments
# 21:59 KartikPrabhu thedod: btw the "telling off" you got on your post seems pretty on point
# 21:59 KartikPrabhu kylewm: yeah, he is. And it is a problem only if people have comment forms that can reply to webementioned replies
# 22:02 thedod KartikPrabhu, that got me reading "getting start" and eventually to messing about with redwind
# 22:04 thedod Originally, I got here "by mistake". someone said in a comment "you should talk to indiewebcamp people about this", so I came in a mindset of "it probably fits here"
# 22:04 KartikPrabhu also "people with sites that you can log in to" is also not accurate :P
# 22:04 thedod as thegrugq says: when you have a hammer, everything looks like a finger
# 22:05 KartikPrabhu fwiw: I could use Indieauth as a openid delegate and log in to your site ;)
# 22:05 thedod So I think I'll do both things without mixing them. Open a /indies on my set (with some microformats on / pointing there)
# 22:06 thedod would it work? can indieauth "play openid server?"
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# 22:09 bret thedod: yeah, when myopenid closed down, the existing indieauth service was made to act as an openID deligate
# 22:10 thedod so if I'm dubiousdod.org, what's my openid there?
# 22:11 bret so dubiousdod.org is your personal domain you want to log into services that support openID?
# 22:11 bret step 1) Get vanilla indieauth working
# 22:12 thedod it works. I got a user page at iwc and everything
# 22:12 bret step 2) add the necessary openID delegate headers to your personal website.
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# 22:13 bret thedod: have you managed to log into the wiki yet?
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# 22:18 bret indieauth generally assumes it can find authentication providers on the domain I am logging in with tho... doesn't provide much in terms of anonymity.
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# 22:27 bret could wikis be made to fit indieweb patterns?
# 22:27 bret the wiki acceps webmentions, but doesn't display them
# 22:28 KartikPrabhu bret: I'm sure anything that outputs HTML can be *made* to fit indieweb patterns
# 22:28 bret What if whenever you edited something, the page is parsed and wemmentions are sent
# 22:29 bret what was kind of the original use of pingback, which didn't really pan out.
# 22:29 Loqi bret meant to say: that was kind of the original use of pingback, which didn't really pan out.
# 22:30 bret KartikPrabhu: im not sure, I'm just thinking outloud about how the wiki could incorporate more indieweb stuffs
# 22:31 KartikPrabhu sure. I am pointing out that it isn't about "could we do it" but "do we care to"
# 22:31 bret annotations might be interesting (but deciding who's annotations you see sounds messy).
# 22:31 bret Posting of events and displaying RSVP would be super great
# 22:31 kylewm I think I would like to receive webmentions from the wiki!
# 22:32 bret (indieweb style, not just log in and add yourself)
# 22:32 kylewm also I'm glad mediawiki doesn't use the StudlyCaps style
# 22:33 bret getting web mentions from the wiki might be kind of cool form a citation standpoint, but I would want it displayed in a non-noisy way. like maybe a sparkline showing number of cites
# 22:33 bret rather than an OL of mostly out of context urls
# 22:34 kylewm bret: how many thousands of wiki citations are you expecting to get :P
# 22:35 bret if a page generates interest over other pages, it might be interesting to display that visually somehow
# 22:35 bret might as in, I would be interested in playing around with that
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# 22:51 thedod 6AM. Today is another day :) Good night or something.
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# 22:55 GWG I am thinking about making this weekend about redesigning my Facepile. But that gets me nothing new.
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# 23:03 bret having a dynamic enhancement JS loader makes using libraries pretty friggin easy. love it
# 23:04 bret require.js docs are horrible.... someone needs to tldrequirejs
# 23:04 bret yeah, i don't fully grok the shims stuff
# 23:05 bret kylewm: all I want is a single entry point for my scripts... have very few be global scripts, and dynamic loading of libs as needed based on content on the page
# 23:05 GWG Please don't mention chat standard time.
# 23:06 bret tantek: blog centric vs wiki centric understanding maybe? I don't really understand "WikiLog using SmashedTogetherWords, you'd encourage a cross-user graph"
# 23:07 tantek seems to place additional unnecessary requirements
# 23:07 tantek you don't need to be running a wiki to be on the indieweb
# 23:07 tantek you don't need to use SmashedTogetherWords to be on the indieweb
# 23:07 tantek you don't need any of that to encourage a cross-user graph
# 23:08 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:08 GWG kylewm, re shims, do you have any opinion on the twitter to mf2 shim?
# 23:09 bret if bill primarily publishes on the web via a wiki, then trying to make that talk with other sites might be an interesting endeavor for him. i got the impression iw is mainly blog-like because that was the independent publishing tool that most resembled modern use of silos
# 23:10 kylewm GWG: I have no problem with shims in general :)
# 23:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:11 bret tantek: my guess is the hassle stems from apathy. i.e. if I just want to post about things I don't care about keeping around to twitter, why am I taking the time to use to post to my own site first.
# 23:11 GWG I just want to get something working. i could always write my own later.
# 23:12 bret also, your yellow fading to light yellow css for fragmentions is great!
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# 23:13 tantek !tell tilgovi Next challenge: let's see you start posting notes (AKA generic tweets) on *your own site* and never directly on Twitter, optionally POSSEing copies to Twitter. Way more important than webmentions of comments of comments on someone else's site. http://indiewebcamp.com/ownyourdata and /selfdogfood
# 23:13 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 23:30 KartikPrabhu tantek: regardgin conversation with tilgovi . Hence at the end I posted a long note and only a very short summary POSSEd to Twitter :)
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# 23:33 KartikPrabhu to be fair he does selfdogfood the hypothes.is annotation system that he made
# 23:40 KartikPrabhu :D thanks! I'm thinking of using it in my fragmention getter UI. select a phrase and this icon pops up which gives you the fragmentioned link
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# 23:42 bret I had an idea the other day.. instead of indicating syndication links as "Also on:" or "syndicated to", rather as "Reply on: -your own site [form] - twitter, instagram, etc"
# 23:42 bret KartikPrabhu: that would be pretty nifty
# 23:42 bret although be kind to compulsive highlighters, such as myself
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# 23:47 KartikPrabhu it won't automatically redirect you or copy it to your clipboard. Just a pop-up UI near the text like what Medium does
# 23:47 bret as in don't make the interface to invasive or large
# 23:49 bret yeah thats pretty good. doesn't hover over the highlighted text (like the tail of the highlight). and the bubble comes up consistently in the horizontal axis
# 23:49 bret the only thing that might improve it is opacity
gr0k joined the channel
# 23:51 tantek KartikPrabhu: he's *dogfooding* hypothes.is - but since hypothes.is is not his personal site, nor is he running an install of hypothes.is on his personal site, he is not *selfdogfooding*
# 23:54 KartikPrabhu tantek: yes. But think the using your own code dogfooding also counts for something, maybe intermediate between full selfdogfooding and making code that you don't use yourself at all
# 23:54 tantek dogfooding is merely using your own code *somewhere*
# 23:55 tantek that's the point. that's why we emphasize *self*dogfooding beyond just dogfooding
# 23:55 kylewm I think it's confusing because *self* doesn't mean "on your personal website"
# 23:56 tantek kylewm: it does in a matter of philosophy. the notion of self. identity.
# 23:58 kylewm or rather, it connotates one "self" (the self who built the lightsaber and is using the lightsaber)
# 23:58 kylewm so it's confusing to add another "self" that means something slightly different