#tantekimplied in the SW mythology about lightsabers is that you have *only* one, that you are expected to have *built* it *yourself*, and that you *depend* on it as an extension of your *self*.
#tantekin RoJ, Luke is selfdogfooding his own lightsaber that he made. however in Ep1, Anakin is merely dogfooding C3P0, which he built to also help his mom. C3P0 is not part of Anakin. No aspect of identity/self.
#KartikPrabhuexcept on personal project pages like Red Wind
#tantek.comedited /selfdogfood (+484) "attempt to make it more clear how selfdogfooding is above and beyond just dogfooding (just using your code on some site somewhere)" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhuin the same vein... are people who use indieweb code such as Known but not actively code it not follow the indieweb selfdogfood principle?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: partially correct. they are not selfdogfooding Known, unless they actively *create* part of it (code is just one aspect - see /creator )
#tantekHowever, there may be other things on their personal site that they create, in which case they are selfdogfooding those creations
benjamin-agaric joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuso selfdogfooding is for code creators not artists and writer who would use indieweb code
#tantekfor example, I am selfdogfooding /Falcon as sole creator, and I'm even selfdogfooding the tmhOAuth library I use for relmeauth as a *partial* *fractional* contributor
#tantekcorrect, just "writing" is not selfdogfooding. unless perhaps you're a philosopher and your website is actually demonstrating the very philosophy you write about
#tantekif you wrote a recipe for dogfood, and then cooked it yourself, and ate it regularly, you would be selfdogfooding that writing
#KartikPrabhunot just philosophers but if a photographer uses known to publish their photos, it does not count as a complete indieweb principle satisfaction
#tantekbut most writing is not recipes for something else. most writing does not "build" anything.
#KartikPrabhuthey are not contributing visual design to the site
#tantekKartikPrabhu: right, perhaps more generally, merely publishing is not dogfooding
#tantekyou have to be creating some aspect of a *tool* which you then *use*
#tantekas a writer, if you invent new words, and use them as part of your personal identity on your website, you could be selfdogfooding those words
#KartikPrabhuyeah. I suppose as long as the goal is to own their own photos/writing I suppose it doesn't matter if they are technically selfdogfooding or not
#tantekownyourdata is different from selfdogfooding
#KartikPrabhume thinks the whole "blog every day" thing is what turned people off blogging in the first place. Not everyone can come up with stuff to write everyday
#KartikPrabhuthe first is a suggestion the second would be selfdogfooding
#KartikPrabhukylewm: I am not de-constructing the exact words. maybe I am building a strawman who knows :P
#gRegor`writing a blog post at random times (as the fancy hits you) is just publishing, not selfdogfooding, but setting up a schedule makes it selfdogfooding?
#tantekgRegor`: depends, if your "setting up a schedule" is programmatic, and you share that code, and do it, you could be said to be selfdogfooding *just that code*
emmak, j12t, snarfed, scor, KartikPrabhu, mko, gr0k, npdoty and JasonO joined the channel
#kylewmaaronpk: have you looked into server sent events more? it seems like having a traditional http server + a realtime server communicating over redis (i.e. the way you have done real time comments so far) is way more common than i knew
xxcoeurxx joined the channel
#aaronpkYeah I have a prototype of my realtime comments mechanism using SSE now
#aaronpkI like that it removed one of the moving parts, that I don't have to have a separate app running
#aaronpkYeah because SSE is really simple. It's basically just a way for the server to keep a connection open and send partial responses
#kylewmhow will you handle the thread problem though?
#aaronpkWe used to do this with long polling, except with long poking the client would have to make a new connection each time you sent an event
#aaronpkI dunno, same way you handle any type of load
#kylewmfrom the documentaiton, I'm having a little trouble differentiating what is necessary and what's necessary at scale
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#kylewmit's not load that i'm worried about though...it's holding open those threads
#kylewmi guess it would be the same issue with long polling?
#kylewmand possibly i just don't know how web servers work
#aaronpkSo Apache will make a new OS thread for each request. I think with nginx that is not the case
#kylewmbut like right now my uWSGI application has 4 processes and 2 threads each... so if 8 people have the site open at the same time, it would be completely locked down
#aaronpkAre you sure? cause node apps don't have that problem
#aaronpkmy current architecture requires running this node.js app (or could easily be written in ruby or python) as a totally separate thing from whatever web server you're running (nginx+php, nginx+ruby, python whatever)
#aaronpkthat means an additional process on the web server as well as listening on a different port. and if you're SSL, then you have to do SSL termination in both places.
benjamin-agaric, xxcoeurxx, j12t, gr0k, mdik_, fmarier, julian``, cmhobbs, ben_thatmust, brianloveswords, brianlov_, hmans and smcgregor joined the channel
#bretkylewm: yeah the philosophy of node is that everything that blocks should be async. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztspvPYybIY is pretty good at explaining the original line of thought. def worth a watch
#bretprioritizing the completion of a specific task to as close as its original calling time tends to result in increased overall concurrency, despite only a single thing happening at any one given time
#tylergillies__camilstore is pretty much a store all the things model right?
#bretcamlistore is an imutible datastore.... so everything you put in is saved to disk and deltas are layered on top as the data changes... everything you put in can theoretically come back out at some point
#bearis the python app on the server that is going to do the push to a web client? another client?
#tylergillies__tantek: is there a dns based indie auth protocol? My main site has a pretty strict url structure and redirects are setup using docker nginx template regex lines so I'd rather not mess with it
#tantektylergillies__: configuring DNS is painful enough for most people, nevermind figuring out how each DNS provider has their own UI for editing TXT records etc.
#kylewmbear: ahh, this is the first Im hearing about CherryPy. need to read up. thanks!!
#KartikPrabhufor instance how would you link to the TXT file? tylergillies__
#bearTXT record in DNS is the same IMO as having a well known url for discovery - it just avoids the web server but that is also it's weakness because it's not protected by SSL
#Loqisnarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 11/13 at 1:49pm: what are bridgy's latest reply webmention sending policies? of instance this: https://twitter.com/tilgovi/status/532982155354193920 did not get sent back because it was the 2nd reply/ was it not a reply at all?
#petermolnarah, now I remember, I did see this thread a while ago
chalettu joined the channel
#petermolnarsnarfed I digged a little around and getting favs and comments does not seem to be an issue once you have the list if image ids and getting the ids seem to be doable as well
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#snarfedhey all! …just to confirm, we don't yet have explicit mf2 for checkins, right?
#snarfedof the five examples i looked at, most use p-location and/or h-card for the venue, and occasionally h-geo, but nothing like h-as-checkin or similar
#tantekregardless, snarfed, it's a good question - "how should a check-in be marked up?"
#tantekI have the additional problem with many of my checkins that they are "published" after the time of the actual checkin (nevermind the photo aspect)
#tantekkylewm: lots of claims of federation - especially on mailing lists and readmes. Can you point to any *evidence* of actual federation happening? E.g. a post from one site/system running some software making it to another site/system running some other software, and a reply being sent back?
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#kylewm"first class federation" I would define as you haev ONE account that talks to lots of different servers running different software
snarfed joined the channel
#kylewmand I'm not trying to sell you on Friendica, just trying to answer questions about it
#tantekkylewm: that's a reasonable start of a definition
#tantekhaving seen years of claims of federation but very little actual evidence / usage, I remain skeptical of any cross-system federation claims
#Loqifederation in the context of the indieweb refers to services and features on indieweb sites that work directly with other indieweb sites peer-to-peer, without being bottlenecked by any kind of centralized service or silo http://indiewebcamp.com/federation
#tantekso pardon me if I don't believe there's some invisible original private post from which it originated.
#kylewmI reeeeally don't have a dog in this fight; I just know that friendica was the one effort that didn't seem to want purity
#tantekI don't have a dog in this fight either - I'm skeptical of all the federation claims.
friedcell joined the channel
#kylewmand I don't think you're wrong to be skeptical
#kylewmyou said "does anyone not see the rampant irony in every "federation" project requiring you to use *their* software", and I was just saying that they didn't do that
gavinc, brianloveswords, friedcell and thedod joined the channel
#tantekkylewm - that's a good point. even if it's only claimed, saying you federate with other projects is incrementally better than "install our software to federate".
#tanteknote to self, filter on "To better focus our efforts and to align them with the needs of our global member base" -> likely hollow rationalization for what comes next
#bearthere can be different things you can transfer in a federated system, but federation itself has only one meaning - the ability to send messages between different networks
#gRegor`"What if…? We appreciate the passion the users have for the site but there really is no other option than this. We explored many ideas for making more money but nothing worked for us." http://mlkshk.typepad.com/mlkshk/2014/04/goodbye.html
#tantekgRegor`: that's probably better captured on the mlkshk page
#snarfedtantek: probably not implementing, but i may compose them manually occasionally
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 3 minutes ago: are you thinking of implementing checkin posts for yourself? Perhaps add that to an Itches section on your User: page? http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Snarfed.org
#thedodHello again. An "etiquete" question: can I install my redwind as /indie (and add some microformat hints at /)? Or should my indiewebcamp presence be proudly displayed at /?
#tantekyou can install and run whatever software you want in whatever URL structure you want ;)
#thedodit lets you store data on a 1 or more hosts you don't necessarily trust, so that they can't tell what's there, and also they're redundant (even if they inject false data, you can recover)
#thedodtoday there are many services claiming they're "like dropbox but really secure"
#thedodthis is a decade old project for banks who want backup. not a toy
#thedodnow it's handy to have as a filesystem (backup, sharing, etc.), and I loved the trick that they did a plugin to tiddlywiki that lets you update to the cloud (if you run the client and do this on localhost), but maybe it jumped the shark
#thedodkylewm, first time I deploy with uwsgi and I wonder: config.py gets stuff from env. where do I make these env declarations in a uwsgi+nginx environment?
#thedodI also need to declare the virtualenv to run the "right" python
#thedod(compiled it 4 times today it would *better* be the right one)