2014-11-16 UTC
snarfed1, alanpearce, agaric, chrissaad, krendil and danlyke_ joined the channel
# 01:38 GWG I guess I'll have to pick up the slack
tantek joined the channel
# 02:02 GWG tantek: Any advice for ben_thatmustbeme and myself on keeping an IWC moving along?
# 02:05 tantek GWG, clone the intro session from a previous IWC, and see about adapting it for this medium
# 02:06 tantek ben_thatmustbeme was there in Cambridge for that particular delivery of the intro session, so he should be familiar with how that went, and may have some opinions about adapting it for Online.
# 02:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:11 GWG tantek: I need to write up an RSVP for that
# 02:11 tantek GWG - yes you were. However the intro session has continued to evolve after that. At IWC UK, then at IWC Cambridge.
# 02:13 bret Tantek, I have been on somewhat of a meetup hiatus. Last quarter of school is wrecking me. I don't think I can host until after the end of the quarter.
# 02:13 GWG tantek: I'll be happy to host an HWC in New York City.
# 02:13 GWG Regrettably, I don't think anyone from NYC is coming
# 02:14 tantek GWG - just need to find one more person to co-host with and you can do it.
tilgovi and agaric joined the channel
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# 02:38 tantek perhaps check with / contact other participants of past IWC NYC events for starters
mdik_ joined the channel
# 02:45 GWG I was hoping a future IWC NYC would attract more newcomers if we had more notice.
# 02:52 tantek focus on the next immediate thing, not something in the more distant future. In this case, instead of hope far off, act on what you can do for a HWC this week.
sysfu, agaric, snarfed, gr0k, danlyke_, lukebrooker, wolftune, mlncn and krendil joined the channel
wolftune, krendil and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 05:13 GWG kylewm: Yes. And comment presentation. I completely redesigned the way I was doing it.
mlncn joined the channel
# 05:39 GWG snarfed: I've been deep into the WordPress comments code
lukebrooker and mlncn joined the channel
# 05:52 sysfu Hi all. I'm getting started setting up a new blog. I'm looking for something minimalist, ideally does not require database, prefer python over PHP, and indieweb fiendly. Any suggestions?
# 05:52 sysfu I'm looking at PyBloxsom at the moment.
sysfu joined the channel
# 05:56 sysfu Sorr, bounced my local tor relay node and disconnected my IRC bouncer
# 05:58 GWG sysfu: There are python users here. Not sure if any of them are around.
# 05:59 sysfu OK, thanks. I'll check back in later, going to recompile my Tor relay to use LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL.
# 05:59 sysfu ...which will take down my IRC connection...
# 05:59 sysfu So be back in a few hours
# 06:30 kylewm it's interesting, seems like it's been a small but continuously active project for >10 years
alanpearce joined the channel
# 06:43 bear used to be a committer for pybloxsom back in the day
# 06:57 bear was introduced to it by my old boss Ted Leung
chrissaad, jonathanfrei1, frzn, alanpearce, sysfu, friedcell, jonathanfrei and brianloveswords joined the channel
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loic_m, alanpearce, wolftune and friedcell joined the channel
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mlncn and Garbee joined the channel
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# 13:28 leadballhummingb morning
# 13:29 GWG How did you get from leadballhummingb to ben_thatmust?
# 13:30 GWG ben_thatmust: Anything we need to discuss before 11?
# 13:31 GWG ben_thatmust: Dinner is good. I may have to step away for 10 minutes. They are delivering a new dryer. Old one exploded. Sometime between 9:45 and 12:45
# 13:34 GWG pfefferle: That reminds me. I sent over a Pull Request. Hopefully it is an improvement over the last one...which I learned from.
# 13:35 GWG pfefferle: Looking forward to it.
thedod joined the channel
# 13:40 thedod and *I* thought there were no mentions because nobody liked me :)
friedcell joined the channel
# 13:48 GWG Better go get cleaned up for IWC Online.
# 14:28 thedod that's what I'm about to commit unless a problem
# 14:28 thedod s/a problem/kylewm or someone has a better idea/
# 14:28 Loqi thedod meant to say: that's what I'm about to commit unless kylewm or someone has a better idea
friedcell, alanpearce and cmhobbs joined the channel
chrissaad and friedcell joined the channel
# 15:58 GWG ben_thatmust: Working on it here. Hangouts is giving me an issue for some reason.
# 16:03 thedod I'm still not sure how the GUI of this works, but it's google, so I guess they know better what's friendly :)
gr0k joined the channel
# 16:04 GWG We just tested this last week too
# 16:06 GWG It is insisting I don't have a camera.
# 16:07 GWG ben_thatmust: You be the IWC account then
# 16:08 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I think you may need to invite people
yakker joined the channel
# 16:08 aaronpk i'm having trouble getting connected *not* as indiewebcamp
# 16:09 aaronpk it keeps auto-changing me to the indiewebcamp user
danlyke_ joined the channel
# 16:10 aaronpk i'm just trying to figure out how I can connect as my own google account
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 16:10 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
ben_thatmust_ joined the channel
# 16:11 kylewm good morning :) I think I'm there too, it says "This live broadcast will begin soon"?
# 16:12 aaronpk but my google account is listed as a manager on the indiewebcamp page so it'll just put me in the same boat
# 16:21 GWG Welcome to IndiewebCamp Online 2014.
# 16:22 GWG Video will be available after the fact and live
# 16:25 GWG We've called upon aaronpk to recount the ancient days of Indiewebcamp
# 16:25 GWG ben_thatmustbe gave a brief overview
# 16:25 GWG Now, he is showing his site, benthatmustbe.me
# 16:26 GWG He supports login with Indieauth.
# 16:26 GWG And can verify using silos or the insecure Google Authenticator.
# 16:26 GWG Now that he has authenticated, he has editing options....
tantek joined the channel
# 16:33 ben_thatmust coming from a world where everything is secrective and anonymous, so this is quite a change for him
# 16:37 ben_thatmust one that he can enter data free form but also has an app called teacup that he can use from his watch
# 16:37 ben_thatmust has been working on finishing the pebble app so that anyone else can use it
# 16:40 ben_thatmust Matthias from germany does not have much to show of as he is also part of the wordpress outreach club
# 16:41 aaronpk we had several people get a pretty good start when I was doing the workshop in Nürnberg a couple weeks ago!
MattSchutte joined the channel
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# 16:49 ben_thatmust GWG, what is the page for that further breakdown of the schudule you are using?
# 16:49 aaronpk good question! I thought there were some before. maybe people have sent updated webmentions
danlyke_ joined the channel
# 16:57 tantek aaronpk - is organizing contacts lists a reprise of the session from IWC 2014 PDX?
# 16:57 tantek still doesn't get what is "organizing contacts lists" besides just a list of URLs
# 16:58 tantek (and maybe caching h-card info from those URLs)
# 16:59 aaronpk thedod suggested that since there are already a lot of chat standards and work being done there, better to try to find a way to embed one of those in the indieweb context rather than invent a new messaging mechanism
# 17:01 GWG ben_thatmust: Sorry. I'll keep the thing going
# 17:03 aaronpk coffee is an important part of any indiewebcamp. even the online ones.
# 17:08 tantek aaronpk - because it's an old way of doing things?
myfreeweb joined the channel
# 17:09 GWG tantek: It does make for a decent fallback though
# 17:09 tantek what's the difference between whitelisting a list of oembed providers (which everyone who supports it ends up doing), and whitelisting a list of domain-based embedding conversions in your auto-linker code?
# 17:09 aaronpk I support oembed for soundcloud embeds, but that's more because that's the only way they do it
# 17:10 tantek if you want to provide a preview for something, link-preview has thoughts on that
# 17:10 aaronpk yeah. and actually the way it's gone it's essentially a provider-specific thing
# 17:10 GWG The sessions are now up on the wiki
# 17:11 tantek consuming it for display of legacy silos - perhaps for such legacy silos you care about
# 17:11 tantek but then, you can always write your own per-legacy-silo auto-embed code instead
# 17:11 tantek which can be less work that supporting oembed
# 17:11 GWG tantek: I always get things up as quickly as possible, then return to improve them
# 17:12 tantek GWG, "oembed" by no means is "as quickly as possible"
# 17:12 GWG First session begins in 4 minutes...Security.
# 17:12 GWG tantek: It is when WordPress has it built in.
# 17:13 tantek anyway the point is, if you want to talk about "oembed" rather than talk about oembed which is *plumbing* talk about the larger user-centric context which is /link-preview.
# 17:13 GWG I want to talk about presentation
# 17:15 GWG I've been studying silos and other Indiewebcamp sites for design thoughts.
Kopfstein joined the channel
# 17:22 GWG thedod is proposing review of security in Indiewebcamp
# 17:22 GWG Reviewing a project called HiddenID
# 17:24 GWG Hidden ID is a smiley with sunglasses.
# 17:26 GWG He is proposing a way to identify people with some level of anonymity, allowing some level of trust to be built.
# 17:27 GWG For this to work, Tor is necessary.
# 17:28 GWG Should people be able to put rel= links into the wiki.
# 17:30 aaronpk did anybody say if rel=me could go on user pages?
# 17:31 GWG It can apparently go into all pages, according to thedod?
# 17:36 MattSchutte Guys, I'm going to have to leave. Thanks for letting me sit in.
# 17:40 GWG ben_thatmustbeme is trying to 'tantek' this.
# 17:42 kylewm should we pick this conversation up when thedod has his mic working?
# 17:45 GWG Just trying the rel=me experiment
# 17:46 GWG Have just confirmed I can put a rel into the wiki
thedod_ joined the channel
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# 17:51 GWG thedod_: I think we have audio for you?
# 17:53 GWG pfefferle: You knew I was going to do that.
# 17:53 tantek let's ask the selfdogfood question re: HiddenID
# 17:53 tantek thedod: are you supporting HiddenID on your own primary personal website?
# 17:58 tantek aaronpk, another criticism of OEmbed (in case you want to start a wiki page on it) - it fails the #selfdogfood test. None of its creators are running it, publishing or consuming, on their own primary personal web sites.
# 17:59 tantek as to why there isn't an OEmbed wiki page, no one has cared about it enough to start one, and as legacy tech, I was fine to leave it as single bullet point on /link-preview.
wolftune joined the channel
# 18:03 pfefferle tantek but these are companies… what do you mean by ”žpersonal“?
# 18:03 aaronpk to pass the selfdogfood test, the creators would at least have to consume oembed
# 18:03 tantek (and yes I just double checked: iamcal.com, immike.net (domain offline but still linked from his twitter @mjmalone), leahculver.com, rcrowley.org )
# 18:04 tantek what part of Cal Henderson, Mike Malone, Leah Culver, Richard Crowley looks like "companies" to you pfefferle? where did you get the idea "these are companies" ?!?
# 18:04 pfefferle tantek oh you meant the authors… the list is so small so I looked at the providers… sorry :)
# 18:05 GWG thedod: Please add more of your notes to the Security Session section in the wiki.
# 18:05 tantek pfefferle: I said "None of its creators are running it, publishing or consuming, on their own primary personal web sites." Every word there counts.
# 18:05 pfefferle tantek I am no native speaker so exuse some misunderstandings...
# 18:06 tantek pfefferle: in general in indiewebcamp the bias is towards people, indidividuals, independents, not companies.
# 18:07 pfefferle tantek ok, got you! will also have a look at the selfdogfood page later...
# 18:07 tantek pfefferle: thank you - really appreciated. "selfdogfood" is probably one of the most important /principles of indiewebcamp and thus very much needs to be internationally understandable.
# 18:11 tantek would anyone be interested in a session later on "wikifying"?
# 18:11 tantek that is - general how to / Q&A about how to best add things to the wiki, incrementally, new pages, new sections, etc.?
# 18:11 pfefferle tantek I understand and share your point depending the indieweb… but I think all authors/creators worked on an implementation of OEmbed into their plattform like pownce, flickr or youtube…
# 18:11 tantek pfefferle: that's the difference between *dogfood* and *selfdogfood*
# 18:12 tantek if all you do is "work" on it, and make a "platform" for *others*, then you're only dogfooding.
# 18:12 rascul aaronpk i was pondering probably the same thing irt jabber
# 18:12 rascul using domain for identity with a jabber server
# 18:12 tantek pfefferle: in short, if you're not willing to support your creation on your own primary personal website, why should others support it on their primary personal websites?
# 18:13 GWG Messaging as a 'private' message system. Real time messaging is likely best with interfacing with existing protocols.
danlyke_ joined the channel
# 18:17 GWG Ben is showing off his contacts dream as an aspect of messaging.
friedcell joined the channel
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# 18:35 GWG Suggestion for a microformat markup that would mark a piece of information as not to be shared for logged in users.
# 18:38 tantek negative mark indicators have not had much historical success
# 18:38 tantek e.g. Yahoo tried a while ago with "do not index" markup for search
# 18:38 aaronpk this is more about indicating who a post is shared with
# 18:39 aaronpk example given was a google+ post, which indicates who a post is shared with
# 18:39 tantek then where's the screenshot of a google+ post, which indicates who a post is shared with?
# 18:39 aaronpk i don't use g+ really so i don't have a lot of examples off the top of my head
# 18:40 tantek screenshots of existing (silo) examples for such use-cases should precede any questions/requests for "a microformat markup that would … "
# 18:40 aaronpk gah either chrome is being slow or all google JS just got 1085824x more bloated.
# 18:41 tantek I installed NoScript add-on in Firefox two days ago and am MUCH happier.
# 18:41 tantek turns out for most of the web, you actually don't need their 12+ scripts per page
# 18:41 tantek and it makes your browsing 10x faster at least
# 18:42 tantek makes me think nearly no one who is using JS on their sites is bothering to profile how badly it is slowing down the UX
# 18:46 tantek out for a bit. be back in a couple of hours and hope to get on the live/video/chat thingie y'all have going
# 18:46 tantek GWG, feel free to add "wikifying" as a "Want" session with me as an available facilitator and thedod as interested per above above
# 19:02 rascul have some things to do, turning the camera off for a bit, but i'll have my bluetooth headphones on so i can still hear while i'm walking around the house
# 19:12 pfefferle sorry guys but I have to leave… perhaps I have the time to rejoin later today…
# 19:16 GWG pfefferle: Thanks for the approval on the pull request
# 19:16 GWG pfefferle: Although I do want to know your thoughts about comment_class.
cmhobbs joined the channel
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# 19:42 GWG Schedule now updated, lunch break from :40-:15
# 19:43 GWG Needed a break from my headphones
# 19:57 GWG Do we want to stream the hacking or just the demos?
KartikPrabhu and mlncn joined the channel
# 20:04 GWG Trying to remember how to upload to the wiki. Don't think I've ever uploaded
# 20:05 thedod_ btw, should webmentioning the wiki work? what about the irc log?
# 20:05 aaronpk we're talking about doing a JS embed thingy to show webmentions on event RSVPs for example
# 20:06 thedod_ this could be a nice hack for today. is there API to get a page's mentions?
# 20:08 aaronpk (right now webmention.io isn't parsing out RSVPs separately, they just look like regular mentions)
# 20:09 thedod_ gets paranoid just tinking about the implications :)
# 20:10 ben_thatmust oh, as for additional things on a micropub client, we might want to poll for a list of people to suggest for private mentions
# 20:10 Loqi ben_thatmust meant to say: oh, as for additional things on a micropub client, we might want to poll for a list of people to suggest for private messages
# 20:12 thedod_ it's on a server. not at your house. doesn't require a warrant, physical access. yada yada
Gold joined the channel
# 20:12 aaronpk that's out of scope, since where it's hosted has nothing to do with the protocol or user interface
# 20:13 thedod_ true. but maybe best practice should be only run it at home :)
# 20:27 thedod_ aaronpk, what's the API for a wiki page's mentions in json or something?
# 20:36 kylewm hey y'all, I've gotta take off for today. have fun hackign, i'll look forward to seeing what you come up with!
# 20:37 aaronpk sorry i took off my headphiones. feedbackwas probably me
# 20:41 GWG I'm continuing work on Semantic Comments, which is the rewrite of the Facepile feature using a much less intrusive design.
eschnou and snarfed joined the channel
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KartikPrabhu, tantek, rknLA and fmarier joined the channel
# 22:40 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: indeed, shrewdness has a better implementation. I need to update Taproot to use the same code!
ividyon joined the channel
# 22:42 GWG barnabywalters: How about Indiewebimaginaryfriend.com?
# 22:43 barnabywalters GWG: what, like an AI which you pay to send you webmention comments? that’s either a bit creepy or an excellent webmention testing tool
# 22:43 ividyon I've a question about Indie Web Movement. I've heard about the concept at DrupalCamp Berlin today, and I've been thinking about some kinda terrifying implications
# 22:43 tantek But first, do you have a personal website ividyon?
# 22:44 ividyon Let's say, Big Data is bad. Companies like Facebook and Twitter keep all your data forever, cache it, use it for advertisement, re-sell it etc.
# 22:44 ividyon Now, this happens behind the scenes, and since the companies are big faceless globs of evil, and they collect all these tons of data, single individuals in them probably don't care about single posts you make.
# 22:45 ividyon Let's say you wrote something embarassing and deleted it right away. Facebook etc. keep it, because that's how they roll, but at least they have the courtesy to hide it from your peers and close ones.
# 22:45 ividyon Now, let's say the IWM gets into full gear and replaces current social networks. Suddenly, its not big faceless companies caching and storing all that data, it's.. everyone.
# 22:46 ividyon And since you now have every one of your friends caching the shit you just said, with no way to delete it remotely other than asking kindly, your blunder is out there for eternity.
# 22:46 KartikPrabhu ividyon: anything on the web can be crawled and cached and stored anyway
# 22:46 tantek yay welcome to the internet, no take backs ;)
# 22:46 ividyon Yeah, but it "can be". By people with such vested interests, or on the off chance that you have a fellow nerd doing that kind of crawling around you.
# 22:46 ividyon With IWM, it would always be.
# 22:46 ividyon indie web movement... which is how the concept was presented to me
# 22:47 ividyon sorry for using wrong terms :)
# 22:47 KartikPrabhu ividyon: why do you think your data will always be cached or something?
# 22:47 barnabywalters ividyon: well the indieweb is really “just” the web with extra bits added, so this is really a problem with publishing stuff on the web in general
# 22:47 tantek ividyon it sounds like you're learning something about the internet, nothing unique about "web" nor "indie web".
# 22:47 aaronpk not even unique to the internet! what happens if you mail a letter to someone!
# 22:48 tantek I have netnews (NNTP) posts from the late 1980s that I thought were ephemeral that someone was archiving and now are fully searchable via Google Groups via their acquisition of Deja News
# 22:48 aaronpk or pass a note to someone in class. even if you get the original back, you don't know if someone took a photo of it in the mean time
# 22:48 tantek ividyon - your fear has nothing to do with indie web - and predates the web.
# 22:48 KartikPrabhu i am sure people said the same about photocopying, photography, digital photography
# 22:49 ividyon Nah. There's ALWAYS the scare of "your data never ever being deleted from the internet!!" and staying there forever, in regards to Facebook and what not. But in the end, it "stays forever" at Facebook's private corporate archives, and perhaps the occasional friend with interests in archiving data he gets. With Indie Web concepts - assuming theres eventually super popular, easy-to-use frameworks any
# 22:49 ividyon layman would use - suddenly everybody would be participating in Big Data collection to 'own their own content', no?
# 22:49 tantek anyway, the point is, it's pointless to worry about such things which have are outside the specific topic of #indiewebcamp
danlyke_ joined the channel
# 22:50 tantek ividyon - nope, assume any public post anywhere could be internet archived forever
# 22:50 tantek and nothing to do with "web" either, see above about NNTP
# 22:50 tantek ividyon - anyway - let's get back to being productive
# 22:50 ividyon Like, let's say I write something emotionally charged and wipe it 2 minutes later. Right now, I'm only in danger if I'm so unlucky that a friend views it within those 2 minutes, or I have a mysterious caching friend which is pretty unlikely right now. But with Indie Web, people would return home hours later and still be able to read it up, assuming their IW system fetched and saved that post for th
# 22:50 ividyon em (and they have no generic deletion API).
# 22:51 ividyon guess I'm the only one with those concerns because I regularly fuck up and write stupid shit on the internet :p
# 22:51 tantek ividyon - no, everyone does, and then doesn't worry about it.
# 22:51 aaronpk ividyon: we have documented how to "politely" handle deletes, which is what your last example is
# 22:51 ividyon hm! well, let's hope that will be commonly implemented then, at least.
# 22:51 tantek ividyon - much more likely your utterances on twitter will be cached/archived forever
# 22:52 tantek since they send a feed to the Library of Congress
# 22:52 barnabywalters also, bear in mind cases in which deletion is abused by people in positions of power
# 22:52 barnabywalters e.g. harassers on twitter posting tweets, then deleting them (removing evidence) before moderation teams see them
# 22:52 ividyon Well. I guess everything is terrible!
# 22:52 tantek ividyon - so let's get back to something productive
# 22:54 ividyon Eventually, yes! But blogging is such effort, so I'm not sure how much of indie web concepts I could apply. Just the basic stuff like following schema, using h-card etc would be neat though
# 22:54 tantek what do you mean by blogging is such effort? do you use twitter?
# 22:54 tantek would you prefer to occasionally use your own website?
# 22:55 ividyon Yes, I like the POSSE idea
# 22:56 tantek let's get you setup on your own website to do that then
# 22:56 ividyon Let's not right now. :P I just joined to kick up that topic of mine. I'm satisfied with the responses
# 22:56 tantek do you have a domain? or do you want to just experiment with it first?
# 22:56 ividyon Maybe I'll drop by again when I get around to caring about my own site. ;)
# 22:56 ividyon Thank you very much though!
# 22:56 tantek ividyon - if you're curious about a very easy to setup path to indieweb - try signing up on withknown.com
# 22:57 tantek really easy to use, even/especially on mobile web.
# 22:57 ividyon If I made a site, I'd try to build it on my own with Drupal. Perhaps by then there will be a contrib module for it
# 22:57 ividyon for POSSE stuff, I Mean
# 22:57 tantek ividyon - sure - much respect for building your own with your preferred tools.
# 22:58 tantek a lot of us operate that way and use and build a variety of differnet tools
# 22:58 tantek hoping to hear a back from you when you have your own site setup with Drupal!
# 22:58 ividyon have a nice evening. for now, off to waste my life on warcraft ;)
# 23:00 tantek barnabywalters: correct, no one here nor even those who asked for it on Twitter actually use Drupal for their personal site
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:02 tantek KartikPrabhu: as you found from your thread with @noneck
# 23:03 rascul gonna go back to the hangout by demo time because i have some things to demo
# 23:03 tantek FWIW it appears noneck.org (stil) uses WordPress
# 23:03 rascul didn't demo my anything on my site in cambridge so i'm gonna do it tonight :)
# 23:04 tantek rascul - getting your sister setup on her domain with Known and Level 5 A+ HTTPS was pretty darn impressive
# 23:04 rascul i've setup many web sites, it wasn't really that difficult for me
# 23:05 rascul but i do realize it was a lot of work and probably wouldn't be as quick of a process for people who haven't had experience similar to mine in that regard
# 23:06 tantek rascul - that experience and help is very much valued!!!
# 23:06 rascul i recall a discussion about slugs earlier, i think it was in the hangout
# 23:06 rascul i wanted to comment that my slugs are editable, but the permalink is not based on the slug
# 23:07 rascul i wasn't really paying much attention at the time heh
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# 23:41 aaronpk heading out for a bit, will be back shortly after 4pm PST
# 23:44 GWG Procrastination may be defined as updating the wiki page about things I sort of did so far and may not do today
# 23:46 Loqi Tantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it http://indiewebcamp.com/tanteking
# 23:46 GWG Why don't you add to the procrastination page?
# 23:53 GWG tantek: This is a microformat thought that came up during the Messaging discussion. Do you have any ideas?
# 23:55 tantek GWG, what was the UI thought that came first?