#GWG"We have received a report of malicious activity originating from your Linode. It's likely that your Linode is being used to pass on pingbacks via the XML RPC Wordpress exploit."
#mlncn-agarichttps://thegrid.io/#9498 has some indiewebcamp-ish talking points: "stop building Zuckerberg's site and build your own" — but presumably not any implementation of standards like webmention. My co-worker-owner at Agaric is acquainted with one of the people involved — and there's always twitter — if people think they should be introduced to doing it right
#gRegor`snarfed: Did anything change recently with bridy's TLS? Was running into internal errors trying to publish and realized it's bc curl wasn't verifying the cert. Maybe (probably) something changed on my server, but it was working for a while without problems.
#gRegor`Adding SSL_VERIFYPEER: false makes it work, of course. Just curious why it worked before at all. I thought most PHP cURL installs didn't handle any certs unless you pointed it to a local cert file
yakker, rektide, thedod_, chrissaad and snarfed joined the channel
#snarfedgRegor`: hey, thanks for the nudge. yeah, i renewed the cert
#snarfedi think i'm seeing the same problem with php clients
#snarfedi thought the new cert was fine, but i guess maybe not. i'll debug
#snarfedgRegor`: in the meantime, if you do need to verify a cert, brid-gy.appspot.com will work
#gRegor`cert verification isn't a big concern for me with bridgy at the moment
#snarfedgRegor`: understood. my wordpress stopped working w/bridgy publish due to this too, and i didn't know why until now. thanks for answering that riddle for me :P
#rime1using javascript library for a slideshow that zooms and pans. it works perfectly when i test it but after uploading it, the slideshow works but the zooming and panning does not. it is just static images. anyone know why?
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: a and i would both increment in that second one
#ben_thatmustbemealso, thedod_ it worked on my end in so far that you went in to my whitelist. i just found that the code to make that entry public isn't working though
#Erkan_Yilmazthedod_ I don't use the webmentions yet
#thedod_Erkan_Yilmaz, I've installed kylewm's redwind (although my branches became spaghetti this weekend and I need to carefully catchup with upstream :) )
#Loqiparzzix: kylewm left you a message on 10/21 at 1:31pm: as much as I would probably enjoy hearing the Bad Voltage guys talk indieweb, the prospect kind of terrifies me :)
#kylewmtantek: thank you! all credit to thedod_, he's done a lot to generalize and 'dekyleify' it
#kylewmparzzix: and to the earlier question, I'd say if you own the domain name and the content, we don't worry too much about who is running the server :)
#ben_thatmustbemehey tantek, now that you aren't in a conf call. Wanted to hear your thoughts on some way to specify data to intended to be private (for your eyes only, or something)
#Loqiprivate posts refer to posts or portions of posts which are private to either the author or to a limited audience chosen by the author http://indiewebcamp.com/private
#tantekok that's not bad: The “indie web” is a loose concept more or less centered on the idea that the internet should mean flatter, less centralized, more inclusive forms of participation, not new hierarchies.
#tantekdo any of the sites mentioned support *any* aspect IndieWeb? ThinkUp, The Toast, MLKSHK, Metafilter, NewsBlur?
#ben_thatmustbemehmm, so i'm trying to update indieweb-messaging to the latest protocol, but honestly, I can't seem to find anywhere that the protocol flow itself for indieauth
#tantekshould we perhaps accept a looser definition for "indie web" the way the WIRED article defines it? (essentially a semi-obvious generic use of both the adjective "indie" and the noun "web") and then a more specific dfn for "IndieWeb" as in relating specifically to this community?
#tantekaaronpk: does it make sense for Loqi to include the leading "the" in such queries? Or should Loqi drop the leading "the" article the way it drops the leading "a" or "an" article?
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, soo on my todo list, document something of a spec for how indieauth works right now at least. then rewrite indieauth.com with a competitor :P
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme meant to say: aaronpk, soo on my todo list, document something of a spec for how indieauth works right now at least. then rewrite indieauth.com with a alternative :P
#aaronpkremember indieauth.com has two roles, so you can actually replicate just one of the roles and still have a totally viable service
#thedod_kylewm, so what do I do with that migration? it also cries about the location table being missing (and I don't see such a thing at models.py). I'm lost
#tantekthe point of business models page are the *business models*
#aaronpka lot of the sections actually have full pages there anyway
#aaronpkhow about "Ad-Supported" as a header instead of "Avoid", let people make their own judgment on whether they want to do that
#tantek.comedited /business-models () "(-512) /* Aggregators */ remove free examples (not aggregator business model), and replace with NewsBlur which does charge" (view diff)
#aaronpkaw but newsblur is a reader, not an aggregator
#LoqiA feed reader is an application (local or on the web, like the defunkt Google Reader) that subscribes to feeds (typically legacy Atom & RSS) and presents them in an interface for reading http://indiewebcamp.com/aggregators
#gRegor`tantek: Personally I've always preferred referring to this community as the IndieWebCamp community, and indieweb as a broader, generic term (not capitalized)
#kylewmthedod_: hey sorry it's giving you problems. the previous version had a location table with latitude, longitude, and a bunch of fields for geocoding (region, county, locality) ... i converted that to a json string and just stuck it in each individual post and venue that has location data associated with it
#LoqiFeedbin is a traditional feed reader similar to Google Reader, but offers a much improved and simplified interface compared to Reader http://indiewebcamp.com/feedbin
#LoqiA silo, or web content hosting silo, in the context of the IndieWeb, is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls) http://indiewebcamp.com/silo
#gRegor`> I'm a little unclear, actually. I know it started as an open source project you installed on your own site. I did ages ago. They've changed into a paid service model, it appears, though the code is still on GH
#tantekperhaps capture that history in a summary in the definition
#aaronpkI don't think it counts as a silo because the content is generated byt hat service, not contributed from outside
#GWGtantek: To recap, you are correct that the Indieweb version of a gravatar is h-card plus URL. I want to replace gravatar in WordPress with H-Card+URL.
#tantekas in "ThinkUp is …, and previously was … "
#mkoRegarding an IndieWeb profile photo, you could do something like Gravatar. Specifically, they use a unique hash (specifically the hash of the email address of the user). You could easily do the same with the hash of the user's email or domain. Basically, search for h-card on homepage. If there's a picture available in the h-card, use it. If there's not, check for email and hash it and use your own service (or Gravatar if you like their placeholders).
#mkoThen if there's not an email, hash their domain and force the default using the "f=y" so you don't accidentally get someone else's photo.
#tantek.comedited /feed_reader (+1051) "dump Other Aggregators to leave for someone else to cleanup, someone thought these were interesting to list on business-models so keeping the list despite the fact that none of them actually make money for charging for aggregation" (view diff)
#michielbdejongyeah, it doesn't hurt to have two I guess. although this is a curse in general, when working with Docker. For WordPress, there are hundreds of images.
#michielbdejongI guess it's just very easy to fork and customize them
#michielbdejongyeah, it's the docker registry is the default location to pull images from. but in practice you often find more dockerfiles in github search than in the docker registry
#aaronpksomething causes it to freak out after a "while" and if I restart the app it works fine
#aaronpkthis is one of the reasons I prefer php. way easier to avoid bizarre memory leak bugs since there isn't an "app" running the whole time.
#beardidn't we track down an issue with one of the ssl libs recently that had bad timeout behaviour?
#aaronpkyeah and someone filed a bug on it, I forget where that is tho
#snarfedaaronpk: (tangent) huh, really? i don't pay that much attention to modern web dev, but i assumed that was determined by fastcgi/wsgi/etc as much as language or runtime
#michielbdejongIf i use indieauth to log into my own WordPress site, can I then use my own indieauth instance instead of using the central indieauth.com one?
#GWGBut I'm the only local person. So when do I show?
#snarfedtantek: really? very first google result for lockss for me is lockss.org. acronym expansion is even in the search result. both when logged in and in incognito window
andrunix joined the channel
#bret.iocreated /LXC (+210) "Created page with "{{ stub }} <dfn>LXC</dfn> stands for [https://linuxcontainers.org Linux Container], provides lightwheight isolated, environments linux for software stacks like LAMP and is the co..."" (view diff)
#LoqiDocker is an open platform to manage which processes should run on your server (for instance Apache, MySQL, etcetera) http://indiewebcamp.com/Docker
#michielbdejongbret: yes, we tried it, but only two times so far. Lisbon has quite a modest tech scene, most meetups (bitcoin, javascript, whatever) are about 10 people, and usually the same faces. But we'll keep trying! :) (also in Berlin maybe)
#tantekin having frustrations photo-tagging on a silo (because said silo can't seem to reliably serve https), it makes me wonder if a "photo-tag post" makes sense, as a kind of interaction
#aaronpkthat'd be a neat way for other people to be able to tag people in your photos
#tantekan in-reply-to a photo post, with a name/URL of a person (who is presumably in the photo), and optional 2d point or rect or square or polygon?
#tantekand then call Bridgy Publish to POSSE a copy of your "photo tag post" to the silo that has the photo, where Bridgy could do the photo-tagging for you as your post specifies to do.
#tantekpresumably the reply-context for a photo-tag post would include the entire photo that you're tagging
#tantekso that your photo-tag post could actually display a name/link of the people-tag, optionally on top of the person in the photo via 2d point/rect
#tantekof course this brings up the challenge/question of - how do I see all the photos that I'm tagged in?
#aaronpkpresumably you'd be tagging the person and link to their home page
#tanteknot only is there a need for a people aggregator for people search, but now a people-tags aggregator to see what photos you've been tagged in across the web!
#tantekok - still don't need an aggregator for that then ;)
#tantekthen when you're people-tagged in something, you get a home page webmention from a people-tag post, and you can keep all those in a list too
#aaronpkbut that sort of smart recognition of the semantics of the post is a perfect thing for services like webmention.io, which could give you interfaces for browsing your webmentions not just as a list of most recent, but grouped by "photos i'm tagged in", etc
#aaronpk(of course your site could do it too, but using a service would be the lazy way)
#tantekthis enables a sort of SWAT 0.1 where there are FOUR actors
#tantekA takes photo of B and posts it, *D* is following A so sees the photo and people-tags B in it. C comments on the photo which notifies A, B, and D
#tantekdoes anyone get home page webmention notifications? and have a list of them they can look at? (separate from just a list of all webmentions you've received)
#tantekI'm thinking a single person per person-tag post might actually be ok / accurate, as it is a distinct action that has its own dt-published time that you "do" / "save" it.
#tantekand then the key may be to intelligently cluster such person-tag posts that are in-reply-to the same photo post
#tantekcluster on the display in your site that is
#tantekrather than having each look like a distinct post, you could apply a heuristic of detecting consecutive replies you posted in-reply-to the same original permalink
#tantekand show them as one big compound reply post, with a single reply-context (since they're in-reply-to the same thing)
#tantekyou could tag any post, like a photo, as having a specific *product* in it by "p-category h-product", and coordinates for the product in the photo
#tantekI think this might just solve the arbitrary object annotated with another type of object that the w3c annotation folks are (over)thinking about.
#tantekas this works for people-tagging others' photo posts
#tantekit extends trivially to anything-tagging others' anything posts
#aaronpkand anyone can do it without accounts or signups
#aaronpki can tag your stuff and you can choose whether to accept it
#tantekright - it builds on all the indieweb building blocks
#tantekwebmentions - you choose whether to accept them or not from anybody or not
lukebrooker, alanpearce, gRegor`, reidab, Pea1, KevinMarks__, j12t and wolftune joined the channel
#tantekside-effect of solving the general annotate an object with another object problem, which was meant to solve the specific use-case of posting a people-tag post about someone else's photo post :
#tantekthe same syntax works for just person-tagging a post directly
#tantekthus on *any* post, if you want to tag the post itself, simply markup your tags for the post with p-category inside the h-entry, e.g. #<span class="p-category">indiewebcamp</span>
#aaronpkhmm I suppose they should be treated as the same URL even though they are actually different
#tantekthus to add a *person-tag* to any post, make that p-category an h-card as well, and per common usage, a hyperlink to the person's profile/homepage
#tantek<a class="p-category h-card" href="http://personB.example.com/">Person Bee</a> - anywhere inside the h-entry, e.g. even inline in the e-content!
#tantekso if it's a photo post, you've person-tagged your photo post - implying that the photo is *about* the person, thus the person is *in* the photo
#tantekreally simple incremental markup addition to any post
#tantekreally simple incremental property to parse (and embedded object to look for)
#aaronpkI still wish it was called p-tag instead of p-category given that all the documentation and conversation refers to it as a "tag" instead of a "category"
#tantek"tags" are the fashionable term (years) for what has been called / known as "category" or "subject" for *decades*
#tantekso no - it doesn't make sense to call something (different) p-tag
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 1 week ago: how long have you been exclusively posting notes (@-replies, etc.) to your own site instead of Twitter? (add yourself! https://indiewebcamp.com/own_your_data#IndieWeb_Examples ) Or do you still occassionally post a note directly to Twitter not using your own site?
#Loqibenwerd: mko left you a message on 11/10 at 4:42pm: Are the Known Pro features going to be available to self-hosted instances on GitHub, or does pre-ordering Known Pro get developer access to Known Pro code as well?
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 1 week ago: how long have you been exclusively posting notes (@-replies, etc.) to your own site instead of Twitter? (add yourself! https://indiewebcamp.com/own_your_data#IndieWeb_Examples ) Or do you still occassionally post a note directly to Twitter not using your own site?
#Loqitantek meant to say: to leave a comment on a specific rectangle on a photo:
#tantek<area class="p-category h-entry" href="http://b.example.com/note-permalink" alt="This spot in the photo is interesting." shape="rect" coords="100,100,120,120">