2014-12-07 UTC
lupinedev1, snarfed, j12t, indie-visitor, Yaso, yaso_, Haxxa, caseorganic, wowaname, GWG, mdik, tantek and DanC_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:58 KevinMarks So it's xmaslabels.com time again. What is the indieweb way to store addresses for printing?
# 02:58 Loqi tantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 day, 11 hours ago: well I could still be the first to process a person-tag
# 02:59 DanC_ hunts for his xmas labels code...
# 02:59 aaronpk doesn't send anything out for xmas. does that make me a bad person?
# 02:59 tantek not it just means you're being carbon conservative ;)
# 03:00 GWG I don't send anything out either.
# 03:02 KevinMarks Does anyone store postal addresses for other people in hcards?
simonv3 joined the channel
# 03:04 DanC_ wouldn't you naturally store your addressbook in hcard?
# 03:04 tantek see microformats.org/wiki/hcard-implementations
j12t joined the channel
# 03:05 DanC_ stuff like google contacts will spit out vcard, and uf stuff will convert that to hcard
# 03:05 DanC_ (for those of us who have sold our souls to google)
# 03:06 DanC_ kid was a precursor to genshi
addal joined the channel
addal joined the channel
# 03:22 KevinMarks I dump the google contacts as csv 'cos that was easier to parse quickly
lupinedev1 joined the channel
# 03:32 DanC_ yes, CSV is a real workhorse.
# 03:34 DanC_ at the PyData conference, I learned that compressed CSV is the best known way to get bulk data from back-end to front-end. Quicker to decode than JSON, evidently.
# 03:36 DanC_ "There is very little actual indieweb ActivityStreams support" really? bummer.
# 03:37 DanC_ I hoped there were ActivityStreams tools to help me reverse-syndicate my github activity, tweets, etc.
cmhobbs and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:25 aaronpk DanC_: there are some php tools for turning various silo posts into h-entry posts
yaso joined the channel
# 04:26 DanC_ "PSR-0 autoloadable"?
# 04:26 aaronpk basically means you can install it via composer, the php package manager
# 04:33 snarfed converts fb, g+, twitter, and instagram to mf2 html and json
# 04:34 DanC_ well! that's pretty much what I hoped for! so much for "... very little actual indieweb ActivityStreams support"!
# 04:35 snarfed it also supports the other direction, ie if you post a reply/like/retweet/etc as mf2 html or json, it can publish that into the silos using their APIs
# 04:35 snarfed aaronpk: yeah, i meant revise the "very little…support" language
j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
j12t_ joined the channel
simonv3 joined the channel
# 06:21 DanC_ argh! codementor doesn't give a published date unless you're logged in
# 06:22 DanC_ not even an http last-modified
simonv3, LauraJ, j12t, rknLA, eschnou, elima, bigbluehat, Garbee, marcthiele and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:49 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
catsup, Phae, benward_____, tommorris, j12t, JonathanNeal, elima, krendil, bret, mattl, jden, Pierre-O, Kopfstein, bigbluehat, simonv3, Pierre-O1, petermolnar, hadleybeeman, rknLA, KartikPrabhu, mlncn-agaric, Garbee, benjamin-agaric and cmhobbs joined the channel
# 15:45 GWG Something is probing a webmention endpoint on a site that has webmentions set up but has never received any.
# 15:48 GWG I hope this is just reading the link in the page, and bots haven't learned about it
KartikPrabhu, j12t, sammachin and tantek_ joined the channel
# 17:22 tantek_ Good reason to use different email address with every site that asks for one.
# 17:23 aaronpk the problem has little to do with OAuth, mostly has to do with matching up accounts from various OAuth providers
# 17:23 GWG Tantek, the administration of that is a pain though
# 17:24 tantek_ GWG nope. I have a bookmark on my mobile browser to create a new email forward. Easy.
# 17:24 aaronpk i create new email forwarding address all the time, so much so that i'm about to make a little web interface for it so that I don't have to edit my mysql DB of email forwarding rules with my osx gui
# 17:24 tantek_ And lastly I saw something resembling this attack yesterday when someone created a FB account with my gmail which has never been used on FB before.
# 17:25 tantek_ I was able to stop it by clicking the "I did not create a FB account" link in the confirmation email.
# 17:25 GWG I can alias easily, I just can't remember them.
# 17:26 aaronpk basically the way providers can prevent this attack is requiring users to be signed in when connecting other OAuth providers
# 17:26 tantek_ But not before receiving ~20 "so and so is now your friend" emails
# 17:27 aaronpk and OAuth providers can be responsible by not returning email addresses in ID responses if the email address is "unconfirmed"
# 17:28 tantek_ Which OAuth providers have been doing that (returning unverifued emails)?
# 17:29 tantek_ regardless, a good reason not to use email as an identifier fof users
# 17:29 aaronpk unfortunately this isn't even covered in the OAuth 2.0 spec because OAuth is not an identity mechanism, so doesn't even say what to do about returning identity information
# 17:30 tantek_ Aaronpk that sounds worthy of you blogging as a correction to that article.
# 17:31 tantek_ Also anyone got the link for amazon's OAuth what apps are using this page?
# 17:33 aaronpk it's good though, it includes an english description of the scopes granted
# 17:34 aaronpk the actual article explains the OAuth situation correctly
# 17:35 aaronpk "Today, most social login implementations are based on the OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 authorization protocols, extended to support authentication."
# 17:35 GWG I'm still trying to figure out where I can switch to certificates for authentication.
# 17:35 aaronpk "extended to support authentication" is the key part there, since OAuth 2.0 does not actually do that
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, jonnybarnes, lupinedev1, j12t, LauraJ and gRegor` joined the channel
Gold, eschnou, davidized, j12t, LauraJ and krendil joined the channel
# 22:02 DanC_ i'm considering in investing more in facebook as a photo hosting site, so I'm checking out the facebook download...
# 22:02 DanC_ it's not bad at all... the HTML has all the photo metadata, comment dates, and stuff
wolftune, addal, KevinMarks, davidized, lukebrooker and colintedford joined the channel
yaso joined the channel
mlncn and j12t joined the channel
# 23:28 colintedford.com edited /User:Colintedford.com (-56) "Rename "Todo" & "Eventually" and flatten "Todo" to bring them in line w/ "Working on" & "Itches" framing (except calling "Itches" "Wants" for greater clarity & to avoid feeling itchy whenever I edit my user page). Also, I'm Gen 2." (
view diff )
carlo_au and yaso joined the channel