#pwccGWG: Cool. Was asking someone about it a couple fo nights back. Along with implementation, they ask questions about what will be the affect of WP 'blessing' these things. Will thy be stuck defining & supporting in the future.
#pwccThe concern is they become sole supporter if others lose interest.
#GWGpwcc: Simple...webmentions replace pingbacks and trackbacks, JSON REST API replaces XMLRPC for posting...thus the XMLRPC can be deprecated from core.
#pwccGWG: removing XMLRPC won't happen. Really not worth putting forward to WP Core as a proposal.
#pwccGWG: I know that sounds harsh, but it's the politics of the situation.
mlncn joined the channel
#pwccGWG: I'm new to this, indieweb, how stable would you consider the WM spec.
#pwccIt looks like there is a bit of flux around it, I suspect it would need to be stable for some time before it could be considered for WP core.
#GWGpwcc: I know. What I want and what I think I can get are two different things
#pwccThey way in is to get it as a blessed plugin, that's the propsal that would need to be made on make.wordpress.org
#tantekwhereas pingbacks/trackbacks are both specific plumbing
#npdotyand then the microformatted content of the source page has a lot of flexibility for those features
#tanteknpdoty - the diffrence is that webmentions quickly got associated with the higher level of presentation and features built upon it
#tantekeven though yes you're right, webmention is also specific plumbing
#tanteknpdoty - as is common though, each of those specific plumbing mechanisms tends to bring a level of user functionality / presentation expectation (or lack thereof)
#GWGtantek: So, what would you say if someone suggested deprecating pingbacks and trackbacks in favor of webmentions? What's the argument there?
#tantekwebmention is simpler technology, thus easier to implement robustly and interoperably
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#pwccGWG @tantek, Simpler, I liek that :) -- Deprecation of pings, yes, could be an approach - they'd be in core but disabled by default or some thing/
#jjurantantek, GWG: Wasn't there a vulnerability in blog mentions where an attacker could trick a blog host into sending a GET to an arbitrary victim?
#KartikPrabhunpdoty: read about your microformats based citation thingie from HWC
#KartikPrabhuyes please! tired of using bibtex nonsense
#pwccIs it worht putting together a page or google doc to work on a proposal?
#npdotywell, I’m still using Bibtex in various places, but it should all be rendered in nice semantic HTML
#KartikPrabhunpdoty: why not just abstract that into a bibtex to mf2 translator and use the mf2 for rendering? that way if I wanted to write a mf2 file directly one coud...
#GWGSo, what is the argument for waiting to propose? Propose doesn't mean anything other than exploring an idea.
#GWGAnd that means new people looking at it, asking questions, and thinking about it
#tantekthe difference between spam and DDOS abuse is that nearly *everyone* using WP experiences spam, and very few experience the DDOS problem that's been mentioned in practice
#tantekworry about the problems that actually occur, more than the theoretical or rarely occuring ones
#tantekpwcc - btw - add your image to indiewebcamp.com/irc-people and it'll show up in logs!
simonv3 joined the channel
#tantekpwcc - btw - before webmentions, I'd say easier / less risky changes to core would include updating it to support microformats2 by default
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#GWGtantek: microformats2 is a theme, not a core issue, isn't it?
#GWGSo, that would be proposing it for the next default theme, as well as popular theme frameworks
#tantekGWG - not sure - from my understanding the old WP microformats implementation used both core and themes - and that led to fragility
#ben_thatmust"Also, because the code is still technically owned by Google, you'll have to sign a contributors license agreement (kind of a drag, but we require it). That can happen now or later when you send the pull request."
#kylewmis it dumb that that makes me not want to use it?
#pwcc!tell @tantk re: mf2 in WordPress, there are a few classes generated by core that need mf2 support added. Otherwise mostly themes. I'll familiarise myself with both & write a plugin.
#KartikPrabhupwcc you seem to have misspelled tantek in there ^
#pwccGWG: it's not possible, there aren't any filters to change post formats.
#pwccKartikPrabhu: thanks - wondered why I wasn't getting any bot love
#pwcc!tell @tantek re: mf2 in WordPress, there are a few classes generated by core that need mf2 support added. Otherwise mostly themes. I'll familiarise myself with the core classes & mf2 and write a plugin.
#LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indiewebcamp.com/notes
#LoqiA comment is a kind of post that is in reply to some other post, that makes little or no sense without reading or at least knowing the context of the source post https://indiewebcamp.com/replies
#KartikPrabhuas a wordpress outsider might I comment on the fore going discussion? the good thing about WP is that it is very general and people can use it in different ways. I don't see the need to "indiewebify" all of WP
#KartikPrabhupwcc: your reattempt is not in the logs so it might not have made it through
#GWGI want to stop having two competing systems in my installation because one of them is core...but optional core.
#pwccKartikPrabhu GWG: I'm thinking about whether content can be both a note & a reply for the kinds plugin. Whether Notes/Article are seperate from reply/repost/rsvp
#KartikPrabhupwcc: yes. things can be both a note and a reply
#tantekand is an example of how to do so using CASSIS
#tantekwith JS - all the forms work "live" in the browser
#KartikPrabhunice! I want to do that with forms... sometime next year :P
#tantekif you disable JS - all the forms still work upon submission, and the same middleware logic is used - but on the server. In CASSIS in both cases.
#GWGI was discussing this yesterday, but I think I figured out what I want to do, and I wanted to poll more WordPress users for ideas
#GWGThe Indieweb Taxonomy plugin. I want to have the taxonomy replace Post Formats, instead of me trying to do both. Which means I'd have to add an Article and Note term to it.
#GWGIt sort of is a post format alternative already, I might as well go full out.
#GWGI'm just saying, if the two can be used interchangeably, it is an option to do so.
j12t joined the channel
#petermolnarI'm too lazy to move away from WP, but I'm trying to make the db as flat as possible which is one of the reasons for me to keep it like this :)
indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#GWGBut, there is nothing wrong with my approach inherently. Just not your preference
#petermolnaryes, that is what I stated at the beginning :)
#petermolnarby the way, if xmlrpc.php is blocked from nginx as location ~* xmlrpc\.php { deny all; } than how the hell I'm still getting pingback spam?!
#Loqisnarfed: aaronpk left you a message on 12/17 at 6:35pm: what would happen if I were to tell webmention.io to re-parse all the old webmentions so I can fill in the mf2 data? would I cause you to hit any rate limits?
#Loqisnarfed: pfefferle left you a message 1 day, 1 hour ago: yes and will do :)
#snarfed"Anecdotally, during the month of November 2014, https://snarfed.org/ received 796,990 POSTs to its comment form, wp-comments-post.php, vs just 2139 POSTs to xmlrpc.php. Of those, 9 comments and 3 trackbacks were ham…So there was at least ~400x more comment form spam than pingback/trackback spam."
#snarfedi'm still not entirely convinced WP spam is a *problem* though. akismet and other filters are really damn good. so if we have a lot, but the vast vast majority - i think 99.998% for me - is caught and handled invisibly, i'd argue the problem is largely solved for most people
#petermolnarholy crap, grep -r for wp-comments-post.php o.O
#petermolnarit's an attack vector and a nasty one, considering how easy to use it as a ddos entry point
#petermolnarxmlrpc is different: that indeed is an issue beeing used as an unwilling attacker
#snarfedpetermolnar: i understand the claim, i just think it might be overstated. if you can write to my db or filesystem or make me serve my users arbitrary html/js, that's a security hole
#snarfedif you can make my server make an HTTP request to another server, i'd call that something smaller than "security hole," especially if there's no amplification
#snarfedif an attacker wants to use WP servers to send N http requests, and it has to send N requests of its own to do that, i'm not sure there's a problem there to be solved
eschnou joined the channel
#GWGsnarfed: I still don't want my resources used.
#snarfedGWG: if the benefit is so small, most attackers won't use them in the first place
#snarfedbut in the rare cases when they do - and it's not referrer spam mistaken as a ddos - then sure, you can definitely prioritize your work however you choose!
#GWGFor example, earlier, I was asking petermolnar about something I was planning. He would rather do it a different way, but neither way is wrong. It is individual choice.
wolftune, Sebastien-L, tilgovi, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
#tantekKartikPrabhu: no need for a response-to-endpoint. Once you have the original, via original-of or original-post-discovery, all the responses should be there marked up in microformats
#tantekin general, when you think you need an endpoint, if all you're doing is *getting* information, you likely don't need it - just use the HTML+microformats instead
#tantekGWG re: core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/30783 - consider noting that h-entry for posts with h-card for the post author is the key to start with.
#benwerdcould it be as easy as setting up rel="me" links to other profiles?
pius joined the channel
#elf-pavlikbenwerd, do you know of someone here who happens to host multiple profiles for oneself and uses different ones to list oneself in different directories?
#tantekelf-pavlik: benwerd is right, rel=me solves identity consolidation, under the control of the user
#tantekfor the problem of "where someone can simply generate a
#tantekpersonal profile and use it to create listing in various organizations" - that's what h-card on a personal domain does already.
#elf-pavlikbut i need different h-cards, one for coder, one for circus-artist etc.
#tantekand if you want to use multiple profiles for yourself with different descriptions, tags etc., you're already on the right path, multiple URLs, each with their own h-card
#tantekand then whenever you want to use a particular profile, use that URL
#tantekconsuming software will use the h-card at that URL for your profile
#elf-pavliki could also use my *main* URL and other system can propose me usying any of all the others linked with rel="me" similar to IndieAuth
#tanteksure - though I'd say if you used your main URL - then systems should just use - your main URL
#tantekif you want to use a specific profile, you should use that specific URL
#tantekno need to make it any more complicated than that
#elf-pavliktantek, any chance that link relations used in microformats will have stable URLs to use with RDFa (or other RDF serializations)
#tantekhistorically they've had stable URLs so I'm not sure what you're asking
#tantekare you asking a hypothetical question instead of an empirical question?
#GWGtantek: I was hoping someone would debate on it.
#tantekGWG - why hope for debate? better to make a specific clear request, better chance of success.
#elf-pavliki need clear records which stops, which lines, what times etc.
#tantekthat is, if shipping something in core is your goal. but if discussion is your goal then that's different.
#tantekelf-pavlik: "which stops … what times" - /checkins solves that
#GWGWell, I'm hoping someone will say "Great Idea" and it will be easy to get consensus. But if someone dissents, I intend to be prepared for that too.
#tantekGWG - if your goal is "Great Idea" - the more specific and clear the proposal, the better the chance of understanding and agreement.
#elf-pavliktantek, how does someone query then to get only my public transport checkins and not public toilets, public baths, public dining halls etc. ?
#tantekfor "which lines" - even what bus number for example, I use /checkins for that too
#aaronpkyou could also publish different feeds with a subset of the checkins
#tantekthus you can query your own /checkins on bus lines or bus stops, or transport in general
#tantekI haven't done such queries myself, but the data is there in my /checkins on my /Foursquare profile and I can download them and query/grep that etc.
#tantekat some point I hope to ownmycheckins on my own domain and POSSE to Foursquare/Swarm but I'm not there yet
#elf-pavliktantek, interesting example... how can i self host profile i use for indiewebcamp.com ?
#aaronpktantek: GTFS is unfortunately the standard for cities publishing transit route schedules
PMurphs_ joined the channel
#aaronpkit's not going away any time soon. fortunately there's not a lot of reason to consume it unless you're making a routing app.
#tantekaaronpk - do you have example URLs to such transit route schedules?
#tantekaaronpk - it's like all the other one-off overcomplicated XML formats out there - governments might use it, but there's no reason we need to adopt it for our own user features.
#tantekwork with or on overcomplicated formats will eventually be subsumed and superceded by working simpler formats
#elf-pavlikif someone trusts the domain which publishes it or even better i sign it, why 'seeing with human eye' would matter?
#tantekit's the natural evolution of formats, thus it's not worth investing time in obviously overcomplicated formats, except as research into developing a simpler format
#tantekelf-pavlik: because humans see errors in data that machines never do, humans see implicit violations of assumptions that machine are not taught about
#elf-pavliki look forward to run some analysis on aaronpk public transport usage :)
#tantekit matters not how many people nor how much money is invested in the overcomplicated formats, they will inevitably be obsoleted and replaced
#tantekthe primary obvious recent example for this is the billions of dollars invested by numerous large/influential corporations in "XMLing all the things", a fraction of which remains in actual use or deployment
#tantekcomplexity is its own downfall. no matter the people or $ invested.
#elf-pavliktantek, maybe we could stick to my quite clear use case? i'll talke a look at /checkins to see how much i could get out of them!
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, how do i tell difference between you walking, riding a bike or driving a car?
#elf-pavlikaaronpk, i recall you mentioning that you don't provide queries like 'all bikeride run and drive'? i need to crawl you website and then search it?
#aaronpki've been experimenting with that, currently I have feeds for each type
#elf-pavlikto get all your metrics i need to crawl through the pages?
#tantekaaronpk - could you add your notes on GPS point annotation in practice here: https://indiewebcamp.com/location#Motion - I've captured my secondhand information purely from off the top of my head - your information would help!
#aaronpki have a type of food or drink, but that's the only thing structured at the moment
#elf-pavlikjust to clarify my use case, since i don't use ISO 4217 i plan to publish my economic I/O (consumption, contributions) as linked data and invite everyone to analyse it and develop one's own opinion about my role in society (instead of juding people by often by number of meaningless tokens on their virtual accounts)
#aaronpkI am afraid to start creating a bunch new permalinks before I do the switchover to type-less URLs
j12t and benwerd joined the channel
#kylewmI'm thinking about writing a tiny service that just accepts CORS javascript requests and sends micropub like-of urls, to get a one click bookmarklet for posting likes
#tantekkylewm very strange - I've tried view source on my profile vs. others, and it's just missing. everyone else has "favorites" between "followers" and "lists" and I do not.
#aaronpkhowever please read the code of conduct and decide whether you want to participate here. an apology for the inappropriate language would be helpful as well.
#snarfedsince people are thinking about publishing/posseing likes…i've plugged them here before, but it might be worth re-plugging them…
#aaronpkpetermolnar: how long have you been using lychee?
#petermolnarmain folders last mod date is Jul 5, so from that :)
#bear.imcreated /piwigo (+144) "Created page with "'''<dfn>[http://piwigo.org/ Piwigo]</dfn>''' Piwigo is photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers."" (view diff)