#fiatjafKartikPrabhu: I don't get it, a webmention endpoint (I'm testing with a withknown domain) is reading my p-summary (which should be plain text, right?) and there are newlines on it, it should display the comment with newlines, or doesn't? how can I make everybody's webmention endpoint get my comments with newlines?
#@gnat"Your other devices will be unable to access your cloud data until they also upgrade to Yosemite." Bless you and your "cloud", Apple. (twitter.com/_/status/548303041812631552)
#Loqinotifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indiewebcamp.com/notifications
#tantekbtw - also why I won't update to iTunes 12 - anything "Designed for Yosemite" means designed to NOT work pre-Yosemite in weird and unexpectedly incompatible way to force you to upgrade everything else to Yosemite and/or iOS8
#Loqitantek meant to say: btw - also why I won't update to iTunes 12 - anything "Designed for Yosemite" means designed to NOT work pre-Yosemite in weird and unexpectedly incompatible ways to force you to upgrade everything else to Yosemite and/or iOS8
ScruffyDan, j12t, sirmlivesey and tantek joined the channel
#sirmliveseyGood morning all. Is there a support channel for Known, or is this it?
KartikPrabhu, michielbdejong, Sebastien-L, sammachin, xtof, michielbdejong1, Garbee and SRCR joined the channel
#Phykssirmlivesey: don't think so, I don't know of any at least
#tanteksirmlivesey, there are many people here who use Known and are happy to help out (even if it's not an "official" support channel)
snarfed joined the channel
#tanteksirmlivesey: check out https://indiewebcamp.com/Known to see if your question is answered, if not, go ahead and ask away - someone will likely at least try to help figure it out.
#phyks.mecreated /User:Phyks.me (+251) "Created page with "Highly interested in the social and decentralization parts of IndieWeb. Still discovering it… Moving soon to Known for my personal blog. Writing an RSS reader, planning on sup..."" (view diff)
#tantekif anything looks "odd" or is confusing at all, definitely say something!
snarfed1 joined the channel
#aaronpkoh dear. this appears to have been another casualty of redirecting everything on indiewebcamp.com to https. the users list hasn't updated since I made that change on the 13th.
#aaronpkit is fixed now, and confirmed that it refreshes every 5 minutes
#tantekaaronpk, per the discussion about https a couple (few?) days ago, what do you think of turning off the http -> https redirect on indiewebcamp.com until the mixed content warnings are fixed? https://indiewebcamp.com/https#Level_4_security
#tantekaaronpk - tried to capture the FB API like situation ^^^ please add any relevant details you think might help anyone trying to do the same, and/or any attempt to contact FB to fix the situation: https://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE_to_Facebook#Liking
#aaronpkthe thing that made me decide to drop FB from this project is realizing I don't want to have to deal with what happens if someone likes a private thing
#snarfedyeah. in theory it's ok - they could post their like as a private page on their site to match - but in practice lots of people will leak accidentally
#snarfedhence why bridgy refuses to backfeed anything non-public
#aaronpkyeah in order to do this properly I realized I would have to query the FB post being liked, find out its permissions, and send that in the micropub request to their site so their site knows if it should be public or not
#GWGMy plugin on WordPress is estimating it took 31 queries executed in 2.920 seconds.
#tanteksnarfed - I tend to be quite frustrated with the poor performance of anything other than Google's search (e.g. Gmail, Maps), taking *seconds* for common actions, and thus have often wondered what they (or failing to) use for perf.
#tantekeven search is often janky due to all the JS nonsense they've added to try to be "smart"
#snarfedtantek: sure, understood. i don't feel that pain personally, but i get it. i don't think it implies fud that pagespeed insights is unused or unmaintained though
#snarfedGWG: you use a cache, right? so the vast majority of your requests should be cached, ie minimal php (ideally none) and definitely no db queries, right?
#tantekwhen such visible services of their have such poor performance it makes me skeptical that they're using any decent tools.
#Loqitantek meant to say: when such visible services of theirs have such poor performance it makes me skeptical that they're using any decent tools.
#tantekOTOH if anyone knows what perf tools that FB uses for page load etc., *that* I'd be interested in knowing.
#snarfedtantek: i think the bigger pictures it implies that you and they have different priorities
#tanteksnarfed, not according to their posts about perf and relevance, which all provide metrics goals to achieve that their own services fail to achieve.
#GWGsnarfed: I wrote the cache. But it doesn't kick in until a page is visited twice in an hour. I could return it to once. In HTML comments on each page is the original load time.
#tantekor it's a "do as we say, not as we do" situation
#snarfedremember that companies like google are big comglomerates. they do their best, but there's never a single perfectly unified and consistent voice
#GWGThere's another site on my server...same cache...that only has a .7 second load time
#snarfedthose posts are from the developer and search community mgmt groups, which have very specific audiences (mostly external people) and priorities than e.g. product groups, much less the company as a whole
#tanteksnarfed, of course. and if it was one minor service here or there, that would be a reasonable explanation. however the exception is good perf (search, mostly), rather than bad, hence a pattern.
#GWGIt is the front page that takes a long time to load.
#snarfedsure. i don't disagree that google products could perform better. i'm just saying it's a priority/consistency problem, not a tools problem.
#snarfedok. maybe tackle the front page cache then
#GWGsnarfed: I want to figure out what is eating time in the dynamic version though, if I can.
#snarfedGWG: why? if most of your requests are cached, that would be low priority
#snarfedfwiw, i use wp super cache, configured to write cached pages to disk and serve them from there, so that most requests never run any php (or hit the db) at all
#aaronpktantek: i'm just using whatever comes back from bridgy in the u-photo property, and bridgy currently sends the full image URL
#aaronpkso I don't want to hard-code stuff specifically to fix the profile URLs when the posts are from twitter
#aaronpkthat may be a feature request for bridgy, to use the fancy twitter profile image URLs instead
#snarfedyeah, we've discussed this here a few times. i'm reluctant to because those URLs aren't officially supported (which is FUD i started and spread myself :P)
#Phykstantek: well, I can't make the indiepub plugin work for now… seems like links are added, but not routes. I opened an issue and will see if I manage to fix it. Then, I'll edit the wiki when I will post something through quill :)