#tantekPhyks - probably good to edit the wiki to note that the instructions do not currently have enough information to work.
#tantekGWG - if you can confirm that OEmbed is causing a performance problem, we should document that in /OEmbed#Criticism
#GWGtantek: Well, it is polling each site for an oembed because I used the WordPress code. I thought it would only poll the site if it was on WordPress's whitelist and that it cached the results. Apparently though, both of those things are done at a different level than I hooked in.
#tantekwhy does each site need to be polled for an oembed? and what does that mean? polling it for an oembed endpoint? doing discovery of an endpoint?
#GWGtantek: It doesn't. The code reference misled me. I need to rewrite my function
#GWGCan I give a ++ to the idea of installing a database query monitor to get rid of unneeded calls to a database, even though I know the database administration issue is a hot button one?
#tanteksnarfed: interesting "Profile Unavailable … Sorry, this profile is not available at the moment. Please try again shortly."
#GWGtantek: Either way, I've spent a lot of time on making my site better in the last 24 hours. Share in my joy.
#aaronpki'm glad i'm trying this out early! lots of funny things!
#tantekfascinating re: friend/unfriend UX design: http://mashable.com/2014/02/02/facebook-growing-up/##weaker "Before Facebook, it required a deliberate effort to hold on to these weaker relationships. Now it requires a deliberate effort to get rid of them. It may not take much, technically — just scroll through a list and click "unfriend" — but it is an unnatural and severe action: You must make a conscious choice to delete
#tantekin addition to "check the source URL to see if it is valid", if your source is a reply in-reply-to the target then do reply-context CRUD (instead of "normal" webmention processing)
#tantekthis also stops an unintented webmention feedback loop where you see the link from the original post back to your reply in the original's list of comments.
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpkah yeah i've been wondering when that is going to come up
#tantekit's an elegant solution and extension all in one
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and mdik_ joined the channel
Acidnerd, Rev_Illo, j12t and indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
yakker and mlncn joined the channel
#aaronpkman i've been getting a lot of imessage spam lately
j12t joined the channel
#aaronpkPhyks: I think flattenMicroformats() will return a list of all the mf2 objects without them being nested. so like if there is an h-card that is a p-author property of an h-entry, running the page through flatten will return all of the objects in a list
#tantekI wonder what an indieweb friend suggestion service/algorithm would look like ("people you may know" or "suggested follows") - it could help indieweb folks connect and discover each other, beyond say the limits of the UX of this IRC channel.
#Loqitantek meant to say: GWG - not sure, it's not clear *how* to figure out a friend suggestion algorithm. Multiple approaches / experiments may be needed.
#Phykstantek: I know that when I first arrive on a new medium (either a silo like FB / Twitter) or blog or anything, first problem is to "make some friends" to get help and content
#tantekPhyks this is a problem with aggregators, not with indieweb sites.
#tantekWhen you first arrive on an indieweb site, you immediately get content.
#tantekAnd you see links to other people that that person interacts with, reads, recommends, etc.
#tantekThat "new empty medium" problem is likely an indicator of the architectural flaw of silo-centric user models.
#Loqitantek meant to say: That "new empty medium" problem is likely an indicator of an architectural flaw of silo-centric user models.
#Phykshmmm, yes but I don't know of easy ways to get this to me
#Phyksfor instance if I had indieweb stuff to my website, I'd like other users to know that "somebody joined the indieweb "network"" or something like this
#tantekno - on the FB display of the comment with the link, it provides an image and "500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"
#tantekperhaps any receiver of a webmention, even just mentions, should consider sending *back* a webmention, whenever they (the original target) is updated.
#tantekexpanding the reply-context CRUD use-case to *any* /link-preview CRUD use-case
Kopfstein joined the channel
#aaronpkinstagram updated their info about what usage of the comments API is allowed