2015-01-02 UTC
snarfed, j12t, sammachin, clintpatty, Erkan_Yilmaz, eburcat, KartikPrabhu, mdik_, nloadholtes, tantek, npdoty, gRegor`, prtksxna and mdik joined the channel
# 04:24 GWG I need some ideas on categories/tags
prtksxna, tantek and mlncn joined the channel
# 05:08 tantek http://tvtag.com/ - Effective January 1st, tvtag is offline. Thanks for tagging along! If you're interested in requesting a copy of your data, please email your username in the subject line to datarequest@tvtag.com.
onewheelskyward and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 06:07 tantek hmm - apparently I had TBI for my "all entries for a day of a certain type" code.
# 06:11 bear well it still needs some plumbing work, but I have my micropub endpoint that allows me to create an article
# 06:11 bear i'm counting it as a win for 2015-01-01 challenge :)
# 06:27 tantek bear - sounds great! which micropub client were you able to use to post to your site?
# 06:27 bear that is what i'm working on now, getting more of the action items setup
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 07:51 bear and I discover erros in my token endpoint...
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 08:11 bear hmm, indieauth validate code now requires a state param...
# 08:13 bear i'm trying to get my token endpoint to work with quill and saw the error message
# 08:14 aaronpk previously it didn't but that's because it was only used for authentication
# 08:19 bear cool - fixed that, now on to the others...
eburcat, friedcell and prtksxna joined the channel
# 08:44 bear hmm, the quill post doesn't have a title field
KartikPrabhu and j12t joined the channel
# 09:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eschnou joined the channel
# 09:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
caseorganic and colintedford joined the channel
# 09:13 bear so, quill seem to support "name" (which I gather is what I would call an article title)
# 09:16 bear so quill seems to be for posting notes and not articles
# 09:16 bear because the /new form shows a content field and a slug field
# 09:16 tantek bear - I believe it posts several types of content
# 09:17 tantek most recently aaronpk added posting "like" posts support to it
# 09:17 bear oh - I only saw a link for "New Post" and am using that to test
# 09:21 bear yep - I just setup articles as the first thing for my micropub endpoint and i'm having to adjust some things to use quill as a tester
# 09:21 bear like how it uses x-www-form-urlencoded for everything
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 09:25 bear which is only an issue for my non-web-dev self and how I created my test forms :)
# 09:30 tantek aaronpk: do you have POSSEing of FB likes working?
# 09:35 tantek I only got one to work via Bridgy Publish, then the rest 404d
petermolnar and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 09:47 bear ok, *now* I can say that I have a basic micropub endpoint running \o/
# 09:49 bear it has served me well so far - it's a very small module
# 09:50 bear I pushed a new version tonight to handle the state param that is needed for micropub auth code validation
# 09:52 bear the micropub fields seem fragile to me tho - but it may be that I haven't worked with it
# 09:52 bear you can always make them your new IWC commitment :)
# 09:53 bear if it's an article or note then you have to look at the parameters to figure it out
# 09:54 bear the field list for a bookmark is almost the same as an article
# 09:54 tantek KartikPrabhu: your friend didn't want to launch their site?
# 09:55 tantek and not something simpler to start with either?
# 09:55 KartikPrabhu tantek: we do have most of the content ready but for artist portfolios one needs a dashing homepage
# 10:00 KartikPrabhu tapastic.com is a a silo for comics. I hope to get her off that an onto posting comics on her own site
stream7 and michielbdejong joined the channel
adactio and j12t joined the channel
friedcell, michielbdejong, eschnou and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ben_thatmust, eschnou, asdofindia, eburcat, prtksxna and fiatjaf joined the channel
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hober3, saurik, asdofindia, davidmead, mlncn, j12t, wont_on, Acidnerd1, wolftune, insomnike, nloadholtes and nloadholtes_ joined the channel
wolftune, Acidnerd and j12t joined the channel
# 18:00 bear so, my biggest hurdle in setting up my micropub endpoint... handling x-www-urlencoded POSTs
# 18:01 aaronpk how was that a hurdle? that's just normal post requests
# 18:01 aaronpk I thought every server-side environment handled that automatically without any extra work
# 18:01 aaronpk except maybe node.js because they like to make things complicated :P
# 18:02 bear I saw "url encoded" and started trying to parse the requested url
# 18:02 bear but the parameters are not passed in via the url but as the body in urlencoded format
# 18:02 aaronpk huh, how was that not clear that it's just "normal" post requests?
# 18:03 bear oh, sorry - not implying that the docs are *wrong*
# 18:03 bear just that for me, a very much a non-web person, it was the toughest part
# 18:03 aaronpk well they are if you thought you had to do anything fancy
# 18:04 bear once I did a quick 'learn what POST urlencoded body" I was ok
# 18:04 bear I saw "urlencoded" and thought it would be done as example.com?h=entry&content=foo
# 18:05 bear again, to a normal web dev without 20 yrs of Perl CGI in their brain... ;)
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# 18:06 bear so the only real hiccup now for me is how the parameters are not consistent across all of the different types
# 18:08 bear a Note doesn't list slug as a parameter - but anyone storing their items on the filesystem will need it and since name is also not listed, you can't create a slug from the name/title
# 18:09 bear sure, get that - just suggesting that a small set of them should be listed as being optional for all items
# 18:10 bear again, just noting how I had to adjust when using Quill to test
# 18:11 aaronpk hm ok. yeah the wiki page is mostly written as examples right now, not as a spec necessarily
# 18:11 bear yea, I was trying to follow it as a spec :)
# 18:11 bear and except for my webdev mistakes, it worked
# 18:12 bear and the token-endpoint wiki page was awesome
# 18:12 aaronpk also my goal with micropub is similar to microformats, where the spec itself is relatively small and just defines *how* requests are made. the actual vocabulary for creating notes vs photos vs checkins is a layer above that
# 18:12 aaronpk like how microformats defines parsing rules, but the semantics of an h-entry vs h-card are up one layer
# 18:13 bear yep, but if Quill is the "reference implementation" and I couldn't post an Article... again, not complaining just making the observation
# 18:14 aaronpk I could add a "new article" interface to Quill, might be a good idea
# 18:14 aaronpk I doubt anyone would use it for realsies, but would be good for testing
# 18:15 bear yea, I will be adding a /post to my python flask utility so it's not a big concern
# 18:17 bear I was noodling over the idea of having a GET to the micropub endpoint with h=??? return the list of fields that are required and optional
# 18:18 bear then a micropub client would be able to discover what the target needs
# 18:18 aaronpk what if it returned an HTML form that was marked up with microformats classes
# 18:18 aaronpk that way you could just fill it out in a browser, or code could parse it into a JSON document if it wanted
# 18:18 bear sure, I hadn't thought about the how just yet, just the idea
# 18:19 bear having it return mf2 markup would make more sense - then I could use it as the html form for submission
# 18:19 bear do the GET with the auth header and h=??? param and you get a functional form back
# 18:20 aaronpk although h=entry doesn't distinguish between an article vs note vs photo
# 18:20 bear yea, that was a grumble by me last night :)
# 18:21 bear I almost want to extend it to be h=entry/post
# 18:21 aaronpk this is why I want this part to be a layer on top of micropub rather than built in to the spec itself
# 18:22 aaronpk cause it's much more fragile and will change often as new post types are added
# 18:22 bear then we can have different implementations and let the best one bubble to the top
tantek joined the channel
# 18:22 bear tho the entry[post,note,article] change is a big one for me to be honest
snarfed joined the channel
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# 18:25 tantek re: micropub and slugs - is the slug not just part of the url paramter that is sent for creating a new post? or does the micropub endpoint return the URL?
# 18:26 aaronpk there isn't a URL parameter for creating new posts
# 18:26 aaronpk the micropub endpoint is expected to create the URL and return it in the Location header
# 18:28 tantek aaronpk - I wonder if it makes sense for micropub to allow/do *both* - that is, accept a URL parameter (e.g. for both smarter micropub clients that "know" where the next post will be, and to request a slug), and then return the *actual* URL where the content was posted.
# 18:29 tantek bear, I don't think it makes much sense for explicit entry, post, note, article.
# 18:29 aaronpk accepting a URL for creating a post sounds like REST
# 18:30 tantek aaronpk: nope. REST would be POSTING or PUTTING to the URL that *must* be where the data goes.
# 18:30 bear agree with the URL param being to RESTful
# 18:30 tantek this "url=" param would be more of a suggestion
# 18:30 bear for me explicit in the post type is better - less ambiguity
# 18:30 aaronpk right now the url parameter is used for updating a post
eburcat joined the channel
# 18:31 tantek bear - except you're reasoning about "less ambiguity" from plumbing prespective, which is the wrong place to start with such discussions
# 18:31 tantek for example, article vs. note is already fairly clear in both UIs, and existing structured/titled vs. not entry-content
# 18:31 bear not from plumbing at all - I could not figure out using Quill how to post an article - that was a UI issue
# 18:32 tantek but that's because Quill has/had no article posting feature
# 18:32 aaronpk what's the use case for the micropub client wanting to "suggest" a URL?
# 18:33 aaronpk so are you just suggesting a different name for the parameter?
# 18:33 bear always gets confused with post and note and such
# 18:33 tantek I as suggesting re-using an existing property/param rather than coming up with a new one
eburcat_ joined the channel
# 18:35 aaronpk I guess the issue I have with that is since url is used to refer to a specific post when updating, it seems confusing to use it as a "suggestion" when creating
# 18:35 bear i'm only suggesting making slug optional for all of them (or even name)
# 18:35 bear because the URL would require a lot of knowledge of now the plumbing works
# 18:36 bear edits - not "all of them' but for post, note and article
# 18:37 aaronpk okay well it at least sounds like I should make a more spec-like section on /micropub that defines how authentication and parameters are passed, then we can split out the actual fields as a separate section
# 18:37 tantek and a good reason to have a "just slug" param rather than shoehorn a use of "url" for it.
# 18:38 bear the spec would be where the formating of each param is listed also
# 18:38 Loqi bear meant to say: the spec could be where the formating of each param is listed also
# 18:39 tantek bear - I still want to encourage you to not worry about explicit typing of posts
# 18:39 tantek I think the better UIs will just let users pick various different things to post
# 18:39 bear formatting == "published uses ISO8601 date/time"
# 18:39 aaronpk I think the facebook and twitter UI do a good job of not-explicit post types
# 18:39 tantek and the endpoint / server will post those as an h-entry accordingly, without any explicit post typing
# 18:40 aaronpk you just start typing into the box, and then you can also attach a photo if you want, etc
Kopfstein joined the channel
# 18:40 bear yea, I get that, part of my "resistance" is that right now my plumbing makes that hard ;)
# 18:41 aaronpk they're more flexible and they won't crack when the water freezes
# 18:42 bear no need to apologize - a very appropriate response
# 18:43 bear will have to noodle on mapping post,article,note to his current file storage paradigm
# 18:45 bear I may have to start using note-yyyymmddhhmmss.md
# 18:45 tantek snarfed what did you think of my Bridgy Publish feature request for handling multiple h-entrys on the page?
# 18:46 snarfed tantek: honestly i don't know. i suspect it would add a fair amount of complexity, at least to get the behavior "right" for all cases
# 18:46 tantek it's not "just" a loop over the h-entrys on the page?
# 18:46 snarfed …which i don't have to do, but i'd rather not have a bunch of undefined behavior at edges
# 18:47 snarfed it might be, i just have a feeling it will result in surprises
# 18:47 snarfed e.g. if a new user accidentally plugs in a feed permalink, and bridgy happily goes and posts 20 new tweets for them
# 18:48 snarfed i detect when people put in their home page, and other obviously wrong inputs, but still
veselosky joined the channel
# 18:48 snarfed feel free to file an issue so we can discuss though!
# 18:48 snarfed definitely, i totally get your use case. it's just uncommon
# 18:50 tantek I see clustering of same-kind adjacent posts as natural step forward
# 18:50 aaronpk me too. I try to create the future. Easier to predict that way.
# 18:50 tantek which then implies a page for such clusterings
# 18:50 snarfed definitely! clearly better ui. i just don't know that people would naturally want to *bridgy publish* those clusters instead of individually
# 18:51 snarfed the clustering seems more appropriate to do afterward, purely as presentation
# 18:51 aaronpk oh tantek that reminds me, no I never did get POSSE of likes to facebook working. I gave up on it after several attempts.
wolftune joined the channel
# 18:51 tantek aaronpk - then you're using Bridgy Publish for that?
# 18:52 aaronpk no, I just haven't liked anything on facbeook recently :)
# 18:52 aaronpk actually there was one I think. I manually liked it after I posted the like on my site
# 18:52 tantek aaronpk: my running group posts public photos on FB often and thus I'm trying to like those from my site instead of FB web UI
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:54 snarfed aaronpk: do you still think it's just the publish_actions part you need?
# 18:54 snarfed if so, i'm happy to let you piggyback on bridgy's app id
# 18:55 aaronpk snarfed: I was able to use publish_actions on my own account without approval
# 18:55 aaronpk it was more issues around making sure the access token was usable and handling when it expires and such
# 18:55 aaronpk and I was trying using the JS SDK cause that's what they want, and that made things strangely hard
# 18:56 aaronpk I just got really frustrated and gave up. I might try to re-visit it later with the API approach instead of JS
# 18:58 aaronpk yeah the JS SDK is nice cause it'll handle the login prompt and refreshing the token pretty much seamlessly
# 18:59 bear hmm, is it best-practice for my micropub endpoint to return 400 for any request where the me param is not my domain?
# 18:59 snarfed tantek: this could also be more motivation to implement sending wms automatically from tantek.com :P
# 18:59 tantek snarfed - oh I know, I have it in my queue :)
# 18:59 aaronpk bear: yes unless you want to allow other users to create or edit your posts
# 19:00 bear yea, that was my thought also - ok for v1 i'll restrict it
# 19:00 aaronpk but yeah probably you want to limit it to just you
# 19:00 bear yea, i need to revisit that along with tightening up my vouch decision tree
# 19:01 bear I need a whole new set of code for "ok, so this other domain wants to do X, do I allow it"
# 19:02 bear does returning 401 unauthorized make more sense for that
# 19:03 tantek those friends should be posting their own tag reply posts in-reply-to your post
# 19:03 tantek instagram does not allow others to add tags or tag people in your photos
# 19:04 aaronpk flickr allows friends to add tags directly, right?
# 19:04 tantek however it tracks (and shows on hover) *who* added what tags
# 19:05 tantek thus acting more like tag replies with explicit attribution
# 19:09 aaronpk okay well editing typos is at least a solid use case
mlncn joined the channel
# 19:26 tantek editing typos seems minor enough to not necessarily want to do it as posting an "edit" reply post
# 19:26 tantek though maybe not - people post pull requests to edit typos - that's kind of the same kind of silo thing (and takes many more steps)
# 19:27 aaronpk typically pull requests for editing typos happens when the people don't know each other
# 19:27 aaronpk it's more of a suggestion, "here I made you a thing, you can choose to accept it if you want"
# 19:28 aaronpk I would be okay with letting friends edit my posts directly, but not just anyone who signed in via indieauth. I would want those to come in as "edit posts" where I could review and approve the edit
pauloppenheim, colintedford and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 20:40 bear why is quill doing a GET to my micropub endpoint just after it verifies the auth token?
tgbrun joined the channel
# 20:46 aaronpk it puts little syndication checkboxes in the form if it finds them
# 20:47 aaronpk I will be curious to hear your feedback on it once you implement it. I was originally planning on implementing it where my site is the thing that does the syndication
# 20:47 aaronpk but now I'm reconsidering, and thinking about making the syndication happen in Quill, and it would go update the post with the syndication link after it's created
# 20:48 bear adds that to the growing todo list ;)
# 20:48 aaronpk the main reason is because it means I can handle all the sign-in logic once in Quill, and also provide an interface for doing things like providing the shorter version of the text for twitter
# 20:49 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, that would be interesting i suppose, but I like that I can handle syndication on my site without having to worry about the client doing anything
# 20:49 bear I was just testing some of the cleanup refactoring I just did to my code and wondered why quill was triggering an exception
# 20:50 ben_thatmustbeme also, while i might give a client access to do MP posting on my site, i'm not going to give access to all of my various silos
tgbrun joined the channel
# 20:52 ben_thatmustbeme hmm, i realized that for MP access via an app, i don't need to do anything extra other than the usual indieauth methods to log in, just have the redirect as some special handler myapp://
gavinc, KartikPrabhu and wolftune joined the channel
# 21:05 bear I want to test that I have the security tight
# 21:06 bear you should be able to signout of quill on the web and then try to ... oh... yea, you query the domain for micropub *after* you signin
# 21:08 bear you could take the auth code from your session and try to use that against mine
# 21:09 aaronpk okay I got a token from your token endpoint for bear.pin13.net
# 21:10 bear cool - that was what I wanted - thanks!
# 21:11 bear once I do allow friends to post I'll make it 401
# 21:16 emmak aaronpk: i got syndication-discovery working with quill
# 21:16 emmak i am syndicating to twitter and facebook through bridgy from my micropub endpoint, and it seems to work
# 21:17 aaronpk oh nice! so your micropub endpoint gets the syndicate-to checkbox value and then tells bridgy to publish?
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# 21:17 emmak i had to add comma-separated-list style as a fallback to array style, to get it working with quill
# 21:20 emmak one thing i was wondering about was whether "[]" should be part of the spec, since php doesn't seem to support array parameters without that
# 21:20 aaronpk yeah, the [] syntax will need to be part of the micropub spec since it isn't part of form-encoding
# 21:21 emmak or whether its bad to force something based on the quirks of a particular language
# 21:21 aaronpk enough other languages have adopted that that it's reasonable to use it
mlncn and npdoty joined the channel
# 21:24 kylewm it's also kind of the least common denominator; other languages tolerate the [], but php needs them
pauloppenheim1 and tantek joined the channel
# 21:34 bret cool aaronpk, thanks for making those updates
# 21:35 aaronpk bret: lol that's just docs so far. wil have to do the actual updates later
myfreeweb joined the channel
# 21:47 bret missed the deadline :/ but I made more progress on modularizing gitpub
# 21:55 tantek bret - is it still something you're interested in doing or is it not so much an itch any more?
# 21:57 ben_thatmustbeme oh wow, indie-auth access may be even easier than that, this should actually be a breeze to make a micropub client app
wont_on joined the channel
# 22:02 bret tantek: totally. but in starting, I began refactoring a bunch, mainly out of necessity
# 22:03 tantek bret - I can totally relate. In the process of implementing "like" posts I greatly simplified the Falcon storage format.
# 22:03 tantek simplified the markup produced on my home page too
# 22:04 bret in order to get micrpub working in the first place, I just hacked and slashed my way to the finish line. made a total mess
# 22:04 bret its fun though, every time I do something I learn a lot, which is primarily the valuable thing for me right now
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# 22:30 aaronpk php only sees one value if you have multiple with the same name
# 22:30 aaronpk you have to name them foo[] if you want it to show up as an array
benwerd and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 22:56 tantek !tell snarfed do you have a list/stream/feed of your indie checkins? And have you found that your new checkin flow is resulting in more frequent checkins than before?
# 22:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu and lupinedev joined the channel
# 23:13 tantek npdoty: how is your 2015-01-01 h-cite generation goal going?
# 23:15 npdoty I guess in my head, tweets like that are just pointers. the content itself is on my own site. it’s manual syndication, as it were
# 23:16 tantek why not post such "pointers" notes using Known on your own site and POSSE them to Twitter instead?
# 23:16 tantek why put *any* primary content on Twitter ever?
KartikPrabhu and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 23:20 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 23:22 npdoty tantek, you’re saying, why don’t I own the syndications that will then be syndicated?
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 23:22 npdoty I like the turtles-all-the-way-down nature of that, but I tend to prioritize
# 23:31 tantek npdoty: do you have access to give/middle/family names in your system as separate pieces or are they all opaque "name" strings? e.g. in <span class="p-author">Doty, Nick</span>, and <span class="p-author">Deirdre K. Mulligan</span>
# 23:32 npdoty I believe the CSL (Citation Style Language) spec does describe different parts of names
# 23:33 tantek <span class="p-author h-card"><span class="p-family-name">Doty</span>, <span class="p-given-name">Nick</span></span>, and <span class="p-author h-card"><span class="p-given-name">Deirdre</span> <abbr class="p-additional-name">K.</abbr> <span class="p-family-name">Mulligan</span></span>
# 23:37 tantek slight adjustment to make an explicit p-name for your entry that uses more canonical given/family ordering: <span class="p-author h-card"><abbr class="p-name" title="Nick Doty"><span class="p-family-name">Doty</span>, <span class="p-given-name">Nick</span></span>,</abbr> and <span class="p-author h-card"><span class="p-given-name">Deirdre</span> <abbr class="p-additional-name">K.</abbr> <span class="p-family-name">Mulligan</span></span>
# 23:41 npdoty I’m not sure I’ve seen use of <abbr> for non-abbreviations like that before
# 23:41 npdoty I’ll add an issue to my github repo about identifying different name parts
# 23:44 tantek npdoty it's more typical when there's an initial in use e.g. Doty, N. or even Doty, N. P. ;)
# 23:44 tantek however it works even with the given name expanded to have the desired effect
# 23:45 npdoty it would actually be really useful if citation processors did that when they used a style that used aggressive abbreviation
# 23:45 npdoty law journals and the like will often abbreviate the names of journals or other items
# 23:45 tantek typical consumers of "p-author" expect canonical (not citation style) name ordering as "name" - hence explicit markup helps that.
# 23:46 npdoty are there consumers of “p-author” I can test with?
# 23:46 tantek npdoty indeed - any citation style that does any abbreviation should use <abbr> with the full canonical expansion in its 'title' attribute
# 23:46 tantek npdoty pretty much every webmention receiving site
# 23:46 tantek gets the p-author of the h-entry and displays it as the commenter
# 23:47 npdoty right, I was going to try sending webmentions once the citations were in place
# 23:47 npdoty although there won’t be an h-entry in that case, I suppose
# 23:47 tantek you could markup the paper as a whole as an h-entry
# 23:48 tantek <h1 class="title p-name">Rendering HTML papers with hCite citations</h1>
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# 23:48 tantek or if you want to get fancy with the affiliation
# 23:49 npdoty yeah, I have some separate questions (included in future work section) about marking up the metadata for the author of the paper itself
# 23:49 tantek <p class="affiliation p-org">UC Berkeley, School of Information</p>
# 23:49 tantek <h3 class="date"><time class="dt-published" datetime="2015-01-01">January 1, 2015</time></h3>
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# 23:50 npdoty the people who would parse the p-author on the citation itself would more likely be crawlers who want to identify citations between papers, or reference management extensions who want to slurp up the citations from the current paper
# 23:50 tantek and then one giant <div class="e-content"> around all the <sections>
# 23:51 tantek by marking up the paper itself with h-entry, that provides properties that *others* can automatically use to cite *that paper*
# 23:51 npdoty yeah, totally. I want markup both to cite others and so that others can easily cite me
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# 23:52 npdoty I’ll try to write something up about abbreviations, which I think would be an even higher priority for me
# 23:52 tantek when you markup your paper with h-entry then all anyone has to do is parse your paper with microformats, get the top level h-entry, and use its properties to automatically construct a citation
# 23:52 tantek hopefully the markup examples I gave above (copy/pasting from your existing markup in the paper) will be sufficient!
# 23:52 Loqi snarfed: tantek left you a message 56 minutes ago: do you have a list/stream/feed of your indie checkins? And have you found that your new checkin flow is resulting in more frequent checkins than before?
# 23:53 tantek snarfed ok. also aside, noticed a bit of spam on your /about page when I was looking for your chekins.
# 23:53 Loqi tantek meant to say: snarfed ok. also aside, noticed a bit of spam on your /about page when I was looking for your checkins.
# 23:53 snarfed tantek: heh, i think we've discussed that before. i keep a couple intentionally that are especially amusing