aaronpkheh I googled "find your first tweet" expecting to find some scammy site that makes you log in w/your twitter account. was shocked that the first site I clicked somehow knew my twitter account and showed me my first tweet without any interaction.
Loqitantek: colintedford left you a message 31 minutes ago: Thanks! That commitment helped get me back to working on my site after a couple months off.
Loqimicrosyntax refers to short text conventions for conveying specific semantic meaning, such as an "@" prefix indicating a (user)name, or "#" prefix indicating a hashtag (both conventions popularized by Twitter) https://indiewebcamp.com/microsyntax
Loqitantek: bear left you a message 44 minutes ago: thanks! I don't think it would be a "short" post at all - but still, yes, I should write one with some code samples for others to use
colintedfordprtksxna: Thanks, my site's progress has been pretty slow and I haven't done any of the cool indieweb connectivity stuff yet but I'm happy with how it's coming along.
prtksxnacolintedford: I was up at 3.30 today hoping to see it, got some pictures while it was still high up but couldn't catch it setting into the sea because of cloud cover :(
prtksxnaOh that reply context jumps around quite a bit, comes back to aaronpk's site. It'd be nice to see the whole thread. But I don't understand comments properly just yet so I won't dwell into it now
LoqiA reply thread (AKA reply chain) is a threaded list of replies, and replies to those replies, displayed under the original post, as part of the context-thread https://indiewebcamp.com/reply-thread
prtksxnaKartikPrabhu: mediawiki already has a very good api to extract data, but if it supports mf2 it'll be even easier to get some info. The idea to use is on infoboxes on en.wiki is great too
KartikPrabhuyup. which is why indieweb people adopt an experiment with use cases approach. that is how "like-of" and others got added to the microformats spec as experimental. People here use it and so it gets added to spec
colintedfordKartikPrabhu: yeah, their page lists some search engines & a list of things I'm too lazy to click to see what they are but sound obscure-ish.
LoqiIndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites https://indiewebcamp.com/indiewebcamp
aaronpkalso having that page as HTML has the added benefit of being able to just load it up in a mobile app and have it work without the client parsing anything from it
aaronpkand then regarding push/realtime, PuSH has a mechanism for that already, so as soon as your site adds something to the feed, it would ping its hub and all the subscribers would be notified immediately
aaronpkmicropub needs to be able to read in order to edit posts, since often people write posts using some sort of markup that is transformed by their site to the HTML that is finally rendered
ben_thatmustbemei'm thinking to use MP as a general control point for the site, don't really need more than one. Anything i can do by admin on my page i should be able to do over MP
ben_thatmustbemealso, if its another <link> then the URL is public, though it may never be (never will be for my site) so it doesn't make sense to have it as a <link>
ben_thatmustbemefrom what i have looked at there are several basic operations that can be organized though. Posting/updating (micropub right now) getting information on posts (url= to get a raw post), getting config information (syndicate-to, mp-config), setting configs (I suggested for setting mp-config/indie-config values) getting/setting contacts? (these would make more sense a different endpoint i suppose, though i like the idea that client connectio
bearben_thatmustbeme - that is what I ran into last week - I was trying to overload my micropub endpoint to be my /mention and /new and kept running into issues from having to sort out if the POST request was from a micropub client or from a browser or ???
bearnot saying that it can't be done, just that my meager web dev skills was mucking it up so I am keeping them seperate now - /micropub and /mention which groks if someone is auth'd
tantekvoxpelli: except that aaronpk and I did deliberately choose the "indieweb" term to mean a set of specific things, above and beyond anything "federated", "decentralized", or "blogging".
tantekand thus we specifically chose the term "indiewebcamp" to refer to our first gathering, which we co-organized with Amber Case and Crystal Beasley - thus making the four of us "founders" of "indiewebcamp"
KartikPrabhutantek: we've been here before. People seem to associate "indieweb" with just hosting your own site. Also, people don't seem to want "indieweb" to be used for specifically the approach used here
voxpellitantek: yeah, might be a language thing – just think "founders" can carry unfortunate connotations in some cases which "initiators" doesn't – but might not come across the same way in english
tantekalso - this citation does not backup your claim of "don't seem to want "indieweb" to be used for specifically the approach used here" - quite the opposite
tanteke.g. jkphl said: "Well, despite the fact that I do recognize (and agree with) what Tantek is aiming for here" in response to my tweet that if you want to be indie you should tweet from your own website.
tantekor else be deluged by sales & marketing people defining "indieweb" as whatever they want it to mean to sell crap because of the "buzz" around "indieweb"
tantekKartikPrabhu: all that being said, beyond those typical definitional integrity problems, because we are specifically using "indie" implying "independent" - that puts a particularly strong pressure on us to allow for (perhaps at least somewhat) forking / diverging / broader inclusive defintions.
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, i use ownyourgram for photos now (didn't know it did video though... hmm) problem is instagram crashes a LOT on my phone, and locks up the camera when it does it, forcing a reboot. I figure i have the generic receiving working thanks to ownyourgram. I'll have to look at video at some point too
aaronpkwow that's too bad. the instagram app is fine on iOS. actualy mostly I take photos with the built-in camera app, then choose the photo from my library from instagram.
benwerdben_thatmustbeme: that'd solve a major problem we've been hearing. Photo uploads from mobile devices over the web really suck, because the browser can't resize the photo down. If you can compress the photos a little, like Instagram does, you'll create a massively better experience than the web alone.
aaronpkdoes anyone here show a view counter on their pages? I remember late-90s websites used to show the little odometer-style counter at the bottom showing the number of visitors
aaronpkand now the Twitter app is making your twitter analytics more prominent within the app, one of which shows the number of people who saw individual tweets