2015-01-06 UTC
tantek joined the channel
# 00:11 tantek does Known still require Bridgy for backfeeds? somehow I was under the impression that Known now had native backfeed support built-in (when you conntected your various accounts)
# 00:11 kylewm silly question, if i want my "new note" interface to come up faster on mobile, is setting the cache headers the right way to do that?
# 00:12 tantek kylewm: what do the various browser loading measurement tools tell you?
# 00:12 tantek (in terms of what http resources are taking how long to load and render)
# 00:12 tantek and not a silly question at all - performance optimization is non-trivial
# 00:13 tantek ok oops I better go clarify something with a new withknown user then
# 00:13 snarfed we all talked strategy a while back, and they had no plans to build it themselves
# 00:13 snarfed if anything, they're doubling down on making bridgy integrate better
# 00:14 tantek but there's no Bridgy sign-up flow right now on withknown.com so you don't know you don't get backfeed
# 00:14 kylewm tantek, PageSpeed says to eliminate above the fold javascript; but i don't really believe that's what's taking the longest
# 00:15 tantek snarfed++ that's exactly the link I was looking for
Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
# 00:24 kylewm even more than that, it looks like it actively scrubs your <a> tag
GWG joined the channel
# 00:26 tantek or just pulls the e-content as "value" plain text
# 00:29 kylewm oh speaking of, i had a microformats question for you, will ask in #microformats
KevinMarks_, Erkan_Yilmaz and prtksxna joined the channel
# 01:01 aaronpk KevinMarks_: what property does unmung look for when finding the podcast media?
# 01:05 KevinMarks {% for link in entry.links %} {% if link.type == 'audio/mpeg' %} <p><audio class="u-audio" src="{{link.href}}" controls preload=none ><a href="{{link.href}}">audio</a></audio> {% endif %}
# 01:08 KevinMarks hm apparenty rss ones come in as .enclosures, but I think it maps them back and forth
# 01:18 aaronpk what do you think h-feed consumers will do if they see a list of children, some of which are h-entry and some which are h-cards
# 01:18 aaronpk related, what is the best way to mark up a list of contributors to a multi-author blog as an h-feed property?
# 01:21 aaronpk so I actually want the author of the h-entrys to be the podcast itself
# 01:22 ben_thatmust kylewm, if you just want it to load faster i find making sure to put javascript to all defer until after loading (wherever possible) gives a much nicer load experience
# 01:23 aaronpk i can't think of what to call them, so right now they are just children of the h-feed
# 01:23 KevinMarks "If an atom:entry element does not contain atom:author elements, then the atom:author elements of the contained atom:source element are considered to apply. In an Atom Feed Document, the atom:author elements of the containing atom:feed element are considered to apply to the entry if there are no atom:author elements in the locations described above."
# 01:23 aaronpk it's just kind of weird that the h-feed has a couple h-entrys then some h-cards as children
veselosky and clintpatty joined the channel
# 01:27 KevinMarks I think most podcasts just use one <itunes:author> 'cos thats what iTunes looks for
# 01:27 aaronpk yeah, and I want just one author to show up in a reader
# 01:27 KevinMarks Tantek and I went to Apple after they launched podcasts and explained why the standards people were grumpy wiht them
# 01:28 aaronpk for making up a bunch of itunes-scoped properties for the rss feed?
# 01:30 KevinMarks to find the feed that works you have to click on subscribe and copy a plain-text link
# 01:31 KevinMarks mind you that's better then NPR/ gimlet, where you have to use a aprser to unfuck the iTunes link to find the feed
tantek, cmhobbs, mdik_, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, mlncn-agaric and arlen joined the channel
# 04:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:30 prtksxna I am starting to use the h-entry mf on my blog and I had a question. The blog is run only by me and I don't add a byline to every post. Does it make sense to add a hidden p-author field, or is it implied? Should I instead use h-feed as a whole and define author there?
# 04:30 Loqi prtksxna: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 44 minutes ago: thanks for the indiewebify fix! merged.
# 04:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 04:35 KartikPrabhu prtksxna: according to your design. why not add h-entry to the <body> and then p-author to the header?
# 04:37 prtksxna KartikPrabhu: How would that make sense? I have multiple h-entries in by body
# 04:38 KartikPrabhu prtksxna: I meant for post permalink pages. for list pages the way you have it is good
# 04:38 prtksxna KartikPrabhu: I don't have it at all right now, but you're saying that not repeating the p-author is fine?
# 04:41 prtksxna KartikPrabhu: But it seems that including it will only make things simpler for the parser
# 04:41 KartikPrabhu prtksxna: do what makes design sense, not what makes something simpler for an algorithm
KartikPrabhu, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
asdofindia and sh4l joined the channel
asdofindia joined the channel
# 07:31 bear hmm, i'm wondering if I will be able to test indieauth login without a browser
asdofindia, reidab, KevinMarks_ and colintedford joined the channel
# 08:10 kylewm bear: yeah i have had that problem...did not figure it out
# 08:10 bear yea, I got to the point where I could check that it was calling indieauth.com properly and punted :)
# 08:11 bear yea, but the issue is popping up a browser window to do the persona call (or whatever they pick)
# 08:12 bear which smells when your doing cli tests
# 08:12 bear because indieauth.com uses persona.js
# 08:14 kylewm it is also a little tricky to get the reply from indieauth; i ran a one-off server on localhost and passed it as the redirect_uri
# 08:16 bear verify the initial call returns 200 and then playback a recorded /success for both pass and fail
clintpatty, csarven, wont_on, asdofindia and friedcell joined the channel
# 08:54 KevinMarks localhost server isn't that bad; at least it means you can test other http error conditions, headers etc
# 08:56 bear i'll tackle python version of indieauth after I get other things working :)
KartikPrabhu and cweiske joined the channel
petermolnar, KartikPrabhu and wont_on joined the channel
Acidnerd, Sebastien-L, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, csarven and friedcell joined the channel
myfreeweb joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, eburcat, adactio, Sebastien-L, prtksxna_, friedcell, dns53, behind_you, csarven, loic_m and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
Sebastien-L, JasonO, flowyi, prtksxna, gRegor`, verdi_, myfreeweb and wolftune joined the channel
mlncn-agaric joined the channel
JasonO, veselosky, flowyi, Sebastien-L, clintpatty, michielbdejong, davidmead, KartikPrabhu, gRegor`_, snarfed, crystal_ and myfreeweb joined the channel
eburcat and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 16:41 GWG gRegor`: Finally returned to a project that I discussed with you
# 16:41 gRegor` Which project?
mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 16:46 GWG A starter theme for WordPress with mf2
tantek and myfreeweb joined the channel
# 17:26 kylewm huh, that's cool. I wonder how anil inspired him to install Known
ooland joined the channel
# 17:30 aaronpk the @flickrhelp account hasn't tweeted since july
# 17:34 kylewm @FlickrHelp is still active under Tweets & Replies
veselosky joined the channel
# 17:43 GWG rascul: I have decided to try it. Was looking for a good reference
# 17:44 rascul i really only use it for the variables and the nesting
# 17:46 GWG rascul: That is what I want it for. To make CSS easier to write
# 17:47 rascul heh i should probably finish my site design one day
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:47 aaronpk i feel like it's overkill for most of the things I do
# 17:48 rascul GWG there's several things i almost completed until i got bored with it
danlyke joined the channel
# 17:48 rascul KartikPrabhu it's useful for nesting mostly imo
# 17:49 gRegor` aaronpk: Your flickr loads for me
# 17:49 aaronpk gRegor`: it's back now. was definitely down for a while
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:50 gRegor` Scary, esp. with Yahoo's record
# 17:50 rascul KartikPrabhu i don't like to litter my html with classes because it makes it less readable
# 17:50 GWG I like to split things into smaller files so I can find them. This would allow me to generate a single file.
# 17:51 GWG I think I change things often enough...
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:55 KartikPrabhu rascul: more nesting means more specificity for the style, which then makes it that much harder to over-ride
# 17:57 KartikPrabhu later in the CSS file you may want to over ride some style you set early on
# 17:58 KartikPrabhu I sometime use custom styles for a particular post. So my main css needs to be over-rideable
# 17:58 rascul i'm not sure how i could redo it without getting lost in a jumbled mess of classes and id's
mlncn-agaric joined the channel
# 17:59 rascul i like that i can easily trace my css in my .sass based on what i'm looking at in the rendered web page
# 17:59 GWG Fortunately for me, I'm not starting from scratch.
# 17:59 GWG rascul: I'm going to try scss over sass
# 17:59 rascul i'm no web designer either, and i really hope i never am :)
# 18:00 KartikPrabhu rascul: if you name classes and ids approriately then you still can do that
# 18:00 rascul GWG i only did sass instead of scss because kate got confused for the highlighting with scss
sandro_ joined the channel
# 18:02 rascul i would prefer the tab spacing if kate would cooperate
# 18:03 GWG I grew up with C... After I abandoned Pascal. I'm most comfortable with that style. I still tsb space for readability.
# 18:04 rascul all this talking in here makes me want to work on my site some more, but i've got other things on the list first
# 18:05 GWG rascul: That is how it happens with me.
# 18:06 GWG My 2015 commitment broke my 2014 code. So I am rebuilding using a design that is hopefully better. Of course this is my 4th time doing that since March
# 18:07 GWG I need to find a methodology that makes it easier to add things without rewriting old stuff too much
# 18:07 GWG But I have learned from each generation
# 18:08 rascul heh i rewrote my static site generator so many times
agaric joined the channel
# 18:18 rascul there's no access control on the github wikis is there?
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 18:20 rascul using bsd license, is it acceptable to just put it in /COPYING or /LICENSE or should i also include a license blurb in every source file?
myfreeweb joined the channel
lupinedev joined the channel
# 18:44 bret aaronpk: "Thanks for the report! We are looking into it right now. We do appreciate reports like this, helps us keep things clean around here :)"
# 18:44 bear rascul - what I do is put the license line in every source file and have the LICENSE file contain the full text
# 18:45 ben_thatmust genrally it is nice to be able to just scroll to the top and know what its liscense is
# 18:47 bear this is what I use for my python projects: """:copyright: (c) 2015 by Mike Taylor
# 18:47 bear :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details."""
# 18:47 bear yea, IMO they are overly complicated, one of the reasons I stick with MIT or BSD
# 18:48 rascul i like the simple, clear, easy to read and to the point licenses best
# 18:49 bear that is the cognitive advantage of using MIT or BSD - it's open source and in reality they can really do anything, so keep the maintenance and attention costs as low as necessary
# 18:51 rascul not too late kylewm, sass isn't going anywhere!
# 18:52 kylewm I just learned it (SCSS specifically) and didn't feel like it was overkill at all, even for very minimal styling
# 18:58 ben_thatmust some of those are contingent upon ability to post do that, plus it would be nice to get replies/rsvps in there too
# 18:58 aaronpk ben_thatmust: have you thought about making an interface that is less post-type driven?
# 18:58 aaronpk like you make a new post, then just start attaching different things to it
# 18:59 ben_thatmust i had considered it, but i worried the actual posting interface would get far too cluttered
# 19:01 ben_thatmust also, it would be confusing when i get to "why can't i add a photo, video, and audio" in one post. which would get to a whole new can of worms of uploading files that aren't a single post, etc
tantek joined the channel
# 19:02 ben_thatmust some of those could be combined in, but i think creating events, and media posts should be seperate
caseorga_, myfreeweb and benwerd joined the channel
# 19:26 benwerd aaronpk: we're getting some pushback about the requirement for the PHP XML-RPC module, which is inherited from php-mention-client. I see that xml_encode_request has a built-in shim, but is there still a requirement for an xml_decode function to exist?
# 19:27 tantek benwerd - related - I got the author of that to try Known: potch.withknown.com
# 19:27 Loqi tantek: prtksxna left you a message on 1/5 at 8:30pm: You're welcome!
# 19:27 tantek however I errantly thought backfeed was built-in to Known - like the way it "just works" on werd.io, so I forgot to get him signed up on that
# 19:27 benwerd tantek: we have an easy bridgy interface coming for the next version
eburcat joined the channel
# 19:28 tantek also if there are any contests anywhere of the sort, I'd like to nominate Known as best new open source project of 2014
# 19:29 rascul heh benwerd's presence reminds me i need to update my sister's site :)
# 19:29 aaronpk benwerd: I can probably hack it to not need xmlrpc_decode
# 19:30 aaronpk it's just checking the response from sending the pingback, I can probably do it with string matching
# 19:30 benwerd aaronpk: not to worry - just wanted to check if something existed before duplicating work
Acidnerd joined the channel
# 19:30 aaronpk it certainly doesn't need a full decode replacement
# 19:31 benwerd awards or no, I'd really love to go to oscon this year.
# 19:34 rascul tantek do you know how they decide the winners?
# 19:38 rascul yeah google tturned that up for me earlier :)
# 19:39 tantek rascul - feel free to add that 2014 URL you found as a citation on that wikipedia page :)
# 19:40 rascul i'd rather not, i have some personal reasons for not having a wikipedia account
sparverius joined the channel
# 20:06 rascul it wouldn't bother me at all if you did it though
Kopfstein joined the channel
# 20:40 aaronpk you can still make anonymous edits to wikipedia right?
pauloppenheim, caseorga_, eburcat and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 21:19 Acidnerd hey anyone here familiar with federated concept of Lorea/elgg ?
# 21:20 Acidnerd is it still in the race, in the light of what #indieweb has been doing ?
# 21:21 Acidnerd on my last experiment 2 years ago i was able to subscribe to a EFF on status.net on a Elgg/lorea instance, and that's pretty much all it was able to do
# 21:22 tantek Acidnerd - do you know anyone using Lorea/elgg on their personal site today?
# 21:22 Acidnerd note personal site
# 21:22 Acidnerd one is n-1.cc
# 21:23 benwerd Soooo ... Known started because Tantek and I tried to push a microformat pull request to Elgg.
# 21:23 Acidnerd and another is my experiment because n-1.cc was too slow http://occupythecomms.cc (now invaded by spammers, and all federated plugins turned off)
# 21:24 Acidnerd i loved the idea of being able to "follow" someone from another platform without having to register there
# 21:25 Acidnerd and get their update right on my node
# 21:25 Acidnerd i still love the idea, i'm getting ready to implement indieweb to my wordpress, and then start testing known and other implementations
# 21:27 Acidnerd but what really interest me, is how to connect existing alternatives like diaspora, status.net, elgg, identi.ca, together and being able to think more about "federated web"
# 21:27 tantek Acidnerd do you run any of those alternatives on your personal site?
# 21:27 Acidnerd not right now
# 21:28 Acidnerd thinking on getting me a new VPS where i can dive into experimenting all that
# 21:28 benwerd Acidnerd: Yeah. We're working on a feed-based version of this for Known. We probably won't do direct integrations, except potentially for Elgg (just because that's an easy win)
# 21:28 Acidnerd well my music site www.buzzworkers.com
# 21:28 Acidnerd my news junkie info site www.intoxvs.info
# 21:28 Acidnerd both are wordpress
# 21:29 tantek hmm - I'm not seeing any content on the home pages - is it all hidden behind JS?
# 21:29 Acidnerd but since i dont have since many years my own personal blog, i was thinking on trying known
# 21:29 Acidnerd hmm nope, but the landing page is a rebelmouse script
# 21:30 tantek oh that's too bad because it looks blank except for nav links with NoScript running
# 21:30 Acidnerd hmm inded, that's the issue with rebelmouse
# 21:30 tantek better to have content that works as content, and is only enhanced by JS
# 21:30 Acidnerd i could implement it using iframes
# 21:31 Acidnerd i agree, but both use case here, are not really where i want to experiment with indieweb
# 21:31 Acidnerd rebelmouse is an aggregator, social frontpage
# 21:32 Acidnerd depending on the usecase, it can be used several ways, one is centralizing because of the fragmentation of web services
# 21:32 Acidnerd so a brand or let's say you can have all your identities, youtube, instagram, facebook, twitter, go back to your site,
# 21:33 Acidnerd but you're never owning the data
# 21:33 aaronpk they're not really on your site if it's loading the content from external sources via javascript
# 21:33 kylewm Acidnerd, do you follow the work on federating Diaspora/Friendica/StatusNet?
# 21:33 tantek Acidnerd - which of those do you consider your primary personal site?
# 21:33 Acidnerd i was, but not since last year, i kinda lost the track of it
# 21:34 Acidnerd none: that's why i want to have my own blog, for like personal stuff
# 21:34 Acidnerd hence i could start directly with the correct tool, by the wiki, there is several, and i'm interested to try
# 21:35 Acidnerd i want to have that site where i can publish my stuff and it goes to corporate silos
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 21:35 Acidnerd without me having to move a finger
# 21:35 tantek Acidnerd - awesome - just got to pick a domain you want to start with for that and plenty of folks here who can help you step by step.
# 21:35 Acidnerd i'll do that, just waiting some €€ should arrive pretty soon now
# 21:36 tantek I mean you can use one of your current domains if you want!
# 21:37 Acidnerd i loved the concept of federated web, because at the time, i was thinking that instead of making people run off facebook, we could all be a federated network, let's say for activism for exemple, if we had a decent social net replacement, respectful of privacy, data ownership, security, and then connect instances together and allow people to follow each other no matter the platform they are in
# 21:37 tantek pretty sure that was the only time you and I met up to chat microformats at La Boulange Du Dome, which I do remember where we first edited those source files on github and submitted a patch
# 21:38 tantek Acidnerd - you've found a place where others love that too - and are doing it with their own site :)
# 21:38 Acidnerd tantek, yes i could, i could have blog.buzzworkers.com, but i really want to separate things up and have this machine where i can do all the experiments i want
# 21:38 Acidnerd i'm watching this #indiewebcamp for a while, mostly on twitter and via the wiki
# 21:38 Acidnerd forgot to come here
# 21:39 Acidnerd that's on my todo list now
# 21:40 Acidnerd hope you don't mind, and if you mind, just tell me and i'll delete the topic
crystal__ joined the channel
# 21:40 Acidnerd it's using RSS and #indieweb tag on twitter
# 21:41 Acidnerd there is no open source alternative to rebelmouse
# 21:41 Acidnerd i wish i existed
# 21:42 Acidnerd well it takes RSS feeds from any site, a wiki in this case, #hashtags,
# 21:42 Acidnerd but it can also be very strict, like i could put all of you on a twitter list, and then get your tweets, but only if there is a link and only if there is #indieweb on the tweet
# 21:42 Acidnerd so in another way, you would be powering the topic when YOU tweet with correct rules
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 21:43 bear rebelmouse becomes a presentation/UI issue once you get your indieweb site running
# 21:44 Acidnerd i'm using a lot of this with grassroots movements, bc they need simple ways to group publish, without ACL or to complex system for users, and since people know how to tweet, they use their twitter app to power the topic
# 21:45 Acidnerd bear: can you explain why ?
# 21:45 bear you would be able to gather your own posts (tweets, whatever), your friends posts via h-feed reading and also external references via brid.gy
# 21:45 bear then it's all in your site and you can style it how you want
# 21:46 Acidnerd that's going to be great, so i can get ride of rebelmouse
# 21:47 Acidnerd rebelmouse is moving to being able to create instant community with it's Roar and X pay options, with integrated comments, and all the features from the free rebelmouse plan, but again...that's the direction i want to avoid from now on, at least for me personally for a starter
# 21:49 Acidnerd let's try this rss feed aaronpk
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 21:50 Acidnerd ok it's there now, give it some time to grok all the incoming feed items
# 21:50 Acidnerd by the way you're pushing tweets there directly with @indiewebcamp and @indiewebcampUK
# 22:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:00 Acidnerd what is the code behind loqi ?
# 22:01 tantek If it wasn't for Elgg rejecting those patches, we might not have Known today.
# 22:01 Acidnerd i guess that's good then ?
# 22:02 tantek huh User account "Loqi.me" is not registered.
# 22:02 Acidnerd but i secretely hope that one day Elgg make the big jump and join #indieweb work
# 22:02 kylewm Acidnerd: mapkyca has done some work in syndicating Known to Elgg I believe
# 22:02 tantek Acidnerd - I similarly hope other past federated/socialweb OSS adds support for indieweb protocols and formats
# 22:04 Acidnerd i think your approach to solve the issue of people not moving/not having to move from Corporate Silo's with #webmentions #indieauth etc..is just perfect to have more people joining the wagon, but then
# 22:04 Acidnerd having elgg/indenti.ca/status.net/diaspora/ and others to join
# 22:06 tantek agreed - and we are working on that one person at a time
# 22:06 Acidnerd would be a huge step forward, into proving another social web is possible, it's emerging, sometimes i feel it's like 2 fingers away.. that we just need more synergy, more coders...and a practical example, a place where a lot of people would join, because of one issue/topic and use this to get people used to a federated web and all the possibilities that might emerge from it
# 22:07 Acidnerd is talking too much, sorry!
# 22:07 Acidnerd getting my domain soon...but right now my credit card is broke, and i'm not going below Zéro :)
# 22:08 Acidnerd i should say my rechargeable credit card
# 22:09 Acidnerd i know a group of people, internationally that would love a #indieweb enabled social network
# 22:09 tantek Acidnerd - great - introduce them to this channel personally and hopefully we can help them out!
# 22:10 Acidnerd they would be interested to join a platform, not a personal site
# 22:10 Acidnerd what should i say to those ?
# 22:10 Acidnerd i'm already talking to them about it, but they think i speak chinese
# 22:12 Acidnerd i tried to explain webmentions, h-entries, h-card, i lost them at webmentions
# 22:13 Acidnerd is there a way to enter this channel from a browser from indieweb wiki/site ?
# 22:13 tantek acidnerd - right there in the sidebar on the home page indiewebcamp.com
# 22:15 Acidnerd thanks found it
# 22:16 Acidnerd i should start a indieweb meetup for Brussels
# 22:16 kylewm Acidnerd: there's a little bit different mindset here; the nice thing about indieweb is that you don't have to convince a whole bunch of people to join a platform so that it becomes useful
# 22:16 Acidnerd but what do you say to people that don't have a domain, or don't want one ?
# 22:17 Acidnerd but those would be ok to join a platform
# 22:17 tantek either you want to own your data, or you don't
# 22:18 tantek if you're using someone else's "platform", you don't own your data
# 22:19 Acidnerd i agree, and guess i'm confused about how to make a federated web "social" in the sense, people can follow/subscribe to you, like activity stream plugin from elgg
# 22:19 Loqi To follow is the concept of establishing a digital relationship to another person or entity so that you can receive updates from them over a given social media channel https://indiewebcamp.com/follow
# 22:19 Acidnerd agree, so how do you apply that to current #indieweb status ?
# 22:20 tantek Acidnerd, welcome to the cutting edge. IndieWeb reader and following support are right on the cusp of development right now
# 22:20 Loqi A reader (or indie reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site as well https://indiewebcamp.com/reader
# 22:20 Acidnerd can i follow your activity on your blog from my blog and get all your activity or select?
# 22:21 Acidnerd geez this is becoming more and more exciting
# 22:21 Acidnerd so it's really possible then..wuuusshhhh
# 22:23 Acidnerd resolution 2015 : i have to put this in motion for me
# 22:24 Acidnerd whoo my first karma :)
# 22:25 Acidnerd those things like "pubsubhubpub" still exist and if yes, do they make sense in the case of indieweb ?
# 22:27 Acidnerd by reading the wiki, i see you guys in 1 year, advanced soo much !!! there is so many things going, so many different approach and different implementations, this is nuts !
# 22:27 GWG Acidnerd: Get more karma and redeem them for prizes.
# 22:28 Acidnerd are you offering domain name ? lol
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 22:29 GWG Acidnerd, I'll give you one karma point if you add yourself to irc_people.
# 22:29 kylewm Acidnerd: check the wiki on /PuSH, it has some info about subscribing to indieweb-style HTML feeds, though I think most people (other than barnaby) only use it with their XML feed
# 22:30 GWG Acidnerd, these are karmic prizes
# 22:30 Acidnerd thanks kylewm i'll check this out
# 22:31 kylewm short answer it still exists, and is alive and well, but hasn't exactly been core to the stuff we've done so far
# 22:36 snarfed Acidnerd: re domain names, a number of people here tend to collect them, and sometimes have extras they're not using
# 22:37 GWG Snarfed, there is also a Subdomain as an option.
# 22:37 snarfed (i offered to donate granary.io a while back, due to the silo play on words, but didn't find a taker :P)
# 22:37 kylewm omg domain name donation drive is a hilariously fun idea
# 22:38 snarfed "tonight only! bring a canned domain name, get into the club for free"
# 22:38 Acidnerd GWG, brussels
# 22:40 Acidnerd no trace of #indieweb near me
# 22:40 GWG Just wondering, because I think some countries have cheap ones with residential requirements
# 22:40 Acidnerd but it's a good ting to start
# 22:40 tantek Acidnerd: just need one more person to organize a good and useful Homebrew Website Club
# 22:41 tantek Acidnerd: find *one person* near you, a friend, etc. who will commit to showing up and helping co-organize the meetup
# 22:41 GWG I'm still working on that myself. Anyone have any leads for me?
# 22:41 Acidnerd i'll do mine first, then talk with our hackerspace about doing a workshop to get more people to join the wagon
# 22:41 tantek GWG - you're your own best source of leads - local friends - get them interested in having their own website
# 22:44 Acidnerd i have friends, but they don't have their own site, beside 2
# 22:45 tantek Acidnerd - no own site needed for Homebrew Website Club
# 22:46 tantek in fact, passionate interest is the most / more important aspect for HWC
# 22:46 tantek find someone who is also passionate/excited about it like you
# 22:46 tantek Chicago HWC has been great even with most of the time just two very active passionate organizers
# 22:46 Acidnerd well in my circle that have been difficult in 3 years
# 22:47 Acidnerd i need to invade other circles
pwcc joined the channel
# 22:53 Acidnerd tantek, thanks for all the tips, i'll do my best
# 22:53 tantek great! definitely feel free to ask any more questions if you're not sure of anything.
# 22:56 Acidnerd i'll show up with the domain soon :p
crystal__, benatkin, Nowaker, daf, raucao, joskar, reidab, KartikPrabhu, sandro_, hugoroyd, swartwulf, fahrstuhl, shalkydri, markmhendrickson, edsu, rascul, bear, nloadholtes, jlsuttles, Garbee, rknLA and prtksxna joined the channel
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