#indiewebcamp 2015-01-07
2015-01-07 UTC
reidab_ joined the channel
bret cool github support docs now run on jekyll https://github.com/blog/1939-how-github-uses-github-to-document-github

aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:twitter-photo-attribution.png]]""

yakker joined the channel
kylewm aaronpk: interesting, not seeing the attribution on my end https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38780898/aaronpk-photo-no-attribution.png
kylewm it's her profile page https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38780898/aaronpk-photo-context.png
cmhobbs, mlncn and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
@simonv3 I spent a good chunk of yesterday helping my mom go #indieweb. Nothing like a broken pacific cable to trigger centralization dislike. (twitter.com/_/status/552624605131579392)
aaronpk !tell tantek in case you needed a citation for why short URLs are useful in print: https://twitter.com/DiaryCS/status/552554121048236032

kylewm__ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_ and eburcat joined the channel
@aaronpk Maybe the Intel Compute Stick will be the thing I can use to broadcast a website from my backpack. http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/compute-stick/intel-compute-stick.html #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/552635131093987328)
yakker joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, mlncn, fiatjaf, flowyi and prtksxna joined the channel
KevinMarks "now defunct Technorati tags" - good thing we won the "you don't have to link to technorati" argument

cmhobbs joined the channel
KevinMarks hm, all the links from my old tags posts are broken, except tim bray's http://epeus.blogspot.com/2005/01/clarifying-tags.html http://epeus.blogspot.com/2005/01/tagging-is-for-posts.html

mlncn, colintedford, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
tantek KevinMarks: I see Niall's link from your post working (not 404) http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/2005/01/dear-technorati.html

Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 2 hours, 58 minutes ago: in case you needed a citation for why short URLs are useful in print: https://twitter.com/DiaryCS/status/552554121048236032

tantek KevinMarks: also: http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/2005/01/technorati-laun.html

colintedford aaronpk: Re: "why short URLs are useful in print", I like they use that to weed out applicants; not sure if that's better or worse than just bad url design though.

colintedford like *to think* that

colintedford.com edited /User:Colintedford.com (+89) "Done: Added prev & next nav to dated archive pages" (view diff)

KartikPrabhu and prtksxna joined the channel
colintedford Has the wiki started logging anyone else out more frequently in the past week or so?

colintedford Every day-ish; I have to log in the first time I visit in a day and then it's fine 'til the next day.

colintedford Not a big problem, but was wondering.

colintedford Up until recently I'd only had to log in once or twice the whole time I've been registered.

colintedford aaronpk: Thanks, I'll try the https. Checkbox is checked already; I've hardly had to log in 'til recently :)

colintedford Yeah, the link should be somewhere near the link for your user page.

clintpatty and prtksxna joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: some advice on a file-storage flow. So I am writing code to store notes as HTML+mf2 so th question is should the read flow to actually render a page be: storageHTML -> mf2 parser -> storage intermediate object -> final template -> HTML ? Seems like a lot of intermediate steps which might slow down webpage rendering...

KartikPrabhu final template would be the one that puts all the data into HTML with additional presentational classes etc... for final rendering

KartikPrabhu tantek: yeah that is what I mean by "final template"

KartikPrabhu what is checkin?

Loqi A checkin is the action of checking into a location and sharing that information https://indiewebcamp.com/checkin

KartikPrabhu so it seems there is no agreed way to interpret a post as a check-in: https://indiewebcamp.com/checkin#just_a_note_with_a_location

Loqi A venue is a named location or address/geo that is typically used for checkins https://indiewebcamp.com/venue

KartikPrabhu yup. I'd do. h-entry > p-location > h-geo > p-name, p-latitude etc...

KartikPrabhu slips out of post-type discussion which he does not plan to publish

KartikPrabhu kylewm: yes. was thinking of immediate code. caching is always possible...

KartikPrabhu tantek: seems to be a JS loaded map

KartikPrabhu kylewm: haha! I do write articles directly as HTML so that should be no trouble. Auto-linking etc... in notes might be different

KartikPrabhu kylewm: do you have some public code I could steal for autolinking @names?

tantek prtksxna: there is no visible city name in http://prtksxna.com/2014/12/16/weekend-with-rhea-pooja-didi-and-amber-bhayia/ therefore it does not appear to be an example of "checkin in" to a city.

prtksxna_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: looking for python so I can use with my current setup :)

KartikPrabhu <sigh> it seems easier nowadays to JS embed things than to have fallback content

kylewm KartikPrabhu: here's the regex https://github.com/kylewm/redwind/blob/master/redwind/util.py#L42
KartikPrabhu regex....

KartikPrabhu kylewm: <shrug> it all seems voodoo to me! ;)

KartikPrabhu kylewm: thanks though :)

KartikPrabhu will all these regex's fail if unicode URLs become a thing... ?

KartikPrabhu re.compile(one problem -> two problem)

KartikPrabhu Error: /me doesn't know regex

KartikPrabhu tantek: it is worse with @names... they already can be unicode

KartikPrabhu really!

KartikPrabhu how every English-centric

tantek aaronpk - I don't know what you mean - in the IG version: http://instagram.com/p/uXBC1fDcrh/ the hashtags aren't linked - therefore it clearly doesn't work :P

KartikPrabhu tantek: yeah. we still haven't gotten out of the English-centric legacy

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu hihi funny how "amber" means different things as names in English and in Hindi :P

kronda joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu added very very preliminary code for file-storage of notes. doesn't do much storing yet. but is a start: https://github.com/kartikprabhu/pullback-note

prtksxna_ I meant here - https://github.com/dshanske/simple-location
kartikprabhu.com edited /User:Kartikprabhu.com (+407) "/* Itching */ add pullback note" (view diff)

KartikPrabhu booo python does not allow "-" in module names :|

prtksxna_ tantek: Commenting here might be the easiest https://github.com/prtksxna/feedme/commit/187b95354d66c301704b83dbc4130540c4f95840
snarfed, nloadholtes, cweiske, eburcat, KartikPrabhu and flowyi_ joined the channel
colintedford.com edited /User:Colintedford.com (-50) "/* Colin Tedford */ dfn 'cause that totally makes my site more done; minor cleanup" (view diff)

sanduhrs, friedcell, snarfed, yakker, dns53, prtksxna, loic_m, csarven and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Loqi [mention] Élie Michel commented 'Des nouvelles de Freeder 7 min read Initialement annoncé par Phyks suite á un état des lieux...' on a post that linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/php-mf2 (http://known.exppad.com/2015/des-nouvelles-de-freeder)

Loqi [mention] Élie Michel commented 'Des nouvelles de Freeder 7 min read Initialement annoncé par Phyks suite á un état des lieux...' on a post that linked to https://indiewebcamp.com/ (http://known.exppad.com/2015/des-nouvelles-de-freeder)

michielbdejong joined the channel
eliemichel Well, why is my article considered as a comment by Loqi?
sammachin joined the channel
Loqi cweiske: tantek left you a message on 12/2 at 11:14am: I highlighted what was relevant to the termination of feed file support, the inefficiency, and implied tax of updating or maintaining that *separate* code path for generating a side file from generating the real world HTML that people actually read / use on a day to day basis.

kylewm eliemichel: cweiske is right and I think the "that linked to" bit is a genuine bug. the code that does that stuff is here https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/blob/e78c0b7f26a4a9bb439f75dcd2d10ee3e235c114/helpers/webmention_processor.rb#L122
eliemichel okey
eliemichel there should not be any in-reply-to
eliemichel this is a bug in Known
eliemichel ^^
eliemichel but anyway, it is relative to a single link
eliemichel not the one that points to iwc
eliemichel Yeah it has been fixed some hours ago
eliemichel all: Do you know a good self-hostable picture gallery using webmentions to get comments on pictures?
eliemichel by good, I mean that it is a) aesthetic and b) easy-to-upload a lot of pictures
eliemichel Ok
eliemichel I should write it myself…
Sebastien-L joined the channel
eliemichel cweiske: Yes, but actually I do not know any good existing library
eliemichel Currently, I use minigalnano
eliemichel ( https://github.com/sebsauvage/MinigalNano )
eliemichel But it is not so clean and soooo slow
KevinMarks !tell voxpelli I switched to facepile markup, but it looks like we get stale profile image links which twitter 404s: http://www.kevinmarks.com/twitterhatespeech.html

Loqi voxpelli: KevinMarks left you a message 1 minute ago: I switched to facepile markup, but it looks like we get stale profile image links which twitter 404s: http://www.kevinmarks.com/twitterhatespeech.html

KevinMarks !tell snarfed I switched to facepile markup, but it looks like we get stale profile image links which twitter 404s: http://www.kevinmarks.com/twitterhatespeech.html

KevinMarks profile link at the time is what we want, but twitter purging them is annoying

stream7 joined the channel
KevinMarks it also shows the fave+retweet pattern in the facepile as the same avatar twice

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks hm, also the name vs summary can be a bit odd if the summary starts with the name: http://www.kevinmarks.com/

KevinMarks that would be hard to do in CSS

KevinMarks I think it's OK

voxpelli Regarding the summary part – that's probably something I should fix in https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-webmentions/issues/10 – I'll add it as an example there

friedcell joined the channel
cweiske http://wiki.libravatar.org/api/ section "Default URL for missing images"
KevinMarks it is twitter purging old images that is the real problem, so a cache as part of brid.gy would likely be the best fix

KevinMarks you could switch to the twitter "current image" url

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks I missed this xkcd: http://xkcd.com/1467/

KartikPrabhu1 and Jihaisse joined the channel
@bookprescom 10 Marketing Predictions You Should Prepare for in 2015 >> http://www.quicksprout.com/?p=29907&utm_content=buffer888c4&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer #SocialMedia Tip from Neil Patel. #SelfPublish #IndieAuth… (twitter.com/_/status/552781769318350848)
Jihaisse, Sebastien-L, adactio, snarfed1, friedcell, flowyi, snarfed, cmhobbs and myfreeweb joined the channel
ben_thatmust Photo uploads working! just a little awkward at the moment, but it works! https://ben.thatmustbe.me/photo/2015/1/7/3/

Acidnerd anoyone around ?
petermolnar some of us

Acidnerd got my domain name, my vps running, and i'm trying to get Known running
ben_thatmust ew, audio recording on mobile is a mess, everything stores in a different format and there is very little to do any conversion

Sebastien-L, tantek, csarven, shiflett and friedcell joined the channel
Phyks bear: hi, I saw https://github.com/bear/ninka. What is the current status? According to the readme file, micropub support is not yet full?
cmhobbs and prtksxna joined the channel
FergusL hi, just being curious, I read about Known here so I tried it. Why is it so being talked about? Becaue it's new? I have to say it looks great!
gRegor` joined the channel
jonnybarnes Is it barnaby's birthday today? https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4_2Ebw/

Loqi [bridgy] Gregor Morrill RSVPed yes to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-01-14-homebrew-website-club (https://facebook.com/1579270045652472#27301982)

michielbdejong, verdi_ and friedcell joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme i saw him once like 3 weeks ago, then poof he was gone again

FergusL cweiske: thanks for the clarification. wasn't/isn't very clear to me if indieweb (as in, here, this channel) is a (in)formal thinking group or if there are contributions in terms of specifications, research or code to the web dev tools
cmhobbs joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme FergusL, honestly i don't really know what the group is classified as or that I really care to classify it. Its just a group working toward some common principals and goals. Yes some hash out informal specs, others create tools

ben_thatmustbeme but yes, actually doing rather than just discussing is the idea

ben_thatmustbeme meetups are all pretty much half just coding time so you can get what you talk about working

jonnybarnes GWG, I gather from his notes he's been travelling around Europe recenty

FergusL cweiske, ben_thatmustbeme : good to know! pretty much how I like work to be done at other places like hackerspace and such
flowyi and davidpeach joined the channel
davidpeach hey people.

ben_thatmustbeme hey

davidpeach hows things?

ben_thatmustbeme good

Loqi [mention] Phyks commented 'Publishing through the Known API 7 min read As stated in my last article, I'm considering mo...' on a post that linked to https://indiewebcamp.com/Micropub (https://known.phyks.me/2015/publishing-through-the-known-api)

Loqi [mention] Phyks commented 'Publishing through the Known API 7 min read As stated in my last article, I'm considering mo...' on a post that linked to https://indiewebcamp.com/Python (https://known.phyks.me/2015/publishing-through-the-known-api)

Loqi [mention] Phyks commented 'Publishing through the Known API 7 min read As stated in my last article, I'm considering mo...' on a post that linked to https://indiewebcamp.com/ (https://known.phyks.me/2015/publishing-through-the-known-api)

jonnybarnes hey davidpeach how are you embedding other people's tweets in your site?

@rhiaro How long do webmentions take? I don't know if something is broken (between two Known instances) or if I'm just really impatient. #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/552851045018124288)
davidpeach hi jonnybarnes. WordPress is handling the embedded tweets automatically. Just pasting the full tweet url into the content renders it as the full tweet. Same for youtube videos as well.

davidpeach Does that help you jonnybarnes ? Do you use wordpress?

@rhiaro Okay, so I got an immediate webmention one way but not the other, needs further investigation. (twitter.com/_/status/552853176206901248)
ben_thatmustbeme rhairo, how long webmentions take to send depends on the software, there is nothing saying any time constraints. I believe known does it all immediately. My site has it on a cron job, so it can take up to 5 minutes

ben_thatmustbeme i'd guess indiehosters isn't receiving it correctly. seems more likely to be on the receiver than then sender, but either is possible

ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro, I try sending a mention to my site from your known site, and i can tell you if it went in to the queue right away

ben_thatmustbeme just let me know before you do

ben_thatmustbeme !tell aaronpk, weird, your like of my post got determined to be a mention by php-comments, and not as a like

ben_thatmustbeme sighs... i did it again

your loqi
weird loqi
ben_thatmustbeme !tell aaronpk weird, your like of my post got determined to be a mention by php-comments, and not as a like

ben_thatmustbeme i always end up using the comma, really need to watch that

Acidnerd if i want to get Known running on a VPS, what would be the best OS to get running ?
petermolnar whichever you feel like learning; due to the easy of use compared to the rest I'd start with debian; ubuntu can become messy

snarfed joined the channel
Acidnerd my choice is CentOS 7/6/5 or Ubuntu 14 or Debian 7 or CoreOS or FreeBSD or Custom image
Loqi snarfed: KevinMarks left you a message 5 hours, 41 minutes ago: I switched to facepile markup, but it looks like we get stale profile image links which twitter 404s: http://www.kevinmarks.com/twitterhatespeech.html

petermolnar Acidnerd: centos is stable and you might benefit more from learning it than debian, but it has some strange ways of doing things. It's technically a free version of RedHat. Debian has many packages pre-built, but it needs some love over the times. Ubuntu has disgraced itself as a server in my opinion after 12.04, and I would not use it again.

petermolnar CoreOS might be too minimal to start with

petermolnar I'd got either CentOS 7 or Debian 7

Acidnerd well i guess i'll go CentoOS then
Acidnerd just waiting for my subdomain dns to wake up and i can start installing known
snarfed jonnybarnes: also https://dev.twitter.com/web/embedded-tweets
Acidnerd is there any guide to install Known for intermediate noobs ?
Acidnerd i tried on ubuntu and it was a mess http://docs.withknown.com/en/latest/install/instructions.html
petermolnar the upcoming debian 8 will be a mess, and for that reason, I'd vote centos as well even though I'm still running debian ( I have a feeling that when I upgrade, I'll move on to something else )

prtksxna joined the channel
petermolnar installing known from scratch is a bit messy

Acidnerd any Known pal around willing to drive me in the process ?
petermolnar I only did it once

petermolnar and not with mongo but with the mysql driver

petermolnar but I can help here and there

Acidnerd do you think i should try another project that implement webmentions for a start ?
Acidnerd if so, witch one beside wordpress should be the best to try out?
Acidnerd i was thinking going mysql too
Acidnerd not confortable with mongo
petermolnar go for mongo, the mysql storage of known is... not nice

petermolnar mongo is not hard to learn and the learning curve is pretty fast, don't worry

Acidnerd what u mean GWG ?
Acidnerd all right petermolnar i'll try
petermolnar GWG I'm still on WordPress as well, becase we're lazy bastards :)

Acidnerd what is running behind https://ben.thatmustbe.me/ ?
Acidnerd i have several wordpress site that i can tie to indieweb, when i'm done with mine, i guess wordpress implementation will be easy
Acidnerd i really like how ben_thatmust got it
Acidnerd i'll use my mysic & a few others using wordpress to try #indieweb with wordpress
Acidnerd but for my personal i wanted something different
Acidnerd like known or p3k ? or what is behind https://ben.thatmustbe.me/
petermolnar GWG partially, yes, and because I use most of it's functionality as well. But there are many thing I dislike with WordPress, like the lack of out-of-the-box persistent object cache support, the sqlite backend option, and so on. A part of me loves WP, another hates it for not being more flexible.

Acidnerd same here, and work with it with enough clients all day, to be motivated to try something else
petermolnar Acidnerd: at the bottom of Ben's site you'll see a link: This site is powered by Postly

Acidnerd interesting,
petermolnar I know

petermolnar but the MySQL db structure they use - they one the hold on to - suck as well; it's still MyISAM optimized, lacks any features innodb provides even though innodb is the default since MySQL 5.1 (?)

petermolnar no, not all of the systems

petermolnar I do really like the approach of grav, but it's not mature enough yet

mlncn joined the channel
petermolnar there are things you should not keep forever

petermolnar just how many years they want to be backwards compatible to?

jonnybarnes ahh, thanks davidpeach, snarfed

@mapkyca @rhiaro Hmm... you could try sending the webmention manually via curl - if you have headers on you should see if it is a redirect... (twitter.com/_/status/552862771780780032)
cweiske joined the channel
petermolnar GWG sidenote on why wordpress sucks: a blog of a friend of mine received 42k comment spams. I now realized that wp_nonce is not used on the frontend, just at the backend, which is especially to protect the admin remote POSTs. I have no idea why it's not included in the comment engine by default.

petermolnar s/the\ admin/the\ admin\ from/

Loqi petermolnar meant to say: GWG sidenote on why wordpress sucks: a blog of a friend of mine received 42k comment spams. I now realized that wp_nonce is not used on the frontend, just at the backend, which is especially to protect the\ admin\ from remote POSTs. I have no idea why it's not included in the comment engine by default.

flowyi joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro, sorry, was doing some work (at work right now)

ben_thatmustbeme i didn't receive a webmention

ben_thatmustbeme it wouldn't get autoposted anyway as i use vouch for everything

ben_thatmustbeme Acidnerd: postly doesn't have much in the way of clean install yet, but it should be pretty easy to get up and running from a mysql dump

ben_thatmustbeme a little more work than the average person wants to do, but i have hacked on it quite a bit from opencart

tgbrun joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme basically its just the system libraries that are left from opencart

shiflett and snarfed joined the channel
@rhiaro @mapkyca endpoint h ttps://community.prewired.org/webmention/ (twitter.com/_/status/552870966024732673)
ben_thatmustbeme rhiaro, whats the URL on that post you tried to mention me in?

ben_thatmustbeme either way i should have an entry in my history, so its showing like i never received a webmention

ben_thatmustbeme !tell kylewm try the camera button :) https://ben.thatmustbe.me/static/mobilepub/ you just need to make sure you check for 'file' not 'photo' like ownyourgram. i don't know if i can change it

rhiaro ben_thatmustbeme: I used known's reply on a status update at https://community.prewired.org/2015/known-d, but did a proper post with the link in at https://community.prewired.org/2015/known in case it does something different for posts compared to status updates

rhiaro https://community.prewired.org/2015/much-test linking to rhiaro.withknown worked

ben_thatmustbeme hmm, i'll try sending them from curl to make sure its not something on my end

tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme ohhhh, yeah, i'm replying retry-with-vouch

Acidnerd reading the wiki, but i'm not sure what project to implement first, between wordpress, known, p3k, or postly or ?
ben_thatmustbeme acidnerd, whatever you like. what are you looking to do with it?

ben_thatmustbeme known is probably easiest for indieweb things as webmentions and mf2 are built in

ben_thatmustbeme wordpress has plugins in varying states of development to make it work too

ben_thatmustbeme p3k, isn't fully open source i don't believe, you'd have to talk to aaronpk about that one

ben_thatmustbeme postly is open but is definetly my hacky project so its up to you

ben_thatmustbeme hmmm, i need to review vouch again, i thought it should be going in despite lack of vouch, thats on me. it should just be moderated entry

friedcell joined the channel
Acidnerd what i want to be able to do : centralize my post on my website and push them to at least FB & TW (g+ optional would be nice)
Acidnerd be able to post various different types of post
Acidnerd & be able to choose when/if i want to push it to silo's
indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor milans
michielbdejong joined the channel
kylewm aaronpk: shouldn't it say "Elie Michel linked to https://indiewebcamp.com/php-mentions" though? instead of "commented on a post that linked to"?
Loqi kylewm: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 27 minutes ago: try the camera button :) https://ben.thatmustbe.me/static/mobilepub/ you just need to make sure you check for 'file' not 'photo' like ownyourgram. i don't know if i can change it

petermolnar Acidnerd g+ posting sucks, there is not api for that; the social network auto poster plugin for wordpress does what you want, but don't ever look at it's code

eliemichel This is not a reply-to link…
eliemichel For another link
eliemichel <a class="in-reply-to">Foo</a> <a>Bar</a>
eliemichel This is a reply to Foo
eliemichel Bar should not see it as a reply to itself, though it is mentionned in it
eliemichel sould it?
eliemichel That's it
eliemichel ok
wolftune joined the channel
aaronpk can you file an issue with a link to your post and description of what it should have said? https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues

eliemichel ok
ben_thatmustbeme well i'm getting closer... all my webmentions seem to be coming in as mentions not likes or comments

ben_thatmustbeme annoying

ben_thatmustbeme i'll have to look at it after work

ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, thats whats strange, it wasn't my code

ben_thatmustbeme although i have modified php-comments slightly, i might have broken it

tgbrun and tilgovi joined the channel
lupinedev joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme i don't think it likes there being a like-of an h-cite

ben_thatmustbeme that seems to be why

ben_thatmustbeme hmm, it might be the changes i made to php-mf2

ben_thatmustbeme but it looks to be correct to me

ben_thatmustbeme i just rolled php-comments back and it seems to be the same

asdofindia joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme well aaronpk, i figured that one out

ben_thatmustbeme php-comments only checkout for 'like' not 'like-of'

ben_thatmustbeme oddly

ben_thatmustbeme well that takes care of one of my issues

ben_thatmustbeme the other is that https://community.prewired.org/2015/known-d is processing as a mention... with no author info at all

ben_thatmustbeme which i think is due to the fact of assuming items[0]

ben_thatmustbeme not sure how to deal with that, hmm

elf-pavlik joined the channel
Acidnerd is happy because : first step
Acidnerd hehe indeed
Acidnerd i was wondering if i could get apache & nginx on the same box
Acidnerd and if it make any sense
Acidnerd good, because there is many nice piece of code i would like to run and they need nginx/node/ etc..
Acidnerd so by default they would not mess with each other ?
Acidnerd Known need apache right ?
Acidnerd i'm still confused at what install to enter the indieweb
Acidnerd i'm a experienced wordpress/joomla user, but would like to meet a new piece of code, a fresh one :)
snarfed joined the channel
Acidnerd groking this https://elliottucker.net/2014/setting-up-known-with-nginx-indieweb
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KevinMarks_ Hm, a startup called "vouch" http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/06/vouch-trust-based-loans/

snarfed joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme !tell rhiaro, thanks processing webmentions properly again on my end

Acidnerd kylewm, any link that describe a updated install ?
Acidnerd that's where i'am
Acidnerd Note that Ben Werdmülller recommends MySQL over MongoDB these days[1]
Acidnerd note sure, yet
Acidnerd someone said to use mongo earlier, but the wiki state otherwise
Acidnerd i never used mongodb, but I can learn, i don't want specially the easy option, i want the best option
Acidnerd right now i'm at the point of my LAMP is ready
Acidnerd Known is uploaded at the right place
Acidnerd but since i want to have this on a subdomain, i'm groking this first https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-apache-virtual-hosts-on-centos-7
ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, i got photo uploads working from my app

ben_thatmustbeme only thing i had to change was that it sends as $_FILES['file'] instead of 'photo' like ownyourgram does

ben_thatmustbeme and i don't know if i can change that

ben_thatmustbeme yeah

ben_thatmustbeme actually i think i prefer it, more generic

ben_thatmustbeme i could do the same with video and audio

ben_thatmustbeme although the encoding mess on that will be quite interesting

ben_thatmustbeme i include type= in my post all the time

ben_thatmustbeme have been doing that for a while

ben_thatmustbeme ahh

ben_thatmustbeme what do you mean?

ben_thatmustbeme hmmm, i use it as an explicit way of telling the site what type, so my site mp-endpoint isn't just doing a best guess on post type

ben_thatmustbeme yes but the display and interaction are totally different

tgbrun joined the channel
KevinMarks_ A college student reviews silos: https://medium.com/@thatswattsup/a-teenagers-view-on-social-media-1df945c09ac6

KevinMarks_ Note the comments about WordPress

aaronpk !tell snarfed got a weird facebook URL from bridgy: https://brid-gy.appspot.com/comment/facebook/11500459/1566004873636047/1566004873636047_1566006050302596 It's either a comment or a like on a facebook event

elf-pavlik joined the channel
KevinMarks_ Media types make more sense as they have type specific markup <video> <audio> <img>

yakker joined the channel
KevinMarks_ Isn't the fallback a link to the file?

KevinMarks_ Tumblr is the other way round though

KevinMarks_ Well, they all started with simpler "assume just one" link/image/video ui

KevinMarks_ I think there is space for both UI modes, so making sure that the micropub protocol supports both ways is good

KevinMarks_ Is the type a layout hint in effect?

KevinMarks_ A video may just be context to explain the point

KevinMarks_ Not necessarily the core element

KevinMarks_ The video there is an adjunct to the point of the post

ben_thatmustbeme consuming in readers will be a big thing

ben_thatmustbeme i'm not saying you make type= required for micropub

KevinMarks_ Whereas the video is the point of this one http://epeus.blogspot.com/2007/06/jobs-wwdc-keynote-in-chapters.html

ben_thatmustbeme i have posted notes that have a title, doesn't make 1 line of text and article though

KevinMarks_ Sad how video formats rot

ben_thatmustbeme i think perhaps media-type for posts including a media file, as those are definitely explicit formats

ben_thatmustbeme yes, but micropub should be able to relay the desired UI to the authors website too, i'm thinking type= is more an explicit clue to the author's site to "display as this post type"

ben_thatmustbeme correct, its optional

ben_thatmustbeme its also the choice of the author's site to ignore it and just display it as whatever type it wants

ben_thatmustbeme so why are we arguing?

ben_thatmustbeme while i have you, i had another idea i wanted your take on

ben_thatmustbeme having micropub be able to store arbitrary "setting" for a client

ben_thatmustbeme with a namespace based of the client name when requesting a token, so as to cause no conflicts

ben_thatmustbeme multiple devices

ben_thatmustbeme multiple locations

ben_thatmustbeme yeah

ben_thatmustbeme pretty much anything you would put in settings, UI choices, preferred image size when taking photos, etc

ben_thatmustbeme things that make sense for a mp-client to store. If i lose my phone and get a new one, my configs are all stored in the "cloud" for most apps

ben_thatmustbeme cut out the "cloud" bit and say "my site"

ben_thatmustbeme its a bit early for much need for centralized storage, but i'd rather it store on my terms. I was also thinking in terms of like autocomplete or macros i could define for myself

Acidnerd geez, i fucked up apache it seems while preping my virtual servers
Acidnerd anyone know why/how this can happen ? https://i.imgur.com/ItypmTK.png
Acidnerd last thing i was doing was following a virtual host tutorial to separate my domains
Acidnerd grrr my var/log/httpd is empty
Acidnerd Ha, found it httpd: Syntax error on line 354 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 7
Acidnerd goshhh it was a missing <
Acidnerd hihi
eburcat joined the channel
julien51 joined the channel
Acidnerd one more step forward :
Acidnerd and dns are propagated : http://blog.rmendes.net/
Acidnerd that will be my indieweb site url
Acidnerd ok, now i need one final advice for Known, do i go the nginx/apache mongo/mysql road?
Acidnerd time to install known there
cweiske joined the channel
aaronpk yay better presentation of invitations! https://aaronparecki.com/events/2015/01/09/1/uss-improvise

mlncn joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://pfauth.com/publishing/2198102682/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/notes (webmention)

j12t joined the channel
Acidnerd and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
is_null joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme kylewm, did you see? as requested, photos work, a little wonky at the moment

tilgovi joined the channel
Acidnerd guess what : http://blog.rmendes.net/index.php
Acidnerd do i have to register to my own site ? lol
Acidnerd or is there some admin backend to Known ?
Acidnerd because i want to host multiple things there
Acidnerd tantek, there will be something there difinitely
Acidnerd right now i'm just noticing all my urls are broken, so it means my htaccess is either now doing it's job or
Acidnerd how does one "administer" Known ?
tantek "Facebook is something we all got in middle school because it was cool but now is seen as an awkward family dinner party we can't really leave." https://medium.com/backchannel/a-teenagers-view-on-social-media-1df945c09ac6

ben_thatmustbeme hah

Acidnerd can someone give me 5 min ? i'm stuck in front of my new Known (url broken, but already tried 2 diff .htaccess, none is working) and i'm not sure how i "admin" this thing :)
Acidnerd Not Found
Acidnerd there is no Known or known sub dir over there
Acidnerd tantek, this http://indiewebcamp.com/Known have my answer but not adapted to CentOS7
ben_thatmustbeme that?

Acidnerd so i'm not sure how to proceed, i need to AllowOverride All to my Known instance
tantek sound like some good FAQs to be added to http://indiewebcamp.com/Known#FAQ

Acidnerd i'm willing to trace back my experience and add it to the wiki, but first i need to succeed
Acidnerd it seems my /var/www/blog.rmendes.net.conf is not allowed to rewrite urls
Acidnerd from the wiki : If you manually visit /index.php/begin instead and see a landing page, it means that htaccess is not being allowed to rewrite URLs.
Guest17190 joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme ahh... hmm, so mod_rewrite isn't working

Acidnerd nope i stayed on apache
Acidnerd i read the post, it seemed doable, but nginx is new to me
kylewm Acidnerd, did you see this http://indiewebcamp.com/Known#Fix_404_Not_Found_on_.2Fbegin
Acidnerd always delaying the moment to actually mess with it
Acidnerd yes kylewm
Acidnerd but i have hard time to adapt this to centOS7
Acidnerd i guess instead of apache2/apache.conf from ubuntu i have to do the same at sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ?
snarfed, pwcc and cmhobbs joined the channel
Acidnerd Taddaaaaaa : http://blog.rmendes.net/session/login
Acidnerd i love it! haha combine irc when you loose focus, with search on google, and there is probably a solution to all mankind problems out there
Loqi snarfed: aaronpk left you a message 2 hours, 40 minutes ago: got a weird facebook URL from bridgy: https://brid-gy.appspot.com/comment/facebook/11500459/1566004873636047/1566004873636047_1566006050302596 It's either a comment or a like on a facebook event

Acidnerd :))
snarfed aaronpk: thanks! yup, could be. i think i implemented that, or part of it, in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/49
snarfed Acidnerd: now to set up http://blog.rmendes.net/
Acidnerd i think i have to change DirectoryIndex to index.php right ? by default it's on index.html
crystal__ joined the channel
Acidnerd i think it's because of virtualenv, there is a line there specifying .html and since there is a default html there it simply obey
snarfed aaronpk: filed, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/337
Loqi [mention] Rick Mendes commented 'This wiki is a gem to explore #indieweb possibilities but i also suggest to check-in on the IRC channel where a team of amazing tech peeps a...' on a post http://indiewebcamp.com/Known (http://blog.rmendes.net/2015/this-wiki-is-a-gem-to-explore-indieweb-possibilities-but)

Acidnerd seriously ? haha this is fast
dialdn joined the channel
Acidnerd this is really fast..ok i'm jumping in the air !!
Acidnerd done http://blog.rmendes.net/ !
bret large online storage pricing https://gist.github.com/substack/8dbdb1bac16c303f0d8e

Acidnerd took me a few hours, but hey i'm experienced newbie :p
Acidnerd i will register there, now that i have a site :)
Acidnerd while login to the wiki : No rel="me" links were found on your site!
Acidnerd ahh ok, that's the next step before login
Acidnerd is there a place to do 1. Link to your various social profiles on your home page ?
Acidnerd i mean, shall i add this to the template or is there a better solution?
Acidnerd ahhh, so simple, of course :)
aaronpk hey where did this come from! http://withknown.superfeedr.com/

Acidnerd is this one way to use pubsubhub with known? so that content get pushed faster where it needs to go ?
Acidnerd same here
yakker joined the channel
@RikMende I have a new website and it's powered by the future of the #internet http://blog.rmendes.net/ #indieweb thanks to @withknown @t & all the crew (twitter.com/_/status/552957737102229505)
@benwerd RT @RikMende: I have a new website and it's powered by the future of the #internet http://blog.rmendes.net/ #indieweb thanks to @withknown @t… (twitter.com/_/status/552957825337421824)
Acidnerd geeez, this is the fastest bot i ever saw
Acidnerd how come this thing be so quick ?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "realtime" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=realtime

snarfed aaronpk++ for native indie @-mentions, e.g. https://aaronparecki.com/replies/2015/01/07/3/
Acidnerd geeez
Acidnerd litterally i had the time to look at the screen just after the tweet, and it's already there..
Acidnerd my question is what make this bot realtime ?
Acidnerd been playing with bots and the more feeds i added, the more time it needed to crawl it all and get back to the 1 feed
Acidnerd with 700 feeds, the bot was taking 15 min to crawl the pack
Acidnerd this one here does not seem to suffer this problem
Acidnerd so that's what superfeedr does ?
Acidnerd what is the realtime mechanism of the indie web ?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "realtime mechanism of the indie web " yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=realtime+mechanism+of+the+indie+web+

lukebrooker joined the channel
Loqi Webmention is a simple way to notify any URL when you link to it on your site https://indiewebcamp.com/realtime_mechanism_of_the_indie_web

Acidnerd this is freaking amazing
Acidnerd i want to think later on, how can this be used for alerts and real time info sharing
Acidnerd take a look at @streamerbot or @citizenstreams
Acidnerd we use complex systems to "watch" streamers and then tweet when they go live
Acidnerd but this could be all different, and way faster
Acidnerd one thing at a time...first things first !!
kylewm rascul, still getting this error though https://gist.github.com/kylewm/bba65e07fd1ee35fcfe7 any ideas?
Acidnerd i'm reading this wiki, it's huge
pwcc joined the channel
kylewm snarfed, any idea why I am slow polling on Bridgy? says 2 hours since last pollhttps://www.brid.gy/facebook/kyle.mahan
snarfed joined the channel
pwcc Gonna have to add µF2 to http://styleguide.peterwilson.cc/?p=templates-article -- my goals have changed since I started :)
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "indieshirt" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?action=edit&title=indieshirt

Acidnerd tantek, aaronpk can you define better this line ? Create a directory where file uploads will be stored. This must be outside of your document root.
Acidnerd so that known can manage uploaded files
kylewm GWG: I'd like one with just http://indiewebcamp.com/File:indiewebcamp_logo_1600px.png on it
Acidnerd my current known is here : /var/www/blog.rmendes.net/public_html - so where shoul i create the upload file ?
Acidnerd upload folder sorry
Acidnerd i don't understand why the data folder should be outside the document root
Acidnerd with known
Acidnerd kylewm, ok
Acidnerd but where should i put it then ?
Acidnerd in my home dir ? like /home/rick/known/data ?
Acidnerd or can i use /var/www/blog.rmendes.net/data
Acidnerd so the files would sit on the same "root" then all the other known files
Acidnerd or is that not a good idea ?
KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek.com edited /events/2015-01-14-homebrew-website-club (-3) "SF location confirmed @MozSF" (view diff)

mlncn joined the channel
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