2015-01-08 UTC
# 00:27 Acidnerd thanks kylewm i'll do this for now
tilgovi, wolftune, KevinMarks, myfreeweb, colintedford and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:40 colintedford !tell aaronpk Changed my wiki bookmark to https yesterday & am still logged in today -- thanks! Unrelated: I was surprised to see that indiewebcat's copyright goes back to 1999 ;)
# 01:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:04 KevinMarks !tell snarfed are you expecting the webmention receiver to cache the image for twitter profile pix?
# 02:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
flowyi, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, dialdn and ttepasse joined the channel
# 02:44 Loqi snarfed: KevinMarks left you a message 39 minutes ago: are you expecting the webmention receiver to cache the image for twitter profile pix?
# 02:45 snarfed KevinMarks: not explicitly. i just hadn't addressed it.
# 02:45 kylewm snarfed: just since yesterday, I was feeling trollish i guess
# 02:45 snarfed KevinMarks: bridgy isn't too special in this case. same thing happens with native indie wms if someone changes the picture in their h-card
cmhobbs, snarfed, prtksxna, KartikPrabhu and tilgovi joined the channel
# 03:24 Loqi aaronpk: colintedford left you a message 1 hour, 44 minutes ago: Changed my wiki bookmark to https yesterday & am still logged in today -- thanks! Unrelated: I was surprised to see that indiewebcat's copyright goes back to 1999 ;)
tilgovi, KartikPrabhu and eschnou joined the channel
flowyi and mlncn joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
# 05:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:17 colintedford Wordpress people (e.g. GWG): If you publish notes (or just untitled posts), how do you deal with WP's title field & the slug?
# 05:18 prtksxna colintedford: Enter a slug by hand and not fill anything in the title
# 05:18 prtksxna That is what I do, not sure if its the right way though
# 05:20 GWG colintedford: I put something in the title field, but I don't display it
# 05:20 colintedford Leaving the title blank may cause feed readers or Facebook link preview to show either nothing (possibly no link) or "Untitled".
# 05:22 colintedford It also had shortcodes you could use but at that point might as well copy & paste.
# 05:24 colintedford My current thought is I'd like to use the text up to the first "pausing" punctuation (comma, [semi]colon, period, etc.)
# 05:24 colintedford So I'm manually copying that into the field to see how I feel about it.
# 05:25 colintedford I'm also wrapping that segment in p-name in preparation for when I have the rest of the h-entry markup.
# 05:25 GWG I'm doing the markup automatically. I don't mind adding boxes to my post UI.
# 05:26 colintedford I set up a button for the p-name markup, but I'd like to have it happen automatically by the criteria above and have that fill the title too.
# 05:27 GWG colintedford: That could be done by a plugin, if you have parameters
# 05:28 colintedford Yeah, I'm not a programmer but I was thinking about trying to modify the existing auto-title plugin.
# 05:28 colintedford But figured I'd ask to see if anyone else was interested, especially enough to do it instead of me ;)
# 05:28 GWG colintedford: I'm not one either.
# 05:30 colintedford Wait, what is your day job again (vaguely if need be)? I thought I remembered it sounding technical.
# 05:30 GWG I train people in a corporate setting
# 05:30 GWG I studied to be a librarian though
# 05:31 GWG I took programming in school some years ago.
# 05:35 GWG Not exactly. Though everyone uses computers.
# 05:35 GWG Most jobs require them, so I do show people a little of that as needed
# 05:36 GWG But, I have to learn PHP commands as I need them
# 05:36 GWG colintedford: Pull Requests, Issues, and Feature Requests always welcome
# 05:37 colintedford Holding off on adding the cool new indieweb features b/c it'll make it harder for me to migrate later
# 05:38 GWG Well, I design things based on my ability.
# 05:38 GWG I added a bunch of boxes to allow data to be stored.
# 05:38 GWG I haven't gotten to writing code to automatically fill them
# 05:39 kylewm I thought WP had an aside post type that didn't need a title?
# 05:40 GWG kylewm: It doesn't display a title
# 05:40 GWG And it isn't a post type. It is a post format
# 05:40 colintedford Asides typically have the title hidden but it depends on them support.
# 05:41 GWG I don't think I ever explained Post Kinds in a post
# 05:41 colintedford Usually they're hidden w/ CSS but I'm actually taking the title markup for Asides out of my theme altogether.
# 05:41 kylewm GWG: Post Kind, Format, and Type are three distinct concepts??
# 05:42 GWG WordPress has Custom Post Types. Which are more content types
# 05:43 GWG Post Formats are a custom taxonomy that is used to style posts.
# 05:43 GWG The taxonomy slug for post formats happens to be 'type' though
# 05:43 GWG So, I needed a term that wasn't being used
# 05:43 GWG Post Kinds are my custom taxonomy that is used to classify Indieweb styles of posts
# 05:44 GWG Such as Reply, Like, Favorite, Bookmark, Article, Note, etc.
# 05:44 GWG All without needing to add a bunch of Custom Post Types.
wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 05:48 GWG Originally, Indieweb Post Kinds was Indieweb Taxonomy. But I rewrote it to work a bit more like Post Formats.
# 05:54 colintedford !tell tantek re: https://indiewebcamp.com/note#Note_Type_Algorithm it looks like " if the tname is a prefix of tcontent" only applies to ellipsed names (w/ ellipsis dropped for the check); is it also meant to apply to non-ellipsed? Wondering b/c I'm thinking of setting my note names w/ a span on the text up to first punctuation.
# 05:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 05:58 colintedford !tell tantek Er wait, I guess notes are supposed to be plaintext-y so maybe that makes my notes not fit the "standard" definition? Looking for input anyway.
# 05:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
myfreeweb, FergusL, flowyi and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
eburcat, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, loic_m, friedcell, eschnou, davidpeach, csarven, myfreeweb, Garbee, prtksxna, petermolnar, michielbdejong, Sebastien-L, Jihaisse, adactio and flowyi_ joined the channel
# 10:14 Phyks bear: ok, nice ! Was planning on writing a Python lib to publish with micropub, but came across yours. No need to reinvent the wheel :)
# 10:14 Loqi Phyks: bear left you a message on 1/7 at 9:14am: I have the start for micropub in place, just need to finish the tests before declaring it ready and pushing the code
# 10:15 Phyks Loqi tell bear ok, nice ! Was planning on writing a Python lib to publish with micropub, but came across yours. No need to reinvent the wheel :)
# 10:16 Phyks !tell bear ok, nice ! Was planning on writing a Python lib to publish with micropub, but came across yours. No need to reinvent the wheel :)
# 10:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, loic_m, Jeena, friedcell and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 11:00 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 11:01 indie-visitor sonicpunk
# 11:02 sonicpunk I have just heard about the indie web on the working draft podcast and just wanted to check it out
# 11:03 sonicpunk I am a web developer
# 11:03 sonicpunk and have my own website, but I currently am not using the site for my social media activity
# 11:04 sonicpunk I am looking for materials showing me how to integrate it possibly in either my site or that of my clients
# 11:05 sonicpunk I am just brushing through the getting started page on indiewebcamp.com
stream7 joined the channel
# 11:05 sonicpunk does it require that I register with the indie web camp?
# 11:07 KartikPrabhu the whole point is to own you data online, it would be ludicrous to require people to "register" to do that
alanpearce joined the channel
# 11:08 sonicpunk I understand
# 11:11 KartikPrabhu sonicpunk: those are projects used by people here to run their own websites. you might find code you can use, but it is unlikely that you'll find a simple "plugin" that will give you "indieweb"
# 11:13 sonicpunk I think that Posse is what is interesting me
# 11:15 sonicpunk I would be interested in writting a publishing tool that does just that, but using the MODX CMF
# 11:15 sonicpunk www.modx.com
# 11:16 sonicpunk an open source content management framework
# 11:16 sonicpunk based on PHP
# 11:16 sonicpunk very flexible
# 11:16 sonicpunk nice community
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
fiatjaf joined the channel
hidgw, elf-pavlik, KartikPrabhu and shiflett joined the channel
# 12:12 Loqi petermolnar: kylewm left you a message on 1/7 at 11:14am: genuinely curious, why do you say the MySQL storage backend for Known is not nice?
# 12:13 petermolnar re kylewm & known vs mysql: the last time I checked known was storing json strings in mysql with data that, in a relational db, should be in separate columns, with proper table interconnections; MySQL is not a document storage system and should not be treated as one
# 12:22 petermolnar !tell kylewm on known vs mysql: the last time I checked known was storing json strings in mysql with data that, in a relational db, should be in separate columns, with proper table interconnections; MySQL is not a document storage system and should not be treated as one
# 12:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu, csarven, nloadholtes, michielbdejong, friedcell, shiflett, Rev_Illo and eburcat joined the channel
friedcell, veselosky, Acidnerd, prtksxna, verdi_, KartikPrabhu, cmhobbs and eschnou joined the channel
veselosky joined the channel
davidmead, snarfed, prtksxna, mlncn, gRegor`, flowyi and myfreeweb joined the channel
# 16:20 GWG petermolnar: Read your article. May reply to it.
tantek joined the channel
# 16:35 Loqi kylewm: petermolnar left you a message 4 hours, 13 minutes ago: on known vs mysql: the last time I checked known was storing json strings in mysql with data that, in a relational db, should be in separate columns, with proper table interconnections; MySQL is not a document storage system and should not be treated as one
KartikPrabhu, cmhobbs, prtksxna, veselosky and wolftune joined the channel
# 16:50 petermolnar kylewm it can be forced, yes, but you're using a relational db to do something else
# 16:52 ben_thatmust well depends. if you never plan to use that data to do joins at all inside sql, there isn't really too much of a downside
# 16:53 petermolnar apart from the serious waste of storage, the bandwidth overhead for transporting the data and the lack of using the proper data types, no, there are no downsides
# 16:54 petermolnar ( I know storage is somewhat cheap today, but that does not make it right not to optimize )
KartikPrabhu and davidmead joined the channel
# 17:03 ben_thatmust the storage isn't that serious really, assuming you store as text its an adjusting size field, you are storing the field names again, sure, but you also are dropping any indexes and field types for all those other fields you would need otherwise. plus you have to manage migrations any time you add something, bandwidth is the same arguement
# 17:04 ben_thatmust lack of data types is choice, depending on what you are using it for, thats fine
# 17:04 ben_thatmust if you are only using the field in an untyped language, it doesn't matter at all
caseorganic and tilgovi joined the channel
# 17:07 ben_thatmust there is such a thing as overoptimization. EBCNF comes starts to hit that line :P
caseorganic joined the channel
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KevinMarks joined the channel
yakker joined the channel
caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:50 snarfed holds back from wading into the debate over known's mysql data model
# 17:59 ben_thatmust i could also just quote the lyrics to the intro theme to different strokes
davidmead and veselosky joined the channel
# 18:20 snarfed kylewm: trying out liking an instagram photo via bridgy publish
# 18:22 aaronpk this is neat. I'm getting webmention notifications that other people are being invited to a facebook event I made
# 18:27 kylewm it's especially great now that the invites turn into RSVPs now
# 18:27 aaronpk oh is that bridgy doing that? i noticed that the invites were disappearing when people RSVPd yes or no!
lupinedev joined the channel
# 18:34 GWG I'm looking at responsive images again. Is anyone using the picture tag or srcset?
snarfed and caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:57 GWG kylewm: Wonder if it is worth adopting
KevinMarks_, eburcat, KartikPrabhu, veselosky, gRegor`, tilgovi and benwerd joined the channel
KevinMarks, caseorganic and gmack joined the channel
# 19:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:53 aaronpk "audio" seems generic enough. rather than "sound" or "music"
# 19:54 aaronpk yeah. and when it sends the video, it also sends a thumbnail as a "photo" jpg
# 19:55 ben_thatmust hmm, can't do that from the app sadly, one file per upload from the looks of it
tgbrun and clintpatty joined the channel
# 20:19 KevinMarks Ben/Aaron does that work for building forms? Input type is file, not audio, or am I misunderstanding?
# 20:20 kylewm tantek++ I have been using /FreeMyOAuth a lot, so much easier than trying to find those settings on the sites themselves
# 20:20 aaronpk KevinMarks: we're talking about the name of the form field
# 20:20 aaronpk <input type="file" name="photo"> <input type="file" name="video">
# 20:21 aaronpk oh no why does webmention.io think that the site deaths page is kevin's tweet?
# 20:22 aaronpk well that is strange, bridgy is showing that as a like-of the site-deaths page
# 20:23 aaronpk is that because it's the last URL in the tweet so it thinks it's a permacitation?
friedcell joined the channel
# 20:24 kylewm is that strange? I thought bridgy always did that if it didn't find an alternative original post
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 20:25 aaronpk that's too bad tho, i can't really fix that on my end cause bridgy is saying that's a fav of the wiki page
# 20:28 aaronpk if someone is using citations in that format, then wouldn't they always be either a) preceded by ellipses, or b) wrapped in parentheses?
ben_thatmust joined the channel
# 20:29 aaronpk hm I see, yours are sometimes more like the post title with a link to the post
Acidnerd and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:47 kylewm I guess the case where you wouldn't have ellipsis or parentheses is if you were POSSEing an article to twitter, with just "title link"
# 20:48 Loqi kylewm meant to say: I guess one case where you wouldn't have ellipsis or parentheses is if you were POSSEing an article to twitter, with just "title link"
snarfed joined the channel
# 21:06 KevinMarks Bridgy is a bit over eager to think that a tweet is a POSSE tweet
# 21:07 KevinMarks I get that a lot as I frequently tweet a link to my own posts as part of a discussion
# 21:09 KevinMarks And bridgy decides it's a POSSE, so doesn't show context for subsequent replies. I like getting the replies, but missing my link can make the webmentions look odd
# 21:09 aaronpk maybe there could be a way for a domain to opt-out of that overaggressive assumption
sammachin and wilfredh joined the channel
# 21:16 KevinMarks The date heuristic makes less sense for a wiki page too. It is a bit odd that it thought I was owner of the page
jacus and tantek joined the channel
# 21:23 Loqi tantek: colintedford left you a message on 1/7 at 9:54pm: re: https://indiewebcamp.com/note#Note_Type_Algorithm it looks like " if the tname is a prefix of tcontent" only applies to ellipsed names (w/ ellipsis dropped for the check); is it also meant to apply to non-ellipsed? Wondering b/c I'm thinking of setting my note names w/ a span on the text up to first punctuation.
# 21:23 Loqi tantek: colintedford left you a message on 1/7 at 9:58pm: Er wait, I guess notes are supposed to be plaintext-y so maybe that makes my notes not fit the "standard" definition? Looking for input anyway.
# 21:24 tantek snarfed - I believe we've had this discussion before. Re: Twitter in particular, only allowing for perma(short)links of the same domain as the website in the user's profile page.
# 21:24 snarfed yup, i tried to capture most of the past debates in the gh issue and other links earlier in the irc log
sammachin joined the channel
# 21:26 tantek are are you trying to avoid an HTTP request of the original-post
# 21:27 snarfed that resolves it for people who provide u-syndication links
# 21:27 tantek really? hmm. I thought with known (so to speak) that they are now the majority
# 21:28 kylewm part of the problem was people syndicating and then manually adding the u-syndication links ... there's a race condition
# 21:28 snarfed known is a good plurality of indieweb sites, but not sure it's the majority
# 21:28 snarfed regardless, i can rephrase as, i don't plan to make syndication links a req't for bridgy users
# 21:29 tantek that seems like a reasonable config requirement
# 21:30 tantek since they're likely have already done it for IndieAuth
tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:31 snarfed tantek: looks the same as your earlier suggestion: only consider a link to be the original copy if it's on a domain in the user's silo profile
# 21:32 kylewm KevinMarks: would that be satisfactory to you? It wouldn't solve you "often link to old blog posts" case
mlncn and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:45 tantek kylewm: until KevinMarks moves those old blog posts to kevinmarks.com and links to the copy on his own domain (instead of blogger)
# 21:53 tantek and it appears they've completely disabled viewing profile pages in mobile without JS!
benwerd, snarfed and cmhobbs joined the channel
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# 22:34 GWG pwcc: I've seen some of the WordPress stuff. I was looking for more anecdotal.
tilgovi joined the channel
veselosky, eburcat, tantek, benwerd, mlncn and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:47 aaronpk okay *that* one shouldn't have looked like a permacitation
caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:49 snarfed it's not just pscs/psls that get interpreted as original posts
# 23:50 snarfed basically, bridgy's very promiscuous and interprets links as OPs *unless* it finds a syndication link somewhere for that silo post. then it uses that link's source as the OP, and everything else gets demoted to mention
# 23:50 snarfed (the same may happen if there's a PSC. not sure, but that's rare anyway.)
# 23:53 tantek alright let's see if I can answer that !tell earlier
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:55 KevinMarks It's partly my fault for using twitter directly and not posting notes on my own site perhaps?
# 23:55 tantek !tell colintedford yes ellipsis is irrelevant there. prefix of plaintext versions with ws normalization and dropping ellipsis is the key.
# 23:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next