2015-01-09 UTC
# 00:02 snarfed KevinMarks: eh i wouldn't blame you. it would still happen if you owned and POSSEd your notes but didn't include u-syndication links
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:15 tantek.com edited /timeline (+271) "/* 2010 */ 2010-06-06 private email use of "indie web" - earliest citable/verifiable intentional reference I can find so far" (
view diff )
eburcat and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:34 aaronpk tantek: actually I can't do it next week, we have a crazy week of esri visitors at the office
# 00:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:36 Loqi benwerd: snarfed left you a message 1 day, 2 hours ago: happy birthday!
# 00:36 bret maybe I'll have to to do a remote HWC:hawaii edition lol
# 00:41 GWG bret: Don't feel bad. I missed all of them
# 00:42 GWG I'll just sit here and watch aaronpk's watch log his alcohol intake to his website
# 00:44 bret you could go to a cafe and make a posting... if nobody shows up, you get an hour to work and chill out
# 00:44 GWG bret: Until next month, I'm working till 10
# 00:44 GWG Filling in for a coworker who went to Pakistan
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 00:47 GWG bret: I have a github account that proves I've been buy
mlncn joined the channel
# 00:52 GWG bret: The hard part is not writing features into this.
# 00:53 GWG bret: Any advice? Different platform, but same concept.
# 00:54 GWG I change so much, I figured it was a good idea to build a good base.
# 00:56 bret kind of limited when starting with all of the inherent complexity of jekyll though
# 00:57 GWG I'm adding and minimizing complexity
# 00:57 GWG So, where I am adding options, I'm adding comments to remove them, or leaving them commented out to be enabled as needed
eburcat joined the channel
# 01:07 tantek once again into the clustered likes design fray
KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
# 01:11 GWG tantek: I have faith you will emerge on the other side. Perhaps a little older...a little wiser..
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 01:18 tantek GWG, indeed, I'm discerning details of existing implementations even more closely.
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:24 tantek looks like going to have to use the value class pattern for date at time
colintedford, eschnou, KevinMarks, snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:48 tantek.com edited /like (+491) "/* Brainstorming */ prefix times with "at ", use dt value class pattern as needed to avoid/reduce DRY violations" (
view diff )
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:51 tantek I'm wondering if "21:00 on 2014-12-27" is more or less (or same) readable than "2014-12-27 at 21:00".
# 01:51 tantek especially in the context of a bunch of such entries in a row - stacked on top of each other
# 01:51 tantek from the same day - where the time would be different but not the date
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 01:54 tantek it looks like it's for machines or UK government. no spaces between components, ALLCAPS MONTH, abbreviated month at that.
KartikPrabhu and lupinedev joined the channel
# 01:56 snarfed tantek: you could collapse the date when it doesn't change
# 01:57 tantek indeed I've seen some blog designs that do that - where the date almost acts like a header for the day
# 01:57 tantek I think one of my old designs used to do that
# 01:57 GWG Doesn't someone have that now who is a regular here?
# 01:57 tantek it doesn't lend itself well to the "small grey text" date/time designs that are so popular now
# 01:58 tantek too hard to connect a de-emphasized (style-wise) date somewhere else with the time
# 02:00 tantek well, prefixing the time with "at" solves the "looks like a duration" problem, however now introduces a new problem
# 02:00 tantek which is it looks more like the time of the thing liked, rather than the time it *was* liked
# 02:06 colintedford tantek: How big a time span do these collections of likes cover? Up to a day?
# 02:06 Loqi colintedford: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 11 minutes ago: yes ellipsis is irrelevant there. prefix of plaintext versions with ws normalization and dropping ellipsis is the key.
# 02:07 tantek the clusters of likes are all sequentially posted on the same day
# 02:08 colintedford In that case I think having the time first works better in that stack view because the rest of the timestamp isn't changing.
# 02:09 colintedford In the list view on the homepage maybe making the times small & gray would help make their function clearer since they would match he date at the bottom of the post.
flowyi joined the channel
# 02:12 tantek the clusters of likes *only* have the time for each like, and the date once at the bottom
# 02:12 tantek see the like cluster at the bottom of the stream at tantek.com
# 02:13 tantek yes - was already considering the small & grey for the times inline - and working on that now
# 02:13 tantek the parentheses then look odd so I may drop them or span display none them for the styled version (but kept in the plain text content)
# 02:16 tantek but yes - I agree that "having the time first works better in that stack view because the rest of the timestamp isn't changing."
# 02:18 colintedford I think parentheses (same small size as time but not gray) would be good inline to help separate it from the "content", but maybe I'd think differently if I saw it.
# 02:19 colintedford or maybe "at 21:00" with no parentheses and the "at" part of the link? I'm sure you'll figure something out :)
# 02:22 GWG tantek: I like simplicity, but looking at the list of likes makes my eyes defocus.
# 02:22 colintedford If the "time first" question was re: your homepage stream I like date first, but time first isn't really a hardship.
# 02:23 colintedford If you post very frequently time first might make more sense (& is the status quo anyway :).
# 02:23 tantek for the home page especially, since posts are expected to be "recent", the time of post is likely more relevant than the date, thus should go first
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 02:24 tantek colintedford: yes I'm experimenting with/without parens. may take some longer term experiments to see how it "feels"
# 02:25 tantek GWG do you mean the stacked list or the inline list?
# 02:25 GWG tantek: What is your thought on time parameters like... 1 hour ago....? I forget the term for it?
# 02:25 GWG Thank you, that was bothering me.
# 02:25 tantek GWG yes the stacked list needs a lot more design work
# 02:25 tantek I'm focused on the home page in stream design right now
# 02:26 colintedford I usually care about the date of posts more than time & like the logical order of date first, but it's a personal preference & doesn't much matter. Also I might feel differently if I did more real-time Twitter-y stuff.
# 02:27 snarfed i kind of like the pattern of rendering relative times and showing absolute timestamp in popup when you hover
# 02:28 snarfed tantek: huh, i don't follow. seems unrelated to js?
# 02:28 tantek that is, relative datetimes via JS enhancement, absolute in the content
# 02:28 snarfed ah. the popups can come from pure html, e.g. <span title=…>
# 02:28 tantek snarfed, because you want the relative time to be "correct" when you go back to the window a minute or hour later ;)
# 02:29 tantek so a little settimeout action to update the relative times
# 02:29 tantek it's subtle, and I'm not sure of anyone that does it that way
# 02:29 tantek but if you're going to do relative datetimes, that's how you should do it
# 02:29 tantek until we have some CSS display feature for relative times ;)
# 02:30 prtksxna I usually use moment.js for this, its reliable and has very good i18n support
# 02:31 tantek ok I think I like the no-parens option. the visual cues of size and grayness are enough to subtly connect the times to the dates and permalink meaning
# 02:31 tantek yes I feel that looks pretty clean, and every use of size/color communicates some specific meaning (not just artsy fluff)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 02:39 tantek.com edited /Falcon (-227) "/* improve like posts */ done: fix presentation of in-stream like-times to also be small and grey, maybe inline without parentheses, to avoid the "looks like a duration of the thing before it" effect" (
view diff )
# 02:41 tantek colintedford: indeed, "likes" vs. "liked" was a big design discussion
# 02:41 tantek GWG - mine have no e-content or content property at all for that matter
# 02:41 tantek GWG, I'm not sure that's the right answer yet
# 02:41 KartikPrabhu does anyone know how form-encoded datetimes look on the server side? that is how would my micropub enpoint receive a datetime?
# 02:42 tantek hence I asked consuming h-entry readers what they do
# 02:42 tantek colintedford: I prefer omitting the prose subject "I" as in the permalink view - the icon/avatar serves that role
# 02:44 tantek whether you read it as "tantek.com … likes" or "(face) likes" - it makes sense
# 02:45 GWG tantek: If they had that, wouldn't that better be a p-summary?
# 02:45 tantek.com edited /Falcon (-93) "/* improve like posts */ done: increase # of things in my home stream (from 20 to 32) since likes are clustered! Yay for small multiples." (
view diff )
# 02:45 tantek GWG - not sure. why use p-summary without an e-content or p-content?
# 02:46 tantek if the p-summary is really all there is, then you should be using p-content
# 02:46 tantek now for even more clustering design thinking, sequential liking of the same *person* (or org/source's) posts
# 02:47 tantek e.g. if I like three of @kevinmarks's tweets in a row, do I really need to say "likes @kevinmarks tweet, @kevinmarks tweet, and @kevinmarks tweet"?
mdik joined the channel
# 02:48 tantek e.g. maybe something like "likes three of @kevinmarks's tweets (at 18:48, 18:49, and 18:50)"
# 02:49 tantek instead of "likes @kevinmarks tweet at 18:48, @kevinmarks tweet at 18:49, and @kevinmarks tweet at 18:50"
# 02:50 colintedford I think some kind of clustering would be good. "(at 18:48, 18:49, and 18:50)" means you have to click through to the like before you can click on what was liked, though.
# 02:51 tantek colintedford: right - trying to figure out how to give *some* sort of click target for the thing that was liked
# 02:51 tantek just thinking out loud here in terms of text design
# 02:53 Loqi tantek meant to say: per the type of the thing liked
# 02:53 tantek I'm worried about the excerpts looking nonsensical - kind of like pingbacks do :/
# 02:55 tantek colintedford - do you have citations for "how some poems are referred to by their first line" - I've been totally looking for that kind of prior art!
# 02:55 colintedford (Or I also think of it as shorthand for how you might say "The paragraph starting at...")
# 03:00 tantek going to have to think some more about how to cluster likes of stuff from the same person while still having something clickable for the stuff itself.
# 03:01 tantek thinking text first … the most minimal / simple / dumb thing would be numbered tweets
Rev_Illo joined the channel
# 03:02 tantek e.g. "likes 3 of @KevinMarks's tweets (tweet 1 at 19:02, tweet 2 at 19:01, and tweet 3 at 19:00)"
# 03:02 colintedford & if you make them words rather than numerals it'll read well as a sentence and be more clickable.
# 03:02 tantek and then use "note" or "post" or "photo" for other types
# 03:04 tantek could be JS-enhanced with tooltip text of the entire tweet
# 03:04 tantek when you hover over "tweet 1", "tweet 2" etc.
# 03:04 colintedford Actually "tweet 1" is def. better now that I think my suggestion through further.
# 03:04 tantek perhaps an entire tweetcard pop-up with webaction buttons on it
flowyi_ joined the channel
# 03:05 tantek similarly with photos, a photocard pop-up showing you a thumbnail of the photo
# 03:06 tantek and for non-hover UIs, perhaps a way to expand any such clustering inline
# 03:08 tantek but that's deep diving a bit prematurely on enhanced UX beyond text
# 03:08 tantek the other interesting case is same person, mixed post types
# 03:09 tantek especially combined with some of the same post type!
# 03:09 tantek likes NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:54, NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:53, NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:52, NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:52, NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:50, NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:49, NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:49, NovemberProjectSF's photo album “NPSF: Our Year in Photos” at 00:47, NovemberProjectSF’s post at 00:46, and NovemberProjectSF’s photo at 00:45.
# 03:09 tantek likes 7 of NovemberProjectSF’s photos (photo 1 at 00:54, photo 2 at 00:53, photo 3 at 00:52, photo 4 at 00:52, photo 5 at 00:50, photo 6 at 00:49, photo 7 at 00:49), photo album “NPSF: Our Year in Photos” at 00:47, post at 00:46, and photo at 00:45.
flowyi joined the channel
flowyi joined the channel
# 03:17 tantek go help them with their permashortlinks or whatever they're trying to do with "Also on: " (blank)
# 03:19 colintedford Ooh, actually that poetry-first line thing kinda validates how I've been thinking of naming my untitled posts (text up to first "pausing" punctuation e.g. , . ; : ! ?)
wolftune joined the channel
# 03:31 GWG Wondering if I caused the blank Also on
lukebrooker joined the channel
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# 04:40 prtksxna GWG: Around? I am having some trouble setting up your plugin.
# 04:43 GWG Hmm...did I make a typo in the last test version?
# 04:44 GWG I did do a bugfix in that function
# 04:45 GWG Give me five minutes to bring up my test instance
# 04:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:54 GWG prtksxna: I used someone else's code for the radio buttons. I planned on removing it.
# 04:54 prtksxna GWG: Did I miss an installation step? I just cloned it and activated it.
# 04:55 GWG I'm trying to reproduce on my end
# 04:57 GWG prtksxna: It shouldn't accept a null. So rewriting the radio box would fix. But let me put in a temporary one.
# 04:58 KartikPrabhu right now only the first one will be picked as u-url due to default parsing rules
# 04:58 GWG prtksxna: But either way, something should be selected. There shouldn't be an option not to. That is the issue.
# 04:59 prtksxna GWG: Hm, I see the Kind box, but it has no options, just a clear button…
# 04:59 prtksxna And there don't seem to be an JS errors anywhere either
# 04:59 GWG Oh...you are saying it doesn't add options in for you?
# 05:00 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_ oh the Atom is bad by itself! don't bother arxiv is horrible at these things
# 05:00 GWG prtksxna: Load the settings page for me.
# 05:01 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_ maybe explicitly add u-url to each as a stop-gap measure?
# 05:01 GWG And then look at a new post and tell me if the list is still blank
# 05:02 GWG prtksxna: The entering of the terms is done at two points.
# 05:03 GWG prtksxna: One is on activation, the other is on loading the settings page
# 05:04 GWG prtksxna: I added the plugin activation one later. I guess I didn't test it
# 05:05 prtksxna GWG: Cool. Seems to be working now (no errors at least)
caseorganic joined the channel
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# 05:21 GWG prtksxna: Fixed the first time activation issue
# 05:35 GWG prtksxna: The fix was a missing line
# 05:41 GWG I attempted to add terms to a taxonomy that hadn't yet been activated in the sequence of events.
# 05:43 GWG prtksxna: If you are planning to put it into your theme, all you need to do is the following code: if(function_exists('response_display') { response_display(); }
# 05:44 prtksxna GWG: If you are planning to put it into your theme <-- Got it
# 05:46 GWG prtksxna: I think I added that the night tantek was talking about them. I don't think I've tagged yet
# 05:48 prtksxna GWG: Did you notice that the Android Wordpress app already has a location tag option
# 05:48 GWG You mean, to add location to a post?
# 05:50 prtksxna Ooh. I didn't know about this. Is this how your plugin was storing data too?
# 05:50 GWG prtksxna: Yes. I never finished the plugin though.
# 05:51 GWG My plan was to use and extend the existing ones.
# 05:51 GWG I used the same 4 variables, plus
# 05:52 prtksxna Nice, I wonder if the ACF maps field does the same, though I doubt it does.
# 05:53 GWG prtksxna: That I'm not sure of, but I may return to work on the display aspect of it
# 05:53 GWG prtksxna: As with all of my projects...issues, pull requests, and feature requests welcome
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# 05:54 prtksxna GWG: I can help with mostly front-end stuff, I am not a WP dev
# 05:55 GWG prtksxna: I just never decided which reverse geolocation service I wanted to use, or if I wanted to have more than one. So I backburned it.
# 05:55 prtksxna GWG: Its best to make the user point the location out on a map. Reverse gelocation encoding isn't too reliable in my experience
# 05:57 GWG The function I wrote uses HTML5 geolocation to get the coordinates. Need to rewrite that
# 05:59 GWG prtksxna: Since the WordPress app could add location if you create a post there...I figured...
# 05:59 GWG If you look though, haven't touched it in 6 months
# 06:01 prtksxna GWG: I'll probably take a deeper look at the post-kinds plugin first and see if it'll fit my needs
# 06:01 prtksxna Thanks for everything today GWG, I've got to run now, have a good weekend o/
# 06:04 GWG prtksxna: Keep me posted on what you think
flowyi joined the channel
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# 06:43 tantek also I think kylewm and I have gone through all the 2015-01-01 commitments and have updated statuses
wolftune, KevinMarks_, tantek, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, KevinMarks__, alanpearce, asdofindia, eschnou, michielbdejong, friedcell and davidpeach joined the channel
# 08:41 davidpeach When using maps on an indieweb site, what third party maps do people generally go with? Google Maps, Open Street Map etc...?
# 08:43 cweiske if you want to fully go indie, you'll use your own OSM server :)
KartikPrabhu, adactio, friedcell, nloadholtes, Acidnerd, petermolnar, loic_m and Sebastien-L joined the channel
flowyi, stream7, Garbee, nt0, squeakytoy, Rev_Illo, nloadholtes, shiflett, asdofindia, cweiske, eschnou and prtksxna joined the channel
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# 13:27 cweiske or if you tell the micropub endpoint "There is the video URL"
friedcell joined the channel
# 13:28 ben_thatmust that it doesn't do, it currently just leaves it in whatever format in receives, but it wouldn't be that difficult to add
flowyi, alanpearce_, edsu, eschnou, Sebastien-L, csarven, KartikPrabhu, myfreeweb, stream7, michielbdejong, mlncn and friedcell joined the channel
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# 15:33 snarfed bonus points: use <video> so you automatically get a nice player
# 15:34 cweiske snarfed, but you still have to convert to m4 and webm on the server then
# 15:34 Loqi cweiske meant to say: snarfed, but you still have to convert to mp4 and webm on the server then
nloadholtes joined the channel
gRegor` joined the channel
# 15:44 cweiske mp4 does not work on opera and chromium and firefox on linux
# 15:48 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: not all of us linux users have the patience for gentoo or arch :)
# 15:48 ben_thatmustbeme no, but there are plenty of ways to get support installed, plus its a much smaller market
# 15:48 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: no, but there are plenty of ways to get support installed, plus its a much smaller audience
shiflett, KartikPrabhu, prtksxna, davemenninger, wilfredh, cmhobbs, KevinMarks_, flowyi_, veselosky, verdi_ and friedcell joined the channel
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# 17:11 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: congrats on getting video and audio uploads working!
# 17:11 aaronpk yeah I just use mp4 for mine (or whatever instagram sends me when uploaded from ownyourgram.com) and use a <video> tag
# 17:11 GWG I have users. This is new for me. How does that work?
# 17:12 aaronpk i figure the video codecs will shake out in a while, i don't really wanna spend a lot of time dealing with transcoding and stuff
# 17:16 GWG I keep wondering how to scratch my itches along with other people's
shiflett joined the channel
# 17:18 danlyke My itches are mostly about building community, so scratching them means scratching others. It's just figuring out what they are that's the hard bit.
eburcat joined the channel
arlen, snarfed, vrypan, loic_m and snarfed1 joined the channel
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# 17:49 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, it should be good to build in iOS, I am going to do a mobile unified page option though, if you want to wait for that
# 17:50 aaronpk cool. yeah I have enough stuff to keep me busy right now. I'll wait
# 17:50 ben_thatmustbeme I'm curious how the audio comes out in iOS, supposedly you can go straight to mp4 now on ios, but it might involve some changes to cordova itself
# 17:51 aaronpk well, plus updating all my ios dev certs and stuff :)
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# 18:03 aaronpk they have to still require I upload my dev certs tho
# 18:04 aaronpk yeah I just signed up there, there's a spot for me to upload a .p12 cert and provisioning profile
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# 18:07 tantek good morning ben_thatmustbeme and congrats on shipping audio/video posts!
# 18:08 tantek you've posted at least one of each type right?
# 18:08 aaronpk I enjoy the particularly clever "hack" of just linking to the file rather than fiddling with inline players :)
# 18:09 tantek what fiddling? <audio src=URL controls=controls> or <video>
# 18:10 tantek how is that any harder to generate than <a href=URL>link text</a> ?
# 18:10 aaronpk oh does <audio> have browser support now? I only knew about video
# 18:10 tantek aaronpk I have a book to sell you ;) tantek.com/html5now
# 18:14 ben_thatmustbeme i think i'm likely missing some cleanup function that was there for photos but isn't for the video function i'm using
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# 18:25 tantek (since benwerd has been posting them for a while)
# 18:30 aaronpk back in August I was trying to add audio support to p3k
# 18:31 aaronpk but I wanted to be really fancy about it and show a little waveform of the audio like how the soundcloud player does it
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# 18:37 aaronpk I should probably just ship this without waveform generation and just use the browser audio tag
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# 18:38 tantek capture "waveform generation" as an itch instead
# 18:46 tantek darnit I just tried to click on his hashtag in the heading and it navigated and lost the audio!
# 18:47 aaronpk hm the mf2 parser doesn't seem to recognize the audio src
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# 18:49 aaronpk so the problem with using <audio class="u-media"> is that the parsed result doesn't indicate whether the file is audio or video
# 18:49 aaronpk cause it doesn't know about the html element that had the class
# 18:50 aaronpk I was planning on using u-audio for mine, like how I have u-photo and u-video
# 18:51 ben_thatmustbeme i honestly just grabbed my photo template and did pretty close to s/photo/audio/ and s/photo/video
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# 18:53 ben_thatmustbeme cool that my phone uses mp4 for video and audio, no messing with .amr files or whatever it is android uses sometimes
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# 18:55 aaronpk with u-audio and u-video, readers can do a good job of presenting the media in a way that fits the reader's UI
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# 18:57 aaronpk i can't wait til i have enough time to start working on my reader. i'm pretty excited about it
# 18:58 aaronpk not sure if I should prioritize building a reader or PESOS my likes
# 19:00 snarfed aaronpk: do you have (or can you make) bookmarklets that auto-fill the body of a new post in p3k?
# 19:00 snarfed if so, you can do a poor man's version of reader actions really quickly, while still working toward the full indie reader long term
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# 19:00 tantek is totally going to submit a pull request to Known to fix this
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# 19:02 aaronpk also the instagram app seems to have removed the "get url" button
# 19:03 aaronpk there's a really hacky way to do bookmarklets on ios safari, but that doesn't solve the problem really
# 19:03 tantek pull request submitted. let's see how long it takes ;)
# 19:04 snarfed aaronpk: cool. feed reader + bookmarklets on android is a pretty smooth flow, at least for me, but i see how ios might not be
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# 19:07 Phyks kylewm: no idea, that's weird… can you try to send again the webmention please ?
# 19:07 Phyks !tell kylewm no idea, that's weird… can you try to send again the webmention please ?
# 19:07 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:07 aaronpk Phyks: you can send it too if you just want to debug
# 19:08 Loqi kylewm: Phyks left you a message 1 minute ago: no idea, that's weird… can you try to send again the webmention please ?
# 19:09 kylewm could be a problem on my end, my markup changed a lot recently
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# 19:16 tantek alright, hopefully that will reduce audio / video post markup errors in the future.
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# 19:20 Phyks plus, you managed to like one of my post in the past
# 19:21 Phyks (forget about the last point, you used u-like-of and this has nothing to do with reply-to, my bad)
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# 19:31 Phyks kylewm: I did not send with the right target url ><
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# 19:33 KevinMarks audio tags work petty well now, though file uploads of audio did crash browsers hard for a bit
# 19:35 ben_thatmustbeme i really wonder how many webmentions i missed since i have had vouch only but not logging attempts that got 449's
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# 19:41 Phyks !tell kylewm seems to be a bug in Known. At least, if it is incorrect markup, it does not handle it correctly. Will report.
# 19:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
caseorganic, eburcat and prtksxna joined the channel
# 19:51 KevinMarks ben embeds inline style int he AV posts, which looks odd in unmung
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# 19:54 gRegor` I'm curious about the mf2 to use to represent reading progress, as either a page number or percentage.
# 19:56 snarfed hates designing/implementing ui, and goodreads's embeds are really good
# 19:57 gRegor` snarfed: I'm going to be experimenting with it in the near future
# 20:01 KevinMarks 72 In the Kingdom of Apps, we are users, not makers. 73 Every new page makes the Web bigger. Every new link makes the Web richer.
# 20:01 aaronpk i'd use a bookmark post for a physical book the same way I do online bookmarks, as a way to mark a spot in the book that's significant in some way
# 20:02 aaronpk i wouldn't use a bookmark to track progress of reading a book (despite that being the origin of the term)
# 20:02 tantek so when you put down a book, you post a bookmark of where you got to
# 20:02 gRegor` term collision :)
# 20:02 tantek seriously can't believe he had to explain that.
# 20:02 tantek you could even attach a photo to the bookmark of the page you got to
# 20:03 tantek which would still be a bookmark post since the photo is secondary
# 20:03 aaronpk "Dog-earing is also commonly used to mark a section or phrase in a book that one finds to be important or of personal meaning."
# 20:04 gRegor` Regardless of the terminology, mostly I'm curious about the mf2 to use in marking it up. Which is more for #microformats. I'll discuss there once I start working on it.
# 20:05 tantek gRegor`: that's the point no new uf needed if it's just a bookmark
# 20:05 KevinMarks (the odd part of that was that google OCRd the text and identified the book for me)
# 20:05 gRegor` Does tantek seem extra winky today? ;)
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# 20:09 KevinMarks "On-line markets are like the endless conversations you have with your in-laws about when are you going to have another kid."
# 20:11 gRegor` One of the features I like with Goodreads is the graphs they generate. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/262371331 click "Graph" at the right of the "Reading Progress" heading. It would be easier to generate that if I didn't have to parse a page number from the URL
# 20:12 tantek gRegor`: are you saying that generating graphs is a personal itch of yours?
# 20:12 tommorris I'm in the middle of writing a review of a book for my own site. I'm reading the book on my Kindle, and seem to have a mixture of notes I've scribbled in a notebook, and highlights I've made on my Kindle. pulling that together into a review post should be fun.
# 20:13 gRegor` Initially, of course, I just want basic check-ins for my reading progress, of course. Graphs and more advanced features can come later.
# 20:19 KevinMarks my amazon account is shared with my sons, so I get their coursebooks and highlights too
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# 20:33 KevinMarks so, I'm on gillmor gang with the New clues cluetrain chaps at 1
# 20:34 KevinMarks should I fork their manifesto onto my site so it is webmentionable?
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# 20:38 Loqi kylewm: Phyks left you a message 56 minutes ago: seems to be a bug in Known. At least, if it is incorrect markup, it does not handle it correctly. Will report.
# 20:47 kylewm Phyks: hmmm, it looks like it's not just you. i cant reply on werd.io either!
# 20:48 aaronpk kylewm: maybe it's an ssl issue then... did you make sure to include the intermediate certs?
# 20:49 Phyks Known is not handling your webmention correctly and fails with erros
# 20:58 kylewm KevinMarks: honestly I found your retweets last night more thought provoking ""you just casually unleashed network effects on individual brains with no safeguards?"
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# 21:03 ben_thatmustbeme i just got the e-mail but i just got a moto360, so i'm not too thrilled with the idea of dropping another 300
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# 21:06 kylewm Phyks++ thanks for reporting that bug on idno
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# 21:16 ben_thatmustbeme either that worked finally and i just re-sent it, or it didn't send right the first time, but there you go
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# 21:21 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: did you notice your post says it was "5 hours ago"?
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# 21:29 tantek let's see how much proprietariness is needed today for ustream
# 21:31 tantek KevinMarks: is there an IRC backchannel for it?
# 21:31 kylewm or impropriety, he just said "cover our butts"
# 21:36 tantek hmm - no one is mentioning the plumbing-centric distraction that the decentralized folks got trapped in
# 21:36 KevinMarks in general? a fairly small group live, more when it posts on TC tomorrow
# 21:37 tantek I mean who *here* in #indiewebcamp is watching
# 21:40 tantek RSS vs Atom wars distracted an entire generation in the web - turned out both were unnecessary
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# 21:45 tantek kylewm: indeed. except the author of that article nowhere says they are attempting to dogfood "never buy a phone"
# 21:45 Phyks kylewm: I don't have much time to debug this tonight, will keep you updated :)
# 21:46 tantek uh no, biggest problem with RSS is that it embodies plumbing-centric thinking, was the heart of the RSS vs. Atom war distraction etc.
# 21:55 tantek hmm - gillmorgang appears to be "OFF AIR" for me - anyone else?
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# 21:59 tantek KevinMarks - note that on FirefoxOS, you can use the default app store, another app store, or install directly from web.
# 22:08 tantek why are they more afraid of gamergate than the gunmen responsible for the Paris tragedy?
# 22:11 tantek URLs for each clue is good - however, without aggregation e.g. marginalia via webmentions, it loses a lot of utility.
# 22:12 tantek KevinMarks - note that next Wednesday is the 10 year anniversary when Technorati launched web-wide distributed tags.
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# 22:32 gRegor` Wow, I'm surprised to see people using Friendfeed still.
# 22:32 gRegor` Surprised it hasn't been closed, too.
# 22:33 gRegor` Using it as a chat is pretty interesting.
# 22:34 tantek gRegor`: same as people "use" Twitter for "chat"
# 22:34 gRegor` tantek: Just read about your phone-less 2014. Very cool.
# 22:34 gRegor` That friendfeed page works a lot better than twitter.com for chat though
# 22:35 tantek gRegor`: Twitter used to work *great* for chat when you could do it over XMPP
# 22:35 gRegor` Aye, that was awesome.
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# 22:36 tantek hmm - what would the indieweb equivalent be of sending notes back/forth over XMPP? bear? got any thoughts there? (you'd still have permalinks of course)
# 22:36 tantek I suppose everyone would have to run their own XMPP server that would listen on everyone else's XMPP server for their posts
# 22:37 tantek and then you could listen to your XMPP servers aggregate of all those
# 22:37 Loqi Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open messaging standard, perhaps best known in its use for cross-platform instant-messaging application interoperability https://indiewebcamp.com/XMPP
# 22:37 tantek does anyone have XMPP based posting of notes to their server working?
# 22:38 tantek e.g. add your server as an XMPP contact in your chat app
# 22:38 tantek then whenever you chat to your server's XMPP contact in your chat app (e.g. Adium), it publishes (and POSSEs) a new note for each chat message.
# 22:39 tantek I know Tumblr has a chat contact for posting notes
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# 22:57 tantek.com edited /sharecropping (+1584) "document history of use of the term sharecropper in reference to the web. modern definition started with Shane Becker's usage AFAIK. citations provided." (
view diff )
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