#tantekvrypan: just tried liking your post and got a 500!
#snarfedi wonder if we should add a "(likes only)" label next to the IG button for enabling publish - and/or next to the preview form - on the bridgy user page
#tantekvrypan: at the bottom of the error message returned from your webmention endpoint: File "lib/urlinfo2.py", line 142, in parse_hcard \\ 'name': p_name, \\ UnboundLocalError: local variable 'p_name' referenced before assignment
#kylewmvrypan: I'll make a self-serving plug for https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util if you want. it can help with parsing out the author/content/type of webmentions
#Loqi[mention] gRegor Morrill posted 'I. Started the year with Amanda in (relatively) hot Austin, TX while Chicago was blasted with snow and -20Ëš F temperatures. The weather was ...' linking to http://indiewebcamp.com (http://gregorlove.com/2015/01/1192/)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#KartikPrabhugRegor`: aren't you 10 days late on "A Year in Review" post ;)
#tantek.comedited /like (+1124) "add myself to indieweb examples, add some design steps for further clustering of adjacent likes of the same person's stuff" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhuI am having trouble with mine since I add syndication links after posting and POSSEing, maybe syndication links should be stored in another file
#tantekmy syndication links are stored in the second file, since those are "automatically" added
#tantekexcept when I manually POSSE e.g. with Bridgy Publish, then I add those syndication links to the first file
#tantekwhen displaying, the two sets of syndication links are unioned per post
#Loqikylewm: ben_thatmust left you a message 1 minute ago: the gallery button is not behaving, hasn't ever worked for me, its next on my list of bugs to fix
#ben_thatmustjust got up to fix video and audio file markup on my site
flowyi, davemenninger, flowyi_, flowyi__, flowyi___ and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#aaronpkGWG: I reaaaaalllly want my house to have a website where it just posts stuff all day long from all the sensors, and I could send it webmentions to control the lights and stuff
#aaronpkI was *this close* to setting up a website for it, but my cat got a website first
#aaronpkalthough I feel like she's not taking advantage of it enough
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: maybe your house can chat with your cat through webmention when you are gone
#LoqiA fragmention is an experimental extension to a URL to link and cite individual words or phrases of a document using double-hash anchors (##) https://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention
#KevinMarks__Hi mnot - I have been dropping the second #, as that is an invalid URL at the moment, and including a space in the fragment differentiates from an id
#tantekre: Like it - Does this mean I like the subject or the commenter? >> It means you like "it".
#tantekre: Bookmark it - That means what? >> can be rephrased as What is a bookmark?
#LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indiewebcamp.com/bookmark
#tantekre: Favorite it - Does this mean I like the subject or the commenter? Or even the comment? >> It means "it" is a favorite of yours.
#Loqitantek meant to say: re: Favorite it - Does this mean I like the subject or the commenter? Or even the comment? >> That means "it" is a favorite of yours.
#tantekIf you want to "like" a person (i.e. the "commenter" you said above), you can simply like their home page as a representation of them. Same thing with favorite.