#Phykstantek: finally got time to review it before leaving. It makes sense, and I don't have much comments on it. I should just take some time to think about it and write my owns :)
#tantekPhyks - great! Looking forward to reading what you're personal itches are :)
#snarfedPhyks: ok. did you see the link i posted earlier? it says there's an API built in, and you can also get post data as ActivityStreams, which is really all we need
#tantek.comedited /Getting_Started_on_WordPress (+225) "add a call to action to install the indieweb plugin with a direct link to the installation page, shorten headings, bolden names of plugins" (view diff)
#tantekGWG, I made a few small tweaks, please take a look to see if they are in the manner that you intend for the page. Hopefully they are helpful. Ok to make changes/revert as you see fit.
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: yes! the small PRs leave an octopus merge for tom to deal with, but at least it will let him merge the important ones (like your innerhtml fix) without deciding on the less imoprtant ones right away
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: the trick to keeping them separate is to do the development in a branch and then PR the branch
#kylewmPhyks: snarfed: for pump.io/statusnet/diaspora I've always held out hope for first class federation rather than POSSE/backfeed
#tantekGWG - it's exactly that lack of default functionality that confuses people
#tantekso it's your choice, either fix the problems with default installing the "required" plugins so people actually get some functionality, or accept that installing a plugin that doesn't actually do anything itself will (continue to) cause confusion. there may also be other options I'm not aware of but I'm not sure how one of those two can be avoided.
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#GWGtantek: I don't think anything short of a WordPress core change would do that
#LoqiHacker CMS is a Markdown-based web site editing and publishing app project built on top Jekyll, Ace, and jsTree that can be installed on Sandstorm https://indiewebcamp.com/Hacker_CMS
#tantekalrighty then, now that I've liked something published with Hacker CMS - time to ask for webmention receiving support
#tantek!tell bret since you've had experience adding microformats support to a Jekyll based blog, could you take a look at Hacker CMS and see what it would take, or perhaps at least file an issue asking for microformats support? https://indiewebcamp.com/Hacker_CMS
#tantekand since "positive bookmarks" are the only ones that make sense to me to post publicly, I just post likes instead, therefore not needing a "bookmark" post type.
#GWGtantek: I wrote a plugin to cover all uses. It took five seconds to add favorites.
#GWGI wanted to add a feature to 'hide'/disable the ones people weren't using
#tantekthe amount of time to add a feature is not a good measure (ironically)
#tantekthat's how too many features happen quickly ;)
#tantekbetter to be picky about design up front, minimalist, only add what you're *really* itching for, that you'll use
simonv3 joined the channel
#tantekrather than a smorgasbord of what you think users might want
#tantekfor now, just comment out the ones you don't use.
#GWGtantek: That's what I'm trying to say. WordPress automatically generates the posting UI. To do it, I have to write my own. I haven't gotten around to it
#aaronpkis now considering presentation of reposts of podcast episodes
#tantek.comedited /like (+2539) "/* Brainstorming */ steps to clustering by same source, type, with count. notification and text-only examples" (view diff)
#tantekGWG, I have like issues too BTW. I keep wanting to improve the presentation. However every time it happens is from when I actually use the feature on my site and see something I want improved.
#tantekI'm documenting my thinking in progress through that loop on the wiki so hopefully it will benefit others.
#aaronpkmy intent is to share this podcast episode in my home timeline
#tantekEven before I'm ready to write a big long blog post about a possible minimal approach to presentation design for indieweb likes.
#GWGtantek: I'm still working on making liking easier
#tantekGWG, me too. Though I tend to focus on presentation first, since that effects everyone reading my site, whereas the posting (making) affects just me (for now).
#aaronpkhm I haven't figured out how I want to display reposts/favs of articles yet (posts that have a different "name" from "content")
#tantekaaronpk - have you researched how other sites do so?
#aaronpkokay so given that screenshot, it appears that a G+ repost is rendered like a plain note from the person who is reposting it, but the media they are reposting is displayed inline
#aaronpkoh sorry that is the original post I'm looking at. Kevin Marks reposted the original one
#aaronpkso it says "Seth Goldstein originally shared: My Thoughts on the Indie Web" and "read more" followed by the embedded media in a player
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#aaronpkman implied p-name parsing is biting me again
#aaronpktypically the name of posts is either a prefix of the content or something different (usually shorter) than the content
#KartikPrabhuit makes sense to me to have a default name as text content as in <div class="h-card">Name</div>
#aaronpkhaving the implied p-name be the full plaintext version of the entire h-entry usually results in something longer than the content such as in this example
#LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indiewebcamp.com/note
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: you are having trouble with impled name of a note then
#aaronpkit is a note, so he shouldn't have to put a p-name class anywhere, but because the h-entry contains things other than the content (like the date and syndication urls) the name ends up being completely garbage
#aaronpkit's an accurate representation of my post though, right?
#aaronpkthe idea behind my markup is that consumers/readers that understand the "repost-of" property can provide an enhanced display, but it falls back to a plaintext note if not
#GWGpfefferle: I wanted this starter to have no major theme styling in terms of appearance. But I'm trying to put in the elements for different presentation types to be styled by the themes made from it.
#Phykstantek: ok for Thingiverse, I'll try to write something this week :) Basically, Thingiverse is an instagram+github for 3D things for 3D printing.
#GWGpfefferle: Right now, I'm contemplating what post metadata should be displayed on a like. I doubt someone is going to comment/like a like, so maybe it doesn't need to display the comment section.
#tantek.comedited /like (+1707) "/* Brainstorming */ hypertext design, and markup for, with authorship knowledge" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "next IWC we know of for sure is Cambridge, so let's put it on the sidebar until something else gets scheduled sooner!" (view diff)
#tommorrishave you all seen Trovebox shutting down? What was formerly known as OpenPhoto. Sold as a monoculture of "give us all your photos and we won't delete them!"
#tantek.comedited /site-deaths (+981) "confirmed Svpply gone, orkut gone but supposedly export available til 2016, yahoo dir redirects, myopenid server not found" (view diff)
#tantekGWG, try to get in touch with folks like kylewm and dariusdunlap to check out your new work, because they're usually quite helpful with new WordPress folks at HWC meetups.
#tantekit helps a lot to have someone help you out in person
#tantekso if you're able to help those that can be there in person - that helps!
#KevinMarks_ah, known added an in-reply-to to the indieweb link as well
#KevinMarks_hm, interesting Blogger UI - under "links to this post" (their silo webmention equivalent based on google crawl) they have a "create a link" button that logs you into blogger
#kylewmKevinMarks_: that in-reply-to on the Indiewebcamp.com link seems like a mistake/bug?
#Loqibret: tantek left you a message on 1/18 at 5:34pm: since you've had experience adding microformats support to a Jekyll based blog, could you take a look at Hacker CMS and see what it would take, or perhaps at least file an issue asking for microformats support? https://indiewebcamp.com/Hacker_CMS
#snarfedKevinMarks: re the bridgy part, looking at her user page https://www.brid.gy/twitter/NurtureGirl , and clicking on the log link for the failed webmention, looks like bridgy got a 403 when trying to fetch her original post
#snarfed…but i'm guessing you weren't asking about the bridgy part
#atomiculesHello all. Could anyone explain to me what's meant by aggregation in Indiemark 1.2.7 Level 2?
KevinMarks joined the channel
#atomicules(Only heard about Indieweb this year, making my way through Level 1 and 2 as much as possible - Jekyll user)
#snarfedatomicules: looks like it means, when you link to/reply to/repost someone else's post, you show some detail about that post. e.g. an embed for twitter
#atomiculessnarfed: thankyou! So it means if (theoretically at the moment) I post a reply to a tweet on my website, I'd include the user's icon from Twitter, etc?
#snarfedi get why they're doing it, but still annoying
#atomiculestantek: Ok, thanks. I'm not keen on moving away from a static site so there maybe limitations of how far I can take things, but really like the idea behind Indieweb
#snarfedactually, scratch that, the app owner still gets read_stream automatically. so i'll just have to degrade the facebook-atom UX to make all users generate their own facebook app keys, like https://facebook-atom.appspot.com/ already does
#tantekatomicules: there are a lot of folks here making static sites work - and that's definitely a strong use-case
#tanteka lot of the static sites work with progressive enhancement using JS embeds
#atomiculesOk, thanks. Gives me plenty to think about then.
#tantekif anything, I'd encourage you to continue with the approach that works best for you, and just keep asking questions about the features you want the most!
#atomiculesGreat, I will do. Thanks for being so welcoming. Appreciated.